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A Year From Hell

"Two women, alone for different reasons, come together."

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Lexie tilted her head back and drained the last of the beer from the glass bottle. Standing from her chair, she took a few steps forward and tossed the glass bottle into the plastic container sitting near the garage. After plopping back in her seat, she pulled out another beer. She twisted the cap off and dropped it in the cooler. Lexie leaned back in her lounger, closing her eyes to the Miami night sky. She tried concentrating on the soft music that was playing through the open window of her home. Lexie didn't want to think. She just wanted to sit and drink herself into nothingness. The less she dwelt on things, the better she thought she would be.

Andrea threw on a pair of shorts and a shirt before she pushed up the window in her bedroom. She leaned out and saw her neighbor sitting on the roof of the extension that the previous owners built onto the house years ago.

"Are you okay?" Andrea asked. She had only said hello to the woman on occasion. She hadn't lived there very long, and Andrea hadn't made the time to get to know her.

"Yeah, I'm sorry if I bothered you. I didn't expect anyone to be home tonight." Lexie didn't bother looking at the woman she was talking to. She could identify her from her voice alone. Lexie had laid and listened to her smooth voice many a night after she had turned out the light in her bedroom.

"You didn't really bother me. I was just worried someone was hurt. Why are you on the roof?" Andrea asked.

"I was hoping aliens would come by and beam me up. I'm thinking of volunteering for probing," Lexie answered snidely.

"I'm sure you could find humans willing to do probing if you wanted them to. Why would you want aliens to do it? They won't know anything about the human body."

Lexie turned her head to look at her neighbor. She saw a slight smile on her face and finally realized the woman was just trying to get her attention. Lexie shook her head and couldn't stop the small smile that crossed her lips.

"I'm Andrea. I don't think we've officially met," Andrea chirped.

"Be careful," Lexie said, sitting up in her chair. Andrea swung her legs out of her window and hopped out on the windowsill. "I'm Lexie," she said, settling back in her seat.

"So, why are you on the roof alone on a night like tonight?" Andrea asked as she swung her feet and let them thump against the siding.

"Because this day has put me in a morbidly bad mood. I don't want to torture anyone with the attitude I have tonight. What about you? Why are you home alone? You seem to be in a great mood." Lexie took a long swig of her beer and finished off the bottle. She stood from her seat and took a few wobbly steps forward. She brought her arm up and let the bottle fly through the air. It hit the wall of the garage and landed in the container to break among the other bottles.

"I didn't want to be a third wheel, or fifth wheel in tonight's case. Two of my friends along with their dates for tonight invited me out, but I didn't want to really spend the night and watch all of them hanging all over each other. I didn't get off work until late, anyway." Andrea watched as Lexie made her way back to the lounger and sat down. Her hand went straight into the cooler and pulled out another beer.

"It's quite depressing, isn't it?" Lexie said as she popped the top and threw the lid in with the melting ice.

"It can be if you let it. I try to look at it as having time to find myself," Andrea said as she looked up at the sky and then back at Lexie. "I have to pee. I'll be back in a minute."

Lexie watched as Andrea pulled her legs back in the window and got to her feet in her room. She turned back to the sky and looked at the dim lights that dotted across the heavens. Her life would be a lot easier if aliens did come and sweep her away from her life. She might be the only human around, but at least then, she wouldn't be lonely. Well, she would be, but there would be no one around to rub her nose in it. Lexie closed her eyes and let the alcohol take her mind elsewhere.

Andrea went to the bathroom, but not to pee, though she did that as well. She'd grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a long sleeve shirt out of her room. She changed into them quickly before deciding to relieve herself before going over to Lexie's house. Andrea couldn't sit there and watch as Lexie kept drinking and walking back and forth on her roof. Andrea decided it was in everyone's best interest if she went over and sat with Lexie until she was ready to wrap up her night of pity drinking. Andrea made her way downstairs and across the lawn where she let herself in Lexie's house. She made her way upstairs to the room that Lexie had used to get out on the roof.

Lexie pulled herself up in the lounger and looked back over at Andrea's window. She kept telling herself that Andrea would be coming back. Then she started telling herself that it didn't matter. She was used to being alone in her misery. It didn't matter if Andrea never talked to her again. Lexie had no urge to be making new friends.

"She'd just up and leave me like all the others have done," Lexie said into the dark.

"No, she wouldn't," Andrea said as she slipped one leg out of the window and bent down through the opening. She stuck her head back through the window and grabbed the bag that had a bottle of wine and a glass in it. She brought the bag with her and walked out to where Lexie was sitting. She stood there looking down at Lexie without saying a word.

"What?" Lexie asked in frustration.

"I'm waiting for you to scoot up and offer me the other end of this lounger. You must remember your manners, as Nana always says."

"Well, my Nana would kick me in the ass and tell me to bring her another beer," Lexie said as she pulled her rear back on the seat. She sat there and watched as Andrea pulled the other end of the lounger up to a position that she found ideal. She then threw her leg over the seat and dropped her butt down right between Lexie's legs.

"If your legs start going to sleep, let me know, and we can switch them out for a while," Andrea said as she leaned back in front of Lexie. She chuckled at the shocked look on Lexie's face.

"What do you think you are doing?" Lexie asked, still shocked at the woman's nerve and brazen attitude.

"I am going to sit here with a new friend so she doesn't end up falling off of the roof in a drunken haze." Andrea pulled her wine out of her bag and sat it between her legs. Her hand went back in the bag until she found the opener in the bottom. She quickly had the cork out of the bottle and a glass of dark wine in one hand. She held the glass up out of the way and tried to get the cap back on the bottle, but it kept spinning against her. A hand moved toward her and gripped the bottle to hold it still. Andrea glanced up at Lexie as she tightened the lid on the bottle of wine. When she released her hand off the top, Lexie's hand slid forward just enough to wrap around the bottle and pull it off the chair and into the cooler of ice.

Lexie had just a hint of a smile on her face as she sat the wine in her cooler. She'd only meant to hold the bottle still so Andrea could put the lid on it. It wasn't until her hand wrapped around the bottle that it finally dawned on Lexie where the bottle was resting. When Andrea pulled her hand away, with her eyes locked onto Lexie's, Lexie knowingly slid her fingers all the way around the bottle, barely grazing against the sweats that Andrea was wearing.

"Are you always so bold?" Andrea asked.

"No, but I've had enough beer to relax and not care," Lexie said as she pulled Andrea's legs higher up over her thighs. Lexie adjusted her legs to a more comfortable position and kept Andrea's knees against her. She lowered her arms down on top of them as she fiddled with her bottle of beer.

"It's the not caring that brought me over here. It didn't seem safe to leave you up here by yourself as much as you're drinking tonight. I didn't want to come out the back door tomorrow and find you face down in the grass." Andrea took a drink of her wine, closing her eyes as the cool liquid ran down her throat.

"Are you always like this?" Lexie asked. She was shocked at how Andrea always said what was on her mind, seemingly without a filter.

"My mom tells me I'm rude. I just smile at her and tell her that I'm a blunter." Andrea started laughing at her own words and made Lexie chuckle along with her. "She asked me if that was some knew lesbian term that she had never heard of. I just told her yes and laughed as she shook her head at me and left the room."

"You're gay?" Lexie asked in surprise.

"Yes, is that a problem? I know we don't really know each other, but I never would have thought you were someone who was bigoted." Andrea bit her lip as soon as the words were out. This was one of those instances where she spoke before she thought.

"I'm not. It just surprised me. And I'm not a bigot." Lexie frowned as she brought her beer up to her mouth.

"I apologize. This would be an example of where my mother was right. That was rude. I spoke without thinking." Andrea kept her head down on the glass of wine that was sitting between her legs on the lounger. She spun the glass around as she scolded herself for being so rude to Lexie. This was their first time talking, and Andrea hated to think that she had ticked Lexie off already.

"It's okay. You surprised me, but it's no big deal. I find you refreshing. There's no worrying whether you are going to lie to me or not. So many people have lied to me in my life, and I like the fact that you say what needs to be said." Lexie ran her hand on Andrea's lower leg until she looked up and smiled.

"So, I take it you have no boyfriend out there partying without you?" Andrea asked, once again chipper.

"No, no boyfriend, no girlfriend, no friend friend," Lexie said dryly.

"Oh, come on," Andrea said as she brought her heal back against Lexie's leg. "You can't sit here and tell me you have no friends. I've seen them come and go from your house."

"Alright, yes, I have friends. But sometimes friends aren't enough. You know how that is. You're here with me tonight instead of out partying with your friends. Sometimes we need more than what a friend can give us." Lexie sat her beer in among the ice so it was out of the way. She pulled her legs up from under Andrea's and raised them up over the seat. Then she straightened them back out so they were now lying on top. Her hand reached for her beer and pulled it back between her legs.

"Is that better?" Andrea smirked.

"It will be as soon as you start massaging them awake. They are all tingly," Lexie slurred.

Andrea lowered her glass between her legs and moved both hands up to Lexie's thighs. She let her hands grip the tight muscles before relaxing them and sliding along the length of Lexie's upper legs.

"Surely you had invitations to parties tonight. I can't imagine you not getting swarmed by people if they knew you were available." When Lexie's eyes landed on Andrea, she almost lost her breath from the intensity of her eyes. At first, Andrea thought it was anger at her words. But it only took a moment for Lexie's look to register in Andrea's mind and get her body reacting as it should.

"Yes, I could walk into a club and have anyone I want, and in my past, I did that. But that life was just as lonely as this one. People may have always surrounded me, but they weren't my friends. They weren't there for me when my world collapsed." Lexie drank the last of her beer, raised the empty bottle over her head, and threw it out against her garage. She heard it burst apart at its impact and fall to the concrete drive. Her arm fell in her lap, and her head dropped back against the seat.

Andrea lowered her legs and pulled herself up closer to Lexie. She brought both hands up and wrapped them around Lexie's face. Her thumbs moved across her cheeks and wiped away the tears that slid down.

"Do you want a friend, Lexie?" Andrea asked softly.

Lexie opened her eyes and found Andrea's green eyes looking at her closely. She nodded against Andrea's hands and took a shaky breath.

"Then, you can consider us friends. I will try to be here when you need me, no matter the time. I won't walk away from our friendship over something trivial, okay?" Andrea watched as Lexie closed her eyes again and nodded. Andrea let go of her and drank the wine remaining in her glass. She sat the glass against Lexie's legs and pushed herself up off the lounger.

"Where are you going?" Lexie asked as Andrea stood up in front of her.

"I'm going inside to pee. Then, we are going to both get more comfortable in this lounger." Andrea started to step past Lexie to go inside, but Lexie caught her arm and stood up with her.

"I have to pee, too. You go over to that side of the roof and drop your drawers. I'm going to the other side. The pee will run right off the roof into the drain pipes." Lexie let go of Andrea's hand and wobbled over toward the side of the roof.

"Lex, you might fall. Please be careful." Andrea watched as Lexie made her way over to the side of the roof and started unbuttoning her jeans. When the jeans started sliding down Lexie's hips, Andrea shook her head.

"Okay," Andrea laughed as she made her way over to the other side of the roof. She dropped her sweats quickly and let her stream of urine flow onto the roof of Lexie's house. She had nothing to wipe with, so she wiggled her bottom to get as dry as she could. She was pulling her sweats up around her waist when she glanced over at Lexie. Her ass was still bare, jeans down around her ankles as Andrea tried to push herself to her feet.

Lexie let her head drop when she saw Andrea coming over to help her. She evidently hadn't paid enough attention to how much she was drinking, because she was way past her limit. Andrea stepped up in front of her and held her hands out to Lexie. She took them, but didn't raise her head to look at Andrea until she was all the way standing. Lexie gave Andrea a small smile before starting to bend over to pull up her jeans.

"Stay," Andrea said and put her hand on Lexie's shoulder, "I'm afraid you'll fall. Let me help you."

"Andrea, come on. I appreciate it, but my pants are around my ankles here and you'll see my...," Lexie stopped talking when Andrea ignored her and knelt down in front of her.

"I've seen women's vaginas before, Lexie." Andrea got a hold of Lexie's jeans and panties and pulled them up her legs. She tried not to look as she and Lexie pulled her tight jeans up over her thighs and hips.

"But you haven't seen mine," Lexie said as she pulled her panties and jeans up over her butt.

"I have now," Andrea said and chuckled as she turned and pulled Lexie behind her. "I'd wondered if you dyed your hair. At least now I know it is natural."

Andrea pulled the end of the lounger up that she had been leaning against, pulled it all the way in, and lowered it back down to the roof. She took a seat at the other end and spread her legs for Lexie.

"Come and have a seat," Andrea said as she pulled Lexie toward her. "Sit down between my legs, and you can lean back against me. I think we'll both be much more comfortable this way."

Lexie stood there a moment and looked down at what Andrea was asking her to do. She sighed as she brought her leg over the lounger and sat down. She leaned back against Andrea and straightened her legs out. Andrea's legs came up as well and straightened along side of hers.

Andrea turned and found her glass sitting in the cooler. She grabbed it and the bottle of wine to fill her glass. She grabbed another beer for Lexie and handed it up to her.

"I'd suggest you start slowing down on those. I really don't want you falling off the roof." Andrea gave Lexie's arm a soft, gentle rub before lowering her hand back down to her leg.

"This is my last one, I promise. I didn't realize how many I'd had until I got up to pee. I'm not used to drinking like this." Lexie turned to look at Andrea. "Thank you for helping me and for caring enough to watch over me tonight."

"You're welcome, honey." Andrea let her hand settle on Lexie's side as she turned back around and leaned against her. She didn't know what had been going on in Lexie's life, but she wondered what she meant when she said her world had collapsed.

Andrea heard a song just starting on the radio in Lexie's room and started singing along with it. What she hadn't expected was for Lexie to join in and start singing with her. Perfect harmony flowed from Lexie's lips. Andrea sang a little louder and their voices blended perfectly. Lexie reached around for Andrea's hand and pulled it down around her stomach. She let her head fall back against Andrea's shoulder and sang with her for the entire song.

"Wow, you have a beautiful voice, Lexie. That was so cool the way you harmonized so easily. That's one of my favorite songs." Andrea brought her arms up, wrapped them around Lexie's shoulders, and gave her a strong hug from behind.

"You have a beautiful voice, Andrea. I just happen to know that song well. I've been listening to you sing for months now. I go to bed, turn out my light, and with the window open, I listen to you sit over there and write your songs. I find it very interesting to listen to you piece it together and sing it when you're all done. You are very talented." Lexie reached up for Andrea's arm and pulled it back down around her stomach. She left her hands lying on top of Andrea's arms and just lightly ran her fingers across it.

Lexie finished her beer and tried to reach back to place it back in the cooler rather than throwing it off the roof. As she turned her head, she was inches away from Andrea's face. Andrea held her eyes, and without looking away, grabbed the bottle and placed it in the cooler.

"What's it like kissing a woman?" Lexie asked, glancing down at Andrea's lips.

"Do you really want to know?" Andrea asked softly.

"Yes," Lexie answered as her hand came up to Andrea's lips and ran a finger across them.

"In about fifteen minutes you'll find out. It's almost time for the countdown." Andrea moved her hands against Lexie's stomach and inched up to her breasts. Lexie's eyes stayed locked onto hers, and Andrea could see the desire that was building in her. "You're going to have to sober up if you want any more than that. I won't be with anyone who is drunk."

"That's a smart thing to do. Drunks can be careless and dangerous without meaning to be." Lexie felt Andrea's hands brush against the bottom of her breasts through her shirt. Even that light touch made Lexie's chest and stomach flutter to life. "I didn't expect this, not tonight."

"Why?" Andrea asked as she continued to explore Lexie's body. She yearned to slip her hands under Lexie's shirt so skin could touch skin, but she didn't want to rush or scare Lexie. So, she kept things slow and easy.

"This entire year has sucked. I would have loved not to be present for any of it. No matter how much I fought, it didn't make a difference. It all went to hell anyway." Lexie closed her eyes and let her head fall back on Andrea's shoulder. Her hands were on Andrea's thighs sliding up and down the tight muscles.

"I'm sorry for everything that you've gone through, Lexie. But I can't say I'm sorry you're here. No matter what happened, it brought you here to me," Andrea said softly.

"When I first rented this place and moved in, I hated you. I hadn't even met you, and I hated you. I would lie here every night and listen to you sing and play your keyboard. Your music made it hard to forget what had happened in my own life. But a couple of months back, you were gone somewhere for a couple of days, and I didn't have to listen to your music. I couldn't sleep. Without your voice and your music, I felt empty. I drank until I passed out both of those nights you were away." Lexie reached up and wiped at the tears that were sliding down her cheeks.

Andrea pushed Lexie up off her chest and slid out from behind her. She motioned for Lexie to slide all the way back in the lounger. Andrea laid her hand on Lexie's shoulder and stepped across her legs and the lounger.

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She lowered herself down across Lexie's legs and sat down on her thighs.

Lexie's hands moved up and wrapped around Andrea's hips. They slid around to her lower back and pulled her tighter against her. Lexie's pulse was racing, and she was feeling something she'd never felt before. She moved her hands under Andrea's shirt and up her back. Lexie pushed Andrea's chest forward as her head dropped to rest on Andrea's chest.

Andrea wrapped her arms around Lexie's head and pressed her chest up against her. Andrea still had her shirt on, but she could feel the heat from Lexie's face through her shirt and on her chest. She wanted to pull her shirt off and let Lexie devour her breasts. Her nipples ached to have Lexie licking and sucking on them.

"It's eleven fifty nine folks, and that leaves only one minute until we start our New Year. We have a counter that will start with thirty seconds left, and all of us here at WLRM will start the countdown at ten. All of you out there join with us, and we will start this New Year together." The DJ continued talking about the upcoming year and wishing everyone a safe and enjoyable evening. But Andrea and Lexie were barely paying attention. They were both obsessing about each other's bodies.

Lexie pulled her head up and away from Andrea's chest. She lifted her lips up toward Andrea, but Andrea wouldn't kiss her, not yet.

"Not until the count gets to zero. If we are going to do this, we are going to start out the year the right way." Andrea pulled her arms down and cupped Lexie's cheeks in each hand. She lowered her lips toward Lexie, but didn't kiss her. She moved forward and pulled back right before their lips touched. Andrea brought her cheek down against Lexie's and moved her lips toward Lexie's ear. "Do you want this?"

"Yes," Lexie whispered into Andrea's ear, "more than I've ever wanted anything."

"Have you ever been with a woman before?" Andrea asked, sucking Lexie's earlobe into her mouth.

"No," Lexie admitted. "Please, Andrea, I've never wanted or needed anyone like I need you right now. I feel like I 'm going to burst into flames."

"Here we go folks. Ten, nine," the DJ started the countdown.

Andrea pulled her head back up above Lexie's and again, wrapped her hands around her face.

"Five, four, three, two, one," Andrea pressed against Lexie's lips. Her tongue darted forward and met Lexie's eager tongue. They slid along side of each other until Lexie pushed her tongue further forward and ran it across the top of Andrea's mouth. Andrea ground her hips down against Lexie as Lexie's hands slid from her back to cup around her braless breasts.

Lexie couldn't believe the sensations she was feeling. Kissing Andrea was unlike any kiss she had ever received. She'd kissed many men, but as good and exciting as they were, they'd never set her on fire like Andrea's kiss. Her body was so alive that a single touch would have set her aflame. Lexie wrapped her hands around the soft, full flesh of Andrea's breasts, and she couldn't think of anything that had ever felt more fantastic. These feelings urged her on as she deepened her and Andrea's kiss. She pulled her hands all the way around to the front of Andrea's breasts and felt her hard nipples pressing against her palms. She moaned against Andrea's mouth, and squeezed her breasts in her hands.

"Good lord," Andrea panted as she pulled her lips away from Lexie. "God, you can kiss." Andrea reached down to the bottom of her shirt and pulled it over her head. She lifted her chest and pulled Lexie toward her. Lexie latched on to her nipple and caused a scream to escape from Andrea's mouth.

"Yes," Andrea screamed as she held Lexie to her chest. She ground her hips against Lexie's stomach and groaned at the feelings that were rising in her. When Lexie slipped her hands down the back of Andrea's sweatpants and cupped her ass, Andrea came up on her knees and wrapped her arms around Lexie's head.

"God, Lexie," Andrea moaned into the night. Her sweats were pushed down past her hips and fingers slipped down into her wetness. She pushed down on Lexie's fingers until they slipped inside of her. Both women felt the urgency and need. Andrea started riding and pushing down on Lexie's every thrust. Lexie's other hand gripped around a cheek of her ass and her mouth was still flicking, sucking, and nipping at her nipples. Andrea felt like they were melting together as the seconds ticked by. She wasn't sure where she began and Andrea ended. And she didn't ever want to find out. When Lexie's thumb landed on her clit and started pressing into her, that was all Andrea needed. Her climax hit, and she rode wave after wave and brought in the New Year in the best way imaginable.

Lexie held Andrea as she came down from her orgasmic ride. Her fingers were still inside of Andrea while her other hand was wrapped around her back. Lexie had her forehead against Andrea's chest as both women took a moment to catch their breath.

Andrea pulled back from Lexie and lifted her face so she could look into Lexie's eyes. A small smile came across Lexie's face as she looked up at Andrea. Andrea couldn't stop her own grin as she lowered her lips and kissed Lexie gently. As their lips wrapped around one another, Lexie's fingers pressed up into her.

"Ooh," Andrea groaned as she lifted her lips and face back up to the heavens. She couldn't believe that the woman pleasuring her had never done anything like this before. Lexie's hands moved as if they had done this many times.

Lexie held her hand on Andrea's upper back as she pushed against her. She helped Andrea lay down on the lounger in front of her. She grabbed a hold of Andrea's sweats, panties, and shoes and pulled everything off all at once. She turned toward her bedroom window and threw it all through the opening. Lexie lowered her face down and got her first taste of another woman. With her tongue flat, she slid it up through Andrea's labia and up over her clit. Lexie gave Andrea's clit a few flicks before flattening her tongue again and moving it back down to Andrea's moist center. Her tongue circled around Andrea's opening before going stiff and pushing inside of her tight walls. Lexie swirled her tongue inside of Andrea, then pulled it out only to push back in again.

Andrea was a little concerned that she was lying on a lounger that was tilting down along with the roof. Her hands were over her head, holding onto the edge of the lounger as Lexie's tongue slipped inside of her. That was when she lost all thought of her position on the roof. Nothing else mattered except what Lexie stirred in her body. Just when Andrea's orgasm started building again, Lexie pulled her tongue out, flattened it against Andrea's pussy, and headed back up toward her clit.

Lexie slid her fingers back into Andrea and pushed up against her upper wall. She found Andrea's g-spot easily and started pushing her fingers against it over and over again. She wrapped her lips around Andrea's clit and pulled it into her mouth.

"Fuck," Andrea moaned as her legs slipped over Lexie's shoulders. She hooked her feet under Lexie's chest and was able to bring one hand up to her head. She held Lexie tight against her as she started thrusting her hips against Lexie's fingers.

"Oh yeah, just like that, baby," Andrea moaned as Lexie's fingers started pushing into her again.

Lexie chuckled as she continued circling her tongue around Andrea's clit. The woman was a firecracker and once you lit her up, there was no stopping her. Andrea continued moaning in the night as Lexie continued fucking and sucking her off. Lexie felt Andrea's other hand come down on the back of her head as well. She made sure she had a good hold of Andrea as she started bucking up against her. With Andrea's hips thrusting against Lexie's mouth, her clit kept pressing up against Lexie's upper teeth, tongue, and lip. All Lexie could do was hold on as Andrea used her mouth to push herself over the edge. Lexie's fingers were ramming into Andrea's pussy and up against her g-spot. She heard Andrea's grunts rising in pitch and speed with every thrust.

"Lexie," Andrea screamed as her orgasm hit. Her hips continued to buck against Lexie's fingers and mouth as she rode her climax all the way to the end. Andrea's hands eventually fell from Lexie's head and onto the tiles of the roof.

Andrea smiled as she looked up at Lexie. She was so adorable that Andrea felt like the luckiest girl in Miami. Andrea grabbed onto Lexie's hands and pulled herself back up on the seat. She pulled Lexie's shirt over her head and tossed it through the window. She moved down to Lexie's jeans and quickly got the button and zipper loose. With Lexie's help, they were quickly down her legs and thrown into the room with the rest of their clothes. Andrea looked up and saw that Lexie had removed her own bra.

Andrea laid a hand on Lexie's chest and pushed her back against the lounger. Andrea pushed up to her feet and stepped up over Lexie as she lowered her lips down to kiss her. Andrea's tongue pushed into Lexie's mouth and danced alongside of hers as she moved a hand down Lexie's chest and across her breasts. Hard nipples pressed against her palm and made Andrea rush their kiss. Andrea lowered her knees onto the lounger and kissed down Lexie's throat. Both hands surrounded Lexie's breasts and squeezed them tightly.

Lexie's chest arched up into Andrea's hands as she squeezed on her breasts. Lexie lowered her hands to the sides of the lounger and tried to push her pussy forward against Andrea's thigh. But Andrea's hands came down on Lexie's hips and pushed her back into the seat.

"I want you coming in my mouth, not on my leg," Andrea said as she nipped at Lexie's neck. She trailed her tongue down Lexie's neck and kissed down her chest.

Lexie's hands came up to Andrea's head and moved her to one of her nipples. As Andrea's tongue licked across her nipple, Lexie's hands snaked through Andrea's long, red hair and twisted it around her fingers. She pressed up against Andrea's mouth until she finally surrounded one with her lips and sucked it into her mouth.

"Andi," Lexie moaned as her body surged, "it's not going to take me long, honey."

"I know. It's okay, we have all night," Andrea said and moved over to Lexie's other nipple.

Andrea gave Lexie's other nipple a bit of attention before making her way down Lexie's ribs and stomach. Andrea laid herself atop the bottom flap of the lounger as she trailed her tongue at the juncture of Lexie's thigh. She felt Lexie wiggle beneath her and smiled as she kissed her way toward Lexie's scent. The aroma pulled Andrea toward it until finally she stuck her tongue out and tasted Lexie for the first time. She couldn't help but moan as she pulled herself closer and buried her face in Lexie's pussy.

When Andrea moaned, Lexie's head fell back, and she moaned right along with her. Andrea's tongue slid up one side and down the other until she had covered all of Lexie's pussy. When Andrea's tongue came back down and licked at Lexie's opening and along her perineum, Lexie about came right then. But Andrea didn't linger. She brought her tongue back up and started flicking across the top of Lexie's enlarged clit. Lexie wrapped her hands in Andrea's long red hair and pressed down when she felt two fingers slide inside of her.

Andrea slowly slid her fingers along Lexie's upper wall. She pulled her fingers almost all the way out and pushed them right back in again, pressing into Lexie's sensitive spot. Andrea started moving her fingers in and out and finally wrapped her lips around Lexie's clit and pulled at it with her lips.

"Oh, shit," Lexie hissed as Andrea brought her closer and closer to her peak. Lexie couldn't get a lot of movement out of her hips since Andrea had her pinned on the lounger, but she pressed down on Andrea's fingers every time they thrust up into her. She felt her orgasm building with the driving force of Andrea's fingers and every pull on her clit.

"Andi," Lexie screamed as she fell over the edge. She kept screaming as Andrea continued to suck on her clit and fuck her with her fingers. Her orgasm pulsed and pulsed, and Andrea stayed with it the entire time. Lexie's hips finally relaxed back on the lounger and her hands slid off Andrea's head.

Andrea pulled her fingers out slowly. She cleaned all of Lexie before pushing herself off her knees and to her feet. Andrea raised one of Lexie's legs and sat down sideways on the lounger with Lexie's leg across her lap. She leaned against Lexie's chest and wrapped an arm around her waist.

Lexie wrapped her arms around Andrea as soon as she settled against her. She opened her eyes and lowered her lips down to Andrea's forehead.

"I would never have thought that I'd have some beautiful woman with me tonight. A woman that has shown me that there is someone out there that accepts me as I am, faults and all." Lexie wrapped her arms tighter around Andrea as she considered telling Andrea the truth of why she was in Miami.

"I wasn't expecting to find you tonight either. I figured I'd be all alone when the clocked struck midnight. I definitely wasn't expecting to end up naked under the stars. But I wouldn't change a thing. Happy New Year, Lexie," Andrea said as she tilted her head back and looked up at Lexie.

"Happy New Year, Andrea," Lexie said right before kissing her. This kiss was soft and slow. Lips moved against and around as tongues slid alongside of each other. Lexie pulled away from Andrea and looked down at her.

"Will you stay with me tonight?" Lexie asked as she ran her hand across Andrea's cheek.

"Yes, you couldn't get rid of me even if you wanted," Andrea smiled.

"I'd like to tell you my full name first. If you decide you can't say, I'll understand." Lexie closed her eyes and took a deep breath before she even attempted to speak. "I'm Alexandra Lawson."

Andrea's eyebrows scrunched together as she raised her head and looked at Lexie. She pushed Lexie's leg off her lap and came up on her knees between Lexie's legs. Both hands came up on Lexie's face, as Andrea looked deeper at her.

Lexie brought her hands up and gathered her hair up. She twisted it in her hands and put it in a simple bun. She rarely wore her hair down, especially when she was performing in front of a crowd or doing a video. Only in the comfort of her home did she let her hair down and totally relax.

"No fucking way," Andrea said as her hands slid down Lexie's face and neck. Andrea's eyes got huge when they finally accepted what Lexie had said. "Why in the world are you in Miami?"

"I'm sure you know what this year has been like for me. When they asked me where I wanted to spend the fall and the holidays, I decided I wanted to get away from everyone and everything. I didn't want to be among the wealthy or in a city where everyone would know who I am. I wanted to be away from that life until I could figure out what I was going to do. A friend of mine from here called me one afternoon and suggested I find a place here in Miami. She helped me find this house, which is the last place anyone would ever look for me." Lexie captured one of Andrea's hands and brought it to her lips. She kissed each finger before laying Andrea's hand on her chest.

"That's why you said that you hated me when you first moved here. You were trying to escape the music world, and you moved in next to someone who is obsessed with it." Andrea slid her other hand up into Lexie's long blond hair, wrapping the silk strands in her fingers.

"Yes, but it was impossible for me to hate you. You inched your way into my heart through your music. I already cared about you before you ever made your way over here tonight. You've helped me to realize that none of what happened is because of the music. I've been able to love music again and love the making of music. You've made me feel again, in more ways than one, Andrea." Lexie reached up and pulled Andrea's lips down on hers. She held Andrea to her, continuing to kiss her. She finally pulled her lips back and looked at Andrea.

"Are you still okay with all of this?" Lexie asked.

"Why would you think I wouldn't be? None of what happened was your fault. We all know that. We might not be able to understand how it could have happened without you knowing, but deep down, we know you wouldn't have done anything that your manager was accused of." Andrea kissed Lexie again before lowering herself down on the lounger and stretching her legs out over Lexie's.

"My problem is I trust completely. I believed every word he ever told me. I didn't have a reason not to. He's always been there for me and helped me with whatever I needed." Lexie wrapped her arms around Andrea and surrounded her in her warmth. "It's getting chilly out here. You ready to head in?"

"Yes, I'm ready to be in a nice warm bed with you," Andrea said as she pulled herself up off Lexie's leg. She lowered both hands and pulled Lexie up beside her. "I don't regret anything, and I would tell you if I did. I understand why you might not tell people straight out who you are. But who you are doesn't change how I feel about you."

"How do you feel about me?" Lexie teased as she slid her hands down to Andrea's ass.

Andrea took one of Lexie's hands and slipped it between her legs. "That's how I feel," she said as she slid Lexie's fingers through her wet folds. "I care about you, Lexie, and I could easily fall for you. So, if you're not interested in something like that, I need you to tell me. It won't change what will happen tonight, but it will change how I act in the future. No matter what you tell me, I'll always be your friend and will be there when you need me. I promise you that."

"I was already falling for you before you ever opened that window. Your voice and the words that you put to music, I already knew how big of a heart you had before I ever met you. It wasn't until tonight I realized that it was possible to love women the way I love men. I've never felt like this before, and it's a little scary. But I'm willing to give us a shot if you are."

"I are," Andrea said as she stood on tiptoes and gave Lexie a kiss. "Let's get everything inside, and then we'll get into a nice, warm bed." Andrea placed her wine glass in the bag and headed toward the window. She slipped inside easily and set everything inside as Lexie handed it to her. Andrea pulled everything out of the way so Lexie could get in easier. She was sorting through the clothes when Lexie finally pulled herself through the window.

"Where is my shirt?" Andrea asked as she continued to put clothes in separate piles.

"Um, I think it's in the backyard. Would you like me to get it?" Lexie asked.

"Yes, I would, and just like that," Andrea smiled as she motioned to Lexie's nakedness.

"You got it," Lexie said as she headed toward the door to the bedroom.

Andrea stood up and followed Lexie as she walked down the stairs naked. She ran down the hall, through the kitchen, and out the back door. Only a few seconds later, Andrea heard the back door close and lock. She saw Andrea heading toward her with her shirt in her hand.

"You're crazy," Andrea laughed as Lexie headed up the steps toward her.

"Yes, and now my feet are wet and cold. Will you warm them up?" Lexie asked as she snaked a foot up Andrea's calf.

"You can warm those things up before you get in bed," Andrea told her as she pushed Lexie and her cold feet away.

"Come on, baby, just let me slide them up between your legs, and they'll be warm in no time." Lexie chased after Andrea as she headed for the bedroom. She dropped the shirt on the floor in her room and was able to capture Andrea around the waist. Lexie tackled her on the bed and swung her leg up and over Andrea's thighs, pinning her on the mattress.

"Ooh, well this could be an interesting position," Lexie said as she slid her hands up over the cheeks of Andrea's ass. "What should I do with you now?"

Andrea turned enough so she could look over her shoulder. "Make love to me, Lexie," she urged as she pressed her ass up against Lexie's hands.

"Oh baby, gladly," Lexie said as she laid across Andrea's back and kissed her once more.

Written by leahharvey1821
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