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Are millennials more open-minded to LGBTQ dating?

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Rookie Scribe
I’m well over thirty and I’m not really the “settle down” type of guy. With the popularity of many dating apps and sites these days, it has made it easier for me to schedule dates and meet new people. As a member of the LGBTQ community, one of the largest hurdles I had when I was younger was having a safe environment for dating where it was acceptable to be with people of the same gender without any judgments.

Now that I’m older, I noticed that majority of the population on these dating sites and apps are mostly younger people from the millennial age group. Is it just me or are the younger generations more open and accepting of non-traditional relationships? The increase in tolerance is definitely a good sign, though I wish the older generations would see things through our eyes too.
Active Ink Slinger
My take is yes, and they are less rigid on orientation.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by curiosity22
I’m well over thirty and I’m not really the “settle down” type of guy. With the popularity of many dating apps and sites these days, it has made it easier for me to schedule dates and meet new people. ...

I use a pair of 'swinger' sites, for meeting couples for threesomes/groups.

What sites do you use or recommend for one on on dating?
Rookie Scribe
My take is yes, and they are less rigid on orientation.

if only they could loosen up a bit
Rookie Scribe

I use a pair of 'swinger' sites, for meeting couples for threesomes/groups.

What sites do you use or recommend for one on on dating?

well there are the popular ones; tinder, okcupid, match

but personally I go for loveme
Rookie Scribe
Being a millennial myself, I absolutely think the younger generation is more accepting of LGBTQ dating, amongst many other things.

If I must be labeled, I would have to say that I'm bisexual, but I don't even like to use that term. I personally don't even pay much mind to gender when it comes to sex and dating. If I have feelings for a man, and he has them back, I will pursue that relationship and the same goes for women.
If I like someone and those feelings are reciprocated, that's when I'll go for it. I look at the PERSON, not the body parts.

And I have many friends that go about their love lives in the same way, and have been fortunate enough to have not received a ton of judgement from peers about it either.
We are more open-minded. We are also starting to get rid of these weird labels we have to plug on ourselves. I am straight, but I enjoy feminine looking transsexuals, dose that automatically make me gay or bi? Not really, trying to box human sexuality is so stupid and antiquated I hope it start dying out within the next 10 years or so
Active Ink Slinger
I have to agree, I am very glad to see younger women taking advantage of greater tolerance and understanding society shows towards the LGBTQ lifestyle nowadays and it turns only leads to more well-adjusted people comfortable in their skin as well as less shame to simply be curious.
Active Ink Slinger
I think there for I am. History. You are what you are. Be what ever you wake up with. Let the others find out what you are. I don't have a problem , men and women are good for me. Plus all those in between. Sex is sex for gods sake enjoy. So long as you do not break the law.
I am a millennial and I feel I am more tolerant than past generations. but I also think that society in general is becoming more open toward the LBGTQ lifestyle. Once the boomer generation is in the history books. Tolerance for many things will change for the better. Even within my parents generation things are much better than their parents. Lets just do away with labeling people as bi, straight, trans, CD. Let's all just be people doing our best to get along for the good of everyone........not like now.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by cutenavywife
I am a millennial and I feel I am more tolerant than past generations. but I also think that society in general is becoming more open toward the LBGTQ lifestyle. Once the boomer generation is in the history books. Tolerance for many things will change for the better. Even within my parents generation things are much better than their parents. Lets just do away with labeling people as bi, straight, trans, CD. Let's all just be people doing our best to get along for the good of everyone........not like now.

Not sure what your talking about being as a boomer and back in the day we were known for such things as flower children, wood stock, pot heads and free love but they don't teach real history in schools anymore and everyone has to be politically correct in this day and age where college students have to have safe spaces and even have time out cards in boot camp when a drill SGT is yelling at them. so what is going on in the world today is because of the politically correct BS and not knowing how this country was made.
As for labels to be politically correct all are calling it gender fluid no longer bi, gay or trans gender and now that gender is a political matter it has opened peoples eyes and slowly it's becoming more tolerant but not quiet exceptable
I think its more accepted these days