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Pitching A Tent 2: The Fallout

"Ryan tries to figure out the reason behind Skye's sudden attitude change"

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Author's Notes

"Thanks to all of you for your continued support. I cannot express how happy I get whenever one of you comments on my work. It motivates me to write more and more. As for what you are about to read, the story of Ryan and Skye continues (you didn't think that a story called "Pitching a Tent" would end before they even got to the camping part, did you?). <p> [ADVERT] </p>This chapter is definitely more relationship driven than part one, though there is fun at the end, I promise. Hope you enjoy!"

"Now Entering Pisgah National Park"

The sign signaled the end of our seven-hour road trip, and I was excited to stretch my legs. The back seat of George's car was not meant for people as tall as me, and my legs were getting numb.

Under normal circumstances, I probably would have thrown a fit and demanded to at least spend SOME of the trip up front. George was three inches shorter than me, and Colin was easily six or seven. It didn't make sense to have my gangly ass back there. So why didn't I complain? It was simple. Skye was in the back seat. Therefore, I wanted to be in the back seat. And boy was I glad that I didn't complain.

After spending the first portion of the trip catching up on what had happened since I last saw her, we got a bit flirty and the end result was a very adult version of Red Light-Green Light with the guys up front. And by that, I mean it was a game of "how much fooling around can we do without our brothers looking back and noticing. We won. Well, at least I did. Skye gave me a blow job and then swallowed every drop — all without our navigators having a clue. But I digress.

We arrived at our plot of land just after 7:00 AM, and for the first time in hours, I had the ability to get out and recover the feeling in my legs. Once they were finally awake, I walked around to the back of the car to start unpacking. Skye was still stretching on her side of the vehicle when I took my bag out of the trunk. And by stretching, I mean she was bent over and touching her toes. She was giving me quite the show. The girl was definitely flexible, and my brain was doing gymnastics of its own, imagining all of the ways that could be used in bed.

It took about an hour to set up our tents and unpack, but after that, we decided that it was best to get some real sleep. No one really gets restful sleep in a car. The first day was always like that.

"Ryan, you're in here with me," George told me, opening up the flap to our tent. I was a bit surprised. I figured he and Colin would be together. I shrugged and followed him in.

"Wow...You and Colin are already sleeping in separate tents? Can't say that's a great sign for your marriage," I said jokingly.

George laughed. "Nah, it's nothing like that. This is OUR camping trip. Our time to catch up. Colin and Skye are just here with us."

It was a nice sentiment, but I didn't really think that who slept where really mattered. And I doubted that George felt different. I couldn't help but think it more about making sure Skye was comfortable. I mean, it's not like HE knew just how "familiar" she had gotten with me a few hours earlier. I figured that by the end of the day, we could convince the two adults that them sleeping apart was silly and we'd be fine. Then we could go at it like rabbits.

After sleeping away the rest of the morning, we got up around 1:00 and decided that since we were all still a little sluggish, fishing seemed to be the move. It required next to no energy, and if we got lucky, maybe we could catch ourselves some dinner that didn't come out of a can. At least the three guys did. Skye said that she wasn't much of a fishing person and preferred to just hang back and read a book she had brought. Colin and George seemed unconcerned by this, but I couldn't help but think differently.

Is she avoiding me? Is that the real reason we aren't sharing a tent? Did she regret fooling around? So much for a relaxing afternoon fishing.

It took about fifteen minutes to walk the half-mile to Curtis Creek. We found a small dock that jutted in, so that we wouldn't have to wade knee-deep in the water like some of the other fishermen downstream, and we put down our stuff.

Even though I elected to go, I was actually much more like Skye when it came to fishing. It really wasn't my thing. People talk about it being peaceful, but for me, "peaceful" is more synonymous with "boring." Still, it gave me an opportunity to catch up with my brother. We had fallen a little out of touch the last month or so, as I buckled down for finals and made the overwhelming transition from news editor to managing editor at the paper. I always had a bad habit of failing to stay in contact with family and people from back home while I was at school. Turns out that we were more out of touch than I thought.

"So how is that girlfriend of yours? What's her name? Monica?"

"Monica? Jesus, you are WAYYY out of the loop, my dude."

"Oh geez. What happened? And when?"

"Like two months ago," I said, shaking my head and laughing. "She was just kinda 'eh'."

Monica and I started seeing each other right around Christmas, and we lasted until about the end of April. It was a classic case of a guy thinking with his dick. She was definitely hot — nice rack, tight stomach, dancers legs — she just didn't have much of a personality. We also didn't have much in common. She hated baseball, camping, and just about every television show I liked. The sex was good, but when we weren't hooking up, there was just kind of a void. An uncomfortable silence. She also didn't think that My Cousin Vinny was funny (she spent the entire movie texting when I tried to show it to her), which is 100% a deal-breaker.

Once we got away from talk about my sex life, we moved on to much more pleasant topics. Colin and George were apparently about to adopt a German Shepherd puppy named Champ from a shelter just outside of Baltimore. George put his fishing pole down and swiped through a couple of pictures of their visit last week and said that they were going to be picking him up the day they get back. I wasn't a huge dog person myself (I'm not a monster; it's just more work than I'm willing to put forth), but the dog did look cute, and George had always wanted one. I was happy for him.

We talked about other random things — my internship this summer and how it meant I'd be closer to them, what my plans were after graduating, and guessing what dad was REALLY doing to throw out his back. My money was on falling down the stairs, while George said he was SURE it was something like picking a remote up off the ground. Then Colin ruined the game with his own theory.

"Ten bucks says that he threw it out plowing your mom."

George and I both instantly cringed at the thought of our parents having intercourse. I contemplated telling Colin I was going to fuck his sister, but settled for throwing a worm at him.

When the sun started to set, we packed up and started to head back to the campsite. All in all, it was a pretty successful day. Colin had caught a couple of big trout that looked promising. George had caught one as well. I had more or less struck out, but that was expected. I did catch one little guy, but he wasn't big enough by the gaming commission's standards, so we had to release him.

We got back right as it was getting dark out, and Colin and George began scaling and gutting our dinner. Skye and I were tasked with the job of starting the fire.

"How is your book?"

Skye hesitated to respond, but eventually let out a meek "It's fine."

Not good. Not good at all.

We got the fire going, but with minimal actual discussion. The few times our eyes met, her face became flush and she averted her gaze right away. She regretted what happened on the way. I fucking knew it.

As we cooked the trout over the bonfire, Skye sat on the opposite side of the circle and said very little. Colin tried to get her to open up more, even requesting that she sing as he broke out his guitar, but it was to no avail. I was crushed inside. I knew that she had been every bit a part of our fun as I did, and it wasn't like I had forced her to do anything she didn't want, but it still ate at me.

I liked Skye. A lot. And the more time I spent with her, the more I liked. It wasn't just the fact that she was stunning. We seemed to click. We had so much more in common than Monica and I ever did. I probably laughed more in the two conversations I had had with Skye than I did in the four months I dated Monica. Whether we had sex it not, I wanted that version of Skye to return.

I found myself comparing Skye and Monica to each other, unintentionally of course. They were different in almost every way. Monica was about half a foot taller than Skye, and was definitely MUCH heavier up top. Monica had a set of breasts that could tempt George to switch teams (yes, I'm aware that isn't how it works, but you get what I mean). Meanwhile, Skye didn't have much of a chest. I figured that was the case for most gymnasts; double-D tits would probably get in the way on the uneven bars, right? But her lack of a rack didn't matter because Skye had literally the most perfect legs and ass I had ever seen. And while Monica was pretty, Skye was just stunning. And it always came back to that smile. I was convinced that I could see it every day for a decade and still melt every time. Not that I had seen it since we got out of the car that morning.

I had to find a way to make things right.


"Huh?" I snapped out of my trance.

"I just said your name like three times. You OK, bud?" George looked concerned.

"I'm good, really," I replied, though he wasn't buying it. "Must be a little more tired than I thought. I guess I should hit the hay."

"It has been a long day," Colin noted. "Maybe it's that time for all of us." George and Skye nodded and we put out the fire for the night and got ready for bed.

On day two, the plan was to do a shorter trail in the morning before splitting up. After that, George and I were going to go to Wilson's Creek for some white water rafting, while Skye and Colin were going to go rock climbing. It was shaping up to be a hot day, and I was thankful that at least George and I would be spending the afternoon on the water.

Since it was already starting to get humid, we chose a trail that was right by our camp and only a mile or so long, George and I had walked this particular one a couple of times throughout the years, but it was still enjoyable. I mean, nature is nature.

Colin and Skye both seemed to love it, and I even caught Skye smiling a couple of times, though she quickly stopped when she saw me sneaking a glance at her. I spent more time watching Skye than the world around me, to be honest. It was far more enjoyable to see her reactions to everything than the trail itself.

Skye was still overly quiet. We hadn't said anything to each other beyond normal pleasantries, and even then, it was done with her eyes looking down at her feet — and maybe with a touch of coldness? I couldn't be certain. I was lost as to what to do.

After we got back to camp, we had a quick bite to eat and changed into clothes that were more appropriate for the activities we had planned. I changed into the one bathing suit I had, but as I came out of the tent, I noticed that Skye had done the same. I was confused.

"I thought that you and Colin were going to go rock climbing."

"It's really hot out. We figured that being on the water would be better. If that's OK with you," she added.

"Y-yeah, sure. The more the merrier," I said, trying to sound inviting.

The trek to Wilson's Creek could have technically been done by walking there, but we had our own equipment, so we had to drive. Upon getting to the beginning of the run, George and I got our stuff set up, while Colin and Skye went into the rental cabin to get their own.

"Are you and Skye OK?" George asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know. She seemed excited to be going with us, and then we got here and she's barely said anything."

"I dunno," I lied. "It's not like I know her all that well."

George gave me a look that made me aware that he knew I was full of shit. I was eager to change the subject.

"Have they even done this before?"

White water rafting is an extreme sport. Furthermore, Wilson's Creek is a class five rapid (out of six). It's basically a double black diamond, if you are more familiar with skiing terminology. It's not the kind of run you do if you aren't experienced, and if you make a mistake and fall off your raft, it can be very difficult to rescue you. That is the main reason that I was so shocked by Colin and Skye's change of plans.

"Don't be ridiculous. Of course they have," George chided. "They haven't done anything this intense, but they'll be fine."

I was still a little concerned. I felt like they were being a little cavalier about a very rough run. I didn't want anyone getting hurt.



I found myself being swept away by the rapid current, ricocheting off rock after rock. I couldn't believe it. After all of that talk about hoping that Skye and Colin didn't do anything stupid while rafting, I had gone and done it myself.

It all started when I hit a rock that I hadn't seen, causing me to spin around. That typically isn't that big of a deal — it isn't that unusual of an occurrence. However, before I could spin myself so I was facing the right way, I felt myself crashing down one of the falls.

The waterfall was probably a six-foot drop, but because I didn't see it coming, it caught me by surprise and threw me off my raft. Next thing I knew, I was doing my best impression of a pinball, struggling to keep my head above water.

For more than 100 yards, I continued my fight against the water, losing badly. I was scared, and I was traveling way faster than I could think. Every time I felt the impact of another rock, I tried to grab hold of it, but they were always too slick. My adrenaline was pumping, but the action was quickly exhausting me. I needed to find a way to stop and get to land.

Finally, I caught a break. As I hit another rock, I was able to grab on long enough to get a glimpse of what was ahead. There was a tree trunk that had fallen perpendicular to the run and was sticking out into the rapids just far enough to where I could reach it. I had one shot at this.

I lunged at it with all of the strength I had left in me, grabbing onto whatever I could. The first branch I tried broke off instantly, but I managed to grab hold of the trunk with my right hand. It held. Carefully, I crawled up the trunk and made it out of the water.

That was too fucking close.

I sat on the edge of the rapids for probably about five minutes. I was dinged up pretty badly, and I was hacking up a lot of water, but I knew I had to make it down to the clearing where the rest of the group was. Surely my raft would have already made it down, and they would start panicking when it got there empty. I did a quick check to confirm that nothing was hurt badly and started my walk of shame.

After about a half-mile of following the water, I saw George, Skye, and Colin. George was on the phone, and Colin was pacing. Skye was the first to see me and ran over.

"He's here!" Skye yelled to our brothers. "Thank God you're safe!" She embraced me in a big hug.

George hung up the phone and he and Colin jogged over.

"Dude what happened?! Are you OK?" George asked.

"I'm fine. Went down one of the falls backwards and completely ate it. Got lucky and managed to get to shore pretty quickly, though." I lied. I didn't want to relive the experience again. I was exhausted and embarrassed.

"We should still head over to the EMT booth to get you checked out."

"That's not necessary, really. I just want to go back to the camp. I'm exhausted."

"At least let Skye take a look," Colin suggested. "She's pretty good with this stuff."

I figured that having her check me out was the best way to qualm their fears, so I agreed.

Skye took a step forward and tried to smile with the corners of her mouth to ease the tension, though it didn't really work.

After poking and prodding me for a few minutes, Skye concluded that I was right and, in fact, fine.

"Sorry I don't have a lollipop for you," she joked. It was the first time things had approached normal for us. I held out hope.

After Colin and Skye returned their rental equipment, we hopped back in the car to drive to camp. We were almost there when we heard the rumble of thunder.

"That's not good," I stated.

"OK, Captain Obvious," Skye quipped back, bumping me with her shoulder.

Damn, if all it took to get back on Skye's good side was almost dying, I would have tried that earlier.

We got back right as the sky opened up. No bonfire tonight, I guess.


The next morning, I woke up to an empty tent. I had overslept. Not terribly surprising, given what went on yesterday.

I changed into some khaki shorts and a t-shirt and went to unzip the tent. There was a note on it from George:

"Spending the day rock climbing with Colin. If you are up for it, you should check out the Upper Catawba Falls trail. Hear it's really pretty.

P.S. already packed a lunch for you two. It's in the backpack"

I took the note and got out of the tent, and I was greeted by a beautiful morning. The rain from last night had brought the humidity down considerably, and it was shaping up to be an incredible day. Temperature-wise, at least. As for the day itself, I was still uneasy. Sure, Skye seemed to open up a little towards the end of yesterday, but she was still hiding something. The idea of spending the entire day, just the two of us, was daunting.

As I opened up a can of tuna for a quick breakfast, Skye was lounging on a towel and reading her book. She was wearing another pair of cutoff jean shorts, and a shirt that was knotted off to the side, exposing her midriff. With the sun shining down on her, she looked like an angel, and she wasn't even trying.

"Looks like George and Colin ditched us," I said, holding the note.

"Yeah, Colin said that they were going rock climbing and I was supposed to babysit you."

"Babysit? Did they at least give you pizza money?" I feigned offense.

"Nope. Seemed like a raw deal for me, but they didn't give me much of an option. So you better be a good boy."

"I'll be on my best behavior. Scout's honor.

"Anyways, while they're gone, do you have any interest in checking out Catawba Falls?" I continued. "It's a beautiful day, and it's one of the few trails I haven't done before."

"That actually sounds nice. Let me go pack us a lunch and we can head out now."

"George already covered that for us," I said, holding up the backpack.

"Well it's not 'pizza money,' but at least they didn't leave us completely high and dry."

There was that smile again.

The "trail" to Upper Catawba Falls was about three miles. I use quotes there because it isn't an official trail like many of the other ones in the area. There is nothing carved out, and you just kinda have to know where you are going. Because of this, it's a little more treacherous and you have to watch your footing a little bit more. I kinda preferred that, though. It made the experience more authentic — like we really were trekking through the wilderness. The only thing that kept me from feeling like an explorer was I was missing the giant machete to cut through the thicket. Probably for the best, given my propensity to hurt myself.

About a mile in, we reached a particularly narrow section of the trail. We had to navigate it single file, meaning that I was behind Skye. I couldn't help but get distracted by what was in front of me. Her shorts were so short that you could see the bottom of her ass. You know the creases where the thighs end and the butt begins? Hers were on full display, and I was mesmerized. So much so that I was completely unaware of the fact that she had stopped walking, causing me to bump into her.

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"What did you st—"

"Shhh!" She whispered, cutting me off before I could finish.

I looked up and saw why she stopped. About 50 yards in front of us, a black bear was scratching its back on a tree, almost doing a little dance in the process. It was the perfect combination of adorable and funny. Unable to gauge Skye's reaction, I placed my hands on Skye's shoulder to indicate that everything was fine. Black bears were more scared of us, and they spook pretty easily.

She took a step backwards to lean on me, as if she was at least a little uneasy, causing her backside to press up against me. I wrapped my arms around her waist. I was in heaven.

Once the bear was done with his little jig, which was more likely about marking the tree with his scent than dancing for our amusement, he looked up at us and scurried along on his way.

"That was awesome," I said. I was referring to both the bear and holding her against me

"He was so cute!" she cooed, holding her hand to her heart.

Huh, I guess she wasn't scared after all.

As we got closer to the falls, the footing started to get dicier and dicier. There was a lot of balancing on rocks, and the rain from the night before had made everything slippery. Nothing that a careful and experienced hiker would have trouble with, but I was only one of those two things. My mind never fully came back down to earth from feeling her pressed against me.

I bet you can guess what happened next. As I stepped on one of said wet rocks, I missed my mark, causing me to tumble and fall. My knee scraped against another rock, drawing blood.

How the fuck do I keep hurting myself? Get your shit together, Ryan!

"Holy shit! Are you OK?!" Skye asked, with a panic in her voice.

I wasn't really hurt. Just another scrape to add to my collection from yesterday. The most pressing issue was not the knee, but that I had fallen in a particularly sloppy area and my shirt was now covered in mud.

"I'm fine. Though, George might not let you babysit me anymore," I said with a smile. "Do you mind if I take my shirt off? I'd rather not be covered in shit for the afternoon."

She shook her head, laughing at the babysitting comment. I took my shirt off and placed it in a separate compartment of the backpack.

"Actually, do you think you can put some sunscreen on my back? I obviously didn't get my back at the camp, and I don't want to burn."

"Sure thing," Skye said, taking the lotion from me.

Skye seemed hesitant at first. She was very tentative, using one hand to rub in the lotion she had put on my lower back. Just her touching my bare skin had me feeling tingly all over. Every hair on my body was standing upright, and I had butterflies dancing in my stomach.

She worked her way up my back, and as she did, she seemed to linger more and more, almost caressing the ripples of my back muscles. By the time she reached my shoulder blades, she was using both hands and as much giving me a massage as she was applying sunscreen. It felt amazing having her hands on me. Her touch was so soft, and I couldn't help but close my eyes and enjoy the sensualness of the moment.

The whole thing probably lasted only a minute or two, but when once she was done with my shoulders, Skye seemed to jolt backwards. I guess she had gotten lost in the moment too.

"Sorry about that," she said, looking down.

"Sorry? What's there to be sorry about? That felt incredible. Easily the best application of sunscreen I've ever had."

"I can't imagine your gir—girlfriend would agree with that," she said, stuttering.

"Girlfriend??" I was very confused.

"Colin told me that you have a girlfriend back at school," she snapped at me. Her tone was changing from timid to stern with every word, as if she had finally gotten the confidence to speak her mind. "I can't imagine she would approve of this. And I KNOW she wouldn't be cool with what happened on the way here."


The puzzle of the last 48 hours suddenly snapped together in that instant, and I began to laugh.

"What are you laughing about?" she was basically yelling now. "I've been wracked with guilt ever since we did what we did in the car, and you think it's funny?! You turned me into a cheater!"

"When did Colin tell you this?" I said, no longer smiling.

"Does it matter?" She said indignantly.

"Just answer the question. Please." I wanted to see if she found out before or after we messed around.

"He told me when we were in our tent right when we got here. Said that he saw me cuddling up to you and wanted to give me fair warning. Why?" She was on the verge of tears.

"Skye, I'm not dating anyone."

"Bull shit!"

"Really! I broke up with my girlfriend months ago."

"What?" Now it was her turn to be the confused one. "Why would Colin lie about that?"

"He didn't lie," I said reassuringly. "I'm assuming Colin got his intel from George. And he didn't know we had split until we caught up while fishing on Friday."

"So when know. You weren't..." she trailed off again.

"No. Nor am I the kind of guy that would ever cheat. Your conscience should be clean."

Skye looked at me for about thirty seconds, trying to determine if she thought I was telling the truth. Finally, she took a deep breath and exhaled in a way that was obviously releasing all of the guilt she had been keeping inside her for the past 48 hours.

"Now that that has been settled, do you think that we can go back to normal? Because I've kinda missed fun-Skye."

She broke out in the biggest smile I've ever seen. It was infectious, and it caused me to follow suit. It warmed me to my core, and I wanted so desperately to close the gap between us right there and kiss her.


The spell was broken by my phone going off. It was from George.

'How is the falls?'

Leave it to my brother to find a way to kill the moment without even being here. I shot him a text, saying that we weren't there yet because my dumb ass had fallen in mud, and put my phone back in my pocket.

"The falls are just past that clearing up ahead," Skye finally said. The moment was over.

I nodded. "Let's get there and find a spot to eat lunch."

As we passed through the last brush and got our first look at the falls, we were both amazed by the scenery. It was breathtaking. Water from above cascaded from what must have been close to 100 feet onto the rocks below. Lush greenery was all around, and there was a mist in the air from the falling water. Thanks to the rain from the night before, the falls were raging, and it was one of the most picturesque things I've ever seen. As I soaked it all in, I felt Skye's hand grab hold of mine, sending a shot of electricity through my arm, up to my brain, and then back down to my feet.

It wasn't until then that it finally dawned on me. I had completely misread George's intentions. This wasn't a case of abandoning me to spend the afternoon with his hubby. This was a setup. He packed us a lunch and sent us off to the most romantic place he could think of, knowing what was likely to happen.

That cheeky son of a bitch.

As if we needed the setting to be more intimate, we were completely isolated. The only thing that could have possibly set the mood more is if we had "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" playing in the background.

Skye was surprised by the fact that we were all alone, but I wasn't. After all, there wasn't really a trail here. It was more of a local's secret. I'm sure had we gone to the lower falls — which has a carved out path — we would have had others there.

We spent a few more minutes soaking in the view, then went about finding a spot to sit down for lunch. Most of the area was still wet from the storm, but we finally found a rock that was dry enough. I opened up the backpack and took out the blanket that George packed for us. A note fell out.

"She likes you. Go get her


Definitely a setup.

We put the blanket down and took everything out. George had packed us some trail mix, tuna sandwiches, Teddy Grahams, and a couple of Gatorades.

"Before we eat, let me take a look at that knee and clean it up."

Skye sat on her legs and took out the first aid kit. I sat down on the blanket and extended my leg towards her. The wound really wasn't anything. There was a little blood, but it was already starting to dry. That being said, if a beautiful girl wants to play nurse, you humor her.

She ripped open an alcohol pad and dabbed at the blood and cut, causing me to wince — not because it really hurt, but more just out of habit. Like when you bump against something and instinctively say "ouch" even though it didn't warrant it.

"Don't be such a wimp," she teased. I stuck out my tongue.

She's finished the process by putting a Band-Aid on it. Then she did something surprising. After she was done, she got up on her knees, leaned over me, and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I was rendered utterly speechless.

Reflexively, I reached up and touched the spot she had kissed me with my hand, and looked up at her.

"You do that to all of your patients?"

"Just the cute ones."

We ate lunch sitting next to one another, facing the falls. For the most part, we were mostly quiet. Unlike the first few days, though, it wasn't an awkward silence. We were enjoying each other's presence. It was the kind of silence that could only exist between two people that were comfortable with each other. I couldn't believe how fast things got back to normal for us.

Skye was looking all around us, enjoying the scenery. It didn't capture me nearly as much; nothing compared to her. I did what I could to avoid staring, but wasn't successful. She caught me on at least two occasions, causing me to make a big show out of looking away in an over-the-top "I TOTALLY wasn't checking you out; what are you talking about???" kind of way. Both times got a smile out of her, causing me to do a mental fist pump.

We finished eating, but stayed where we were, enjoying our little sanctuary away from the rest of the world. Eventually, she leaned over and began resting on my shoulder. I could feel her arm on my rib cage, and just that little amount of contact set my entire body on fire. This girl had the ability to do things to me that if I wasn't so smitten, it would scare the shit out of me. To this day, I'm not entirely convinced that she isn't actually a witch.

I looked down at her, and she tilted her head up to do the same. Here was the moment I had waited days for. The moment where I could show her what she did to me. We had worked through our miscommunication, and George had come through with the assist. But it was up to me, and I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't a big ball of nerves.

I know it seems weird to say that I was this nervous about kissing a girl that I had already gotten to third base with, but there is a huge difference between fooling around with someone and kissing them in the most romantic place ever. The first is just casual fun — at least that has usually been the case for me. The latter, though, well, that came with implications well beyond the weekend. Implications that both scared and excited me.

Don't be a fucking coward. Just kiss the girl!

I started to lean down, but she met me halfway, locking her lips to mine in the most passionate kiss I had ever had. Up until that moment, a kiss had just been a stepping stone to something else. An appetizer. Maybe it was just a makeout session, maybe it was sex, but it was always leading somewhere else. And that's where my mind would always go when I started kissing a girl.

Not this one though. This kiss was something all on its own. There was tenderness behind it. Skye began to cup my face with one hand, and I pushed my tongue past her lips and into her mouth. Just a little. It never got to the point where I would say we were full-on making out, though. It was never raw or needy. It just was.

I pulled away to look at her. She was glowing. Like, I could see an aura around her in the same way TV liked to show angels. No joke. In the moment, I was content just staring at her, looking at my goddess as she tucked her hair behind her ears.

She wasn't.

In one fluid motion, Skye threw her leg over me and straddled me. The next kiss was anything BUT slow. It was aggressive. Skye's tongue quickly entered my mouth, and as it danced with my own, I had a sudden flashback to that tongue swirling around my cock. Just like that, my soldier was at attention — something that didn't get by Skye. She began grinding her hips against me, dry humping me through our shorts.

I grabbed her firm ass with both of my hands and helped her press her sex harder against my erection, prompting her to groan into my mouth. She then pulled back, and began nibbling on my ear.

"You know," she whispered. "I think it may be time for you to repay me for the car ride."


I was having a great time massaging her ass, but I released it from my grasp long enough to pull her shirt over her head. I guess one of the perks of not having big boobs is that you don't need to wear a bra. Because the second I pulled her shirt off, I was greeted with two perfectly-sized brown nipples that were very happy to see me. I immediately took the right one in my mouth and used my left hand to pinch the other. Skye clearly liked that, because she responded by throwing her head back and letting out a guttural and almost animalistic groan. I made a mental note that she had sensitive nipples, but moved on to explore the rest of her.

I lightly pushed her back to signal that I wanted her to lie down. She took the hint, and I began kissing her sternum and down her toned abs. When I finally got down to the waist of her shorts, Skye's breathing was more of a pant than a consistent in and out.

I undid the button and she lifted her hips to make the process of removing everything easier. Unintentionally, I ended up removing her underwear with the shorts. It's not like they weren't going to come off eventually too, but it wasn't my intention in that moment. Still, the result of the happy little accident was my reintroduction to her glistening pussy.

There I was, sitting in front of a completely naked Skye, who was looking up at me with pure lust. I was torn between two incredibly enticing options. Part of me wanted to dive right in and taste her. I had only gotten to lick her juices off my fingers during our last excursion, and I wanted to taste it from the source. However, there was another voice in my head telling me that this was the most erotic thing I would ever see, and I needed to savor the moment. I chose option two. At least, initially.

Skye wasn't in the mood to wait. After about fifteen seconds, she decided to go for the kill. She spread her legs, grabbing her ankles with her legs fully extended.

God, I love gymnasts.

"Get your ass down there RIGHT FUCKING NOW."

She didn't need to ask twice. I dove in with enthusiasm, shoving my tongue as far into her as it would go. Skye ran her fingers through my curly hair and began encouraging me to probe further. And by "encourage," I mean that she literally pushed me into her groin with all of the strength she had. I was in danger of getting a fat lip against her pubic bone. Not that I minded. If this girl wanted me to leave our afternoon with a battle scar to mark her territory, that was cool with me.

As I got a little more adventurous between her legs, Skye was very expressive when it came to helping me find what she liked and what she REALLY liked. I licked her all over, enjoying The sheer eroticism of the moment. The sounds she made when I sucked on her labia minora, the way her eyes rolled into the back of her head when I spread her pussy lips to give me better access to assault her clit with my tongue — it was straight out of every one of my fantasies.

After a few minutes of exploration, I am embarrassed to say that I started to cramp up a little bit. I think part of it was how aggressively I was tonguing her, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't at least a little due to the fact I was out of practice. I did the only thing I could to keep the train rolling, while also giving me a break: I took two of my fingers and slowly replaced my tongue with them, curling them up ever so slightly to find her G-spot.

It didn't take long for her to start writhing and squirming around. She was getting closer and closer to the threshold. I looked up at her in complete and total amazement, as this perfect woman was unraveling in front of me. I had never been more turned on in my life. She grabbed me by the hair and forced my face back down upon her.

I guess my break is over.

This time, I decided to flatten my tongue and focus on her clit. I figured that using a different portion of my tongue could help avoid another cramp (do tongues have different muscles, is it just one muscle?). My plan didn't work. It started to cramp almost immediately. I pressed on though. If I wanted to do this again — and God help me, I did — I needed to bring her home.

"I're tired...but I'm so so close," she pleaded.

I was pumping her with my two fingers as hard and deep as they'd go while simultaneously sucking on her clit. I wasn't sure whether I was gonna make it — my tongue and forearm were on fire. I just HAD to get my goddess over the hump, though. I went for the kill. Using my one free hand, I reached up and pinched one of her nipples as hard as I could. That was the magic ticket.

"Oh m-Oh my GOD, Ryan. Keep finger fucking my pussy. Never FUCKING STOP!"

Remember when I said that I thought her thighs could crush a watermelon? And that I wanted to be that watermelon? Well when she came, I got the answer to that hypothesis. As Skye came, her thighs clamped down so hard against my ears that I thought I was going to pass out. If it wasn't for the fact that I was so turned on by the noises she was making, I might have.

Skye flooded my face with her juices as if she were the waterfall behind her, giving me all of the electrolytes I will ever need. I savored every drop I could.


At least that's what I THOUGHT she said. Keep in mind, she still had my head in a vise grip, and her thighs muffled anything that she was saying.

Turns out, the last part of that statement was not "I'm still coming," but rather "someone's coming."


I turned around to see a VERY angry park ranger that was not at all amused by our antics.

"What the FUCK do you think you are doing in my park?"

"You didn't enjoy the show? We go on again in a few hours if you missed the climax."

"I saw plenty, smartass." He was not amused, but they did get a giggle from Skye, as she scrambled to put her clothes back on.

"You two get the hell out of here. And if I see you without clothes again, I'm taking you in, understand?"

I almost said something else, but luckily Skye saved me from myself, grabbing me by the wrist and pulling me away. And without so much as a quick glance back at the falls, we booked out of there and began our trek back to the site.


Written by Rounding_Third
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