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Hello Mrs Thompson - Part 3

"Affair between forty-four-year-old Marie and eighteen-year-old Kieron continues but someone gets suspicious"

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Marie Thompson was really looking forward to her half-term week away from school because, in theory, it meant that she could fuck every daytime with her eighteen-year-old lover, Kieron Siddall.

Kieron was a former pupil of forty-four-year-old Marie's and they had so far had two sex sessions. One in the back of Marie's car and the second one in Marie's bed with her husband away for the night.

Kieron had used condoms on both occasions but Marie had decided that the next time that they fucked, she wanted to feel his cum spurting into her. She certainly had no intention of getting pregnant, so she was going to get herself a morning-after pill to take after the event; it would then be back to condoms.

Kieron was free all week as he was on half-term from his college course and their meetings were likely to be in Kieron's flat because the mate that he shared the flat with would be working during the day.

Kieron had told his flatmate that he had got a girlfriend, his mate had dropped Kieron at his pub job before Marie picked him up for their night in her bed, but he had not told him that she was twenty-six years older than he.

Marie and Kieron had virtually no content during the weekend, just Marie sending him a text to say that she was looking forward to a good fucking on Monday. Kieron did not respond to the text because Marie had said not to. He did tidy up his room a bit as he was due to be entertaining on Monday.

On Monday morning, with Marie's husband having gone to work, she phoned her young lover. "Hey baby, are you ready for some hot fucking?" Marie asked.

"I am always ready to fuck you," replied Kieron.

"I am going to the chemist to get a morning-after pill, then I will be with you, okay?" said Marie.

"Yeah, okay, see you soon. I can hardly wait," said Kieron, his penis hardening in anticipation.

Marie went to a chemist that she did not normally use and, having parked her car some distance away, she was ringing the ground level bell to Kieron's flat. Kieron unlocked the outside door remotely and Marie made her way up the stairs to Kieron's second-floor flat. The building was not in one of the better parts of town but it contained her lover and a bed so that was all that Marie was concerned about at the moment.

Kieron was waiting at the door to his flat, with an apology. "Marie, this place is not the sort of place that you are used to," said Kieron.

"Baby, I am here to fuck, not inspect the decor," said Marie, pushing Kieron back into the flat and locking her lips on his.

Hands roamed as they kissed and Kieron's penis rapidly got as stiff as it could in his quite tight jeans. "Oh Marie, you are so fucking hot," Kieron announced.

"No need for condoms today, you can cream inside me," said Marie, happily as she undid Kieron's jeans and put her hand on his cock inside his boxers.

"Better get your trousers off, Mrs Thompson," said Kieron as he started to pull Marie's trousers down.

"That is a very good idea," responded Marie, as she completed their removal.

They snogged as Kieron pushed Marie's knickers down at the back and cupped her arse cheeks. Marie had Kieron's jeans and boxers down to below his thighs as she slowly wanked his erection. It was time to try out Kieron's bed.

They got onto the bed still in their partially dressed state but the next items of clothing to get interfered with were Marie's blouse and Kieron's T-shirt, both of which got removed. Marie's bra was then gone, leaving her in just her knickers that were lower at the back than the front.

Kieron's jeans and boxers were added to the pile of clothes on the floor and they were soon joined by Marie's knickers. The naked lovers then kissed again as Kieron got in position above Marie and they looked into each other's eyes as Marie guided his erect penis into her wet cunt. They were about to have their first bareback fuck.

"Fuck, that feels good," breathed Kieron as his naked cock slid smoothly into his former teachers welcoming pussy.

"Oh yes, baby, it does," agreed Marie, as Kieron's large penis went all the way in.

Marie was aware that the bed that they were fucking on was nowhere near as comfortable as her own but that was something that she gladly put up with as the young man thrust in and out of her. "Baby, you are a great lover," Marie complimented.

That made Kieron feel good and also made him even more determined to give this gorgeous woman maximum pleasure. The sex was getting more strenuous and the couple were grunting and the bed was creaking. Loud music started playing in a flat nearby, possibly to drown the sounds of their lovemaking.

They had both found their previous fucking to be wonderful but the unprotected element of this session made it even better. There was a position change and a wild-eyed Marie, her hair swishing, was now riding Kieron and she was about to orgasm. "Ummm, fuck, yeah, fuck, yeah," panted Marie as she slid up and down Kieron's rigid cock.

The bed had now gone from creaking to thumping and Marie was thinking that they might break it. The music nearby got louder. Kieron was now back on top and thrusting hard and fast and Marie came again. "Shit, oh God, oh fuck," she said as her thighs got another soaking of cum.

The sex had been going on for quite a while and they were both sweating and Kieron's ejaculation was getting close. "Gonna cum, you sure about this?" Kieron managed to pant as his spunk got ready to leave his body.

"Yeah, baby, cum in me," Marie replied and then shrieked in delight as she felt Kieron's penis expelling its fluid.

Kieron came as hard as he had ever done as jet after jet of semen entered Marie's vagina.

"Shit, that was fucking amazing," said Marie when Kieron finally stopped.

"Yeah, fucking great," replied Kieron.

"Must remember to take that pill," laughed Marie.

"Yeah, I don't really want to be a daddy yet," said Kieron.

They had not actually broken the bed but probably had not done it a lot of good and Marie was not sure that it would stand up to a total of five days of their fucking, if they did actually fuck each day. "Tomorrow we will need to be back to condoms - if you want to fuck again tomorrow," said Marie.

"Of course I want to fuck again tomorrow, but I was hoping to fuck you again today first," said Kieron, knowing that he would be able to give Marie another shafting after a bit of rest.

"Yes, baby, I want another fuck today," Marie reassured.

They had to talk loudly because the nearby music was still blaring. If it had been put on to drown the sound of their fucking, the neighbour obviously did not realise that Kieron and Marie were having a short break from sex.

By coincidence, the music had stopped when Kieron and Marie were starting to feel frisky again. Marie was on her front and Kieron was kissing and stroking her lovely buttocks. Marie was already wet and Kieron's penis was stiff so, after a bit more arse kissing, Marie was at the foot of the bed with her upper body on the bed and her backside in the air.

Kieron was stood behind her, his cock ready to go again and, with a little bit of position shifting, he was again fucking his mature lover. Marie came although her cries were stifled by the bedclothes that she was biting on in her pleasure. Kieron had her cumming again before he made a second deposit of sperm in her cunt.

They had had a few hours together and Marie thought that she should go soon. She showered, although the shower was not functioning too well, and then took her pill. They arranged that she would return mid-morning on Tuesday but agreed that Kieron would be wearing protection this time.

Marie got dressed and left Kieron's flat having again been well fucked. When she got out into the street she turned and waved to a still almost naked Kieron, who was looking out of his window.

Linda Ralph, one of Marie's friends and a fellow teacher, happened to be driving down the street that contained Kieron's flat at that very moment. As she drove past, Linda saw a very happy-looking Marie Thompson leaving the building and then in her rearview mirror she saw Marie wave presumably to the person that she had just left.

Linda wondered who Marie knew in this part of town. Linda knew that it was neither of Marie and Stewart's children because they both now lived some distance away from their hometown and Linda was not aware of any other relatives, or indeed friends, of Marie that lived in this area.

Linda was a close friend of Marie's, not her best friend because that was Tina Peters and they had known each other for several years. Linda could not get the question about who Marie might have been visiting out of her head so she decided that she would have to ask her.

Linda got close to phoning Marie that afternoon but then decided not to, but by Tuesday morning she was back to contacting Marie and mentally scolding herself about her indecision. She kept thinking of the expression on Marie's face as she left the flat; it could best be described as a 'just fucked' look but surely not, Linda thought.

Being 'just fucked' was not something that Linda had been very familiar with in recent times. She was slightly older than Marie at forty-nine and Linda's husband Peter was five years older than that and he seemed to have lost all interest in sex whereas Linda had certainly not.

By mid-morning, Marie Thompson was again on Kieron's bed as the young man fucked her again, now with condom protection. Marie had already orgasmed once and was not far from a second one when her mobile phone started ringing.

"Shit! I had better get that, babe, it might be important," said a breathless Marie and an equally breathless Kieron withdrew his rigid penis from her cunt. Marie got off the bed and stuck her big arse in the air as she rummaged amongst discarded clothes for her mobile.

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By the time she found it, it had stopped ringing and gone to voicemail but she saw that it was Linda Ralph trying to get her. Marie, still bent over, listened to the message. 'Hi, Marie, Linda here, nothing too important, chat later," said Linda's message.

"It's Linda, I will phone her back later," said Marie to Kieron. Still bent over, Marie exclaimed, "Oh!" as Kieron's rubber enclosed erection touched her arse.

"Do you want me to fuck you in that position?" asked Kieron.

"I will not keep my balance, give me that chair to hang on to," replied Marie, keen to continue the phone interrupted fucking.

Kieron got the chair and Marie bent over the back of it. Soon the chair was thumping against the floor as Kieron gave his lover a fucking from behind. "Shit, oh fuck," wailed Marie as she came and shortly after that, Kieron groaned as he spunked into his condom. The chair survived without breaking but it probably would not have taken much more. The furniture in Kieron's flat was taking a lot of punishment.

Marie and Kieron were having a well-deserved rest and Marie decided that she would phone Linda, although if she had thought about it, phoning now might not be a great idea. Marie lay on her stomach on the bed and rang Linda's mobile.

"Hi, Linda, what's up?" said Marie.

"Nothing really, just wondered how you were," replied Linda, wondering just how she was going to ask what she was longing to ask.

"Oh, yeah, well I am fine, thanks, how about you?" said Marie, who now had Kieron caressing her buttocks.

"Yeah, I am, I saw you yesterday," blurted Linda.

"Saw me, where?" responded Marie.

"I was driving down Vernon Street and saw you come out of the flats," said Linda.

At that point, Kieron had started running two fingers up and down Marie's arse crack. "Mmm," Marie said into the phone.

"You alright, Marie? You with someone?" said Linda.

"Yes, I am alright, I just sneezed," bluffed Marie.

"You looked really happy yesterday. I did not know you knew anyone in Vernon Street," continued Linda.

Kieron now had a finger touching Marie's arsehole and she was struggling not to groan. "Oh, just visiting a friend," said Marie, feeling hugely turned on by what her young lover was doing to her arse. She was also regretting phoning Linda when she did.

"Ha, by the look on your face they must be a very good friend," laughed Linda.

Just then Kieron's mobile started to ring. "You are not on your own, are you, Marie?" asked Linda.

"Um no, I am in a cafe," responded Marie, thinking that she shouldn't be lying to her friend.

Kieron had the sense not to answer his mobile but he now had two fingers touching Marie's anus.

"Seems that person in the cafe decided not to answer their phone," said Linda, although her tone suggested she did not believe Marie's story.

"Mmmm, oh," Marie could not prevent herself from uttering as Kieron's fingers played her arsehole.

"Marie, what the fuck is going on?" demanded Linda.

"Oh shit, Linda, I will tell you, I will call around and tell you later," replied Marie, knowing that she had been digging herself into a hole.

"That should be good," said Linda, convinced that her friend must be having an affair.

"Yeah, tell you later, promise," said Marie before ending the call before Linda heard her orgasm.

Marie only just cut off the call before she came with Kieron fingering her arse. "Oh fuck, fuck, you turn me on," said Marie, momentarily forgetting that she had promised to tell her friend what she was up to.

Once Marie had calmed, they started to think about the implications of Linda knowing, or at least knowing whatever Marie chose to tell her.

"Do you think she will tell your husband?" asked Kieron.

"No, I don't think so, she might call me a slut but I think she will keep a secret," replied Marie.

"How much are you going to tell her?" asked Kieron.

"Not sure but I do not plan to say who I am seeing," responded Marie.

"I don't mind if you tell her that it is me that is fucking you, I am proud to be fucking you," said Kieron.

"Ha, she might get jealous and want you to fuck her too," laughed Marie, although she did not really think that.

"Really? Do you think she will?" asked Kieron.

"No, not really. Why, do you want to fuck her?" said Marie, with just a tinge of jealousy.

"I don't really know her too well, but she has got big tits," said Kieron.

"She has got a big arse too," responded Marie.

Not much more was said with Marie still undecided about just what to tell Linda.

Before she left to see Linda, there was more fucking to be done and Marie had her legs on Kieron's shoulders as he shafted her and they made the bed creak again. With them both sexually satisfied, Marie had a shower although the shower was still not working fully.

Marie got dressed and they agreed that she would return Wednesday morning unless anything happened in her conversation with Linda to change it. Marie again turned to wave to her lover when she had exited the building.

As she drove to Linda's house, Marie was still unsure about what she would say.

"Well, Mrs Thompson, are you being a naughty girl?" giggled Linda on Marie's arrival, making Marie feel a bit more relaxed.

"I suppose you could say that," replied Marie.

"Is he good? Your expression yesterday certainly suggests that he is," smirked Linda, as she poured them each some wine. Marie put her hand over her glass to restrict the amount that she got as she was driving.

"Promise me that you will tell no one, and I mean no one," said Marie, seriously.

"You shouldn't need to say that but yeah, I promise I will tell no one," replied Linda.

"Yeah, he is good, fucking amazing in fact," said Marie in answer to Linda's earlier question.

"You lucky bitch, I wish he was fucking me," responded Linda.

"Seriously? Don't you and Peter, um...?" asked Marie.

"No, not for ages. He is not interested but I fucking am," replied Linda.

"But are you really interested in getting yourself laid by someone else?" asked Marie.

"Yes, if the chance arose. Why are you asking me this?" responded Linda, not following Marie's train of thought.

"What if the guy who is fucking me said that he would fuck you?" said Marie, not really believing that she was potentially offering her friend her young lover.

"He might not fancy me, who is fucking you, anyway, do I know him?" said a very interested Linda.

"If you are truly interested in getting fucked I can probably fix it, and yes, you do know him," replied Marie.

"Yes, Marie, shit, I really need a good fucking," replied an expectant Linda.

"Before I tell you who it is I am going to make absolutely sure that he will give you one, okay?" said Marie.

"What, you mean you have discussed him fucking me?" said a shocked Linda.

"Yeah, sort of, I am going outside to phone him, yes?" said Marie.

"Yes," replied Linda and Marie went outside to phone Kieron.

The conversation between Marie and Kieron was quite brief and the outcome was that he would give Linda Ralph a good fucking if Marie was alright with it. She was alright with it, partly because Linda would not be telling anyone else if she was also getting fucked, not that Marie doubted Linda's promise anyway.

Marie went back into Linda's house and said that the male in question was happy to give Linda a good fucking if that was what she wanted. "Shit, you have got to tell me who he is now," said Linda, reasonably enough.

"It is Kieron, Kieron Siddall," announced Marie and awaited Linda's reaction.

"Fuck! The boy from your class at school?" exclaimed Linda.

"He is not a boy, he is eighteen and fucking great in bed. He has left school, remember," responded Marie.

"We saw him in the pub, were you and he fucking then?" asked a shocked Linda.

"No, we weren't. He gave me his mobile number that night and we have fucked a few times since," replied Marie.

Linda was in silence, partly because of the surprise about Marie having a lover and who he was but mostly because that youth was prepared to fuck her, with Marie's blessing.

"So do you want him between your legs or not?" asked Marie, bringing Linda back to her senses.

"Yes, yes, I do if you are alright with it," replied Linda, who was feeling her knickers dampen.

"I would not have arranged it if I wasn't, now, would I?" asked Marie, with a smile.

"When?" was Linda's one-word reaction.

"Tomorrow morning in his flat if you want," replied Marie.

"Will you be there?" responded Linda.

"Ha, you dirty cow, do you want a threesome?" laughed Marie.

"No, of course not, was just wondering if you would be there," said Linda, almost indignantly.

"I will go in with you and then leave you two to it," answered Marie, who had no lesbian tendencies but the thought of seeing Linda Ralph naked seemed rather appealing.

With those arrangements having been made, Marie phoned Kieron again. "Linda wants you to fuck her. I have given you a great reference so you had better give her a good seeing to," laughed Marie as Linda blushed.

"Tell her that I will try to give her the fucking of her life," answered Kieron. Marie passed on the message and Linda nearly came in her knickers.

It was agreed that Marie would arrive at Kieron's flat the next morning with Linda and then Marie would leave them to their fucking. It promised to be an interesting Wednesday, especially for Linda Ralph.

Written by PJH
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