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The Overlook

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Competition Entry: Winter Adventure

Author's Notes

"Thank you!!!"

I woke clammy again my heart racing in my chest My dream though a bit foggy was also so painfully real.

It was that fateful day again replaying itself like a broken record. The day I made the biggest mistake of my life, and only now am I aware of that. It was the day Karin got on the plane. If only I could remember what she said.

"I'll be ... if you change your mind about things," she said as she got on the plane and blew me a kiss goodbye, which I, of course, caught and ate. But I didn't think I would change my mind. I was so dead set in the direction I was going. Stuck with the world's most awful cuntcake of a girlfriend.

So I didn't pay attention. I only heard from her once after. She had sent me a letter and a map, but I had moved since and I couldn't locate it. I also probably didn't realize that would be the only time I would hear from her.

So three long miserable years had come and gone, and I had come to realize that I hadn't been happy since she had left. It's funny how that works. You take people for granted until they are gone. Then one day something reminds you of them and you start thinking of them again and that's of course when you realize.

I tried to fall back asleep but ended up tossing and turning. My mind began whirling. Maybe she had found someone else by now, of course, she had. No one is as stupid as me.

I felt myself start to cry and pushed back the tears fearing my roommate would hear me. I couldn't wait until college ended. Just one more year to go then I would graduate and I could do what I was meant to do. Buy a small house and adopt ten cats and cry as loudly and as often as I wanted without judgement.

At some point, I had fallen back asleep but the dream continued this time I could hear her say something, something barely audible. Sweden.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, my dream had almost let me remember but nope. I started racking my brain again.

Surely there was someone I could ask. No, I had already tried that a few weeks ago. I contacted another one of her friends but they didn't remember. "Norway or Switzerland or something."

I didn't know any of her relatives and I didn't want to sound like a creep walking up to everyone and saying, "Hey, do you know Karin? Do you remember her from three years ago? Do you know where she went because it turns out I am madly in love with her and didn't even know it until recently." No, I wasn't going to say any of that.

I finally gave up altogether on sleep and got up to make coffee. It was a delicious gourmet roast from Columbia. Rich and flavourful. I sat on my couch sipping it and thinking.

My TV was mute until an ad caught my attention:

'Come to the Beautiful Abisko Sweden- lights over Lapland. For a once in a lifetime experience. Ski the slopes, relax in the mountain lodge, sip cocoa by the fire, soak in a hot tub, get a massage by one of our trained masseuses, detox your anxiety in our sauna, and most importantly, see the lights the way they are meant to be experienced. Call now!"

I quickly grabbed a piece of paper and jotted down the number.

Something had struck me. I began to remember a conversation we had on one of our last days together. "Jen, you'll love it. You are always talking about how you want to see the Aurora Borealis and through the winter you can there. It's the most beautiful thing you'll ever see."

I can't believe I didn't go. I am always saying how I want to travel and see new things but I also do a lot of things when I'm in a relationship that I swear I'll never do again.

So maybe it was Abisko where she was going. 'There are probably other places in Sweden to see the Northern Lights though,' I thought with a frown.

I could feel my mind growing more frustrated. This was the best lead I had, but it would be better if I could find that damn postcard and map. Surely, I didn't toss it so maybe it was in storage at my parent's house. Crammed away in one of the many boxes in my old room.

I jumped into my car and drove over, not even bothering changing out of my PJ's.

My mom answered the door in a startled surprised fashion, clearly not expecting me.

"Jen, What are you doing here? You look like you just got out of bed," she said in a slightly judgmental tone.

"Because I did," my tone slightly annoyed. I wasn't in the mood to be judged but I also could care less at the moment. I was on an important mission. "I won't be too long, mom, I just need to go into my room and look for something in one of the boxes I stored away."

"Jen, about your room, it doesn't look like how you left it. Dad and I have been meaning to talk with you about it, but hadn't found the right time..."

It was too late I had already walked down the hallway turned the knob to my door.

"MOM! What the fuck is this shit? This isn't how I left my room. Where is my stuff? Where is Puddles and what happened to all my posters?"

"I was trying to tell you."

It had completely been redone and had a fucking hot tub in the middle. Gross.

"So where is my stuff? You didn't throw it away?"

She looked a bit concerned. "Jen, most of your stuff is in a storage locker we rented downtown. You know the one by the old movie rental place but I don't know if Puddles is there. You haven't cared about that duck in a long time now, I don't remember seeing you with it since you were around ten."

I was furious. "Mom, Puddles was a very important part of my childhood. You better not have donated him or tossed him! What about a shoe box probably a converse one. Some stickers of unicorns and what have you stuck all over it?"

"There were some boxes, I didn't pay much attention to them though but they should be there."

Relief washed over me and filled me with a sense of hope but I couldn't resist myself. "So what you are telling me is that you probably determined that Puddles, an adorable stuffed duck that you got me when I was born was trash, but a bunch of old shoe boxes were worthy of being put in your storage locker?"

Before she could respond I took the key that she was holding in her hand and gave her a big kiss on the cheek. "Thanks, Mom." I ran out of the door and jumped back into my car and drove until I reached the only storage locker I knew of.

It was located directly across from the movie rental, that I spent a good portion of time in. However, it was now some sort of awful title loan place. I shook my head violently with disgust as I stepped out from my car.

Keys jangling in my hand. I checked the locker key and saw a number written on it. Tracking down the locker, I opened the door. It was dark and moldy smelling.

I grabbed my phone and switched the flashlight on, and began shining it around the room. Looking for my shoebox I saw several boxes stacked up filled to the brim with my DVD collection. I made a note to come back another time for them. Several albums, my high school yearbooks, some toys. None of them being Puddles.

I was about to give up my best detective efforts, 'Jen and the case of the missing shoebox,' I thought to myself and spotted it sitting in the corner by itself. It looked a little damp and the unicorn stickers had begun to peel. "Oh no, what if everything inside has turned to soggy pulp and is illegible."

I grabbed the box carefully and carried it back to my car. Locking the door behind me I drove to my dorm. My heart pounding louder than ever. My roommate Harriet wasn't around luckily. She would definitely be nosey wanting to know every detail of why I had a soggy old box full of old letters that I was freaking out about.

I placed the box on the dining room table, took a deep breath and opened the lid. The first few things were completely destroyed. I couldn't even tell what they were anymore, but I as I continued digging I began to wonder if I even put that postcard and map in here. Maybe they were in another box or worst yet maybe my mom had tossed them when she had turned my room into some sort of, 'Ew... Love den,' I thought grossed out.

Suddenly there they were! I found them. The map was folded and taped onto the postcard. I couldn't even believe they let the postcard come through like that. If I had tried that it would have been sent back no doubt.

I turned the postcard over, 'Abisko' just as I thought!

The image on the postcard was a swirling beautiful green and blue sky. Looking, I noted the fact that it had no return address. I began to read the short but sweet message my heart swooning as I did.

"Jen, it's beautiful here. Not nearly as beautiful as you of course. I really mean that. If you change your mind then follow the map, and you'll find me.
Love Karin xo"

I felt my eyes beginning to tear up. "I was such a dumb fucking bitch, why couldn't I have just gone with you or left after you sent me this? I hope you're still there. I hope you haven't found anyone else. You probably have but I have to make peace with this either way," I sad sadly to myself.

After I managed to get myself to finally stop crying I found the piece of paper I had written the number for that Abisko light tour and I made my arrangements. I was all set in two days time.

I packed a hasty bag full of winter clothes, and something a little sexy just in case. The tour I had signed up for was a photography tour. So I packed my camera and a couple of extra SD cards, though at this minute the lights were the last thing on my mind. They said not to worry about buying ski equipment as it would be better to just rent it there.

If I was lucky enough to find Karin it would definitely be somewhere ski related. She was a total ski bunny and had gone there to be an instructor. Maybe signing up for a ski tour would have been better. Oh well to late now.

The next two days moved slowly. I made sure to tell my roommate where I was going and of course she pulled the reasons from me quite easily.

"Go get your girl, and be happy you sad emo bitch," she said with a chuckle.

My mom was a bit less supportive.

"Jen, You still haven't paid me the money you owe me for your car insurance and you are going to another country on some sort of wild goose chase for some girl you blew off three years ago? I'm very disappointed in you," she said, her voice stern.

"That's okay I'm disappointed in you too, Mom. Making my room look like some sort of love den at your age and possibly throwing away Puddles. Oh by the way here's your storage locker key. You might want to check on your stuff, there appeared to be some sort of leak. Things were damp."

The ride on the plane was definitely the longest most nerve-racking yet exciting flight I had ever taken. I was not going to be in any sort of rush to go on another overnight flight again. My legs were completely cramped when I stepped off the plane. I was jet-lagged but at the same time too nervous to be very tired.

The plane arrived at Kiruna Airport. I made haste in finding my luggage, which was easy. It was the only bag with little pictures of cats and tacos printed all over it.

I then grabbed a coffee at the machine and searched for the bus the tour lady said would take me the resort in Abisko.

I climbed aboard and stowed my luggage on a rack above me. Finally sitting down in a nice window seat. I pressed my face against the cold glass and took in the scenery as the bus began to drive away from the airport and towards Abisko.

Snow covered the ground and treetops it was as if I had been transported into a snow globe. Everything felt surreal all of a sudden.

It didn't take long to reach the resort and check in. I took my luggage up to my room and then began to contemplate what to do next. I sat down on the bed and unfolded the map in hopes that it might present some sort of clue.

The resort was circled in red, and so was a rather treacherous looking ski slope that was of course out of my league but I came all this way so I had to do it. In the name of love and everything mighty. I'd fucking do it.

There was also something scribbled near the top of the mountain by the treacherous looking and probably tragic ski slope that was circled, it read: 'Overlook cabin.'

I guess I should start here at the resort, but something about being this close was turning my stomach with a thousand butterflies that were flapping their wings frantically as if to get free. I took a couple deep breathes to steady myself. Here goes nothing.

I started by going back to the lobby and walking up to the front desk, A beautiful blonde with the most cheerful smile greeted me in English when I approached.

"Hello. How may I help you? Have you checked in yet?" I was slow to answer as I had become transfixed for a moment because my eyes had somehow made their way to her chest. 'Poor taste Jen. Don't check her out,' I thought to myself with a bit of embarrassment.

"Yes, I checked in a few moments ago. I was just looking for a friend of mine whom I think is staying here," I said with a slight tone of nervousness.

"You aren't sure if she is staying here?" she said in a puzzled but somewhat amused tone.

"Well, no. You see she was staying here about three years ago, I don't know if she would be still-"

"Highly unlikely if she was a guest. That would cost a fortune, and also most people don't stay in Abisko long. They come to see the lights and are on their way."

"She was working here sort of. I believe, giving ski tours, but I don't know how long she really planned to stay. I think it was for some time though." I was feeling this sense of loss already which wasn't good as this was only my first attempt.

"Oh she was staff, that's different then. What's her name? Perhaps I can look her up."

A small sense of relief filled me, I had been worried she would say that was against the rules.

"Karin Weston."

She typed something into her computer and frowned. "Nothing is coming up I'm afraid. Perhaps she left already, perhaps to one of the other resorts."

I started to feel the tears beginning again. 'Tough it up bitch, I snapped at myself. I hated crying in front of anyone probably more than anything. I had started to turn on my heels and walk away when a thought occurred to me. Perhaps she had spelled the name wrong.

So I turned around again. "Wait? How did you spell her name?"

She smiled, "K-a-r-e-n W-e-s-t-o-n, of course, is there any other way?"

I lit up a smile forming. "There is if you're her. It's K-a-r-i-n. You got the last name part right though."

I watched as she searched it. "Oh, well well. Yes, she is staying here but she isn't here at the moment. She is at the top of the mountain at the overlook."

"Oh, good. So all I need to do is to go get some ski equipment and go right."

"Well no, it's not that easy. You aren't actually just allowed to go venturing off on your own that far up the mountain. That's a red course zone. It used to be that we allowed the more advanced skiers to go up it, but it's had a lot of problems lately and a few people got hurt so it's closed unless you are in one of the groups that are going."

"Okay, so I go get ski equipment and join a group that's going then?" I said with a hopeful excited tone.

She shook her head again. "I'm sorry no groups are currently scheduled to go up there. In fact, your friend Karin is up there to make sure no one goes up there. We were a little short staffed recently and we usually have a ranger up there but he is gone. So we had to find the next best thing. It's honestly best that you just wait for her to come down, I can call you or have someone alert you when she gets back. How long are you staying here for?"

"Just a week. When is she coming back?"

"I don't know. It doesn't say here but probably in three weeks or so. After our high traffic month is over."

I bit the bottom of my trembling lower lip. I definitely couldn't afford to just wait. It took everything I had to come here and I doubt Harriet or my mom would be chill with me calling them and asking them to wire money.

"What about the phone?" I asked. "Can you call up there for me?"

The clerk shook her head and answered, "I'm sorry, there is no phone up the mountain."

"What happens, if I just go up the mountain anyway, even though I'm not supposed to"

"Well, you could get hurt, or go to jail, or get banned from here entirely or perhaps even die. It is very dangerous. Have you ever even been skiing before?" she asked.

"Never, and I always imagined I'd start out slowly with the bunny slopes or something, but I guess I don't have a choice," I answered.

"She must be very important to you. It's not often someone is willing to risk so much for a friend. I don't know whether to turn you in so you won't be in a dangerous situation or wish you luck."

"Wish me luck. Please, I have come a long way and I don't want anything to stop me. I really have to do this."

She let out a heavy sigh. "At least go practice a couple times on the bunny slope before you go at that mountain."

I quickly located the mountain outfitter that was conveniently placed in the lobby of the lodge.

I gave my name to the clerk, who smiled as she looked it up. "Ah, so your part of the tour. You're a bit early, you are actually supposed to come with your group before you set out tomorrow, but that's okay I'll get you set up."

It wasn't long before I was equipped head to toe complete with ski's, boots, and poles and a ski jacket and pants. I had asked for them in black so I could be a ninja when sneaking onto the mountain later.

Of course I didn't explain that reason, and of course, they didn't have that colour. Only red, yellow, pink, blue and white. So I went with white, because then at least if I needed to do so I could lay down and blend in with the snow. (The Danger of this never occurred to me). This was assuming they were actually guarding this mountain. I hoped they weren't though, I didn't really feel like going into 007 secret agent mode.

I couldn't believe how much equipment skiing took, and I was beginning to feel completely overwhelmed with it.

Finally, after I was done I went out and found a lift to the blue slope, which according to the guide, was the beginner slope. When the lift came to a stop I slipped my feet into my ski's and leaned forward my poles digging into the snow, and took a deep breath and then pushed off. Sure that I was going to fall on my face, but I was moving just fine and suddenly I felt a light happy feeling. No wonder Karin liked this so much it felt so free.

I had been playing on the slope for probably around an hour, when a bell went off and I noticed that a few people were on the slope started to quit. 'Huh, what's going on,' I wondered feeling my stomach tighten with worry.

Sensing my worry a jolly looking couple with ruddy cheeks came up to me. "That's the bell to signal that a snow storm is coming in and we are to go in," they said thru thick accents. They clearly were experts, but I was unhappy about having to cut my practice short not to mention my plans to sneak onto the mountain tonight.

Nope fuck it I would not halt a single day who knows how long this snow storm is going to last. ''When is the storm going to start?" I found myself asking.

"Probably not for a few hours, but they play it safe here," the woman replied.

I began wondering how long it would take me to hike that mountain. I was in excellent shape but I wasn't used to snowy mountains or skiing.

I hurried back to my room and began throwing some things into my backpack. Then scurried down to the gift shop and bought a couple things. Some snacks, and drinks, a ton of hand warmers. I thought briefly about a tent but I didn't want to carry too much.

The slopes had been shut down, but it wasn't long until I found an unlocked lift. It was for the difficult slope and was accompanied by several signs in several different languages

"Warning this slope is not for a beginning skier, please only attempt this if you are an experienced skier." I skipped over the rest of it, and climbed in and pressed the lift button. It crawled up slowly.

Luckily the power to the lift was still on. As I boarded the chair I started thinking of that movie, Frozen where they got stuck on the lift overnight and began to die. I shivered. "I hope that doesn't happen."

After a while, it finally reached the top, and I jumped off. I was halfway to the lookout. I hadn't expected that I would have a shortcut with the lift but that worked out perfectly, now let's hope the rest does.

I only skied for a few minutes before it became impossible to go uphill on them, so I took them off and strapped them to my backpack, and began walking.

My thoughts racing one moment then becoming calm as I took in the beauty around me. It had started getting dark and the snow was slowly falling and hitting my face, but it wasn't impossible to see yet. It felt like a wonderland, and if I died right here right now, I guess that would be okay because at least I would have tried.

Something about this whole trip was enlightening for me. Maybe because I had found the courage to go after what I wanted and I was feeling really proud of myself at the moment. With every step I took, the more future happiness felt closer.

I don't know how long I had been trudging up the mountain, clinging on to trees and rocks and crawling at times. When the snow really did begin to fall faster and heavier, I looked down. I couldn't believe how far I had walked. I should probably keep as warm as possible.

Stopping for a moment, I took my backpack off my shoulders and unzipped it and found my hand warmers. I shook them to activate them then put them into my gloves to keep my now very numb hands warm.

I hadn't thought to leave a note in my room, I suppose I should have but it was too late now and besides I didn't really want them coming after me and stopping me.

If I just continued walking straight up, I should come to the lookout cabin. My feet were feeling cold and my body continuously shivered and my legs trembled. I felt tired and I began to want to stop and rest for a moment.

I leaned against a tree and took a few deep breaths of the icy air. My eyes began to close and I really wished I could be home right now snuggled up on my couch with my electric blanket and a movie. I quickly snapped myself back to reality, the faster I walk up this mountain the faster I'll find her.

I pushed myself harder, my feet digging into the snow. I couldn't believe that I hadn't even fallen on my ass once. I was usually fairly clumsy in my day to day life.

I looked up at the sky, it had begun to glow in an array of colours. A vibrant green light filled the sky, swirling magically, and my mind was briefly taken off of the fact that I was freezing and uncomfortable. I didn't know how much time had passed.

I had been walking with my neck craned and eyes up at the sky for a while, unable to look away. I had just now started feeling a sharp pain in my neck when I saw a light ahead. A light that definitely wasn't from the aurora it was a gleaming yellow light, and I could also see puffs of smoke that filled the sky.

Perhaps from a chimney. I began walking faster almost jogging in the snow despite how numb and dead my legs and feet felt.

As I walked closer the familiar intrusion of human hands came into view interrupting natures untamable song. I saw a Snow-covered pitched roof hanging over small glass windows with lights turned on inside. The Cabin.

"Holy fucking hell, I did it. I reached it. I hiked up this fucking mountain in less time than I imagined it would take and before the storm had completely hit. I fucking beat the mountain. 'I'm amazing,' I thought.

However, before I could congratulate myself further my thoughts were interrupted, "Hey, what do you think you're doing on this mountain? It's closed you know."

I looked around and saw her. She was standing on the cabin's small porch. My jaw dropped a little and I was having trouble finding the words to speak. She clearly didn't recognize me, but I guess it would be difficult with my scarf wrapped almost completely around my frozen face.

I continued to look at her for a minute. She still looked the same from what I could make out. She still definitely sounded the same, but I couldn't believe it after all this time she was standing right in front of me, demanding what I was doing on a closed mountain.

"Aren't you going to say anything back?" she asked in a confused slightly annoyed tone.

I found my hands slowly moving to unwrap the scarf from my face, My words trembled as they fell out, I had hoped to greet her with something more romantic but this would have to do.

"I'm sorry," I said awkwardly. Yep. That was the first thing I said to her. Not exactly the fairy tale epic moment I had planned in my head.

"Jen, is that you?" her voice was definitely confused now.

"It's me, I had to find you and they said you were here so... Here I am."

"I don't," she started. "But how-" she said, clearly lost for words. I just stood silently there for a moment taking her in, and in that brief silence, we both just eyed each other lost for words.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" she finally asked, nodding at the sky. "This almost feels surreal to me you being here at such a perfect time."

I felt a smile starting to form. She wasn't unhappy to see me.

"I can see you are about to freeze to death, let's get you inside and we can talk in there."
We entered the cabin and she immediately ushered me to a chair closest to the fireplace. Logs were crackling and I felt the warmth against my cold cheeks. I was shivering, but so happy that it really didn't matter.

I turned away from the fireplace as she sat in the chair right next to me, pushing it closer.

"So, are you going to tell me why you came all this way to find me? I'm flattered but also a bit confused."

I took a deep breath and gulped a little. I couldn't believe how hard it had suddenly became to say the words I had been thinking in my head since the moment I realized my mistake.

"Sometimes we just make mistakes. We think we are doing the right thing by being with someone and we don't see that it's the wrong thing and so when the right person is right in front of us... Our judgement isn't good... I woke the fuck up... I'm sorry it took as long as it did."

She didn't say a word. Silence filled the air for a moment.

Silently she stood up and leaned down to me, her eyes big and deep and sparkling. Her lips crushed against mine hard and passionately and we kissed for what seemed like hours.

Our tongues thrashing together and twirling, hot and wet. Completely lost my heart was beating loudly in my chest like thunder. I never wanted this to end.

Finally, she broke our kiss. My head was whirling and dizzy but I managed to speak anyway, "That was the most amazing kiss I have ever had."

She smiled. "It should be I have been waiting years to do it."

She took my hand in hers squeezing tightly and pulled me up from the chair leading me to the small but cozy looking bedroom.

"Rushing this are we?" I asked jokingly

She replied with a small laugh, "Bitch, we have waited for years. We are more than a little past due."

Her eyes went up and down my body for a moment. "Of course you are wearing all the clothes in the world."

It took some work, but I was finally down to nothing besides the cute bra and panties I had somehow thought to put on before I left on this mission of love.

It took her no time at all to remove her clothes. She stood naked before me. I felt my cheeks grow red as my eyes moved to take in every inch of her gorgeous body

"You are so beautiful," my voice trembling a little and clearly filled with lust.

"A little presumptive are we?" she said nodding at my black lacy bra and matching panties

I shrugged, "You never know, and I like to be prepared."

Her fingers moved to my arm first, soft and gentle she caressed sending little electrical shivers throughout my body. I moaned softly enjoying the feel of her touch.

Her fingers continued moving slowly downwards until she was between my legs, lightly rubbing her fingertips over my panties. Her touch causing me to ache even more than I already was with need.

Her fingers moved up and down rubbing the lace against my clit, causing me to tremble. Her mouth once again moved towards mine. This time she lightly bit my bottom lip playfully before sliding her tongue between my lips. As she did this she was moving me towards the bed until the back of my legs touched it. I let her push me down onto the bed with her quickly falling on top of me, her kiss growing more urgent.

Her fingers moved under my back and grasped the hook of my bra and quickly had it undone. My back arched up as I let her slowly remove it. Our breasts were now pressed together, hard nipples rubbing against hard nipples, our flesh seemingly burned together. Her fingers moved again this time to grasp the flimsy material of my panties and ripped them from me easily.

Without once breaking her kiss she positioned herself between my legs until our pussies were pressed firmly together hot and wet. Slowly she began to move. Her hips grinding to rub herself against me. Moaning into my mouth, our tongues vibrating together. Completely lost in our lust.

Her movements were slow and teasing. She moved her kiss away from my lips and to my neck, causing me to moan loudly as her lips gently pressed against the soft flesh of my neck kissing lovingly.

I was in pure ecstasy, as she began grinding harder and faster pressing our wet cunts together.

"Oh fuck. Oh my god," I managed to say in between moans. "Fuck me, I have wanted this for so long now." Her hips moved up and down more urgently and I could tell she needed this just as badly as me.

She moaned into my neck as she began to bite it, her teeth sinking into my flesh and rending the skin. "Mark me. Make me yours forever," I said in a thick lust filled whisper.

Her teeth dug in leaving me with a mark that would last for at least a day or two.

I lifted my hips off the bed, to meet with her thrusts. Pressing my cunt against hers, each thrust sending waves of pleasure through my entire body.

My hands moved to grasp and caress her breasts. My fingers moved to her nipples to lightly pinch and play feeling them grow harder.

Our moans grew louder blending together like a symphony as we moved closer to our impending orgasm.

The headboard had begun to smack loudly against the wall. We moved faster together our pussies dancing together in a perfect rhythm. "Oh fuck, I'm so close to cumming all over you," she screamed.

"Do it, I want to feel your juices squirting all over me you sexy bitch!" I moaned.

My pussy had begun to pulse and tighten. As I felt her hot wet juices all over my cunt and thighs, I exploded letting out a loud animal-like scream. My pussy began to squirt against hers. She didn't stop moving for a moment, our juices blended together, and she collapsed on top of me, breathing hard.

We laid in silence for a few moments, as we tried to catch our breath. My heart was pounding in my chest. I couldn't believe that just happened. I couldn't believe after all this time that I was finally right here with her, soaked in a torrent of our juices. I couldn't believe how amazing everything felt.

I was lost in my thoughts when she finally talked, "I hope that was as good for you as it was for me."

I felt something soft against my head that I hadn't noticed before so I reached behind me and pulled it out thinking I was adjusting a pillow but when I looked closely I realized it was Puddles! "Hey! How did Puddles get here?" I exclaimed, my voice clearly shocked to pieces.

"Because you gave him to me when I left, silly. Don't you remember? You told me he would keep me company and to take really good care of him because he was important and you would kick my ass."

I laughed, "No, I don't remember but that sounds exactly what I would say. I guess I better apologize to my mom when I see her next. I accused her of tossing him."

"So... How do you feel about being trapped up on the mountain with me for the rest of the month or maybe a year? Just you, me, snow and this bed."

I smiled big. "I feel fucking amazing about it."

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Written by ScreamQueen
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