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Exactly What She Needed - Part 11

"Suspicions are talked about and questions are answered leading to decisions on ongoing affairs being made."

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Charlotte Simpkins, aged fifty-nine, was thinking that her daughter Sophia Tibbott, aged mid-thirties, might be having an affair. Charlotte had only just started getting suspicious, but right now she was not thinking about what Sophia might be up to.

Right now, it was Sunday morning and Charlotte was bent over a tree trunk in the woods getting a good fucking from her son-in-law Cole Tibbott, Sophia's husband. Getting a Sunday morning fucking from Cole had become a regular thing in recent weeks because the fuckings occurred when Cole was out for his weekly run.

Charlotte had disliked, or worse, Cole during most of the eleven years that he had been married to Sophia, but now the couple, whose dislike had been mutual, long to be together sexually.

Charlotte's suspicions about her daughter were because of the number of shopping trips that she appears to have with her friend, Jane Goodwin. Jane is a longtime friend of Sophia's but they never used to see each other quite so frequently.

Charlotte cannot question Sophia about it because the only way that she knows about Sophia's trips is through Cole, and those trips do enable Charlotte and Cole to spend time together.

Sophia knows that her mother is getting fucked by someone, but she has no idea who the man is.

Charlotte is panting towards her second orgasm of this fuck as Cole's penis slides rapidly in and out of her cunt from behind.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fucking hell," wails the mature Charlotte, as she cums again.

Charlotte is correct about Sophia having an affair, she is getting fucked by nineteen-year-old Josh Murray, and Jane is getting fucked by his flatmate, Kris Morris, also nineteen.

Cole fucked on and on, he had been with Charlotte the day before, when Sophia was taking young cock, and Cole had also fucked Mary Caldwell who cleaned Charlotte's house but was also Charlotte's lesbian lover, and sometimes a third of a threesome.

"Oh, oh, fuck, fuck," shouted Charlotte, as she came again.

After a few more hard and fast thrusts, Cole ejaculated in his mother-in-law.

After Cole withdrew, they cleaned themselves with tissues, Charlotte had got in the habit of bringing tissues for that purpose to their woodland fucks.

"I guess the next time depends on when Sophia goes out again?" said Charlotte, with her just-fucked face looking so sexy.

"Yeah, there is no other way, I can't take more time off work," replied Cole, who had already taken two days off work for the purpose of fucking Charlotte.

Cole pulled his shorts up, and Charlotte put her jeans on, she did not usually bother with knickers when meeting Cole in the woods. They kissed, and Cole continued his run.

Cole did wonder if Charlotte might visit the house that he and Sophia lived in later that day because she had started doing that on Sunday afternoons. These visits by Charlotte were a bit weird because, as far as Sophia knew, Charlotte and Cole still detested each other, and Charlotte's relationship with her daughter was a bit strained.

Sophia had never liked the way that her mother had treated Cole, or had, but mother and daughter had a falling out after Sophia concluded that Charlotte was seeing someone.

Sophia had visited Charlotte's house on one of the days that Cole had taken off work for some mother-in-law fucking, and Mary, who was working that day, had indicated that Mrs Simpkins was not to be disturbed. That was actually before Mary and Charlotte started their lesbian relationship.

Sophia had confronted her mother on a further visit, and Charlotte did not deny that she was having an affair, Sophia told her that she was disgusted with her. There was no communication between mother and daughter for a while, but now they were speaking, although they were not on very good terms.

Sophia's disgust at her mother was a bit two-faced because she was already in a sexual relationship with her nineteen-year-old lover.

As it happened, Charlotte did not visit Sophia and Cole's house on this Sunday afternoon. The house was part of the large estate owned by Charlotte and her husband Russell, although technically owned by Russell's parents, and Cole and Sophia paid rent to live in it.

Sophia's parents would have happily let them live rent-free, but Cole had always insisted on paying, he did an office job to enable him to provide for his wife and himself.

It was a bit of a vicious circle because Sophia would like to be fucked by her stud every day if she could be, but she could only justify being away from her husband so often, she was already stretching the limits. Cole could mostly only be with Charlotte if Sophia was going out, so he was wishing for his wife to go out more often.

Cole and Sophia still had sex together, but it was becoming less frequent and less passionate. In theory, one of them should be asking the other why that was the case, but as they were each seeing themselves as the problem, the subject was not likely to come up.

Charlotte and her husband Russell had long since stopped having sex, they also had separate bedrooms, but Russell was doing okay, he was fucking a twenty-year-old named Lisa Fairclough.

Sophia's desperation to spend more time with Josh and Cole's desperation to spend more time with Charlotte might lead to further risks being taken.

Sophia and Jane discussed the situation on the phone on Monday when Cole was at work. Jane was not really restricted as far as her being with Kris was concerned because Jane was not married, but she had spent a lot of time persuading Sophia to meet Josh and it somehow did not seem fair to Sophia or Josh if Kris and Jane fucked when Sophia was not there too.

"How can I justify keep going out, I am amazed that Cole accepts it so readily now," said Sophia to Jane.

"You remember that I said the other day that maybe Cole is fucking someone else?" said Jane.

"Yeah, you said that you were joking," replied Sophia.

"I was, sort of, but maybe he is," said Jane.

"No, no, he wouldn't be," responded Sophia.

"You just said yourself that you are amazed that he accepts you keep going out so readily, maybe that is why," continued Jane.

"No, he wouldn't do that to me," defended Sophia.

"Well, you are doing it to him," pointed out Jane.

"If he was, there would be signs," said Sophia.

"Okay, what is your sex life with him like now, anything changed?" asked Jane.

"Well, we don't do it as often, and I suppose it is less intense, but we have been married eleven years," replied Sophia.

"Are the changes recent?" asked Jane.

"Well, yeah, but it is probably my fault," answered Sophia.

"I am just saying, I might be wrong, but he does seem to accept you going out frequently just a little bit too easily," said Jane.

"You have got me wondering now," replied Sophia.

"Why don't you ask him if it is okay if you go out tomorrow night, and judge his reaction?" suggested Jane.

"Are we really going out tomorrow night?" responded Sophia.

"If Cole will let you, Kris and Josh are not going to say no, are they?" reasoned Jane.

"But if Cole says it is okay, what do I say to him then?" asked Sophia.

"Maybe make a joke of it, say something like you seem happy for me to be out of the way, are you having an affair?" replied Jane.

"Oh Jane, I don't know," said Sophia.

"Well, Babes, let me know what happens; maybe you will have Josh between your legs again tomorrow evening," said Jane.


Sophia did some thinking, Cole did always seem happy enough for her to go out, even now it was becoming more frequent. Maybe Jane was right, but if she was, Sophia was not sure how she felt. Certainly, any guilt that she was feeling about opening her legs for a young hunk would disappear, but she would be mad at Cole for being unfaithful to her, she knew that that made her a hypocrite.

She decided that she would ask Cole if it was okay if she went out again and judge his reaction, but she had no idea how the conversation might go after that.

Cole and Charlotte had exchanged texts whilst Cole was at work, they both emphasized that they wanted to have sex again as soon as possible.

After they had had their evening meal, Sophia decided to mention Tuesday evening.

"I had another call from Jane today," Sophia started by saying.

"Well, you only saw her a couple of days ago," answered Cole.

"Yeah, but there is this film on at the cinema tomorrow evening," said Sophia.

"Tomorrow? Are you going out again?" responded Cole.

"Only if you don't mind, you know that I would not go if you did not want me to," said Sophia.

"And if I said no you would go off in a huff," said Cole.

"If you said no, then I wouldn't go out," said Sophia.

"Well, I suppose it is okay," replied Cole, trying to sound as though he was giving permission reluctantly.

"No, forget it, I won't go," said Sophia, just to see what Cole said.

"You go, I don't mind," said Cole.

"Oh, you want me out of the way, will your lover be here?" asked Sophia, with half a smile.

"Lover? What lover?" responded Cole, panicking a bit wondering what Sophia knew.

"Do you have more than one?" smiled Sophia, she was not sure what she was achieving but she kept the conversation going.

"Don't be ridiculous," said Cole indignantly. Technically, with Mary, he did have more than one lover.

"Is it ridiculous? You never seem to mind me being out for a few hours," said Sophia, no longer smiling.

"It is you that goes out, not me. What are you up to really?" snapped Cole, this was developing into a major row.

"What are you accusing me of?" said a red-faced Sophia.

"The same as you are accusing me of," responded Cole.

"Are you saying that I am having an affair?" said a now irate Sophia.

"Well, are you?" said Cole, now also angry.

"I am not talking about this anymore," said Sophia.

"So you are not denying it?" pressed Cole.

"Nor are you denying it, who is she?" snarled Sophia.

"Ring Jane up and put your phone on speaker," said Cole.

"No, I don't want you listening to private conversations," responded Sophia.

"If you had nothing to hide, you would put it on speaker," said Cole.

"Fuck off," said Sophia, and she stormed out of the room.

So Sophia and Cole were now just about convinced that their spouses were having affairs.

Sophia had left her phone in the room, and Cole thought of phoning Jane on it to see how Jane answered thinking it was Sophia. He decided against it because that would destroy what little trust there was between him and his wife right now.

They did not speak to each other much more that evening, and they certainly did not make love.

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Apart from anything else, neither of them knew if Sophia was going out the next evening or not.

Neither of them slept very well, they were both realising that their marriage was in a sticky situation, not critical but certainly wobbly. They were both thinking that they were the cause of the problem, but neither knew whether they should admit to what they were doing.

In the morning, they were speaking but were both subdued.

"Look, sorry for some of the things I said yesterday," said Cole.

"I am sorry too," replied Sophia.

"We need to trust each other," said Cole, close to admitting that he was seeing someone, but not who.

"I agree, should we talk properly this evening?" replied Sophia.

"I thought you were going to the cinema," said Cole.

"Um, that can wait," said Sophia.

They agreed that they would talk after Cole was home from work.


Cole needed to have contact with Charlotte, he sent her a text from work.

I think Sophia thinks that I am seeing someone. Can we talk on the phone at my lunchtime?

Charlotte replied that they could, but she refrained from saying in the text that she thought Sophia might be seeing someone.


Sophia phoned Jane.

"Hey, are we getting fucked tonight?" asked Jane, cheerily.

"I don't think so, Cole and I had a row, but we are going to talk it through tonight," replied Sophia.

"Oh shit, what happened?" responded Jane.

"Well, we basically ended up accusing each other of having affairs," said Sophia.

"Well, actually, you might both be right," said Jane.

"Well, I know that I am, but still can't really believe that Cole is," said Sophia.

It got left that Sophia would let Jane know what was resolved if anything, but Sophia and Josh's relationship looked like being put on hold.


"Hey, how are you?" said Cole, when Charlotte answered her phone.

"I am okay, but you aren't by the sound of it," replied Charlotte.

"Well Sophia and I had a row, I think she knows that I am seeing someone," said Cole.

"Do you think she knows, or just believes? I did not tell you, but I think Sophia is having an affair," said Charlotte.

"Believes, knows, what is the difference? Why do you think she is having an affair?" responded Cole.

"Because of all her shopping trips with Jane, why all those all of a sudden?" said Charlotte.

"I don't know what to think. She and I are supposed to be talking about it tonight," said Cole.

"Well, you be careful what you say to her," said Charlotte.

"You mean that you are worried about your daughter knowing that it is you that I am fucking?" snapped Cole, the whole thing was making him short-tempered.

"I don't think she could like me much less if she did know, but I don't think she would be too impressed with you for your choice of lover," replied Charlotte.

"Oh Charlotte, it is a mess," lamented Cole.

"Yes, and it might get worse before it gets better," said Charlotte.

As with Sophia and Jane, Charlotte and Cole agreed that all they could do was wait to see what happened.

Charlotte was thinking that for a while at least, her only source of sex would be with Mary Caldwell.


Cole got home from work and he and Sophia had their evening meal in almost total silence, they were both on edge.

"I think that if we are going to sort this out, we both need to be honest with each other, do you agree?" said Sophia, once they had washed up and had sat down.

"I agree, we cannot go on as we are," replied Cole.

Sophia took a deep breath.

"Okay, I admit it, I am seeing someone," said Sophia.

"Who?" said a genuinely shocked Cole.

"It does not matter who. Do you have anything to tell me?" said Sophia.

"Um, yes, yes I am seeing someone," said Cole, not able to look his wife in the eye.

"Okay, well, it is not good but I think it would be even worse if only one of us was seeing someone," said Sophia.

"But what are we going to do about it?" said Cole.

"Well, whatever we do, we both have to do the same thing, we could both continue what we are doing or we could both stop, which is it to be?" said Sophia.

"You mean you are happy for me to continue to see someone?" said Cole.

"Not happy, but I will put up with it if you let me continue too, otherwise we both stop, now," said Sophia.

"But what about our marriage?" asked Cole.

"Our marriage should be okay, as long as we both agree whether what we are doing continues or stops, and we both stick to the decision," said Sophia, who was remarkably calm.

"What do you want to do?" asked Cole.

"I would like to continue, but only if you are happy with that," answered Sophia.

"Yes, I think that I would like to continue," said Cole.

"There will be no need for secrecy, one or other of us would just have to say that they are going out for a few hours," said Sophia.

"Okay," replied Cole.

"Maybe be out all night, as long as we tell the other one," said Sophia.

"But I am not sure that you can call that a marriage," said Cole.

"It might be better than some marriages, no need for secrets and fear of getting caught," said Sophia, who had rather dominated the conversation.

That night, Cole and Sophia made love, and the sex was better than it had been in very recent times. They had both had a release of sorts, and permission from their spouses to continue fucking whoever they were fucking.


In the morning they agreed that they were both still happy with the decision, and also agreed that they were both free to see their lovers that evening.

Sophia told Jane the pretty amazing news, and Jane would contact Kris and Josh and tell them to expect two horny thirty-somethings that evening.

Cole texted Charlotte, who was amazed and delighted with the outcome of Cole and Sophia's chat, and they agreed to meet that evening, but with the venue to be decided.

That evening, Sophia and Cole were both happy.

"I am going out and I might be out all night, I will text you and let you know, okay," said Sophia.

"Okay, do you mind if I entertain someone here?" asked Cole.

"Oh, I hadn't thought of that, um, not in our bed if you don't mind," answered Sophia.

"No, we will use the spare room," replied Cole.

It was all very civilised.

Sophia and Cole both wondered who their spouse's lovers were, and both would have been shocked if they knew, Cole because of the age of his wife's lover and Sophia because Cole was fucking her mother.

Cole waited for Sophia to go out before he phoned Charlotte. Cole said that Sophia had given him permission for his lover to come to their house but Charlotte said Russell was out until late, so Cole could come to her.


Sophia and Jane explained to Josh and Kris that there was now no restriction on the regularity of visits, and there was also the possibility of spending the whole night if the lads were up for it. They were very much up for it.

Sophia would text Cole later to say that she would not be home until the morning, but he would have probably gone to work by the time she got there.

Very soon Josh had got his penis in Sophia and Kris had his in Jane, the couples were in separate rooms.

The two nineteen-year-old studs were both giving their mid-thirties lovers the good fucking that they always did.

Jane and Sophia both came twice before they each took a torrent of spunk.


Cole arrived at Charlotte's house and they kissed and headed for the bedroom. Charlotte wanted to talk a bit before they fucked.

"Does Sophia have any idea who you are seeing?" asked Charlotte.

"I don't think so, she would not have said that it is okay to continue if she knew it was you," replied Cole.

"Probably not, who do you think that she is seeing?" continued Charlotte.

"I haven't got a clue," answered Cole.

"Well, when you said that you and Sophia were discussing what was going on, I thought that it would be the end of you and me, I am so glad that it is not," said Charlotte, before they had a long kiss.

They slowly removed each other's clothes, the talking had stopped and now it was time for sex.

With them both naked, Cole yet again eased his stiff cock into his mother-in-law's cunt.

It was a great fuck, Charlotte came three times before Cole ejaculated. They lay contented next to each other.

Cole's mobile buzzed, it was a text from Sophia.

Hi, I will not be home tonight. I hope that you are having fun. Bye x

Cole showed the text to Charlotte.

"This is fucking unbelievable," said Charlotte.

Cole replied to the text.

Okay, see you tomorrow. I am having fun. x

"I wonder if other marriages are conducted like this," Cole said to Charlotte.

"Lots probably, open marriages, aren't they?" replied Charlotte.


After sending the text, Sophia was getting fucked again, as was Jane in Kris's room.

There were more loud orgasms from the women before the youths ejaculated in them.

It was good that the women were staying the night The two naked couples were now in one room, giggling and having a drink.


Although Cole was not staying the night with Charlotte, there was time for another fuck.

Charlotte's lips and tongue had got Cole erect again and Charlotte mounted him for a ride.

Cole played with Charlotte's tits as the older woman varied the speeds at which she moved up and down Cole's length. Charlotte engineered it so that she had herself right on the edge of orgasm for a while before a change of pace made her cum. The change of pace also had Cole spurting semen.

They again lay together for a while but then Cole got dressed to go home, Russell was due home soon and despite Charlotte and Russell's marriage being on the rocks, it would probably not be a good idea if Russell knew that his wife was getting fucked by Cole.

It appeared that there was little stopping Cole and Charlotte from getting together very frequently. It would still be necessary to keep the identity of Cole's lover a secret from Sophia.


At two in the morning, Sophia was awakened from a doze by the sounds of Kris and Jane fucking again. A few swift wanks of Josh's penis by Sophia's right hand soon had them fucking again too.

For now, the affairs could continue but in a more relaxed way, because there was no need for secrecy, apart from identities, and no restrictions on frequency.

Written by PJH
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