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The Chain: Link 5b

"Sam/Samantha encounters some online acquaintances in a park"

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The street was still, silent, unnaturally silent for a night like this. Chloe’s perpetual gum-chewing worked in tandem with the sound of Samantha’s heels. “So where are we going?” Samantha asked.

“Through here,” Chloe said.

It was a narrow passageway, and at the end of it they came out onto a park, situated on the south side of the canal. On the other side of the water was the town centre, where the real nightlife took place.

“What is this place?”

“Don’t you know?” Chloe said. “I’d have thought a girl like you would know all about it.”

Samantha shook her head.

“Petal Park?” Chloe said.


“That’s its name now. It was created by the Victorians in a drive against vice.”

Something of Sam reasserted itself. “What are you a fucking history book now?”

Chloe just laughed, leading Samantha further into the park. “’Course, it didn’t help. The place had a rep by then, going back a couple of centuries. Still does.”

Some kind of enlightenment was beginning to dawn as they found a bench and sat down. “Go on.”

“Well, let’s just say it still deserves to go by its old name.”

“Which was?”

“Gropecunt Place.”

Sam almost leaped out of Samantha. “Seriously?”

“’Course. Would I lie to you? Gotta hand it to the Victorians though. From Gropecunt Place to Petal Park. Funny that.”

Sam/Samantha wasn’t laughing. He/she was teetering on the edge of two identities. From here the lights from the town centre could easily be seen across the canal, but the park seemed frighteningly dark. It was as if every other lamp had been smashed or was out of order. Only dim light shone here.

“I’m surprised you didn’t know about this place,” Chloe said casually. “I would have thought it was just the place for Samantha. Knowing how she loves casual, anonymous sex, like.”

Oh shit! Oh shit! What to do!

“Why don’t you take your jacket off,” Chloe said.


“Just take it off.”

It was strange how Chloe had some kind of weird authority that you wouldn’t really credit her with. The jacket came off, cool night air sweeping across the gauzy top.

“Do you reckon you can do the old bra trick?”

There was too much of Sam there for that to happen easily. In the end the top had to come off briefly, to be replaced once the bra had come off. Chloe had been right about Samantha’s breasts, though. The slightest feel of the light material, the slightest breeze, and their sensitivity made the nipples swell. Sam/Samantha put his/her hands up, feeling them through the gauze. The sensation was instant, arousal running from the nipples straight down his/her body to the genital area. Oh shit! Oh shit!

“You can touch yourself if you want to,” Chloe said. “It’s not like you’re gonna be arrested or anything.”

It was terrible. Samantha would of course not think twice about masturbating out in the open like this. Sam, on the other hand, was nervous about what might happen. On the other hand, even he had to concede that this was a fantasy come true, if he could only bring himself to…

“Hello, pretty lady,” a voice said in a thick foreign accent.

With a start, Sam/Samantha saw the man, but hardly dared to look as the figure sat down on the bench next to him/her. On the other side of Sam/Samantha, Chloe tried crossing her legs and failed. “Looks like you’d better get into character a bit sharpish,” she said.

Sam/Samantha swallowed hard. The swiftness with which the man moved came as a surprise. He was rolling a huge, swollen nipple between his fingers through the gauze. “Nice, big nipple,” he said, “I like that.” Then he removed his hand. “But forgive me, I must introduce myself. I am Ivan. And who might you be, lovely lady?”

“I’m Samantha.”

“Samantha,” the man said with a little chuckle. “That’s funny. I know a Samantha. Well, I sometimes chat to a Samantha on the computer, you know? She is funny girl this Samantha. Very much funny. She will do almost anything this Samantha on the computer. What about you? Are you funny girl too, Samantha?”

“I, I d-don’t know.” The conflict was immense. To Sam it was a complete nightmare coming across someone he’d chatted with as Samantha, in this situation. To Samantha it was a thrill, an alluring, exciting prospect.

The man laid a hand on black nylon. “Oh, I think you are, Samantha. Why else do you come to this place, dressed like this, showing your titties?”

Chloe giggled. “You’ve got to admit it’s a good question,” she said. “What is Samantha doing here, dressed like that, showing her titties?”

You fucking brought me here, Sam thought. The sound of Chloe’s incessant chewing was ringing in his ears, and for a brief moment he wanted to force her mouth open, wrench the stuff from her and shove it where the sun don’t shine. Chloe just laughed out loud. “You wouldn’t do that to your fairy godsister, would you?” she said.

Don’t tempt me, Sam thought. But then distraction arrived. It began as movement off to the right, then revealed itself to be human in shape, but not standing upright, crawling or walking towards them on all fours. Then the shape revealed itself to be that of a female, naked breasts swinging beneath her. Closer still and it became possible to make out the collar around her neck, the leash trailing behind, a minimal skirt, hold-ups, trainers. She stopped just in front of the bench and without looking up said, “Mistress wants me to ask you both if there’s anything I can do for you?”

Sam stared in astonishment and in relief. This took some of the heat off him. Samantha was intrigued.

Ivan gave a little smirk, his fingers clutching at Samantha’s leg. “And who is this pretty lady?” he asked.

Still not looking up, the woman said, “I am nobody and everybody. I am Slave, Slut, Piss-drinker, Cum-swallower, Fuck toy, Pussy licker, Cocksucker, Anal whore, Gangbang doll, Usable and Expendable. I am whoever and whatever Mistress wishes me to be.”

“Inte-rest-ing,” Ivan said, dragging the syllables out.

“If I’m good, Mistress says she’ll reward me by applying a butt plug later,” the woman went on.

“Looks like I’d better move over,” Chloe said. “It’s getting quite a crowd.”

Sam/Samantha turned as Chloe rose, catching sight of a man standing behind the bench. He was big and bald with a skull tattooed on his neck. “Don’t mind me,” he said. “As you were.”

Now Ivan turned too, offering the man his hand. “Ivan.”

“Gordon,” the other man said, shaking. He came round the bench, taking the place Chloe had just vacated. Sam/Samantha was suddenly sandwiched between two men, and Gordon didn’t hesitate to place his hand on the nylon leg that was still free.

From her new spot behind the bench, Chloe said, “By the way, Samantha. You know Gordon better as Weng.”

Weng? Shit! Another one of Samantha’s online “friends”, Weng being a contraction of well-hung. There was no telling how many times Samantha had informed Weng how much she loved having her pussy stretched by a fucking monster of a cock. Oh shit! Oh shit!

“Well,” Ivan was saying. “This is funny! Time to party, is it?”

Gordon smirked. “So is either one of you ladies interested in checking out my equipment?”

Sam felt fear stab at his stomach, but fortunately the other woman was conditioned to obey in a flash. She shifted to one side and lifted her arms to unzip the man. There was very little fumbling required to bring out a huge erection. Sam swallowed hard, thinking that it really was time to leave, but to his equal horror, Samantha began to reassert herself. The sight of that monster was making her pussy tingle. The hands on her legs were moving slowly upwards as the other woman held the big cock and moved her hand up and down.

Ivan chuckled. “Oh my,” he said. “Party! Party!”

“Party! Party!” Chloe echoed behind the bench, with unmistakable glee.

“Let’s get this straight,” Gordon was saying, looking at the woman on her knees in front of him. “Basically you’re just a little tart I can treat any way I like?”

“Mistress says I must do anything you want me to,” the woman replied.

Gordon smirked. “Well I think you know what I want, you fucking good-for-nothing slut.”

Sam fought to reassert dominance over Samantha, who was staring far too hungrily at Gordon’s cock as the other woman spat on it, then opened her mouth wide. Surely it wasn’t possible? But it was. Jaws stretched wide, the woman bobbed her head on Gordon’s cock. The man’s fingers dug into the naked flesh above Samantha’s stocking-tops.

You’re a man, and you’re not gay, Sam told himself, but Samantha was gaining ground. Her pussy was growing wetter and wetter as she watched Gordon push down on the woman’s head, watched as white, slimy, mouth-watering liquid slithered down Gordon’s pole.

“And here comes Lolly!” Chloe cried out with unseemly joy in her voice.

Sam started, looking up and seeing a new figure striding towards them. Lolly? The crazy dyke who wanted to fist Samantha’s arse and piss in her mouth? This crazy dyke was the woman’s Mistress? Oh shit! Oh shit! He watched in horror as she came closer, an orange, leather one-piece shining like a beacon in the dim light, impossible heels helping her tower over the small group.

“Well, I’m glad to see Slave is behaving herself!” she announced loudly, before looking more closely at the figure in the middle. Sam wanted to run and hide, but Samantha just sat, letting Lolly trace a path across her cheek with gloved fingers. “What a pretty little thing,” she said. “And who might you be?”

“Her name is Samantha,” Ivan obliged.

Curse you, Sam thought. What if Lolly put two and two together?

Ivan was holding out his hand. “Me, I am Ivan.”

Lolly gave him a withering look. “You two losers,” she said, pointing at Ivan and Gordon in turn, “don’t interest me. Slave here, on the other hand…” She hooked a pointed toe against the other woman’s bum. “She’s not too particular, as you can see. What I’m wondering is which way you swing, dear.” Again a gloved finger moved across Samantha’s face.

“That’s easy,” Chloe said behind the bench. “Samantha swings both ways, doesn’t she?”

Curse you, Sam thought again. Whatever he said it would lead him into places he couldn’t possibly go.

“But Samantha can,” Chloe argued. “Samantha wants to. She always wants to.”

“What’s the matter?” Lolly said. “Cat got your tongue?”

Hands were stroking nylon. Slave was slurping big time on Gordon’s enormous dick. Sam was still as nervous as a kitten, but Samantha could feel the excitement stoking her engine room. “I-I-I…”

“What are you? A fucking virgin?” Lolly spat. “Not dressed like that, you’re not.”

“A virgin!” Chloe giggled. “Of course Samantha’s not a virgin! Samantha’s a slut. Go on, Samantha! Tell her you’re a slut!”

Fuck this, Sam thought. What was preventing him from leaving? From just getting up and walking away?

“You can’t leave,” Chloe said. “Well you can, but you won’t. That’s the deal. Deep down you want this. You know you want this.”

Sam couldn’t quite bring himself to believe that, but he had other things to think about. Lolly had decided it was time to stop mucking about. She grabbed Samantha’s nipples through the gauzy fabric and pulled on them, then quick as a flash she’d pulled the skirt up enough to see. “Naked fucking slut pussy underneath,” she said. “Why aren’t I surprised?”

A gloved finger worked its way in between the labia, sliding up and down. There was an instant flow, an involuntary groan as Lolly’s finger grazed clit. Samantha was aroused, there was no doubt about it, but Sam… Sam dreaded what he thought might happen.

Lolly’s finger found the opening, slid inside. “Easy access. Slippery slut,” she said.

Samantha felt her desire increase. Sam realised that her resistance was non-existent. He would have to put up resistance for two, but it was as if any resolve was dissolving in a sudden flow of pussy juice.

“What a delicious sight,” Ivan said. “Two lovely ladies…” He’d brought his cock out. It was poking out of his trousers, stiff and hard. Slave was still being pushed down on Gordon’s massive organ.

“Slave!” Lolly barked.

The woman’s lips instantly came off Gordon’s cock. “Yes, Mistress!”

“I think you’re done with cock for the moment! I want to see you lick some pussy!”

“Yes, Mistress!”

Lolly moved to one side to allow Slave to take up her place. Samantha’s pussy was eager for attention. Sam felt his reluctance ebb some more. How bad could this be? It might be an interesting experience. Samantha took full advantage, relegating Sam to an ineffectual voice at the back of her head, raising her buttocks to pull the skirt up to her waist, making it easy for Slave to access the spot between her spread legs.

The first touch of Slave’s soft tongue was pure heaven! Samantha thrust her bosom forwards, tilted her head back and let out a long moan. Slave began lapping at her pussy. Suddenly there was no more Sam, only Samantha, edging her buttocks forwards as the soft tongue wriggled in her crevice. Intense waves of desire coursed through Samantha's body as the tip of Slave’s tongue tickled her clit.

Next to her, the two men were wanking as they watched. She was dimly aware of them making eye contact, then they grabbed a breast each. Harsh male hands mauled her tits as Slave slid her tongue all over Samantha’s pussy, but paying especial attention to that most sensitive of points. Lolly moved into position behind Slave and lifted her skirt. Samantha understood that she was sliding gloved fingers into Slave’s pussy. Amazingly Slave hardly seemed to notice, sticking to her task, sliding her tongue inside Samantha.

Samantha let out a new, extended moan. The two men leaned over, working as one, sucking on her nipples through the light fabric. Sensitive wasn’t the word. The nipples swelled, becoming as bullets. For a moment it was as if just the men’s lips closing round her teats could make her cum. Her body caught fire. She was Samantha, an uninhibited slut.

“See,” Chloe giggled behind the bench. “I told you!”

Samantha’s whole body clenched. “Oooooooaaaaahhhh!” she moaned. “I’m cumming! Soon!”

A gloved hand snatched at Slave’s hair, yanking her back. “No you’re not! Not yet!” Lolly barked. She moved quickly, sending Slave tumbling sideways with a shove of her knee. Suddenly she was standing in front of Samantha, undoing the zip that ran round the crotch of her leather outfit. “Why am I called Lolly, Slave?”

Slave, who was lying motionless on the grass replied instantly. “To remind all your bitches that their first duty is to lick you,” Mistress.

Lolly grinned wickedly, taking another step forward. Gordon and Ivan leaned back, no doubt entertained by this. “You’re my fucking bitch now, too,” Lolly told Samantha. “Now get stuck in!”

Some vestige of Sam remained, enough to feel relief that he was being made to lick pussy rather than suck cock. Samantha took control again, leaning forward and placing her hands on the orange leather. Her tongue came out, she slid it in between Lolly’s pussy lips, inching it upwards until she found the clit.

“You’re an eager one, aren’t you?” Lolly said. Her own gloved hands moved down to pull her pussy lips apart. “Lick me all over, bitch! I knew you were a randy fucking slut the moment I set eyes on you! Eat pussy, you slut!”

The unnerving thing about licking Lolly was that she gave no sign of pleasure. Samantha ran her tongue up and down, from clit to hole, wriggled her tongue inside, and Lolly just stood there, occasionally saying something like, “That’s it, get your tongue stuck up my hole, you dirty fucking slut!”

Samantha did as she was told, pushing her tongue inside Lolly, acutely aware of the men’s eyes on her. Sam lingered just enough to feel nervous about what was to come. But this was all right. It wasn’t as if he was a stranger to performing orally on women, but he knew there were other things to come, and that he would be powerless to stop Samantha. Samantha was feeling horny, and she wanted it, she really did.

“Dirty bitch!” Lolly sneered. “Love the taste of pussy, don’t you?” Her hands moved, pushing on Samantha’s head, forcing her face into her cunt.

Samantha dug her tongue into Lolly, moving her lips. To her right she heard Slave pipe up, “Mistress, do you have a task for me to perform? Slave gets so horny watching Mistress.”

“Who the fuck cares?” Lolly sneered. “Mind you, touch your cunt and there’ll be trouble! I’ll deal with you later, Slave.”

This was mind boggling stuff, but there was no time to think. As Samantha licked on, there was movement. Hands began touching her, groping her, feeling her tits. Hands moving up under her top, naked fingers squeezing nipples, hands squeezing full breasts. Both men, one on either side.

“Party, party!” Ivan said. “Please come to suck my cock, little slave. Ivan need to have his cock sucked.”

This was completely mad, Samantha thought. How much licking did Lolly want? The woman’s grasp on Samantha’s head was like a vice, leaving Samantha no choice but to lick and lick. Slave was moving on all fours, across to Ivan. The man let out a groan as she went down on him without a second thought.

“Cocksucking whore!” Lolly sneered. “That’s grounds for punishment, you little trollop!”

Slave found it in herself to say, “Yes, Mistress,” before slurping loudly on Ivan’s member.

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Fingers dug into Samantha’s breasts, pulled on her nipples. Her tongue in turn slithered across Lolly’s clit.

Then Samantha felt her head being yanked back by the hair. Lolly held it in place as she dug two of her gloved fingers into herself. Not for long, just for a few seconds. Then Samantha tried to recoil, but had her head yanked firmly into place. She was afraid that Lolly, the crazy dyke, was pissing on her. Then she realised that she was squirting. Two heavy bursts of female ejaculate. Lolly was laughing out loud when she gave Samantha’s head a push. “You should see the look on your face,” she exclaimed. “Fucking slut bitches, only good for being squirted on.”

How was she supposed to look, Samantha wondered? It had come from completely out of the blue. Next to her, Slave was sucking like there was no tomorrow, as if oblivious to what had just happened. Hands were still grabbing at Samantha’s tits. Lolly grinned twisting Samantha’s hair round her hand and giving a good pull. “You amuse me,” Lolly decided. “Get down on all fours!”

It was as if Lolly had the power to make her do anything she wanted. Meekly, Samantha got down off the bench, leaving the men’s hands behind and positioning herself on all fours on the grass, face dripping. There was a pause. She wasn’t sure where Lolly had gone, but she could see Slave now wanking Gordon’s cock as she sucked Ivan. This was completely off the chart, but Samantha couldn’t tear herself away for anything, even though Sam was still there, just about, nervous as hell.

She heard a sound, but before she could react, Lolly had already stuffed two fingers into her cunt. “Horny little bitch,” Lolly sneered. “Just gagging for it.” Was she? Samantha wasn’t sure, but her face was still wet, and she knew her cunt was too. That had to mean something. The fingers came out.

Then Samantha cried out. Her cunt was invaded, ram-raided, stretched, all at once. A huge thing stuffing her, making her howl out loud. Lolly’s hands were on her as the massive object invaded her. Instinctively she understood that Lolly had produced a strap-on from somewhere, though from where she couldn’t imagine. The two men were watching with amused eyes as Samantha was taken mercilessly from behind.

She cried out again, but not from discomfort. She was after all Samantha, the insatiable slut, who boasted of her adventures online. This would be just one more adventure to brag about, having her pussy stretched out by a dyke with a strap-on while two men watched as their cocks were sucked and wanked by the dyke’s slave. The sensation from earlier, when the oral part had been aborted returned. Flames crackled in her head, her pussy feeling like it would burst. “Ooooooh fuck!” she moaned. “Oooooh, yeeeeaaahhh, fu-u-u-u-u…”.

“Samantha she like that,” Ivan observed. “Maybe she like Ivan’s dick too!”

“Aaaaaaah!” Samantha moaned. Dimly she realised that Sam was protesting at the thought of Ivan’s cock, but Samantha had no such qualms. For the moment she had other things to occupy her. The climax that had been so close earlier was now an unstoppable train. Everything was blotted out except the extreme seizure that gripped her. She was wailing out loud. A dog barked in the distance. She saw fireworks, everything tensing and seizing as if she was going to explode. Her arms and legs trembled as she sank to the ground.

Her eyes were closed as she panted. She heard movement but was too exhausted to focus. Then her arse was being lifted.

As she was penetrated anew, she forced her eyes open. Slave was on her knees, sucking on the big strap-on that had just been in Samantha’s pussy, while she wanked Gordon’s cock. That meant it was…

“Ivan like Samantha’s juicy cunt! Very tight! Very nice!”

Shit, Sam thought. He was being fucked by a man, albeit trapped in a woman’s body. Samantha fought him back, springing to life again. “Yeah! Do that to me! Fuck me! I want it!”

“You little sluts and bitches disgust me,” Lolly spat. “The way you’ll let just anyone fuck you! It’s not right!”

“Is right!” Ivan cried excitedly. “Is very good!”

“You think?” Lolly sneered. “Well let me tell you, Igor, all you are to that slag is a cock. A big hunk of man meat. That’s it.”

“What’s your point?” Ivan panted. “I ask for no more than girl who wants pussy filled.”

Lolly moved fast. Suddenly she was yanking on Samantha’s hair. Samantha pushed herself up on her hands, Ivan still pounding her hard, shocked when Lolly gave her face a slap. “Tell it like it is!” she demanded. “That’s all you want from a man, isn’t it? A big hard cock!”

There didn’t seem to be any point in denying this. “Yes!” Samantha gasped.

Lolly gripped her jaw and held it hard. “You’re just a demented little cock whore, aren’t you?”

Some of the online lines were coming back to Samantha. “The more the merrier,” she breathed.

“You disgust me!” Samantha said, then, turning to Gordon. “You hear that?”

Gordon understood this as his cue. Pulling away from Slave, he moved across to where the action was. Lolly was holding Samantha’s head. “Go on, open up! Show me what a disgusting cock whore you are!”

Shit, Gordon’s cock really was huge, but anything Slave could do… Samantha let her lips part. Lolly was holding her so hard it hurt, but she let it happen, let Gordon insert his hard meat. “Fuck her face!” Lolly breathed. “She’s just a dirty whore! Treat her like one!”

Gordon’s cock was too big to move very far in, but he did a good job of thrusting. Ivan was moving quickly behind her, even giving her arse a quick spank. “Yes! Ivan’s cock like this very much!”

With Lolly holding her head and the two men forcing their cocks into her, Samantha was held captive, but she didn’t mind. Her body was an explosion of feeling. She really was the slut Sam had created online, who relished being taken, who was loving standing here on all fours being used by these crazy people.

“Slave!” Lolly barked. “Does seeing this turn you on?”

“Yes, Mistress,” Slave said.

“Of course it does!” Lolly exclaimed. “Then come over here and show me! Stick your fingers up your disgusting cunt, Slave!”

“Yes, Mistress!”

Slave came closer, standing just off to one side, doing as she’d been told, but Samantha’s attention was divided and distracted. The cocks were ravaging her, thrusting, thrusting, taking her out of herself. And now Lolly was moving. Still holding Samantha’s hair with one hand, she slid the other gloved hand over Samantha’s buttocks. Samantha tensed as the fingers slid into her bum crack.

Sam asserted himself again, just a little. There was worry, but it was tempered with relief that it would be Lolly doing this. Samantha was too far gone to care. Samantha relished the feel of Lolly’s gloved finger as it pushed into her anus. Samantha’s arousal only increased when a second finger was added, stretching her back passage, helping to fill her right up. Stretched open at the mercy of cocks and fingers, she closed her eyes.

“Dirty little cock whore,” Lolly spat. And this time she really did spit. Samantha could feel the saliva strike her lower back. “You have no idea how much I despise you all! Coming up here to get fucked like dirty little bitches. You have no self-respect. All you want is cock, sucking off anyone who wants it. Letting them fuck your vile, dirty pussies. Fucking whores, the lot of you!”

She expectorated again, the saliva scudding across Samantha’s skin as Lolly buried her fingers deep in her rectum. Shit, this was insane. But she was Samantha, and Lolly had a point. Samantha would do it any time, any how, any where; that was how she’d been created. She would have cried out loud if she could, with lust, pure lust.

But there was enough grunting and panting going on, especially from Ivan, who suddenly announced, “My goodness! My goodness! I think Ivan is about to shoot, shoot, shoot!”

“Don’t waste it inside her!” Lolly demanded.

“What?” Ivan panted. “What does hard lady have in mind?”

“Cum on her arse!” Lolly barked. “Empty your balls over her vile, disgusting bumhole!”

“Yes, hard lady!” Ivan exclaimed. “I do as you say!”

It was with a certain disappointment Samantha felt Ivan pull out, Lolly bringing her fingers out too. But she still had Gordon, forcing his cock into her mouth, forcing her to take it. “Oh my! Oh golly!” Ivan cried behind her. There was wet, stickiness jetting out onto her anus. She would have cried out with joy if her mouth hadn’t been full.

“Slave!” Lolly barked. “Get back here and clean up!”

“Yes, Mistress!”

Samantha kept her eyes closed, hearing Slave move. She felt the young woman’s soft tongue behind her, lapping at the semen that was coating her anal opening and sliding down towards her pussy. It was absolutely filthy and disgusting, and that was the joy of it.

“Filthy slut!” Lolly sneered. “Disgusting Bitch! Depraved whore! Make sure you stick your tongue up that arse while you’re at it!”

Slave obeyed at once, her soft tongue doing its best to probe Samantha’s tight hole. Filthy? Maybe, but Samantha lived for filth. She was distracted from enjoying it fully, though, by the feel of Gordon’s cock expanding. She panicked, but she had nowhere to go, with Lolly holding her in place, and Gordon in no mood to pull back.

“Oh yeah!” he gasped. “Oh yeah!”

His cock twitched, sperm shot out. A huge jet. Samantha struggled to move her head, and it seemed that Lolly finally got the picture. She was released, twisting her head so that what had already been delivered was drooled to the ground. More sperm was shooting out of Gordon. It struck Samantha on the cheek and chin, some more of it dripping to the ground as Slave continued to lick her anus, cleaning every last drop of spunk from her.

“You disgust me!” Lolly announced. “All of you! Fucking animals!” She slapped at Samantha. “Get out the fucking way, bitch!”

Samantha didn’t understand. She was sticky and still horny and wanting to cum, but she crawled to one side.

“Slave!” Lolly shouted. “Do your trick! Roll over for me!”

She may have a dirty imagination herself, but Samantha couldn’t believe it when Slave got down on the ground, on her back, right where Gordon’s spunk had fallen. She wriggled her body, arms and legs in the air. “Woof woof!” she cried.

“Good bitch!” Lolly said. “I know you’d prefer it if it was piss, but spunk’ll do, eh?”

“Yes, Mistress!” Slave said, rolling over and rising to her knees. “Thank you, Mistress.”

Lolly bent down to grab the leash. “Walk to heel!” she demanded, and suddenly the pair of them were walking away, Slave on all fours, Lolly with the strap-on still sticking out in front of her.

Samantha just stared. Then she tried, unsteadily to get to her feet.

“Right, that’s me done,” Gordon said, pulling up the zip in his trousers. “Thanks for a good time.” Samantha nodded, still feeling some of his cum on her skin. She wobbled to her feet as Gordon marched off down the slope. For some reason Ivan had gone to sit on the bench. Right, now, where was Chloe? Surely it was time to go home?

She started when she felt a tap on her shoulder. Chloe was there, appearing as if from nowhere. “Why go home now?” she asked. “It looks like you’ve got some new admirers.”

She was pointing to the side of the bench, and in the dim light, Samantha saw two figures standing next to a tree. Sam tried to reassert himself, suggesting that it really was time to go home. Samantha pushed him to the very back of her mind. She’d already seen that the two men had their hard cocks out. Somehow she didn’t feel so exhausted any more.

Beside her, Chloe giggled. “That’s my girl!” she exclaimed.

Sam made a last, valiant attempt to impose himself, and failed. Samantha was walking towards the newcomers, her skirt still up round her waist, remnants of Gordon’s spunk on her face. “Hi, guys!” she said in her husky voice. “Have you been here long?”

“Long enough,” one of them said.

Later, Sam would remember everything in disjointed fragments, and with everything that had happened that night, Samantha was hardly aware of any linear progression herself. Suddenly she had two big, meaty cocks in her hands. She was wanking them. Male hands were groping her, touching her cunt, squeezing her bum, touching her breasts where her sensitive nipples swelled.

Fingers pushed up inside her. There was wet, so much wet. She knew she wanted to cum again. The men fingered her. She wanked them. She needed them to make her cum, desperately.

Then she was on all fours again. There were still fingers inside her, frigging her. She moaned, awkwardly, the way you do when your mouth’s full of cock. She reached back herself to touch her clit. Sparks shot through her body. Cock meat was sliding over her face and she heard herself moan out loud, “I need to cum! Make me cum!”

She was being carried. Suddenly she was on the bench again, legs spread. Ivan was between her legs, touching her, licking her. “Yummy, yummy!” he said. “Beautiful pussy! Yummy, yummy!” The other two were standing over her, making sure she attended to their cocks with her mouth. Her top had been pulled up and they were pinching her nipples. She had cock in her mouth, cock pushed up against her face. Ivan was fingering her pussy, his tongue roaming her clit. Then she was cumming, the cock in her mouth pushing her shrieks back down her throat.

Samantha was manhandled again. Then she was on her knees, bent over the bench. She realised dimly that the men were taking turns in her, Ivan too. She’d recognize that voice anywhere. “Fuckee, fuckee! Party, party in Samantha’s bum hole!”

The men were sodomizing her, and all she could do was move a hand back and stroke herself. She managed to get fingers inside her vagina as the men fucked her arse. She would come again; she wanted to come again; she had to come again. As the biggest of the three stretched her arse wide she began screaming, “Oh yeah! Fuck! I’m cumming again! Oh yeah! I’m cumming!”

Then she was lying slumped on the bench, with spunk on her pussy, spunk on her breasts, fresh spunk on her face. It was just her and Chloe now. “Time to go,” the fairy godsister said.

Samantha pulled her skirt and top down and pulled on the leather jacket. They left the park, passing a very few people who looked strangely at Samantha. It was only when they were boarding a bus and the driver looked like he was going to kick up a fuss, that Samantha realised she still had cum on her face and no bra underneath the flimsy top.

She didn’t care. She was Samantha, the universal slut. Having cum on her face made her fair game. Men groped her as they passed where she was sitting next to the aisle. When she and Chloe disembarked, a man got off with them, touching her arse. She got down on her knees, right there at the bus stop and sucked his cock. A taxi driver tooted at them as he passed. The very few passers-by gaped. When the next bus arrived to let off passengers, the man was busy shooting his cum into Samantha’s mouth. She had her hand up her skirt, cumming from her own touch and the taste of his seed.

Then she was home, being helped upstairs by Chloe, crashing out on Sam’s bed.

The first thing Sam noticed when he came to, was that he had male bits crushed up between his thighs. It came as a relief, until he became aware of the strong taste of sperm in his mouth.

“Yummy, yummy!” Chloe giggled, mimicking Ivan. “Samantha really is a cocksucking slut!”

Sam turned his head, looking at the young woman sitting on a chair next to him, her jaws moving rhythmically. His arse was aching too, and that made his stomach churn.

“Samantha’s been a very naughty girl,” Chloe went on. “But then she’s a total slut, so it was only to be expected.”

Sam blinked, trying to get all the conflicting feelings straight in his head. He swung his legs round to sit on the edge of the bed, and as his hands fell on his nylon thighs, he noticed that his carefully painted nails were back to their natural colour.

“Here!” Chloe said, handing him a mirror. He took it and examined himself. There wasn’t a trace of make-up left, and his handsome, masculine features were back in place. He looked down. No cleavage, just bags of flower.

Well, that was a relief too. But the taste in his mouth, the aching in his arse was disturbing. “Did I… What did…?” he stuttered.

“Oh, Samantha was wild!” Chloe said, with obvious relish.

Memories, or at least images flashed before Sam’s eyes. As they did so, he felt his cock twitch and begin to grow. Shame washed over him, but Chloe just giggled.

“For someone who hasn’t exactly held back from fingering his own arse and tasting his own sperm, you do make a fuss about nothing, Sam.”

Sam went red. It was almost too much to bear for anyone else to know about that. Even someone who…

“Oh it’s all real, Sam. Just remember, you created Samantha. Whether or not you want to keep her alive is up to you.”

Sam sat, stunned. He didn’t know. He didn’t know anything. He would need a good night’s sleep before he got anything into perspective. “Can I at least keep the shoes?” he asked, hearing how tiny his voice sounded, even with his male larynx back in place.

“Sure,” Chloe said with a shrug. Sam sat motionless as she moved across the room, returning with the figurine that had set all of this in motion. “One last thing before I go.”


“I want you to kiss it and nominate the next recipient.”


“You get to choose who gets to have their deepest desires fulfilled next.”

Sam screwed up his face, a question occurring to him. “So who nominated me?”

“Never you mind about that,” Chloe said. “Just get on with it.”

So Sam pressed his lips against the figurine, stunned that before he’d had a conscious thought, Chloe giggled and said, “Your mum’s friend! That’s very kinky of you, Sam!”

“Which one?” Sam asked.

“Tess,” Chloe giggled.

Tess. Well that made sense. He fancied her a bit, after all. Mid 30’s, divorcee, really fit, came over sometimes when her ex-husband had the kids. Just a pity he wouldn’t be involved, because there was no way he came close to being a part of whatever fantasy she had.

“Well,” Chloe was saying, standing up. “I’m guessing I won’t be seeing you again, but it was fun.”

Was it? Sam wondered as he watched the enormous body wobble out of his room. It would take him a long time to work that out.

Written by PervyStoryteller
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