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Reacquainted On Halloween

"A young man reconnects with a former classmate on Halloween."

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Before that night, I’d never really thought about how much things could change once high school ended. I guess part of the reason this idea eluded me was that I’d chosen a college away from my hometown, and other than my best friend Jay, I hadn’t kept in contact with hardly anyone else from those days. So on the surface, everything seemed the same. Jay still worked for his dad’s construction company as he always had, and to be honest, for me anyway, college wasn’t much different than high school. It was just a new group of people doing the same old things. This is why when I had a chance to go home for Halloween weekend, I naively expected it to be like old times.

My classes had ended at noon that Friday, and after a couple of hours spent driving, I was glad to be home for a few days finally, but I was also itching to find out what Halloween festivities were happening that Saturday. Jay would know for sure, but it’d still be a little while before he got off work. Until then, I’d spend some time visiting and having dinner with my parents.

A little while later, the phone rang as I was lounging around in my old room. It was Jay.

“Hey, man. You remember Rachel from back in the day, right?” he asked without even bothering with a hello. “Well she’s having a sizable shindig tomorrow night and knowing her, there’ll be quite the selection of ladies present. You interested?”

I was more than interested. Rachel had been one of the hottest girls in our class, and the thought of seeing her wearing some kind of sexy costume definitely had my attention.

“Sounds like a plan, Stan,” I told my friend enthusiastically. “Name the time and place.”

“Her house around seven. And Rich?”

“Yeah?” I asked curiously.

“Leave that fucked up costume of yours at home,” Jay said with utmost seriousness. “You know… The one you were wearing when you popped out of your mom.”

“Fuck you, dude,” I responded as I hung up on him mid-laugh.

“What an ass,” I said shaking my head and wondering what the most efficient way to kill a person would be. Something would come to me I was sure, but in the meantime, I also couldn’t help but imagine how Rachel and some of the other girls from high school might look after three years.


The following evening, I pulled up in front of Rachel’s house, and judging from the number of cars parked around, the party was going to be packed. Eventually finding a parking space, I got out of my truck, made my way to the front door, and began waiting for Jay. As usual, he was almost ten minutes late.

“I thought I told you to leave that shit at home, man,” the jackass, who was dressed up as a zombie, said as he walked up.

“Yeah, yeah. It’s nice to see you too, dick,” I shot back at him.

Grinning like a madman, Jay grasped my hand and pulled me in for what he called a “bro hug.”

“Good to see you, my friend. Good to see you. But seriously, where’s your costume?”

“You’re looking at it,” I answered while opening my jacket to reveal the Michael Myers shirt I wore. “I came as a broke college student who could barely afford this t-shirt much less a costume.”

Jay chuckled and shook his head.

“Scariest shit I’ve seen all night,” he replied as I gave him the finger. “But it’s all good. Come on, bro.”

Opening the door, we entered the party.

Upon first look, I saw a lot of familiar faces, but there were plenty of new ones as well, and thankfully I was not the only one without a costume.

“Hey, there’s Rachel. Let’s go say hi,” Jay yelled over the screaming vocals of Ozzy Osbourne.

Giving my bud a thumbs up, I followed him over to a group of people standing at a drink-laden table. As we approached, I recognized our host who was dressed in a Bark at the Moon shirt and faded jeans. We spent a few minutes exchanging the usual pleasantries with Rachel and her friends, but as we did so, I couldn’t help but feel a little shaken.

While Rachel was still an attractive and friendly person, she had an almost weary and aged look about her. Obviously, the three years since high school hadn’t been very kind to her, and once we took our leave from the group, I asked Jay about it. He told me that Rachel had gotten married pretty quickly after graduation, but things had gone badly for her. Apparently, there’d been a lot of drama involving drugs and cheating, and it culminated in a nasty divorce. In the end, all of it had taken a pretty bad toll on the once bubbly girl, and hearing of the circumstances that had befallen Rachel left me feeling a little bummed out.

“Don’t sweat it, Rich,” Jay said, picking up on my thoughts. “Life happens differently for people sometimes.”

“I guess,” I said finally. “Just sucks to hear is all.”

“I hear you, man,” he continued. “But it is what it is. Come on. Let's see who else we can find.”

Following Jay’s lead, we spent the next hour or so making our rounds through the party, and while it was great seeing old friends and meeting new ones, I soon began to get bored with things. Part of me wanted to stay and hang out with my friends, but at the same time, for whatever reason I wasn’t enjoying myself very much. For a few minutes, I struggled with indecision before finally deciding to cut my losses and go home. Maybe there was a good horror movie on TV I could watch. With my mind firmly made up, I turned to tell Jay I was heading out when I noticed a woman standing off to herself looking equally as bored as I was.

At that moment, I could honestly say she was the most gorgeous lady I’d seen so far at the party, and like me, she’d not worn a costume. Instead, a skintight, red top, black jeans, and, knee-high leather boots adorned her thickly built figure that was by no means chubby. Her top struggled to contain an ample bust and her jeans showed off what looked like a firm, round ass. The woman’s jet-black hair was done up in a messy bun, and it along with her black lipstick and nail polish contrasted with her pale complexion perfectly. The piercings in her nose and eyebrow completed the picture and gave her a sort of millennial Elvira vibe.

In the past, the gothic look had never really appealed to me, but there was no denying how stunning she looked. She held my eyes like glue and I was still watching her a moment later when I vaguely heard Jay say something.

“Huh?” I asked stupidly sparing only a short glance at my friend.

“I asked if you wanted another beer,” he said with annoyance.

“Oh, uh sure,” I replied distractedly. “Jay, who is that?”

Following my gaze, he looked once at the girl, and then back at me while grinning.

“You mean Morticia Addams over there?” Jay asked with restrained laughter. “Dude, surely you recognize her?”

“Obviously not, wise-ass,” I scolded him. “Who is it?”

“Well… I guess she has changed a lot since high school,” Jay continued teasingly. “Rich, that’s Judy Dawson.”

I stared harder at the girl trying to connect the person that I’d known to the person I now saw and finally recognition dawned.

Judy had been one of those awkward girls every school seems to have. She’d been kind of frumpy with unruly, mousy, brown hair and a mouth full of braces. Even as a senior, she still wore the plastic choker bands usually reserved for middle school girls who are trying to be edgy, and she was never seen without some sort of supernatural romance book like Twilight. Needless to say, she wasn’t very popular back then, and I couldn’t believe how much she’d changed. Even with the gothic appearance, it was obvious she’d really blossomed into a gorgeous woman.

As I continued to study Judy, my friend stared at me in disbelief.

“No way, seriously?” he said eventually. “Don’t tell me you have the hots for her?”

“What’s wrong with that?” I asked looking at Jay with disdain. “Look at her. Even all gothed out, you can’t tell me that she doesn’t look smoking hot.”

Jay studied Judy for a good minute as if he were Sherlock Holmes then shrugged.

“I mean… I guess she’s not that bad-looking, but dude, it’s still Judy Dawson. And besides, from what I hear, she kind of has a bit of a reputation now.”

I looked at him questioningly, and after a moment Jay held up both hands; making a circle out of one with his fingers, and then sticking the tip of another finger in and out of it. It was crude, but I got the point. Regardless of how she currently looked, it was hard to think of the Judy I knew from back then as anything even close to a slut, but seeing how amazing she looked now combined with the possibility, was a bit of a turn-on.

“You know what man, who cares? I’m going to talk to her.”

Jay shook his head.

“Suit yourself, bro,” he said to me. “To each his own.”

With a new-found purpose, I walked over to where Judy stood, and as she saw me coming, it was hard not to notice the skeptical look on her face. I really couldn’t blame her for it in all honesty. While I’d never treated her badly in school, I’d never really made an attempt to get to know her either. In fact, I could probably count on one hand how many times I’d actually talked to her in those days. If this was going to work, I’d have to be just a little bit smooth.

“I’ve just made a complete ass out of myself,” I said to her, shaking my head as I sidled up next to her.

Judy fixed me with a confusing look. “How’s that?” she asked hesitantly.

“I saw this gorgeous woman standing over here, and I didn’t even recognize her. I had to ask someone who you were.”

Judy rolled her eyes before looking at me with curiosity.

“Thanks for the compliment… I guess,” she said. “But… I think you might be a little full of it.”

I shrugged.

“That’s true most of the time,” I told her grinning. “But I mean it. You look amazing, Judy. How are you?”

Color filled her cheeks as a genuine smile spread across her face, and that combined with the dark lipstick she was wearing, made her full lips look extremely sexy.

“I go by Jade now, actually, and I’m good by the way,” she said finally. “Thanks for asking, Rich. And yourself?”

“I’m doing great,” I told her with a smile of my own. “But to be honest, I’m just awed by how much you’ve changed.”

Judy, or rather Jade, shrugged.

“I guess I might look a little different these days,” she said dismissively before winking at me.

“No, you look a lot different,” I told her as my eyes slowly scanned up and down her person.

Jade grinned. “Well, you obviously like the new me,” she said teasingly. “Doesn’t seem like you can keep your eyes to yourself.”

I felt the color rise in my own cheeks. “Sorry about that,” I said embarrassed.

Reaching out to touch my arm briefly, Jade smiled once again.

“Don’t be. Frankly, Rich, I’m used to it. And besides… I kind of like you looking at me.”

There was no mistaking Jade’s obvious flirtation.

“Is that a fact?” I asked, raising a curious eyebrow.

 “Very much so,” Jade responded. “After all, I’ve always had a bit of a crush on you.”

I looked at the girl for a long moment before I began chuckling, causing Jade to look at me in confusion.

“What’s so funny?” she asked eventually.

“I’m so sorry, Jade. I don’t mean to laugh, but it’s just so ironic,” I explained. “You had a thing for me in high school, even though I was an asshole and barely talked to you, and now here we are three years later. I haven’t stopped thinking about you ever since I saw you standing here, and on top of that, you have no idea how hard it was for me to even know how to approach you, at first.”

Jade looked at me oddly, then smirked.

“Life can really be a wild fuckin ride sometimes, Rich,” she said now smiling once more. “But I love it. You never know what it’ll throw at you.”

“That’s probably the truest statement I’ve heard in a long time,” I told her grinning. “You wanna go somewhere a little quieter so we can talk?”

“I’d love it,” Jade replied cheerfully.

“Great,” I told her. “But give just a few to let Jay know I’ll be with you. Be right back.”

After a couple of minutes of searching, I found my friend talking to another of our former classmates. When I mentioned to Jay where I was going, he once more shook his head but wished me luck nonetheless, and finally, with that out of the way, I returned to where I’d left Jade.

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“Alright, I’m all yours now,” I told her.

“Hmm, sounds fun,” she said grinning wickedly. “Shall we?”

The two of us made our way through the crowded party before eventually settling on Rachel’s front porch swing. From there, we spent a little while talking about our current lives. I hung on Jade’s every word and felt more than admiration for her when she mentioned her desire to be a writer once college was finished. She seemed equally interested when I told her about my plans to be an engineer, but throughout it all, as we talked, I kept coming back to the idea of change and realized it didn’t always have to be a negative thing. As shallow as it may have initially been if it wasn’t for seeing how much Judy had changed, I’d have never given myself the opportunity to truly get to know her.

“Damn, this has been so awesome, Jade,” I told her sincerely.

“It really has,” she replied before a comfortable silence settled upon us.

“Rich, we really should keep in touch from now on,” she said eventually before placing her hand on my knee.

“I’d really like that,” I told her as I put my hand on top of hers. “Just as long as you don’t hold my behavior from high school against me.”

She shook her head.

“Don’t worry. There’s nothing to forgive in that regard, but I can think of something I wouldn’t mind holding against you.”

With that, her smile turned salacious, and with the thought of our bodies getting acquainted on a more intimate level, I felt myself getting aroused.

“I definitely wouldn’t mind that,” I said fidgeting more than a little.

Jade grinned. “I bet you wouldn’t.”

Another moment of silence passed between us, but this time it was laced with sexual tension, and before I could say or do anything, Jade stood up from the swing.

“Well… I think I’m ready to head out,” she said matter-of-factly before turning to leave the porch.

It was as if the last few minutes of conversation had never taken place, and all I could do was stare with open-mouthed confusion as Jade walked toward the street. What the hell was happening? Had I said or done something wrong? Those questions and more were running through my mind as I watched her stop and look back over her shoulder with a sly smile.

“Well, Rich, are you coming?” she asked teasingly.

Hell yes, I was coming, and I wanted to tell Jade as much, but at that moment I was too busy admiring how sexy she looked standing like that to really say anything. So instead, I just politely stood up and followed her to where her car was parked.

“See you in a few,” she said in a sexy voice as she got in. “Think you can keep up?”

I was damn sure going to try. Thankfully, my truck wasn’t parked too far away, and soon we were headed across town with Jade in the lead. A little while later, we pulled into the parking lot of a local bar called The Wet Spot.

“I think we’ll like this party a hell of a lot better,” Jade said as we walked to the door.

Once inside, we were met by a packed house consisting of a mixed group of people wearing both street clothes and costumes.

“Can you grab us some beers while I hit the bathroom?” Jade asked over the pounding of the jukebox.

“Sure,” I replied. “What’ll you have?”

“Surprise me,” she said. “I’m sure I’ll like whatever you pick. Be right back.”

I watched Jade disappear through the crowd and then I made my way to the bar where it was being tended by a woman in a slutty Raggedy Ann outfit. The bartender leaned over the counter to take my order, and it was hard not to notice how her large breasts strained to spill out of her top. Needless to say, it was an image that was hard not to enjoy.

“You know, if you look too long, your eyes are going to explode,” someone whispered in my ear.

More than a little embarrassed, I turned to find Jade standing behind me.

“Sorry,” I apologized, feeling like a kid who’d just got caught looking at his Dad’s Playboy.

Jade smiled and moved to stand next to me, and in the process, she pressed her equally large breasts into my side.

“It’s ok,” she said with a laugh. “But don’t forget you saw mine first.”

The feeling of her bust as it mashed against my body caused my pants to suddenly feel much tighter, and when the bartender returned with our drinks, I took Jade’s hand and led her to find an empty table.

“How’s this?” I asked her indicating a booth in the corner.

“Just perfect,” she replied as we took our seats across from one another.

“So… Sorry for the abrupt way I left the party,” she said laughing. “It was starting to get a little hot for me, and I was trying to be a bit subtle about things.”

“You’re fine,” I said with a grin. “Besides, I’m the idiot that didn’t pick up on the hint.”

She leaned across the table.

“I think you were just playing dumb so you could look at my ass as I walked away.”

I laughed. “You’re only partially right,” I told her. “I honestly didn’t know what was going on, and yes I might have been checking your butt out a little.”

Her head dropped and I could hear her giggle.

“I am so sorry,” she said with colored cheeks. “I’d never mean to get you worked up, just to leave you high and dry, or should I say wet?”

I blushed at the innuendo.

“I wouldn’t blame you,” I told her. “I feel like I was a jerk to you in high school. I mean I barely talked to you back then.”

Jade reached across and took my hand. “There’s no need to feel that way, Rich. I never thought you were anything but a nice guy. We just ran with different crowds, and besides, that was then, this is now, and things are different.”

“Why do you have to be so sweet?” I asked smiling and squeezing her hand.

“What, you don’t like it?” she asked feigning hurt.

“I love it,” I assured her. “In fact, I love a lot of things about you.”

The color rose in her cheeks again. “Oh really?” she asked curiously. “Do tell.”

I looked at her thoughtfully. “Well, we’ve already established I like your body and its wonders. Then there’s your smile and how sexy it looks with that dark lipstick. In fact, I’ve been fantasizing about kissing you all evening.”

She leaned back and crossed her arms over her ample chest.

“Well?” she asked accusingly. “Why haven’t you done anything about it yet?”

I leaned back and mirrored her, crossing my own arms.

“Probably because you’re over there,” I said flatly.

Without a word, Jade stood up and came around to my side of the table. I pulled her to me, then pressed my lips to hers. They were soft despite the thickness of the lipstick covering them, and as our tongues met, it felt like an electric charge coursing through me. The kiss, which started sweet enough, built in intensity, and soon both of us were breathing heavily, but then she pulled away.

“You okay?” I asked as I tried to catch my breath.

“I’m wonderful,” Jade replied between her own labored breathing. “But I think I need to go to the restroom.”

She made a subtle gesture with her hand indicating for me to follow, and this time I got the hint. Jade then stood up and began walking to the small hall that led to the bathrooms. I watched her go inside and then waited a full minute before I followed.

I’d barely got there when the ladies' room door opened and Jade’s hands pulled me inside where instantly our lips became re-acquainted as I pinned her against the back wall. The heat was coming off of us in waves, and as we kissed, our hands groped hungrily at the other’s body. Shortly, I took my mouth away from hers and kissed her neck while my hands found their way under her shirt and up to her breasts. Jade let out a breathless moan as I ran my hands over her nipples and squeezed both of her massive breasts. With a quick motion, I moved my hands under and up, pushing her bra and shirt over the top of her chest. With both breasts now exposed, I left a hand on one of them, while my mouth found the nipple of the other.

“Jesus Christ,” she breathed out exasperated. “You’re driving me crazy doing that.”

I brought my mouth back to Jade’s and then kissed her now smudged lips.

“Isn’t that kind of the point?” I asked her teasingly.

She smiled mischievously, put her hand on the front of my pants, and then squeezed.

“I’d like to at least be somewhat coherent when you make love to me,” she said still holding on to my bulge.

“Well, no time like the present,” I said kissing her once more as I gave both breasts another quick squeeze, causing Jade to croon.

Undoing my belt and fly, I freed my manhood from its bonds and then watched as Jade slid her boots off followed by her jeans. Now naked from the waist down, she came to me, and with her back against the wall, Jade raised her right leg and wrapped it around my hip and buttocks. I kissed her one more time, before guiding myself to her wetness and then thrusting home.

A low, guttural moan escaped Jade’s mouth as I bottomed out inside her while at the same time, my lover’s black-painted nails dug into my back. Looking her straight in the eyes, I began thrusting into Jade’s warmth, slow and hard, with each stroke eliciting an even louder response. After a few moments of this, I quickened my pace, and Jade had to cover her mouth to keep the rest of the bar from hearing us.

“Oh God, Rich, I think I’m about to cum,” she breathed out. “Harder, baby.

Not wanting to disappoint, I intensified my thrusts.

“Hold out for just another second, Jade,” I grunted out. “I’m almost there too.”

She gave me a quick smile. “I’ll try,” she said. “But it just feels so good.”

Bracing myself with both arms on the wall, I began thrusting harder and faster inside Jade; each stroke of my cock inside of her eliciting more and more sexual utterances. She tried her best to stifle these sounds, but the closer Jade got to her climax, the harder it was. Finally, I felt myself beginning to reach the end.

“It’s time,” I grunted out. “I’m going to cum.”

Jade lifted both legs and wrapped them around me, and with one final hard thrust, I erupted inside of her with a grunt. Her own orgasm hit and Jade moaned loudly as her pussy convulsed around my member, milking the pulsing organ of every last drop of cum. Our bodies were overcome with pleasure, and we held each other tightly; relishing the feeling of orgasm in unison. I wanted it to last forever, but after a moment, it was over.

Panting from the intenseness of our sex, I pulled my spent cock from Jade’s thoroughly wet womanhood and then stood there looking at her.

“Holy hell,” I said. “That was insane. How are you feeling?”

She took my face in her hands and kissed me.

“I’m pretty fucking great, to be honest,” she said grinning. “But we have to get ourselves straightened up before someone walks in here.”

Scrambling, we quickly cleaned ourselves up and got dressed. Then once we were situated, we made sure there were no other signs of our lovemaking to be left behind.

“You think anyone heard us?” I asked her quietly as we walked back into the main room.

We both looked around and judging from some of the looks we received, the answer to my question was pretty obvious.

“Maybe we better take off,” Jade said smiling. “I think we caused enough of a distraction here for one night.”

Walking to the bar, I paid for the beers, and then we made haste out the front door. No sooner did we hit the parking lot, before we were back in each other’s arms.

“What now?” I asked her in between kisses.

Jade smiled like the devil. “Round two?” she asked with an inquiringly raised eyebrow. “But maybe this time somewhere a bit more private.”

I answered her with another kiss.

“Guess that’s a yes, then,” Jade said breathlessly. “Well, I think I know a place. Follow me?”

“Anywhere,” I mouthed as I watched her get in the car and pull away.

Heading to my truck, I thought about the night’s events and how unexpected they were, but I didn’t care. Wherever Jade went, I’d gladly follow.

After our first coupling in the bar, we wound up in an out-of-the-way part of the city park. Apparently, this was a favorite reading spot of the former “Judy” Dawson, but now it would become known as a favorite lovemaking spot for Jade and me.

That night and early into the morning, we spent hours exploring each other’s bodies and what they had to offer one another. I found myself amazed by the way Jade made love with so much passion and how every tryst was different than the one before. Finally, as we lay there in each other’s arms, I looked at the Goth Goddess before me. I didn’t know what the future held, but with Jade, I was more than happy to find out.

Written by TheBard1982
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