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Red Desire

"She wanted to go for more than just a ride."

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The rumble of the engine sent its vibrations roaring through the interior of the car, all the way through the gear shift and up my arm, as I carefully navigated the winding switchbacks in my ‘68 Mustang. The gears shifted effortlessly, the clutch engaging flawlessly, as turn after turn was continuously consumed by the power and ease of the red beauty. I buried the accelerator in the straightaways, while braking with the clutch in the corners, as I made my way through the windy hills, nearing a small town. I checked the gas gauge and quickly noted I needed to stop for gas.

I pulled up to the first gas station I came to and parked next to the only pump available before exiting the car and walking towards the dainty, dusty shop of the station. The letters of the Phillips 66 sign were faded and peeling, showing the lack of care the building desperately needed. The windows and front door were covered in a layer of dust that screamed ‘Wash Me’ as if no one ever took the time to clean them the way they needed to be cleaned. The inside was no different. The floors were covered in an inch of dust, without a trace of footsteps in what seemed months. I suddenly became very leery of the old shop, quickly regretting the decision of stopping, until I looked to the counter and noticed someone standing there, watching me as I looked around the place with disgust.

What’s up?

I was taken aback by the sight of the beautiful blonde working behind the counter. She was way out of place, having dressed nicer than someone working in the dusty shop should be. Blonde locks hung in curls on her shoulders, cascading in waves as it moved over the black top that clad her upper body. Her breasts hung proud, showing enough cleavage to be a tease, but not leaving much to the imagination. I couldn’t get a look at her lower half since the counter blocked my view, so I nonchalantly made my way over to the register to pre-pay for the gas I actually needed, while taking the opportunity to steal a glance at what I couldn’t see.

With a smile, “What can I do for you today, sir?” she asked, the smile on her face growing wider.

“Well, I need to fill up my car, but I’m not sure how much it’s gonna take,” I answered, addressing my obvious intentions.

She looked out the window to take a look at the pump my car was parked next to. Her eyes slightly widened as they took in the sight of my cherry red Mustang, the way the sunlight was hitting it just right to give off that gleam that many car enthusiasts love to see. She moved closer to the window, mouth opening slightly agape, as she continued to molest my car with her eyes. The opportunity was upon me.

I quickly stole a glance or two at her ass to complete the mental picture I’d have stored for later on that evening. Her ass had the perfect heart shape, held perfectly in place by the black slacks she was wearing.

God damn, woman…

Sighing, “I’ve always wanted to take a ride in one of those cars,” she began before turning back towards the counter, “but I’ve never had the chance. My dad used to have one, but he sold it when he found out my mom was pregnant with me. What year is it?” she asked, giving me the impression that she may have already had the answer.

“What year do you think it is?” I quizzed her, seeing how well versed in cars she may have been.

“Umm,” she began as she looked back to my car, “from the look of the body style...I’d’s probably somewhere in the...’70’s?” she guessed, looking back at me.

“Close. It’s more along the lines of being in 1968. I could be wrong, though,” I said as I shrugged my shoulders, doing my best to convey the sarcasm I’m so adept at using.

“That was my first guess!” she lied with a smile.

Laughing, “Yeah, I’m sure!” I said as I retrieved my wallet from my back pocket before pulling out some cash to pay for the fuel I needed. “Here, I’ll start with sixty bucks. Not sure if it’ll take all of it though.”

“No worries, I can always refund the change,” she said, never losing that warm smile.

“True,” I replied before returning to my car to pump the gas.

I lifted the nozzle of the pump and placed it into the gas tank of the car before setting the handle to pump. The sound of gas filling the tank surrounded me, breaking the silence of the small town. I hadn’t seen a car go by since I had arrived, making me feel uncomfortable in a way. The quiet had an eerie feel to it, like the town was harboring some dark secret that it didn’t want strangers to know about, including me.

Nope, not going there.

I watched the old rotary dials of the pump tick away at every penny as the gas dispensed into the tank of my car. The pump was slower than your modern gas pumps, but I didn’t mind. I was in no hurry to get back on the road, to get back home where the real life was waiting for me. I was a little disappointed that my vacation was coming to an end until I looked up to see the girl watching me as the gas filled my car. The wheels began to turn in my head as we made eye contact and held each others’ gaze, almost like we were playing a game of who’d look away first.

We held eye contact, my pulse racing, as I did my best to not look away first. I could feel my heart beating with every passing second our eyes stayed locked, my body’s way of reacting to something out of my comfort zone. I couldn’t believe what I was doing, being so bold with this strange woman, as if I didn’t give a fuck what she might think of me. A slight smirk came across my face as I realized I had to have her.

I’m still on vacation.

Click. The handle of the pump shut off, causing me to mistakenly break eye contact with her to see how much money I’d be getting back.

“Really? That’s it?” I asked out loud, noting that I was receiving a whopping four dollars and seventeen cents in return.

“So, how much did it take?” she asked as I walked back to the counter.

“Fifty-five dollars and eighty-three cents,” I replied, making eye contact once again, this time making her blush.

“At least you’re getting something back,” she said, handing me the change.

I took the money from her, purposely grazing her hand with my fingers, before stuffing the bills into my pocket. I looked into her eyes again. I saw the red quickly flood her face, making me feel good inside knowing I had the effect on such a good looking woman as herself. Just as I opened my mouth to speak, she cut me off.

“I think you should take me for a ride,” she bluntly demanded.

“What about the store?” I asked, stunned that she had the guts to take a ride with a total stranger.

“You’re my last customer for the day,” she said with a grin, her face turning a deeper shade of red.

“I, uh, well...okay then,” I stuttered before smiling at her. “Let’s go.”


“What’s your name?” she asked as I effortlessly shifted into third gear, the engine purring in the process.

“Mike. What’s your name?” I asked as I glanced over at her.

“Larissa,” she replied with a smile.

“Larissa,” I repeated, “I like it.” I finished with a smile as I drove through the other side of town and down the winding road leading to a secluded beach Larissa had told me about once we entered the car.

I honestly didn’t know what to expect to happen between us but, regardless of how things turn out, I knew it’d be a good time. My vacation was nearing its conclusion, but spending the last of it with her was more than worth it. My trip hadn’t been very eventful, more like nursing hangover after hangover while striking out night after night at different bars and night clubs. I was feeling a little dejected because I happened to only be attracted to the married women that were there. Nothing of the single type caught my interest until the drive back.

Thank goodness I decided to take a different route home.

“This is my favorite place to come when I need some peace and quiet,” Larissa said as I shut off the car after pulling up to the secluded beach she navigated us to.

“It’s beautiful,” I genuinely replied, noting how clear the water was.

“Yes it is,” she said with a smile.

“What do you like to do when you’re here?” I asked, wanting to know more about her.

“I like to sit on that rock right there,” pointing to the giant boulder on the beach that overlooked the crystal clear water, “and watch nature take it’s course. Every now and then someone will go by on a boat but, for the most part, it’s pretty quiet over here.”

“That sounds so...relaxing,” I began as I opened the door of the car, “I wanna know what it’s like if you don’t mind.”

“Yeah, that’d be cool!” she eagerly replied, exiting my car as well.

We walked over to the boulder, trudging through the soft sand, when she suddenly slipped her hand in mine. I gripped her hand before lacing my fingers with hers, continuing the walk through the sand until we reached her boulder. I helped her climb up, purposely using her ass to push her up on top of the rock, before following her up. I sat down next to her before looking out over the water, taking in the breath taking view.

“Wow, you’re right…” I sighed, disappointed I’d been missing out on the view my entire life.

“Told you so,” she said.

I looked over at her, noticing the dreamy look on her face. She looked very content sitting there with me, like she was right where she wanted to be. Seeing the happiness made me happy. I felt absolutely privileged to be sitting with her in what she called her safe haven. I had the feeling that not many - if any, people had ever sat with her on that rock.

“How long have you been coming here?” I asked, turning to face her.

“My family and I used to come to this beach since I was little. I had always claimed this rock as my own because you can see everything from up here. But lately, I’ve been coming alone. Well,” she trailed off before looking at me, “because I’ve had to. And not by choice.” She looked sad.

“What happened?” I asked, intrigued by her confession.

“Shit, I can’t believe I’m opening up to you like this,” she began, blushing as she turned to face me, “but my parents and I were in a bad accident a couple years ago and I was the only one to make it out of there alive. My parents were pronounced dead on the scene. After seeing the pictures from the wreck, there’s no way we should be sitting here having this conversation right now.”

“Oh, wow...that’s crazy,” I replied, shocked that she told me, but even more so that she survived something that her parents didn’t.

“Yeah, I still don’t understand why I made it, but they didn’t,” she said, looking out on the water.

“Someone must’ve been looking out for you that day,” I said, watching her as she watched the water.

“I guess. I mean, I’m at the point where I’ve quit questioning it, but it still hurts from time to time. This is the only place I can come to and feel at peace with everything. You know what I mean?” She turned to look at me again, struggling to hold back the tears.

“Oh, I completely understand what you mean. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve never lost a family member like that, but I can only imagine what you went through. It makes sense why you like to come here. It’s like your,” I trailed off before grinning at her, “happy place.”

“You know, that’s an excellent way to put it!” she said with a smile.

We locked eyes, her smile broadening, as I tried to gather the courage to lean over and kiss her. It’s not that I was afraid of her rejecting me, I wasn’t sure how she’d feel about it considering the content of the conversation. She didn’t have to tell me about her parents. She didn’t have to tell me why that particular rock meant so much to her. She didn’t have to invite me to this secluded beach. She didn’t have to ask me to take her for a ride in my car. She didn’t have to be so nice to me at the store. She didn’t have to do any of that, yet she did. And there I was trying to grow the balls to kiss her until she caught me off guard.

Biting her lip, she moved towards me, our faces within inches of each others’, before softly pressing her lips against mine. I was taken aback, stunned that I didn’t have the chance to make the first move. I quickly bounced back, regaining my composure, before clutching her sides and pulling her against me. Kissing her deeper, hands running up and down her back, she slowly pushed me over until I was laying on the warm surface of the smooth rock. She straddled my waist, lying on me to get closer, as our lips rejoined as one.

I wasn’t sure what to make of things and how they were progressing, but I wasn’t complaining. I had her on top of me, our lips locked together, hands roaming all over each other, yet we had just met. I wasn’t sure if what happened was fate, or if it was by chance. I know that waking up that morning, being on a rock with a beautiful woman was the furthest thing from my mind.

I ran my hands down to the hem of her shirt before slowly pulling it up her back, hinting to her that I wanted it removed to reveal her body to my curious gaze. She sat up, smirking at me, before removing her shirt and tossing it next to us. I sat up with her, reaching around her backside, before quickly unhooking her bra, slipping it off her shoulders and down to the piled up shirt. I ran my hands up and down her bare torso, feeling her breasts and hard nipples against the palms of my hands, before running them down her tight stomach.

“You’re so sexy,” I mumbled as I leaned in to kiss her neck, my hands sliding to her smooth back, pulling her tighter against my growing bulge.

“Fuck,” she moaned, letting her head roll back as I softly bit down on her flesh and began sucking.

I pulled away before looking her in the eyes, showing her what lust I could muster up. I wasn’t sure I had ever had a girl look at me the way she had at that moment. Her eyes appeared glazed over, her breathing slightly labored, before she reached down to take my shirt off me.

“You’re not so bad yourself,” she said with an appreciative stare at my naked torso.

“Oh yeah?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Raising her eyebrow to mock me, “Mhm.”

“Good,” I replied, firmly pressing my lips against hers once again.

With a moan, she reached down and began fumbling with the belt of my pants, quickly unfastening it before reaching inside and grabbing my inflated member. Kissing me harder and deeper, she squeezed it as hard as the angle would allow, eliciting an unexpected moan from my mouth.

With a giggle, “feel good, baby?” she asked before sliding off me.

“Sure the fuck did,” I shot back with a wink, her grip tighten.

“Good,” she grinned before grabbing the waist of my pants and boxers, pulling them both off in one go, my hard cock bobbing in it’s wake. “Fuck…” she gasped.

“What?” I asked with a grin.

“My goodness,” she sighed before wrapping her slender fingers around my throbbing shaft.

“Do you like it or something?” I asked, clearly knowing the answer.

Glaring at me before tightly squeezing my cock, “Oh hush!”

Laughing, “That’s what I thought,” I shot back with a wink.

Larissa smirked at me, shaking her head, before stroking my shaft. Her nimble fingers constricted the head of my dick with every up stroke, laxing slightly as her hand descended to the base. She kept the same tempo, staring at me, before slowly lowering her head and extending her tongue. Her wet appendage grazed the head of my dick, slowly circling around it, before concentrating on the sensitive underside, her hand maintaining it’s slow movements.

Removing my cock from her grip, her tongue worked down each side before going back to the head. She closed her lips around the bulbous portion of my fuck stick, sucking and flicking her tongue around the underside, before taking more and more of my cock deeper into her wet mouth. I’m not sure if she planned to tease my dick or not but, if she had, those plans went out the window very quickly.

She gripped the base of my cock tightly as her head bobbed up and down my shaft, the head hitting the back of her throat as her mouth made those ‘gluck’ noises.

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I reached down and took a handful of hair, taking control of the situation, as I began fucking her mouth. I felt my cock reach the back of her throat before pushing deeper, seeing how much she was willing to take. To my surprise, the head slipped into the tight confines of her throat, before she began swallowing around my meat.

“Fuck,” I moaned out, trying to push all of my length into her throat before pulling back.

I pulled half of my cock from her mouth, just enough for her to catch a breath, before returning my length into the tight tunnel of her throat. Clenching the ball of hair tighter, I sawed in and out her mouth, building speed and tempo, as I felt the urge to release quickly building.

“Shit, I’m gonna cum if you don’t stop me,” I growled, my dick swelling up in her mouth.

With a moan, she forced my dick deeper into her throat, swallowing with everything she had. I couldn’t hold back any longer. Grunting and moaning some obscenities that I’m not even sure about, I held her face close to my pelvic bone as rope after rope of cum made it’s way into her stomach. I loosened my grip as the last of my cum trickled down her throat.

With a grin, she sucked and teased the sensitive head of my dick, causing me to squirm and make the attempt to get away from her grasp. Giggling, “What, is it too much for you to handle?” she teased.

“It’s fucking sensitive!” I laughed as she pulled away before moving towards me with another kiss.

I kissed her back as I rolled us over, laying her on her back, before kissing my way down her neck. I left a trail of wet kisses along her neck, over her collarbone and down to her pert breasts. I looked up at her face to gauge the reaction my lips were having upon her as my lips closed in on one of her hard nipples. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, her lips pursed into that famous ‘O’ shape, as I began sucking the hard nub, my hands caressing her sides. Trapping her nipple between my teeth, my tongue darted out, flicking it’s way over the trapped pebble.

“Oh. My. God!” she stammered, her back arching off the rock, her hands clasping to the back of my head, as my tongue continued to circle the hard nub in my mouth.

Sucking on her hard bud, my hand made it’s way to her other nipple, gripping it between my thumb and forefinger. I grinned to myself as she sharply inhaled, arching her back further while I worked her nipples to the best of my abilities. She began writhing beneath me, her hands pushing my face into her breast even harder. I took more of her globe flesh into my mouth before biting down, eliciting a loud moan from her pretty mouth. I released her breast from my mouth before continuing to kiss my way down her body.

I wanted to taste her just as bad as I wanted to tease. My lips trailed their way down her tight stomach, reaching the waistband of her pants, as I looked up at her once again. She was staring at me with lust deep in her eyes. I held my gaze as I slowly kissed away from her waist line, making my way over her navel, before kissing just underneath her breasts. I ran my tongue under the swell of each boob, watching her reaction as my lips came together between her fleshy globes. The frustration was beginning to build within her, evident from the way her lips were barely apart, to the transformation of them coming together and her eyebrows furrowed.

I smirked at her before my hands worked their way around her back and down to her ass. I gripped the waistband of her pants, looking up at her, as I began pulling them down. Larissa lifted her ass off the rock, allowing the elastic band of her pants and panties to slide over her ass and down her legs, joining the pile of the other discarded clothing.

My appreciative eyes roamed over her body, taking in all the curves and everything she had to offer me. Her breasts jutted out from her heaving chest, slightly jiggling with each breath she took. I ran my hands over her fleshy globes, kneading and squeezing them, before making my way down her tight stomach. I felt her abs flex with every breath as my hands trailed lower and lower. Hands snaking their way around her thighs, I looked up to give her a wink, before treading dangerously close to her sopping wet cunt.

“Oh my, you’re fucking tease, aren’t you?” she asked as my hand just barely grazed her protruding clit.

“King of tease, baby,” I replied with a wink before sliding my hands down her thighs, away from the wettest pussy I’ve ever seen.

“Fuck,” she moaned as I began caressing her inner thighs, slowly moving towards her pussy.

My hands working their way over her soft flesh, moving closer and closer to her wet pussy, her moans began to increase. I kept circling my fingertips around her outer lips, dangerously close to touching to hot liquid that was pouring out of her shaved cunt. She began moving her hips the closer my fingers were to her wet pussy, trying to gain more stimulation that I kept denying her by moving my hands away. I could tell she was getting frustrated with me, wanting and needing my touch more than she thought possible. I let my fingers softly run over her clit, down her wet slit and back up before pulling my hand away.

“What the fuck!” she sighed.

“What’s wrong?” I asked with a smirk.

“You’re a fucking tease!” she shot back.

“Do you not like being teased or something?” I asked, grinning at her.

“Well, I mean I do...but I really need you to...touch me...or fuck me…” she trailed off as she began blushing.

“You need me to what?” I asked, knowing full well what she said.

“I…” she began as she bit her lip and looked up at me, “uh...I need you to…” she trailed off again.

“Come on, you can say it,” I urged her.

“I need you to fuck me…” she sheepishly said, looking away as she blushed and bit her lip harder.

By this time I was hard as a rock. Seeing her naked form, how wet she was for me, and her shy behavior, had me really going once again. I was ready to give in to what she wanted, I just wanted her to be bold and actually tell me.

“You need me to fuck you?” I asked with the same grin.


“How bad?” I reached down to cup her face and make her look at me.

“Really bad. I mean, can’t you tell ?” she asked, looking down to the puddle between her legs.

“I know, I just want to hear you say it.”

Biting her lip more, she looked me right in the eyes, blushing the whole time, “I need you to fuck my tight, wet pussy. It’s all for you, baby,” she said, her face burning dark red.

“Fuck…” I trailed off before leaning down to kiss her hard and deep.

With a moan, she gripped the back of my head, lacing her fingers in my hair, before pushing her tongue into my mouth. I parted my lips to allow her probing tongue access as our tongues began to dance. I slowly moved over her, lips locked together, until she was flat on her back. I reached down and gripped my hard cock before running the head up and down her wet slit, collecting her running juices, before lining up with the entrance of her soaked cunt. I broke the kiss before looking deep in her eyes. The moment of truth was upon us, my dick at her entrance, as I slowly sank into her tight depths, her walls contracting around me until my full length was embedded inside her.

“Fuck, you’re tight,” I said, resting my forehead against hers.

“Mmm, and you’re big,” she replied, rubbing my back as I held deep to allow her pussy to adjust to my size.

“Don’t lie,” I winked at her before slowly sliding my hard cock in and out of her tight pussy.

“Ssshhh - OH FUCK!” she moaned as I pulled most of my cock out before slamming hard and deep.

“What was that?” I asked, holding just the head of my dick inside her clutching lips.

“Shut up and - FUCK, BABY!” she screamed out as I slammed hard and deep again.

“Shut up and what?” I playfully mocked as I slowly fucked her.

“Fuck me…” she mumbled, blushing and biting her lip as she looked away from me.

“What was that?” I asked, holding deep with a cocked eyebrow.

Looking me square in the eyes, she began moving her hips beneath me, working my dick as deep as it’d go before she said, “fuck my tight little pussy.”

Bracing my upper body with my hands, I fucked her with everything I had, making her screams ring out over the rock and down to the water. She locked her legs around my waist the harder I fucked her, hands reaching and trying to grasp for something to hold on to.

“Oh. My. Fucking. Hell!” she screamed out, her hands springing up to tightly grip my arms as she took the full length of my hard fuck stick.

I drove the length of my dick as deep as I could, grinding my pelvic bone against her clit. I felt her body tense, go rigid, the deeper and harder I ground against that magic love button. With a loud moan, I felt her body let go, her back arching off the rock, as her orgasm ripped through her body. Her writhing body, combined with her spasming pussy, pushed me to the brink of explosion.

“Easy, woman...I’m not done with you yet,” I said, gripping her hips and holding her tight against me to keep her from moving.

“Oh my God, that was amazing,” she moaned with a blush, looking up at me as she bit her lip.

I grinned at her with a wink before glancing over at my car. I was pretty sure that red beauty was the main reason for getting me inside the blonde beauty beneath me. For some reason, I suddenly felt the need to pay tribute to the car that may or may not have given Larissa the desire to fuck me on her place of solitude.

“Come with me,” I said, pulling out before standing up and helping her to her feet.

“Where are we going?” she asked, confused at the sudden change of pace.

“You’ll see,” I replied, taking her hand before getting off the rock and heading to the red Mustang.

I picked her up and sat her ass on the hood of the car before moving between her legs, wrapping my arms around her back. She locked her legs around my waist before cupping my face with her hands, lowering her head, before placing her soft lips against mine. I kissed her back, running my hands up and down her soft flesh, moans escaping her lips as they parted.

Catching me off guard, she unlocked her heels before sliding off the car and bending over the hood, spreading her ass cheeks for my appreciative gaze. Gripping the base of my hard dick, I rubbed the head up and down her wet lips, collecting her juices, eyeing her most private orifice.

“Do you like what you see, baby?” she asked, looking over her shoulder to give me a wink.

“Damn right I do,” I replied with a wink.

“Good. Oh fuck, baby…” she moaned as I slid my cock inside her self-lubricated hole.

I pushed my entire length as deep as it’d go and kept it there, her hands still keeping her ass spread wide open for me. I noticed she was still looking back at me so, with another wink, I dropped a dollop of spit right onto her forbidden hole before slowly working a finger inside. Her lips slightly parted with a moan, my finger sliding deep, as I slowly moved in and out of her tight pussy.

“I feel so...full,” she moaned as I synced the thrust of my finger with the thrust of my dick.

“Wait until my dick is inside your tight ass,” I bluntly said, causing her to moan out even louder.

I gradually worked my finger deeper and harder, matching thrust for thrust with my cock. I fucked her harder and faster, feeling her body tense up around my thrusting cock.

“Are you gonna cum on my dick, baby?” I asked, working my finger deeper into her ass.

“Fuck. Fuck. Fuck, I’m gonna cum! Fuckkk!” she screamed as she came with my finger buried in her tight asshole.

“Tell me what you want now,” I ordered as I balled up my fist around her golden locks.

“Oh fuck, baby...fuck my ass,” she moaned out.

She didn’t have to tell me twice. With one hand tightly gripping her hair, I pulled out of her tight cunt before slowly working the head of my dick into her most forbidden orifice. She let out a sigh the further my dick sank into the depths of her bowels, acting like a fleshy vice tightly gripping and squeezing my cock until our thighs were firmly pressed against one another.

“Fuck my ass, baby. I fucking need it…” she said as she began moving on my dick.

“You’re a little slut, aren’t you?” I asked, tightening the grip of her blonde hair.

“Just for you. Fuck!” she shrieked out as I slightly pulled back before shoving my cock as deep as it’d go.

“Just for me?” I asked, pulling halfway out as I waited for her answer.

“Only for - fucking shit!” she yelled out as I slammed deep and hard. “Only for you.”

“I like to hear that,” I said with a grin as I kept a tight grip on her hair.

“Good, now fuck my ass,” she ordered.

I gripped her hip with my other hand as I began thrusting in and out of her ass, building speed with each stroke. Her moans echoed over the hood of the car the harder I fucked her, coupled with the sounds of our skin making contact. I drove deeper and harder with every thrust, making sure she took every inch of my hard member. Her moans grew louder and louder, further spurring me on to give her what she desperately wanted.

“Damn, woman…” I moaned out.

“What?” she asked, looking over shoulder with that sultry look on her face.

“Your ass is so fucking tight,” I replied, not letting up.

With a moan, “It’s all for you, baby.”

“Good,” I replied, “now fucking cum for me, slut,” I said, pressing her face against the steel of the car as I fucked her as hard as I could.

“Fuck!” she moaned out, trying to find something to hold on to while taking it in the ass.

I tightly gripped her hip as I fucked her as hard and deep as I could. I wanted her to cum once more before releasing the contents of my balls into her lower abdomen. I was still in shock that she wanted me to fuck her ass, let alone wanting me inside her in the first place. I’m sure the car had something to do with it, but still. Had I not found that ‘alternate path’, I wouldn’t have been balls deep in the gorgeous girl that was screaming my name.

“God damn! Don’t stop, I’m gonna - FUCKKK!” she screamed out as her whole body tensed up, almost forcing my dick from her ass as she violently came all over me.

She got hers, now it’s time to get mine.

I let go of her hair before gripping her hips with both hands. I continued fucking her through her orgasm, quickly noting how fast mine was approaching.

“You better cum deep inside my ass,” she demanded.

“Keep running your slutty mouth like that and I will,” I said, very close to the edge of no return.

“I need your cum inside me, baby! Please?”

“Fuckkk!” I groaned out, tightly gripping her hips as I shot rope after rope of cum deep inside her bowels.

“That’s it, baby!” she moaned out, pushing against me to hold my dick as deep as it’d go.

I drained the last of my cum before my spent cock slipped from her ass, the knotted muscle quickly closing up to seal my seed inside her. I leaned against the door of my car to catch my breath before she stood up and faced me. I gave her a grin before pulling her to me and wrapping my arms around her.

“Holy shit,” I said, holding her against me as I looked into her eyes.

“How was it?” she asked, grinning at me.

“Fucking amazing,” I replied with a smile.

“I agree. To be honest, I can’t believe I made you fuck my ass…” she trailed off with a blush.

“Yeah, I was a little taken aback by that, but it was still hot as hell,” I said.

“Yeah? I was afraid you were gonna think I was a slut and not want me anymore,” she said with a face.

“Of course not. I like it when a girl knows what she wants,” I reassured her with another smile.

“Good, I’m glad,” she smiled back.


The rumble of the engine sent it’s vibrations roaring through the interior of the car, all the way through the gear shift, and up my arm, as I carefully navigated the winding switchbacks in my ‘68 Mustang. The gears shifted effortlessly, the clutch engaging flawlessly, as turn after turn was continuously consumed by the power and ease of the red beauty.

“I fucking love you,” I said, patting the dash of my car as I neared the home stretch of my journey.

My ‘68 Mustang was my pride and joy, the epitome of my happiness, but even more so after my encounter with Larissa. We still keep in touch and even meet up from time to time to see each other but, if it wasn’t for my car, none of this would’ve been possible. Everything was spawned from the car, from the Red Desire it created.

Written by jhmik_88
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