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The Sacrifice

"Who dare lay their hands on the Crown Princess of the Fae?"

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Competition Entry: Myths and Legends

How many days had it been since she was first brought here? Keeping time was impossible when she had seen nothing but blackness for what felt like weeks. Amaryllis shifted to her other side, the tug of her leg restraint a subtle reminder that she was still a hostage. 

Her stomach was growling, would they ever let her eat? Was the plan to leave her here to starve to death? She had no way of knowing and no one to ask. In all the time she had been here, she had not heard another living soul save for the scratching of rats. Being a Fae, she did not suffer the need to eat as frequently as a creature like a human would, but that was only when she was in her smaller form. 

Amaryllis had been shopping in a human market when she had been abducted and remained in her transformed state. This lent even more to the confusion of the passage of time. Usually, the change lasted only an hour, but by her estimation, she had been here at least four days. Was there an enchantment keeping her in this form? If so, what beings were powerful enough to not only catch a member of the Fae off guard but also force them to remain changed so long?

Amaryllis fiddled with the shackles on her hands. Iron, she thought, these must be iron. She had always been very careful not to come into contact with the metal, knowing well the stories of the elders. Still, she had never heard anyone mention that iron could keep members of the Fae locked in their human forms. 

A distant sound drew her attention away from the chains. Had that been a door? She held her breath and strained to see if she could hear the noise again. This time she recognized the sound of footsteps approaching. A rush of joy mixed with fear jolted through her. Another person could either mean help or harm at this point.

The footsteps were closer now, the metallic jangle of keys as they turned in the lock echoed throughout the room. They were here for her. 

A cool breeze swelled through the stagnant room as the unknown presence entered her holding quarters. Amaryllis broke out in a cold sweat. The presence had an earthy smell to them, she thought she recognized the herb. In this form, her senses were not as keen. She felt them over her body now, their closeness deepening her dread. 

The cloth covering her eyes was suddenly ripped away, Amaryllis blinked rapidly desperate to see where she had been held all this time. The figure before her was indistinguishable, dressed in long black robes that covered their form. She looked around to see what her prison looked like. To her shock, she discovered she was being held in the cellar of what appeared to be someone's home. 

The figure lowered to the floor and two black-gloved hands began to unlock her chains. Her hands were released first, then her feet, however, she noticed that one of the shackles remained. Whoever they were, they intended to keep her subdued with the iron anklet. 

“Can you stand?” a woman’s voice asked from beneath the hood. 

Amaryllis nodded and staggered to her feet with great effort. She stood before her captor, swaying slightly. She swore to herself that the moment she had an opening, she would run. Heaven help this soul if she escaped with her life. She fully intended to bring the fury of the Fae upon them. 

The hooded figure took her roughly by the arm, “Come,” was the only word she uttered. 

Amaryllis struggled to keep time with the black figure’s stride. Wherever they were going, it was certainly in a hurry. They were making their way down a long corridor to a rackety series of stairs. At the very top, light shined through the cracks of a heavy metal door. More iron, she thought. Whoever had orchestrated this kidnapping knew that they were after one of the Fae. Why else would such a door be in an old house like this? How long had they been watching her for? How did they know who she was? 

She stumbled as her weak legs strained under the effort of climbing the stairs. The hooded figure yanked her back just to hiss “Keep up.” The hand on her wrist tightened as the shrouded woman used the full weight of her body to open the heavy door. 

Amaryllis squeezed her eyes in pain. She had been without light for so long that even the glow from candlelight was harsh to bear. 

The captor yanked her arm, “Move.” 

Amaryllis began her steady march again, opening her eyes a sliver to take in her surroundings. They were quickly moving down the short hallway of a house. Dark wood paneling lined the walls from the tall ceiling to the polished wood floor. Hung throughout were generational photos of strangers whose eyes seemed to follow her as she was hurried past them. The passage opened into a room that would typically be used as a formal dining area. The figure halted her relentless trudge as soon as they entered the room. 

Amaryllis took the small break as an opportunity to surveil the house more thoroughly. The space was large, much larger than she would have expected a home of this age to have. In each of the four corners pillar candles of various sizes burned as the only source of light to be found. In the center of the room, a pile of rugs and pillows lay arranged inside a circle drawn on the floor. Runes Amaryllis was unfamiliar with were scrawled in each of the four directions. 

The realization cut her like a knife --- it was a ritual circle.  

Witches, the word tore through her frantic brain. She was standing, as a captive, in a coven’s den. The very thought caused her stomach to churn. While many human fairytales warned children of the Fae, the stories told to her as a child called for more than caution. 

“Bring her forward,” a new voice demanded from the shadows. Three other figures stepped into the light, all covered in the same black garments.

Amaryllis was abruptly shoved forward. She stumbled, her frail legs still not steady enough to hold her. She looked on in horror as she realized she was falling directly into the witch’s circle. The moment she crossed over her body shot rigidly straight. Trapped, she thought, her throat tightening with fear. 

Amaryllis fought to hold back the tears threatening to fall. As a member of the Fae, she knew all too well just how powerful a magick circle was. She’d seen more than one Fairy circle used to trick an unsuspecting human.

She took a deep breath and squared her shoulders. If this was how her long life ended, she would be damned before she gave her murderers the pleasure of seeing her cower. Her sapphire eyes leveled on the trio before her, and brushed her long platinum hair from her face. She would not make this easy for them, she would show her defiance every step of the way. Her courage rose until, finally, she spoke, “What witch dare lay her hand on the Crown Princess of the Fae?” 

Laughter erupted from the hooded figures as the fourth joined her co-conspirators. In unison, the coven removed their hoods. The woman Amaryllis took as their High Priestess stepped forward. Her hair was a wild, crimson mane. Her deep-set hazel eyes bore straight into her prey’s. “Do you really think anyone here would be stupid enough to give their name to a fairy?”

Amaryllis glanced over the other three women. Her previous escort wore her black hair long and sleek, and her sharp nose took up a good portion of her long face. To the right stood a small freckled woman with hair that resembled summertime hay. Beside her stood the plainest of the four, with her round glasses and mousy brown hair. 

Amaryllis fixed a smug smile on her lips, “I would never mistake someone who would abduct a Fae to be intelligent enough to know how to keep one.” 

The High Priestess again barked a humorless laugh. “And yet, here you are Princess. Caught in our circle.” 

Amaryllis grit her teeth so tightly she thought they would crumble. “And just what need does a witch have for a Fae in her circle?”

The High Priestess approached the circle, careful not to step into it. “You really want to know?” she asked, mockingly. She folded her hands in front of her. “What is the one thing those in power always want?” She paused with her head tilted to the side, apparently expecting an answer. Amaryllis stood silent, she did not want to play the witch’s games. The Priestess pursed her lips in condescension. “Don’t know?” she asked as though she were speaking to a child. “It’s really an easy answer.” She pulled a silver knife from her sleeve. “The one thing that the powerful always more power.” 

Amaryllis did her best to not stare at the weapon glittering in the candlelight.

“Are you worried about this?” she asked with false innocence. “Don’t worry.” she deftly flipped the knife, “It’s not for you. Bring him.”

The mousey and straw-haired witches disappeared into the darkness. The long-nosed witch came forward then, a silver chalice in her hands. Scuffing could be heard coming closer and closer until, finally, the dull duo from before re-emerged, but this time they were not alone. 

The young man stood bathed in the soft glow of candles. His broad, naked chest was covered in the same markings that were binding Amaryllis to the circle. He swayed, his bare feet partially covered by the black track pants he wore. His long hair was tousled and hung in his face. He was beautiful, a statue come to life. 

Amaryllis did not have long to study the new guest before he was hurled into the same circle as she. Just as her body had, the man’s body jolted straight the moment both feet landed inside. 

The despicable foursome gathered on the edge of the circle facing their two prisoners. The High Priestess now held the chalice, a dark red liquid swished around inside. She locked her eyes with Amaryllis, “Tandy, - you go first.” 

The long-nosed witch stepped forward, stretching her hand out above the waiting goblet. Without hesitation, the High Priestess sliced her sister’s palm open. Fresh blood rushed to the surface. Tandy neither winced nor whimpered, rather, she dutifully closed her fist and let the blood steadily drop into the cup. One by one, each of the coven did the same. 

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“Forward.” the High Priestess commanded in a low voice. 

Amaryllis scoffed. “You’re insane if you think I’m coming an inch closer to you and your cup of disease.”

The High Priestess leveled cold eyes on her victims. “I don’t recall saying you had a choice in the matter. FORWARD.” 

Amaryllis’s body flew to the brink of the circle as if she were pressed against the invisible glass. Beside her, the young man’s body also hovered on the edge, a look of terror in his endless gray eyes. 

The High Priestess wrapped her long fingers around the man’s face, he whimpered as she pried his mouth open with inhuman strength. Amaryllis watched in horror as she filled his mouth from the chalice. “Swallow,” was the only words offered by the cruel mistress. He did as commanded, gagging and coughing once she released him from her grip. 

The High Priestess’s sickening smile turned to Amaryllis. The woman’s ice grip clamped on her face the same way, forcing her mouth to open wide. The liquid was sweet from wine but did little to hide the metallic tang of the blood within. Again, tears threatened to fall from Amaryllis’s eyes. Her stomach lurched. What the fuck was happening. 

The deviant smile grew larger and the High Priestess set the chalice aside. “There. That wasn’t so hard now was it?” 

Amaryllis spat towards the witch. The foursome howled in laughter and they circled the two victims, each stopping at one of the runes on the floor. Amaryllis glared at the High Priestess in front of her. “What are you doing to us?” 

The woman lowered herself to her knees beside the rune. “Tell me, Princess,” she said, her hands moving to the belt holding her robe together, “have you ever heard of sex magick?” Amaryllis tore her eyes away from the scarlet-haired sadist to watch the other women lower themselves to the remaining runes. 

The High Priestess methodically removed the cloth belt from her waist. The robe fell open, revealing a sliver of the alabaster skin hidden beneath. Amaryllis whipped her head from woman to woman as they did the same. “It’s one of the most powerful tools for manifestation.” Amaryllis’s eyes were glued to the High Priestess as she fully removed the robe, her naked body soft and supple. 

Amaryllis found herself staring at the small pink nipples of the High Priestess. They were alert and ready. I want to taste them. The thought rang through her head, a disembodied plea. Whose thoughts were these? Hers? His? The covens? 

Amaryllis felt her mouth start to water. What was happening? She shook her head, trying to force the thoughts forming on the edge of her consciousness down. “Enough with the riddles, witch. Why am I here?” 

The High Priestess planted her bloody hand on the rune, each member of the coven following suit. Amaryllis felt her own nipples harden. Were they reacting to the naked women’s presence? The High Priestess sat on her bottom now, spreading her pale legs wide and fully exposing herself. She brought her hand down to the light curls that covered her sex.

“It’s a simple concept, Princess.” She slowly trailed her fingers down her slit. “Tonight is the full moon, a time where anything you could ever desire is possible. And what we desire most is to taste the immortality of the Fae.” 

The High Priestess slid one deft finger into her swollen cunt. 

“You fucking bitch!” the man screamed as he lunged forward, only to be repelled back by the invisible barrier of the circle. 

The High Priestess laughed at the outburst, “Oh, come on Reign. Surely you knew a time like this would come if you continued to involve yourself with us?” 

Reign’s body was trembling, his breath coming hard like a caged animal. Amaryllis lowered her gaze, his erection pushing against the soft fabric of his pants. She felt herself becoming wet, could feel the thin fabric of her panties sticking to her aching lips. Her eyes devoured the sight of the half-naked man beside her. 

The High Priestess continued her deliberate touch, her fingers leaving wet trails through her pubic hair. “Reign,” she said, breathily, “doesn’t she look beautiful?” 

He forced his face away from the scene, desperate to look anywhere else in the room. Amaryllis could feel lust building inside of her as she stared at Reign’s body. His unkempt brown hair curled at the top of his broad shoulders. The muscles of his back were taut with need that Amaryllis had a growing desire to release. Her mind was filled with commands to run her hands under the waistband that sat so maddeningly around his taut waist. 

 On its own, Amaryllis’s body moved towards his. She was helpless to stop it. 

“Yes, that’s it,” the High Priestess cajoled, “Doesn’t he look delicious?” 

Reign spun around abruptly to find himself face-to-face with Amaryllis. Sweat had started to bead on his lean body. The image stirred a primal hunger deep in the pit of her belly. Reign’s cool eyes bore into her own. “We can’t do this,” he begged. 

Amaryllis closed the distance between her and Reign,  the energy flowing between the two rocking her as wave after wave of lust crashed over her. Her breathing was ragged as she reached for him. “I don’t think we have a choice.” Amaryllis wrapped her arms around the trembling man and began tracing the long muscles along his spine. 

His body convulsed as if electrocuted. “If we start this,” he rasped, “I don’t think I can stop.” 

She cupped his hands in her face, the heat there scorching her palms. “Then don’t,” she breathed. 

Two words. That was all it took to shatter the small measure of control Reign had been clinging to desperately. He plunged his hands into her hair, cradling her as he assaulted her mouth with his own. His lips were tender and burned like fire against hers. She felt his hands move to the hem of the delicate white t-shirt covering her body.

He broke their kiss to tear it from her, roughly shoving her lace-covered bra down to reveal her nipples. His rough hands teased and massaged her while she snaked her eager hands down the front of his trousers until, finally, she grasped his eager cock. It jumped under her touch, pre-cum aiding her long strokes along his shaft. A deep moan rumbled in his chest. It was such a decadent sound that Amaryllis had to hear again. 

Her hands moved faster, trying to goad another moan from his throat.

Reign clamped his mouth around her tortured nipples, causing explosions of pleasure to erupt through her being. He dropped to his knees, his hands greedily shoving her linen shorts and panties down. She stood there, exposed in front of him, feeling his breath washing over her. 

Amaryllis watched as Reign buried his face into her drenched center and shuddered as his long tongue began its steady rhythm against her pussy lips. She plunged her fingers into his umber locks, guiding his tongue to the sensitive bud of her clit. He was relentless in his lapping, and she rocked herself over and over his exquisite mouth. 

Amaryllis cast a hazy look around the room at the other coven members. They too had joined their High Priestess in pleasuring themselves. 

Her orgasm came fast, and she released into his eager face. Her legs gave way, and she staggered back, still reeling from the intensity of her climax. Amaryllis found herself lying in the pile of pillows, Reign crawling towards her waiting body. His gaze was completely clouded over by hunger. He shoved the black pants down and kicked free of them. She stared at his cock, hard and begging for release. He reached for her hips and drug her to him, laying her spread legs over his own. His cock was waiting impatiently against her, gently pushing against the weeping entrance. 

Reign rocked his hips forward, the tip of him inching deeper and deeper until he found the spot where he could enter her fully. He brought his eyes to hers and tightened his grip. “Come for me,” he demanded before shoving himself deep inside her.

Amaryllis was melting into the pillows. Her moans echoed against the barren walls as he drove himself in and out of her to the escalating beats of her heart. He rode her hard and she relished the pleasure of it, spreading her legs wider to accept him more. 

“Fuck,” Reign growled and dipped his head to take her trembling lips in between his teeth. Reign lifted her hips higher, opening her to the point that she could no longer control the onslaught of his tempo. Her own voice tore from her chest as her climax built again. She was so close to completion just a little more and she would cum all over him. She watched as he lifted one hand and brought it down hard to tease her fully exposed bud. His groping timed with his deep plunges drove her tense body to the fullest release she had ever experienced in her life.

Tears filled her eyes, and she sobbed aloud. “Yes! YES! Fuck me, oh gods, I’m cumming! I’m cumming!”

She lay still as his cock shot his own orgasm against her battered and bruised walls, calming her and making her feel complete. Reign collapsed over her, gasping desperately for air. Around her, the Coven cried out in the throes of their own orgasms. Amaryllis stared blankly at the ceiling as the stars shooting across her vision faded to black.


Amaryllis’s eyes fluttered open. Where am I? The disconnected words floated through her head before her mind could register them. The memories rushed back to her, and she shot to a sitting position, searching the room for her abductors and reluctant lover. 

It was empty, sunlight pouring through the quiet house. All evidence of the ritual had disappeared. She lay naked on the cold floor, her clothes strewn about her, and a set of keys not far from the pile. Amaryllis grabbed for them and unlocked the iron shackle. She gathered the discarded clothing and dressed quickly. 

She stood alone in her former prison, Reign’s seed leaving trails down her bare leg. 

Written by brandeent
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