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Annie's Story Chapter 2: A Rediscovery

"The awakening within Annie begins her path to rediscovery."

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As I hurried out the door of the physical therapy office, I pulled on my light rain coat and zipped it up.  The weather was by no means dreary or brisk, but I was glad I had grabbed it on my way out of the house this afternoon.  The coat allowed for me to conceal the physical symptoms of my arousal.  However, I had to do my best not to show the arousal in my face, or with my body language.  As I walked along, the constant movement of the tank top, as well as the coat, were doing nothing but causing my nipples to ache and throb with each subtle movement.  The sensations of the fabric softly caressing my engorged nipples was by far the least of my problems though.  With each step I became acutely aware of the depth of the affect that Donna had on me.  My labia felt as if each of them had been coated with an entire bottle of lubricant.  The sensation of them rubbing together and pinching my throbbing clit in the process was driving me bonkers.  I tried to speed up my pace, but that only gave them a faster and more direct friction against my clit.  Even though I only lived three blocks from the office, it felt as if it might as well have been twenty. 

Every step was like torture.  I couldn’t walk slow because Bennie was pulling me along in a rush to get home, and I couldn’t walk any faster because I was afraid I would explode on the sidewalk in front of a neighbor's house.  As I turned the corner to my street I was only a block away from home, however I knew my trip was about to take excruciatingly longer, Cassandra was in her front yard with Sassie.

Cassandra saw me and bounded towards me with the same enthusiasm as Sassie.  "Hey Annie, how was therapy?  You're done a little early."  Cassandra knew my routine like clockwork. 

"It was good.  I had an enlightening yoga session with Donna."  My nipples and clit were all throbbing and as I stood still I caught the faintest smell of the secretions that were now soaking the front of my panties and yoga pants.  I did my best to discretely glance down to see how bad it was and was relieved that the bottom of coat was just long enough to cover my vagina. 

"Oh, don't worry about them darling.  Let them sniff each other through the fence.  Actually, I'm glad I've got this fence right now because Sassie is in heat.  Sometimes she can be such a slut." 

"Yeah that is probably a good thing."  As I stood there the throbbing coming from my clit was unbelievable.  It went from getting such friction and pressure from walking, to absolutely nothing.  I began to slightly shift my weight from one foot to the other to help subside the ache. 

"Look at poor Bennie.  He can smell her and he wants some doesn't he.  Sassie would probably hurt the fella in his injured state."  My slight swaying caused the bottom of my jacket to brush up against the bottom of my ass along my panty line.  Cassandra kept talking, but I was in another world.  I was lost in that feeling and back to not more than ten minutes earlier as Donna was caressing my panty line and how that brought me into this almost unbridled state of arousal. 

"Annie, Annie, are you okay?  You just seemed to phase out on me for a minute."  I snapped out of my daydream. 

"Yeah, yes.  I'm sorry I just got to thinking about something and got lost in the memory." 

"Are you sure that you are okay?  You seemed flushed and a bit flustered.  How intense was that yoga session with Donna?" 

"Yeah I'm fine.  It was an intense session, but an excellent one.  I really need to get going though, Bennie needs to potty and I think I may need to as well." 

"Okay darlin', but I'm going to check up on you later to make sure you are doing alright." 

I waved goodbye and started walking up the street as briskly as I dared, resuming the friction and pressure to my clit as I walked down the sidewalk.  With every step I got closer and closer to my house and what was soon to be some much needed privacy.  As I got to my front stoop I felt as if I was going to explode and began feeling the pockets of my coat for my keys. 

"SHIT!!!  They are on the counter at the therapy office with my cell phone."  I suddenly remembered that I recently had a garage door opener installed with a keypad.  I walked over to the garage door and punched in the code and it began to open.  It opened in what seemed to be slow motion and for some reason, 2001: A Space Odyssey was playing in my head as I waited for it to open.  Once it was open, I am not sure who was in more of a rush to get inside the house, myself or Bennie, who I could tell was desperate to be off his leash and soon to be out the doggy door we had made for him and into the backyard.  I hit the button to close the garage door and opened the door going into the house.  Bennie made his way up the three steps and I unclipped his leash and he bolted for the back door.  My right foot stepped up onto the first step, and the friction of my thigh in that position was outstanding.  I stepped my left foot up to the second step along with flexing my thighs to intensify the pressure and the results brought the first audible gasp to my lips. 

"Oh fuck that's good."  I made for the third, and last, step with my right foot and I began to feel a swell within me.  I then brought my left foot up off the second step, and crossing it in front of my right foot, squeezed my thighs with all of their strength.  My left hand involuntarily left the door knob and went between my thighs and began to furiously rub my clit up and down with my three middle fingers. 

I exploded in an orgasm that filled my body with a fervor I hadn't felt in quite some time.  I seemed to sense every ridge of each of my fingertips as they strummed my clit through my panties and pants.  My right hand had made its way up under the bottom of my coat and tank top and had found my left nipple between my thumb and index finger.  My body rocked to the side and I leaned up against the washing machine to keep from falling over.  Shockwaves coursed through my body as I had another orgasm causing me to moan and grunt out, "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck." 

My legs gave way and I slouched down the front of the washing machine in a pile on the floor, completely out of breath.  I sat there trying to gather my thoughts as my left hand continued to slowly caress my clit.  My right hand made its way out from under my coat and tank top to the top of the zipper and opened it.  I felt like I’d spent an eternity there on the floor.  As my breathing began to return to normal I reached up with both hands to pull myself off the floor.  Once up, I shut the still open door to the garage.  I took my coat off and hung it up on the rack and made my way out of my laundry room and headed around the corner into the half bathroom off of the kitchen to splash some water on my face. 

"Holy shit."  I gazed upon myself in the mirror and find a dark blue spot on the front of my yoga pants that now expanded down the inside and front of my thighs four to five inches.  "I have never been this wet in my life, I look like I've pissed myself."  I brought my right hand down to my vagina sending a shockwave to my clit and find myself sopping wet like never before.  I removed my hand and brought it up to my face and inhaled, reveling in the smell of my arousal.  My left hand had begun to pull up my tank top to take it off, but as I do, I began to tease myself by letting it fall down some, enjoying the sensation of the fabric moving up and down over my sports bra and throbbing nipples.  I grabbed the bottom seam of my tank top and started flicking it up and down over my nipples sending electric shocks to my clit.  I look in the mirror and saw the lust in my eyes.  Seeing the desire and excitement in my body, feeling the stimulation of my nipples, and seeing the look in my eyes caused me to feel myself begin to build oh so quickly again. 

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"Oh fuck that feels so damn good."  I felt myself getting weak in the knees and began to fall forward and let my right hand fall to the front of the vanity to support myself.  In doing so, the corner of the vanity was right in between my thighs.  I lowered my pussy onto the corner of the vanity and sent shocks of arousal running from my clit throughout my body, especially up to my nipples.  With my left hand, I pulled the front of my tank top over my head and behind my neck.  Caressing my hand back down over my sports bra I pinched my right nipple with my index finger and thumb pulling hard.  My finger pulled off of my nipple and I snapped the fabric of my bra back onto my nipple triggering another orgasm.  The weakness in my knees caused me to put most of my body weight onto the corner of the vanity and I started grinding in a circle. 

"Fuck this cunt needs another cum.  Oh yeah, get it, oh yessss, fuck, fuck, fuck.'  I began gyrating my pussy on the corner of the vanity as my left hand alternated flicking each of my nipples with my finger nails.  I succumbed to yet another powerful orgasm.  I felt my legs lock, which stopped my grinding of the vanity, and I pinched my right nipple to the point of excruciating pain, causing the orgasm to intensify even more.  As the spasms and my breathing began to resume to normal, I lifted myself off of the vanity.  I don't know why, but I leaned down and began to lick the corner of the vanity with a fervent lust.  The taste was tangy and yet sweet at the same time.  I thought this might have been over, but my libido had just been kicked back into overdrive. 

I took two steps back and looked at myself in the mirror again.  I was a picture of unbridled lust at this point, so much so, that I barely recognized myself.  I finished pulling off my tank top and started caressing each of my boobs, making slow circles with my palms and raising up to my fingertips with I got near each of my nipples.  After all of the attention I'd given them, they were sticking out about an inch, are the size of small thimbles, and sensitive to the slightest touch but ached for the harsher touch of pain that brings along with it such amazing pleasure.  I grabbed the bottom of my sports bra and slide it up flicking my nipples in the same way I had with my tank top before removing it the rest of the way. 

I stopped and again look at my reflection in the mirror, reveling in the beauty of my fair complexion and freckles that so many are envious of.  I watched as my hands started at my shoulders caressing the freckles of my chest and breasts, teasing my nipples, reminding me of another throb that need to be tended to.  They resumed their journey down to my waist.  With just the tips of my fingers I began to feel the heat and moisture of my pussy that had manifested itself as the dark blue patch on the front of my yoga pants.  They found their way to the front seams of my panties and I traced my fingers along them down to either side of my pussy.  I used my fingers to press my labia together pinching my clit between them. 

"Holy shit, what the fuck has gotten into me?"  Hearing myself gasp this breath and feeling the aching and need of direct attention to my clit, I brought my thumbs up and hooked the tops of my pants and began to pull them down.  As I did so, I looked down to see that my cotton panties were no longer the light grey that they were when I put them on this morning but were now a charcoal color due to my arousal.  I saw strands of my pussy juice clinging from the inside of my yoga pants to the front panties.  I held the pants open with my right hand and reached down my left hand to collect some of the juices up with my middle and index finger.  My fingers were coated with my arousal as I brought them up to my nose and gave a hearty inhale before I placed them in my mouth to lick and suck them clean. 

"Oh my god that is good, fuck me."  The taste took me to another plane of arousal that I was unaware I could go to.  I took a few steps back and sat down on the lid of the toilet.  Once seated, I pulled my pants down to my knees, finally able to see the extent of the wetness that had soiled my yoga pants.  The dark blue spot wass easily the size of both of my hands laid flat.  I caressed the insides of my thighs on my way back to my pussy reaching the edge of my panties I pressed my labia together again.  My clit throbbed for direct attention but I teased myself even more.  I was relishing in this euphoria and didn't want it to end.  I dragged the pad of my middle finger on my right hand from the bottom of my slit all the way to the top, stopping at my clit and stated making the most delicate of small circles.  I then brought my finger up to my mouth to taste myself some more and see my reflection in the mirror. 

"Holy shit, my pussy is so starved for attention that it is eating my panties.  Fuck, I've never had a cameltoe so pronounced before."  I watched myself lick my finger clean of my juices as my left hand made its way for my clit.  The three middle fingers of that hand began slow circles on my clit again, sending shocks of pleasure throughout my body.  The fingers of my right hand, wet from my pussy juice and saliva, had begun circling each of my nipples.  I flicked my middle finger back and forth over them sending shocks of pleasure directly into my clit.  My left hand had picked up its pace and was no longer delicate at all.  It was now under the command of my clit and was digging deeply into the front of my panties causing the sounds of an exceptionally wet vagina to fill the bathroom.  My right hand pinched my left nipple hard pulling at it and twisting. 

"Oh, FUCK!  Here I go again."  The pinching, pulling, twisting, and rubbing had their desired affect again as the waves of yet another orgasm crashed onto the rocks of pleasure island.  I spasmed violently, "FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, oh my fuck."  This rollercoaster ride of orgasms seemed to last an eternity.  As my heartrate began to fall and breathing returned to as normal as I would allow it, I pulled myself up from the slouched position, getting my butt back onto the toilet lid.  My eyes were closed just enjoying the feeling of my left hand cupping my pussy and right hand cupping my left breast, completely basking in the rediscovery of my sexuality.  I kept my eyes closed relishing in the afterglow of so many powerful orgasms when I heard rustling in the kitchen.  I assumed it is just Bennie back inside from going potty and playing in the backyard for a bit.  However, I heard a voice. 

"Annie, Annie, are you alri...........OH, OOOOOOO.  I am so sorry."  I looked towards the kitchen and it is Cassandra calling for me, closely followed my Donna with my phone and keys in hand.  They are both staring at me as I was perched upon the toilet with a hand on my breast and another on my pussy in what must look like a disheveled mess.  My right arm extended like it is shot out of a cannon to the bathroom door and slammed it shut. 

"I'll be out in a minute!" 


Written by lugnut1369
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