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Healing Water

"A lost man magically finds answers and relief on a spontaneous getaway."

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Competition Entry: Spring Forward

Author's Notes

"My first contest entry. I have never written from a man's perspective or a fantasy story. Very nervous but I hope you like it. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Please share your thoughts in the comments. I am always looking to learn."

William wouldn’t normally be described as spontaneous. For the first time in years, he had three days off in a row and on a whim decided to plan a trip for himself. He needed to getaway. In the last two years, his entire life was flipped upside down and he was nearing a breaking point.

The lodge he was headed to was a four-hour drive from him. He was looking forward to the alone time where he could listen to all the podcasts he kept putting off and zone out to music. Instead, as the miles passed quietly under his wheels he fell down a rabbit hole of all the things that he had lost control over. 

At nineteen years old, William began working at his best friend, Jerry’s, family-owned restaurant. Jerry’s dad, Patrick, had wanted the business to be passed down to his son. Jerry had no interest in being a part of the restaurant. He had his ideas for his future and there was nothing Patrick could say to sway that.

At the time William needed a job. He started busing tables and over the following five years he worked every position the company had. For the past seven years, he was the general manager. Slowly Patrick stepped back more and more trusting William to keep the ship on course.

Patrick and William spent more than one night after closing having a drink together. Each time Patrick would complain about Jerry’s lack of interest in the family business. He would then thank the lord that William was there to step in. How blessed he was to have such a smart, hard worker to carry his legacy on.

Then last year happened. Jerry met William and Patrick for an after-hour drink. Jerry wanted back in. His life didn’t come together as he planned and he realized the importance of family. Patrick was thrilled. William was guaranteed that he would have his current position for as long as he wanted it.

As long as he wanted it? He dedicated his youth to learning the restaurant inside out. He had made plans knowing that it would someday be his. Devastated was not a strong enough word to describe how he felt walking into that building every day now with Jerry looking over his shoulder. 

This year also brought him an unexpected roommate. His mother had passed a few years before and his father recently got to the point that he couldn’t be on his own. William’s home was large enough for the two of them. His father could afford a health caretaker to come daily, while Richard worked. Emma was a cute girl with big doe-like brown eyes. Her nose was dusted with freckles and her body was soft and curvy. William’s favorite thing about her was how she was with his dad. She listened to his stories no matter how many times he told them and treated him as if she cared. 

Yes, everything was working out smoothly, but secretly William struggled with the added responsibility. Most of all he struggled with seeing the strong man he always looked up to needing help.

To top it all off, his girlfriend of four years, walked out on him. William was planning on proposing when she told him that she didn’t see her future with someone who wasn’t settled in his career. She also had no interest in him taking his dad in. He believed she was the one for him and was crushed at how it ended.  Now, having healed a little, he saw that he was fortunate that it all happened before they walked down the aisle.

Since Amber left, he had tried online dating. He had a couple of nice dates but they weren’t exciting. He had many crazy encounters as well. So many of the women were looking to get something from him. He had nothing else to give. 

Arriving at the secluded lodge he felt more exhausted than he did when he left that morning. He checked in at the front desk and the kind woman noticed his fatigue. She asked him if he had plans to visit the natural hot springs. He didn’t know what she was talking about. 

An old-timer sitting in the corner with a newspaper and a glass of amber liquid jumped into the conversation.  “This is my fourth time here. Had a friend come once and he told me the stories are true, the springs will take something they value from you but give you something you need in return. I have been there four times now and have only received a kink in my back from all those damn stairs,” he chuckled.

The woman at the counter nodded, “It’s true. I’ve watched hundreds of people go down to the springs for various reasons. Only a handful have come back changed in some way. Not one of them will explain what happens there. I’ve wanted to doubt the stories but when you see the change, you know it’s there.”

William settled into his room. It was nice, clean, nothing to write home about. He walked out onto the patio and took in his surroundings. Dense lush green as far as the eye could see. He breathed in the warm moist air and tried to be in the moment.

Thinking about the hot springs he laughed to himself. The spring takes something it values and gives you something in return. He did not believe in things like that. What could water take? What could it possibly give? Still skeptical, the thoughts about work, his dad, and his disastrous love life flashed through his mind. He did not believe there would be a magical answer but the reason he was there was to get perspective. To get away. Maybe some time in nature would help him, even if it wasn’t magical.

William dressed in swim trunks and a white t-shirt. He grabbed a towel and went back to the lobby.

The woman at the counter was sitting with her feet propped on a chair reading. When she saw him, she jumped to attention.

“Can you tell me how to get to the springs?”

She gave him a knowing smile and explained where to go. He almost started explaining that it wasn’t what she thought but decided it wasn’t worth the effort and walked out. 

Following the path that was explained to him, he listened to the birds singing around him. Taking deep breaths of the calm air he already felt more centered. He soon found himself at the top of a wooded decline. It ended in a long steep nature-made staircase. The base of the stairs had a small landing that led to a steaming pool. The dense trees showed little else and he began the descent.

When he reached the bottom he saw that the first pool fed into another just below it and a third just below that one. On the embankment, he took off his shoes and left his shirt and towel. Looking at the water he paused. He felt ridiculous but quietly said: “I don’t know what I have to offer but I am in need of something.” Shaking his head, he stepped in.

The water was very warm, much like a steamy bath. He had to move slowly on the moss-covered rocks. Walking toward the center he waded until it leveled, leaving just the tops of his shoulders and head out of the soothing liquid. He moved his arms, lifting his feet until he was floating on his back. The water tickled his scalp and flooded his ears. He looked up to the canopy of leaves above him. Deep breaths caused his chest to rise and fall in the water. His mind was quiet and he felt peace for the first time in a long time.

Floating along he felt something brush along his ribs. Startled, he jumped to standing. Looking around in the dark water he couldn’t see anything. Spooked, he stood still. Something stroked up his inner leg. Before he could react, the firm object ran up and softly cupped his balls. William stood frozen. The physical feeling was amazing but confusion clouded him. His body began to react automatically. Blood filled his cock and he could feel his trunks getting tighter. One hand still cradled his testicles, another firmly gripped his cock. Fully erect he stood still waiting to see what would happen next.

The mysterious hands left him and stroked up to his waistband. Fingers tickled his skin as they dragged the material down his legs. The hands landed on his naked waist. His dick bobbed in the warm water. Soft lips pressed over his head. The heat in the depths of the opening that was taking him was indescribable. He released a groan. Slow sucking strokes pulled him in and out. The blissful feeling had him plunge his hands into the water needing to take part in the motions but instantly all the touching stopped.

Still in the water, he reached out his open hands in a sign of peace. He felt firm skin pass against his palm. He wanted to grab on and explore this creature but remained motionless. He felt movement around his legs, past his butt, and around his front. His cock was raging and all thoughts other than what was happening at this moment were miles away. Sharp teeth ran along the inside of his thigh sending a flash of panic. The teeth were replaced by a tongue and it traced his sack to the underside of his cock. He remained motionless. Lips took him in once again. Starting tentatively they moved up and down his length. The actions becoming more confident he slowly moved his hands forward until they felt long strands of hair. Continuing his journey his fingers caressed a slim face. The face that was taking him in.  Lost in the feeling of sucking and licking he felt his balls pull together. He was going to cum and soon. It had been so long, he felt embarrassed. He held her face and thrust into her waiting mouth. 

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Suddenly she pushed off him and away. Lost and alone he was going to cum in the water that surrounded him. A moment later, legs wrapped around his ass. A tight, hot, slippery void slid down him. Reaching forward he grabbed hips and impaled himself into this slick body. She humped onto him as if nothing else mattered. He pounded into her, over and over, higher and higher, until he came hard. It had been almost a year since a pussy ate his cock in such a manner. William coated her womb with his seed as she convulsed around him. 

When the moment passed he felt her ankles lock around him. Still borrowed deeply, William watched a head of bright purple hair rise above the waterline. Shocking violet eyes were looking at him. Her chin surfaced showing a plump smile containing razor-sharp teeth. Eyes locked on each other, thoughts of work flooded him. It was ok that Jerry was back. The restaurant was a favorite of many. It was time to open another. He had the capital saved to make the suggestion. He could have a place of his own. The epiphany settled into his chest. The worry of work eased. The violet eyes held him intimately. 

A few minutes passed before she dislodged herself from his spent cock. Her body swam against him before she stood naked, with iridescent violet skin. Her arms wrapped around him and she kissed him. At first, it was soft but quickly she delved into his mouth deeper. Her sharp teeth grazed his tongue. Her fingers ran along his back and around his rear. William’s cock began to harden again. Without a word. She stepped back and sank under the water. Taking his hand she guided him toward the next pool down.

The water in the second pool was a little lighter. He could see the shapes of plants that grew within. He followed the mythic creature until they reached the middle of the pool. She stood. The water was lower here. He could see her full breast and dark purple nipples. He needed more. Leaning in he took her mouth, a hand holding a breast, fingers lightly pinching a nipple. A light, sweet giggle floated between them. Two purple hands wrapped around his neck and then he felt a third hand grazing his groin underwater.

The purple nymph floated around so she was wrapped around his shoulders, nibbling on his neck from the back. New hands toyed with him from below. He felt lips kissing him. Little air bubbles rose to the surface after each. A different hot mouth found him. It was more demanding than the last. A hot tongue stroked him to full mass. Nails playfully scratched across the backs of his legs. William had two mouths on his body. Closing his eyes he lost himself in the new sensations.

Teeth tugged his ear. Fingers pinched his nipples. A mouth swallowed his cock. Another hand grasped his ass, pulling him tighter. He had to stop for a breath. Too quickly his balls began to pull in. His cock was full and thick. He was going to unload. A beautiful head of bright red hair surfaced. She had eyes that the color of saffron. He was transfixed. The fiery sprite confidently stood and moved to his mouth. She took his lips as her own and sucked his tongue. She turned her back to him and lowered into the water. Swimming backward she wrapped her legs around his waist. Before him he saw her red hair fanned in the water, her delicate red back ending in a firm ass that pushed into him. Her hot cunt surrounded him. William wrapped his hands around her waist and they fucked each other hard.

Purple hands snaked around his waist and gripped the red thighs. Purple tits pushed him forward, red pussy drank him in.  Heat enveloped his pulsing cock. The temperature was almost painful but it seemed to heighten what he felt. Deeper and deeper, her inner muscles clamped on him. His swollen head was rooted within her. His neck was devoured and his nipples were tweaked. As the red sprite squeezed him, William came again. His ropes were thicker and longer than before.

Coming back to himself he found large saffron eyes locked to him. Visions of his frail father danced in his mind. The normal emotion of dread was replaced with love and understanding. Thoughts of Emma caring for his dad. The glow of her face as she listened to the stories that were told repeatedly. His dad would tell the same stories about his mother and his childhood. He told tales of things he had to overcome and all he did for his family. Thoughts of his dad as a lonely old man trying to remember things transformed. William now understood the strong loving man who sacrificed so much for his family. His father was sharing all the things that mattered to him, not because he was forgetting them. The stories were a gift. He was giving William the tools for him to be a better man. That small adjustment in perspective filled William with love. Love of a man that molded him. Love for the man he would happily do anything for.

Four hands converged and moved William down to the final pool. The water was crystal clear. Knowing what was expected he glided with the two bodies to the center of the pool. The purple nymph took his mouth in a deep kiss. The red one swam behind him and ran sharp nails up and down his back. She reached her hands to his front and played with his cock until it began to stir. He felt like a teenager again. Purple released his mouth and swam around him. They both groped and touched him. William's attention snapped forward. A bright white vision walked from the trees and through the water. Unlike the other two, she was dressed in a slippery white dress. The mysterious material hugged her body and flowed like water. William’s eyes traced her perfectly rounded hips, her full breast, and slender neck. His eyes took in the long curly waves that framed a familiar face. She was bright white and glowed as if she was lit from within.

When his eyes met hers his heart swelled. It was Emma, his dad’s caretaker. Visions of them talking over coffee in the mornings, of how she would touch him as she passed, and of how she took care of his father beyond what the job required. He cringed at the time he wasted on internet dating and pining over Amber. He should have been with Emma. 

The bright goddess now stood face to face with him. She smiled Emma's bright smile. She kissed him with Emma’s lips. He wrapped his arms around her lower back drawing her into him. A low moan vibrated out of her chest. William was lost in her. He picked her up and she wrapped her legs around him. Her molten core found his eager cock instantly. Slowly she sank onto him. Once completely impaled she ground onto his base. He had never felt so deep before. She rolled her hips keeping him buried in her depths. He thrust up a little more overcome with the need to be deeper. They held each other tightly. Their bodies made small movements. Her pussy rippled around him. The amount of pleasure William felt was beyond words. His heart was full. His cock was being devoured by this incredible tight pussy. She leaned in and whispered in his ear something he didn’t understand. 

Without warning, she lifted herself off him until just his head remained. She paused for a moment then she slammed down on him. He met her pace. They thrust into each other, humped, squeezed, did anything to get closer. Both searched for more. Nails bit into his back. Her breaths became faster. He felt her cunt clamp on his shaft and he pushed deep in her. The radiant goddess shattered around him. His body joined her and their cum mixed together.

Still firmly holding each other, the nymph kissed him again. The purple and the red vixens swam closer to them and all three kissed his mouth in turn. Without another glance, the three gently swam away.

When William arrived back at the lodge, the woman at the counter and the old man sat waiting. The man took one look at him, stood up and said “Gawd damn it,” and walked out. 

The woman asked him what happened. Even if he wanted to tell her he had no clue what to say. What they took he offered freely what he gained… William was ready to go home and embrace his life.

Written by CuriousReader
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