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The Lush Ball

"Daisy was so far out of her comfort zone, but how could she say no to the Lush Ball?"

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Competition Entry: Debauched

The train rushed past another station and in my anxious state I forgot to check which one it was. My head was swirling and my eyes could hardly focus. I should really pay attention or I might miss my stop altogether. Part of me was wishing that I would, and then I could turn round and go home. I took a deep breath and tried to pull myself together. I’d made a decision and I was going to stick to it.

Tonight was the night I’d been dreading and anticipating with nervous energy I hadn’t felt in years. Tonight was the night of the Lush Ball. I was finally going to meet people I’d been talking to for years. Not just talking to, messing around with, masturbating with, fucking.  And not just people. I was going to meet her and she was the reason I was putting myself through this.

I wondered who was going to be there tonight. Over the years I had played with many people on the website, both men and women. Some I wouldn’t have given a second thought to. But when she had suggested that we meet at the ball I found it hard to say no. We had been playing on and off for about a year, and although in real life I was straight and had never even kissed another woman, she had made me feel things I didn’t think were possible. My favourite pastime nowadays was cumming from her words, and I felt a deep connection to her that was never far from my thoughts. This was the first time Lush had attempted a meetup, and it might be an unmitigated disaster never to be repeated. The opportunity may not present itself again. 

My mind wandered back to another time on a train.  When I sat clutching my phone as her words appeared in little black boxes.  I had sat hunched up in the corner of the carriage, face growing redder, squirming as I felt my panties dampen, my mind sinking uncontrollably as her words brought my body to life.  Imagining her lips tugging on my nipples, her fingers stroking the dampness of my panties, eyelids heavy and breath shallow as I helplessly followed her instruction to cum silently in my seat.  Recovering, ashamed, I had looked around the carriage to see if anyone noticed.  Fortunately, this was London, and strangers were studiously ignored.

Blushing from the memory, I realised the next stop was mine.  Dragging myself back to reality I stood and prepared myself for my next steps.  As I walked along the platform and up the stairs, I tried to pull myself together.  This night would probably be a disaster, or worse still, boring.  The people on the website were probably just like me.  Living out exciting virtual fantasies in an attempt to escape their mundane lives.  I’d probably arrive and there’d be a few shy, awkward people drinking cups of tea and looking disappointed with a touch of embarrassment thrown in. 

As I exited the station, I saw a bright neon sign with the name of the hotel that was written on my invitation.  I took a deep breath.  “Here goes nothing,” I said to myself as I forced myself towards the building.

As I staggered up the stairs in my ridiculously high heels that I knew she would adore, hoping the tops of my stockings didn’t show under my short skirt, I felt very self-conscious and for the fiftieth time asked myself what I thought I was doing.  This was so far out of my comfort zone that it wasn’t just the heels that were making my legs shake.  Following the signs to the ballroom, I was struck by the crowd of people milling around by the entrance.  I had deliberately arrived at the party as late as I could in an attempt to enter unnoticed, but I hadn’t been expecting crowds.  I joined the end of the queue, eyes cast down, desperately trying to make myself invisible. 

When I reached the front of the line, I was asked my name and given a badge.  The name on it was Daisy.  Obviously not my real name, I was far too cautious ever to reveal any details about my real self on the erotic website, which reminded me again that I was crazy for exposing myself in this way.  With the badge and my name now adorning my slightly transparent, clingy, black top, I dared lift my eyes to look around the room.  I was surprised at what I saw. 

Standing at the entrance to the ballroom, I could see huge images of erotica decorating the walls.  The grand room was dimly lit and filled with people.  Rhythmic music was blasting from the speakers and I tried to focus my eyes to make sense of what I was seeing.  Scanning the room, I was drawn to a beautiful woman who was stood alone, seemingly searching for something.  She was tall and slender, and even in the shadowy light, her dark, glossy hair shone. I noticed enviously how her tight-fitting, red dress hugged her glorious figure.  Suddenly she seemed to be looking straight at me and her eyes narrowed, a smile creeping over her lips as she began to stride towards me.

When she was close enough to read my name badge, she took my hands in hers as her eyes wandered up and down my body.  She leaned in and placed the softest kiss on my lips. I melted.

“Hello Daisy,” came her soft breathy voice, hearing it for the first time.

“Hello Miss,” I stammered. 

Zara.  Zara was the name on her badge.  I just knew her as Miss.  The name I had come to call her when I lost myself in her words when the reality I knew would melt away and I would submit completely and become hers.

Taking my hand, she led me over to the bar and ordered us both a large drink.  Smiling at me she said;

“I didn’t think you’d come,” her eyes looking bemused.

“You can talk,” I muttered in reply.

She was a married woman, and although bolder than me, she had a lot more to lose. 

"I've got a twenty-four-hour pass baby, so let's make it count."

I couldn’t suppress my delight that she was here and I was finally standing before her.  Leaning in for another kiss, my lips parted and her tongue slid into my mouth as our kiss deepened.  I felt the all too familiar tingling in my pussy, magnified a thousand times.

“Fancy a dance?” she asked as we finished our drinks and she pulled me towards the dancefloor.  Having eyes only for her, we joined the crowd, moving our bodies in time to the beat.  She pressed herself against me as we moved our hips as one.  I could feel the heat from her body and her breath on my cheek.  I was feeling euphoric as the rest of the room faded into the background.

A loud shrieking noise jolted me back to reality and Zara was suddenly surrounded by an overexcited group of women screeching her name.  I felt a familiar pang of jealousy and tried hard not to put any names to the faces that had incited my green-eyed monster on the website.  I wasn’t the only woman dazzled by Zara and these ladies wanted some of her attention too.  Dragging her away from me to go and meet up with some other friends, she mouthed that she’d be back soon and to have fun.

Standing alone and feeling decidedly lost and self-conscious, I suddenly became aware of my surroundings.  Trying to be as inconspicuous as possible I moved away from the dance floor.  Feeling bereft and wondering where Zara had gone, distracting myself from being too stalky and jealous, I decided to explore the party. 

Now that I was paying attention, I began to notice that I was quite modestly dressed in my sheer blouse and short skirt.  Women were wandering around in all sorts of provocative getups; there was lots of leather and latex, corsets, underwear, breasts tumbling over obscenely pushed up bras. The men were also looking glamorous, some clad in leather, some dashing in tuxedos, and some completely bare-chested.  There was definitely an air of sexual anticipation.  Beginning to feel nervous again, I went off in search of safety.

I noticed some rooms were leading off the main ballroom, so I went to look for a safe haven.   The sign above the first room simply read ‘The Lounge.’  I entered tentatively to find a half-empty room of friendly people chatting and flirting.  Hovering by a chair I politely said hello and introduced myself.  I was familiar with some of the names, having seen them online.  The chat was friendly and relaxed so I stayed awhile, but soon my mind wandered back to Zara and the reason I had come.  She wouldn’t find me in here, so I said my goodbyes and slipped away from the room.   

Wandering along to the next room I peered inside.  The room was full of men in various stages of undress.  I gasped as I noticed in the corner, a man bent over the arm of an armchair, his mouth sucking on the cock of the inhabitant of the seat.  Behind him, a tall, muscular guy, his trousers round his ankles, was fucking him aggressively.  The rest of the men in the room seemed oblivious, as some chatted and laughed, whilst others were on their knees sucking enthusiastically on the cock that had found its way into their mouths. 

Nearly all of the men in the room had their trousers open and were playing with their own, or their acquaintances, hard members.  The room smelled of testosterone and sex, and thankfully nobody had noticed me hovering at the door.  A loud groan from the corner of the room snapped me out of my silent observation, as the three men spurted their cum over each other as they orgasmed together. Feeling a bit hot and embarrassed to have been spying on such a scene, I quickly backed out of the room.

Moving along to the next room I was almost relieved to see it was filled with women.  I walked in as confidently as I could and took a seat to the side.  The conversation was in full flow and there was quite a bit of teasing and flirting going on.  Everyone seemed to know each other very well and there was much giggling at in-jokes which I couldn’t quite follow.  It all seemed quite innocent enough, with the odd innuendo and the women, after an initial curt hello and quickly checking me out, went back to their conversations. 

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Suddenly the atmosphere changed as an older woman strode into the room. She was wearing a black leather corset, suspenders, stockings and spiked thigh-high black, patent boots.  As she entered one of the younger girls jumped up from her seat to allow the woman to sit, and then proceeded to kneel by her feet.  The older woman stroked her hair appreciatively and murmured, “Good girl”, and I swore I heard the young girl start to purr. 

She blushed and mumbled, “Thank you Mistress” and began to rub her cheek against the lady’s stocking.

“Breasts out,” her Mistress commanded, loudly.   Slowly and provocatively, the young girl slid her skimpy dress over her shoulders and down to her waist.  She wasn’t wearing a bra. The rest of the ladies fell silent, their eyes growing wide with excitement.

“Stroke your nipples for me, pet.  Show these nice ladies how obedient you are.”

The young girl blushed and started to play with her small pert breasts, tugging on her pink nipples and moaning gently as her Mistress smiled approvingly at her.  The other women in the room watched, squirming slightly as the girl's sweet nipples grew stiff and taut.

“Who would like to suck on them?” Her Mistress asked the room.

Two young women immediately jumped forward, each placing their lips around a nipple, sucking, their eyes turned towards the older lady, seeking her approval.  The other ladies in the room watched silently, some moving their fingers under their party clothes, rubbing themselves openly and enjoying the show.  I have to say it was an extremely erotic sight and I began to start squirming myself.

The woman sitting next to me, who had not acknowledged my presence until this point, tapped me on my arm. I turned to find her peering closely at me.

“How about you Daisy,” she said reading my name badge, and placing a hand between my legs.  “Is this turning you on?”

I jumped up, mortified and more than a little ashamed by my arousal.  I knew my face was bright red as I muttered something about it being um, lovely, before turning and almost running from the room.

I was feeling quite shaken up and was longing to find Zara, who although I’d only met face to face a few hours earlier, was familiar and I knew she would take care of me.  In my hasty search, I turned into the next room, completely missing the sign over the door saying ‘The Basement.’

It was a dimly lit room, adorned with lots of equipment including racks and chains hanging from the walls and even the ceiling.  There were stocks and padded tables laid out with metal rings and restraints, and some cages tucked into the corners.  In the centre of the room was a large cross to which a naked woman was shackled, her hands and feet spread wide, a red ballgag filling her mouth.  A man was holding a riding crop, which he was using to spank her reddened pussy lips. The woman’s head was thrown back in ecstasy and she was crying out in pain.  I heard her attempt to say the number “seven,” and then with even more difficulty, “Thank you, Master.” 

A beautiful redhead was being led naked around the room on all fours, a leash attached to the collar around her neck.  Her large breasts swayed as she crawled, and her bottom was plugged with what looked like a pony’s tail, which she was wiggling proudly. 

Another naked woman was locked in the stocks, her hands and head restrained as she sucked on a large cock being thrust down her throat. Behind her, a woman wearing a thick leather collar around her neck and a purple latex basque, which stopped just below her exposed breasts, was hungrily licking her asshole.

Reluctantly aroused by this debauched scene, I dragged my eyes away, focussing instead on a young man, kneeling naked at his Mistress’s feet, bent over so his tongue could lick the sole of her shoe.  His Mistress paid him no attention and instead watched a young girl being spanked as she lay naked over her Master’s lap. 

The erotic sounds of moaning and begging filled my ears.  As I stood transfixed, I felt a pair of hands encircle my waist. 

“I didn’t expect to find you in here Daisy.  Would you like to stay?” Zara asked grinning deviously at me.

I shook my head vigorously and she turned and led me from the room to a sofa in the main ballroom.   My head was spinning from all that I had seen, and she placed a comforting arm around me and began kissing me. 

As I once again melted against her she slowly began to undo the buttons on my blouse, sliding it from my shoulders.  I was so relieved to be close to her I didn’t seem to care. I barely even noticed her flicking the front clasp of my bra, freeing my breasts and exposing them to the room.  Stroking my nipples, I felt them swell and grow against her fingers, and as she moved her mouth down to suckle on the sensitive nubs, her hand slid between my legs.  I spread them, as I had done for her so many times alone, in the privacy of my own home.  She stroked the damp material of my panties, before sliding them down my legs.  Removing them from me, she lifted them to her nose and inhaled deeply before shoving them in her pocket. 

Her hands were between my legs again, pushing my knees apart, exposing my needy, glistening cunt to the room. A glow of hot shame rose through my body, but my need for her prevented me from moving.  Instead, I rolled my head back, shutting my eyes as she stroked my pussy lips, sliding a finger between my wet folds. Moans escaped my open mouth, and I knew I was helpless to do anything but respond to her touch.

I felt her mouth leave my nipple, her hot breath suddenly against my ear. 

“You’ve never tasted pussy have you baby?”  She grinned at me.

Blushing, I shook my head, my eyes sparkling with fear-tinged lust.

“Would you like to?” She asked smiling

There was only one answer.  “Yes please,” I whispered.

“On your knees,” she ordered

I slid off the sofa and sunk to my knees between her legs, as she parted her thighs.  My eyes gazed at the growing wet spot on her red panties.  Looking up at her for permission, I tentatively leant my head forward as my nose grazed her dampness.  I inhaled deeply, her scent filling my senses, and then I kissed her softly, the tang of her on my lips.

“Panties off.” She barked at me hoarsely.

Pulling her panties down over her thighs, her cunt, covered in soft brown curls that I had so often fantasised about, came into view.  I could see her wetness and smell her arousal as I moved my face closer, my mouth grazing her lips, as I started to French kiss her beautiful cunt.  The taste and smell of her filled my senses and I felt my own pussy dripping with longing for more. With my fingers, I spread her open so my tongue could lap desperately at her pink juicy flesh. Her fingers gripped my hair as she pressed my face deeper into her.  My lips found her swollen bud and I sucked on her clitoris, tongue circling it deep in my mouth. Her hips started rocking as she began grinding herself against my face, coating me in her juices.

I licked her faster, rubbing my face in her pussy, as mine continued dripping in response to her taste, not caring that I was kneeling, licking her cunt in hungry abandon for everyone to see.  I pushed my tongue deep inside her, desperate for more, to be part of her, my moans vibrating deep in her core.

Grabbing my hair tighter, she started humping my face, using me for her pleasure in front of everyone.  I could barely breathe as I pushed my tongue deeper into her slippery, velvet hole.  Feeling her walls gripping me, I felt her spasm violently.  As she exploded, her cum pouring into my mouth and over my face, I came at her feet.

Breathless, clinging to her legs, she pulled me up beside her kissing me, tasting her juices that were glossing my lips.  I snuggled into her, sighing happily as my cheeks nuzzled her perfect breasts.  I’d never known such pleasure. 

“That was a very good first attempt Daisy,” she purred at me in her post-orgasmic glow. Noticing my dishevelled state, she asked; “Did you really just cum from licking my cunt?”

I blushed furiously and nodded.  “I couldn’t help myself,” I answered truthfully. "You were so delicious.”

“I’ve got a room upstairs.  We've only got a few hours left.  Shall we fuck each other’s brains out?” She said as she stood up from the couch, taking my hand as she helped me up. I had never wanted anything more.

As she led me across the dance floor and out of the room, I barely noticed that I’d left my top and bra on the sofa. 

Walking towards the door we passed another room.  I glanced up at the sign above the door.  As I did so, a beautiful creature dressed in a silver sequined dress sashayed out of the room.  He grinned wickedly at me as he looked me up and down, taking in my dishevelled, half-naked state.

“You look like you’ve had a good night honey.” He said in a low drawl.

"It's not over yet," interposed Zara.

I beamed at him, unable to wipe the smile from my face.

“I have thank you.  It’s going to be a lush twenty-four hours.”

Written by DaisyChained
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