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Dixieland Delight, Chapter 3

"Michael enjoys Annie's "work ethics" even more!"

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The next morning as I was on my way to work, I wondered what the day would bring. Were Annie's actions the previous night just the result of a lonely moment or was there more to it? I had been the "stand-in cock" for another woman once before when she was pissed at her husband and looking for a little payback. 

And while it never went any further, I felt kind of like a disposable pawn in the game and wasn't all that thrilled with it. Annie and I had just started working on what I could already see was going to be a long project, so I was hoping that I wasn't Mr. Right Now this time. 

On the other hand, I was only there until I could get this office up and running and then I would be headed back to New York. I didn't really want a lot of entanglements while I was down here that would leave a wake of destruction and hurt when the time came for me to return home. Yes, Annie and I had some things to talk about and so I pulled into the office parking lot with a lot of things to discuss.

Tina, the office receptionist, greeted me with a smile a mile wide. "Good Morning, Mr. Jackson. How are you this morning, Sir?" 

I sensed there was more to her happy greeting than just concern over my well-being. "I am fine, thank you."

Then under her breath, I heard her say "Yes, that's what I heard!" I turned back to see her looking innocent as a Catholic schoolgirl. I turned back to go to my office and heard her giggle as I walked away.

As I walked into my office, still puzzled over Tina's insinuatory greeting, Annie was standing right beside my desk as prim and proper a secretary as I have ever seen.

"Good morning, Sir! I have your schedule right here, ready for you to check over. You have a meeting with the head of the Personnel Department in a half hour. Here is your coffee, and let me take your jacket and hang it up for you, sir."

Her "Ms. Professional" manner and presentation was a bit of a surprise. Last night, she was as sexy and hot as any woman I'd ever been with. Her sexual appetite and lust knew no bounds. But today, it was as if she had no sexual interests at all. She had all the warmth and passion of an eighty-year-old librarian!

I shut the door and moved towards her. "Okay I give, what's going on Annie?"

"What do you mean?"

"Last night you were all over me. We fucked everywhere but on top of the refrigerator and in every position it was physically possible. And now today you are acting as if you have no emotions at all. I know better! So what's up?"

She looked around me to see the door shut. "Nothing is wrong, Michael. I had a wonderful time last night and you were amazing. But we are at work now, and I just thought it would be best if we kept the two separate. I have learned–the hard way–that personal feelings and work don't always mix smoothly. 

"I do enjoy working with you and I enjoy being with you when we aren't working. That hasn't changed any. But we have a job to do here and we need to be able to focus. If I didn't act cool and professional like this, I'd be all over you like honey on a hot biscuit!"

I could see her point. I have seen personal emotions ruin a few work relationships as well. None of mine, fortunately, but I had a friend who tried unsuccessfully to mix business with pleasure.

"All right, Annie. So long as there's nothing wrong. I had a really great time last night too."

"I'm glad. If you need me, I'm available for you... anytime boss!" Annie gave me a smile that let me know I really should take advantage of her proficiency and enthusiasm! 

We got down to work after that and I prepared for the meeting with the head of the Personnel Department.

"Annie, I'm going to need you to come to the meeting and take some notes. I am going to do some shuffling of personnel to make things more efficient and put these people's strengths to better use."

I had gone over the personnel records of most of the employees prior to coming down to Savannah and I believed there were a few people in the wrong positions.

"Of course, Sir." 

So Annie and I headed to the meeting. The Personnel Department was one floor below our office but I wanted another couple of moments with Annie so we decided to take the stairs. Not many people used the stairs except for a few health nuts in the building. Since it wasn't close to lunchtime I didn't figure we'd run into anyone. 

We started down the stairs and when we got to the first landing where the stairs turned, I stopped her. Without saying a word, I pushed her back against the wall and kissed her. I kissed her hard and deep. I heard her softly moan and she yielded right away to my kiss. I didn't make any other moves–I didn't grab her ass or play with her tits or anything. My kiss was enough... for now.

"Mr. Jackson here to see Mr. Blakely." Annie took the initiative to introduce us to the receptionist outside the Personnel Office. I smiled to myself at her professionalism.

"Of course. Mr. Blakely is expecting you. Right this way." She led Annie and me to Mr. Blakely, who was sitting at his desk.

After a brief introduction and handshake, we got right to the business at hand. 

"Mr. Blakely, I made a promise yesterday to the whole company that I was not here to fire anyone. And I am holding to that promise. However, I have gone over the personnel records of the people here and I think we can put some of the talent here to better use." 

I explained that some people are in the wrong position or department and would be more efficiently used and happier if we made a few changes. I showed him what I was talking about with the individuals I had in mind. 

Mr. Blakely liked my ideas and was relieved that he wouldn't have to fire anyone or hire anyone new. But he did have one concern. 

"Mr. Jackson some of the proposals you have outlined will involve salary changes. Some will lose money taking these jobs while some will be making less than their counterparts doing the same jobs."

"Yes, I anticipated that and for those who would stand to lose pay taking their new position, we will guarantee their wages to stay the same. For those who would make less than their counterparts, a raise will be given so they match their fellow employees in that position."

"That sounds wonderful, sir. But will the head office go for all of this and the other changes you have talked about?"

"Mr. Blakely, I was sent down here to get this operation running smoothly and efficiently. Whatever I have to do to reach that objective is my call and corporate is behind any decisions I make. Don't worry–I figure once everyone gets used to it, these changes should boost productivity by 10-15% at least."

With Personnel satisfied that I knew what I was doing, he said he would institute the changes as quickly as possible. I looked at my watch and it was close to lunchtime by the time our meeting broke up.

"So Annie, what would you say to lunch with the boss?"

"Oh Sir, I would love that! Where do you want to go?"

"Well, you pick the place. Anywhere you want–I'm on an expense account, so pick someplace nice!"

"Really? Well, there is one place I have been dying to try, but it's way out of my price range."

"What's it called?"

"It's called 'Elizabeth On 37th'. It's a restaurant in an old Colonial mansion. I think you will like it–it is very Southern, from what I hear all the employees are supposed to dress like they did in 'Gone With The Wind'"

"Sounds like fun! Let's go!" 

Finding the restaurant was not a problem; it wasn't all that far from the office, actually. Far enough to have to drive to, but still in the downtown business district. I parked the rental car in the parking lot close to the door and we went inside. 

The restaurant was everything Annie said it was and more. The hostess met us at the door wearing a dress Miss Scarlet would have killed for. She took us to our table and a waiter came, also dressed in 1860's plantation period clothing, to take our order.

"I am really glad you asked me to have lunch with you, Michael. I would never have been able to come to a place like this on my salary!"

"Well, I am glad you came too. I wouldn't have known of this place and I wouldn't have had such lovely lunch companionship!"

"Oh, Michael! You're going to make me blush!"

"Good... pink looks good on you!"

Annie leaned forward a bit and spoke in hushed tones so she wouldn't be overheard. "I had a wonderful time last night. I don't remember ever... cumming so hard! You were incredible!" 

"Well, I aim to please!"

"Then you hit your mark perfectly Michael. I still get a little excited just thinking about it!"

"So you are ready for round two then?"

"You mean... tonight?"

"Sure, why not? You are pretty good stress relief, you know!"

"You are a good itch scratcher yourself, Michael Jackson! Okay, I'll come over tonight. Gee, who would have thought that I would be sleeping with the boss one day!" she giggled at her remark.

"Only one thing. Last night after we had our fun, you went home and I was left in the hotel room alone. Which was fine, I understand, we had to work the next day. But today is Friday, and the office will be closed tomorrow. So I want you to spend the night tonight... if you want to, that is."

"You want me... to spend the night?"

"Only if you want to Annie. I don't want you to do it because you think you have to or anything. If you don't want to that's fine, I jus—"

"I would love to spend the night with you, Michael. I felt the same way last night too. Driving home I wished I could have stayed with you. It's been a long time since I felt so cared for and it was kinda sad driving home alone again. Yes, I will spend the night with you.

I have to go home and get a few things, but yes."

"Good, I'm glad. What we'll do is after work you go home and get what you need, then come over and we will go to dinner together. No sense in letting this expense account off easy! After that, we can go back to the hotel."

"That sounds wonderful."

"Oh and Annie..."


"Plan for the weekend."

"Yes Sir, you're the boss!" Annie smiled broadly, blushing a bit as she thought of the fun weekend to come.

After a wonderful lunch, we went back to work. Annie was on cloud nine the rest of the day flitting around like a schoolgirl with a crush on the teacher! She couldn't seem to do enough for me! She made sure my coffee cup didn't get empty, she fielded all my calls like a pro, she sorted and filed–she was a one-woman secretarial pool! I had a hard time keeping her busy!

I have to admit, it was a pleasure to watch her work too. As she buzzed about, she would cast a glance over at me and when she saw me watching her she smiled that beautiful Georgia smile... it couldn't help but brighten up the whole room!

Both of us eagerly watched the clock as it ticked agonizingly slow towards 5:00 pm and quitting time. Finally, the clock arms were in the position we were looking for and the day was over.

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As the place began to empty out I tried to act as casual as I could (although I wanted to bust out of the office like it was the last day of school and summer vacation was at hand!) I could sense Annie's impatience as well, but at least she had a few last-minute things to keep her a little more occupied! 

At last, the office was just about empty and I felt it was a good time to leave. Annie was just finishing up too so we walked out of the office together and I walked her to her car. "I will see you in a little while, Annie, then we can go to dinner." She knew what I meant–I wasn't hungry for food as much as I was for her!

Once Annie was safely off towards her place, I went home myself. Luckily for me, my hotel was not far from the office and it took me about ten minutes to get there. Once inside my room, I got out of my work clothes and into something more comfortable and casual. 

Back in my home in New York, comfortable and casual meant sweatpants and a comfy old t-shirt. Slippers maybe in the winter. But I knew we were going out to dinner, so I put on a clean everyday shirt and a pair of pants that were just a step above blue jeans and would be accepted in almost any restaurant. I didn't figure we were going to a five-star place, especially after such a fancy lunch. Besides I didn't want to be too full for "dessert"!

I had gotten changed and was browsing through the hotel brochures to see if I could find a nice but not hoity restaurant when I got a knock on the door. I went to the door and there stood my Annie–a small suitcase and makeup case sitting on the floor next to her.

"Hi Annie, here let me take those things. Come on in." I picked up her bags and shut the door behind her. I set the bags down safely inside the hotel room in an area we wouldn't trip over them. Then I turned back to Annie.

Annie didn't wait for an invitation. She crossed the short distance between us in a flash and I barely had enough time to raise my arms to take her into them. She wrapped her arms around me as she got close and we met in a kiss that let us both know we were in the right place.

We kissed deeply, desperately, as if we were both starving for each other. As if each of us was the other's life essence. We devoured each other and when we finally did break, Annie gasped and clutched at me. I pulled her close and she laid her head on my chest.

"Oh Michael, I thought the day would never end!"

"Well, it's over now and you are all mine!"

"Mmmm... that sounds perfectly wonderful!"

I was ready for more of that voluptuous body. I wanted to have every inch of her. On her first visit here, I pushed her up against the wall and ravaged her. Now it was her turn. 

She knelt between my legs as I stood there in the middle of the living room and began to lick my hardening cock. She took her time licking my cock and balls, enjoying the salty taste and luxuriating in the feeling of me growing in her mouth. 

For me, the feeling of her sucking ever so gently on my balls and slowly stroking my cock was amazing. I was getting harder by the second as she teased me looking up at me with a smile on her face and lust in her beautiful blue eyes. She popped me out of her mouth after a few delicious moments and pushed my hard cock up against my belly. 

Then she began to lick the underside of my balls. Her tongue reached my asshole as I let out a deep moan. Seeing how much I was enjoying her near-rimming me, she turned me around and spread my ass cheeks to do a better job of it. Her tongue penetrated my asshole as she reached around and continued stroking my rock hard cock. 

I had never had anyone make such an effort to tongue my ass–only one woman before even attempted it. So to have Annie go at my asshole with such enthusiasm was incredible!

My moans were constant as she took her time rimming my ass. I was getting close to cumming when she abruptly stopped and immediately started to suck the head of my cock again.

Annie kept her eyes locked on mine as she showed me yet another trick she knew. She slid further and further down my shaft until I felt the tip touch the back of her throat. Then she pulled back a bit to keep from gagging and adjusted her position to get a better angle on my cock. 

She swallowed a couple of times to open her throat, and on the second swallow, she pushed forward, getting the tip of my cock past her gag reflex and headed down her tight throat. She was bobbing up and down a bit on my cock as she stuffed more and more of it down her throat. 

I instinctively grabbed her head and guided her, helping her to take in more of me. Annie would have loved to swallow me whole, but eventually, she reached the limit when her nose pressed into my abdomen. She held me there for as long as she could, not being able to breathe, then pulled back. She pulled off my cock gagging but smiling at her achievement. 

"That was amazing Annie–not every woman I have been with could swallow all of me like that!"

"I wasn't sure I could either. It's been some time since I had a good-sized cock to play with. But now I need to feel that big fat hard cock in my pussy again. It's hungry too!"

I helped her to her feet and she took me by the hand and we moved to the sofa. I sat down on the and she wasted no time happily climbing onto my lap.

Straddling my hips facing me, she hovered over my cock, her amazing tits at just the right height for me to take the hard eager points into my mouth.

"Oh God, Michael, I love the way you lick and suck on my tits!"

I countered her comment. "Well, I like the way they taste in my mouth!" She let me feast on her wonderful tits for a few moments, cooing and sighing as my tongue worked over the hard aching buds and my mouth created a suction that she seemed to love. I nibbled lightly on the fleshy buttons, biting playfully and tugging with my teeth, causing her to gasp and moan.

But her dripping pussy wasn't to be denied for long and she reached between her legs to grasp the base of my cock, aiming it towards her molten core. 

"Annie, you aren't wearing any panties!" I said surprised.

Annie blushed. "Well, Michael honey, I didn't figure I would be in them long anyway!" A true enough statement... why put more between a willing cock and a receptive pussy than need be!

She rubbed the head around her entrance to turn up the furnace a few more degrees, then she lowered herself onto the hard shaft. As my cock head parted her fat swollen pussy lips and reached her inner entrance Annie moaned loudly.

"Oh Michael, I have waited all day for this!"

She started to slowly, very slowly, slide down my throbbing shaft as she pushed her magnificent tits harder into my face. I eagerly sucked on her engorged nipple as she fell back and she moaned again.

I alternated between both her nipples as I squeezed her tits. Her leaking pussy was dripping her juices down between my legs and I knew that housekeeping would hate us when we left. 

But that was of no consequence to me at the moment as she grabbed my head and held me against her tits, letting me nurse from her. I didn't notice she had sat all the way down on my cock until she let out the loudest moan possible. 

"Oh my God, Michael! Oh, baby, your cock is so deep! So deep in my hot, wet pussy! I can feel you throbbing inside me! Please don't stop fucking me! Oh, God!"

She started to bounce up and down on my cock. It ached from being so hard but I continued to suck on her sweet, creamy tits. Her moans were intensifying as she bounced harder and harder on my cock.

She was riding me so hard she would let out a very sexual grunt as she bottomed out on my cock. I could feel her pussy tightening around my cock so I bit her nipple to put her over the edge.

The look of pure ecstasy on her face was amazing. 

"Yes! Yes! I'm so close. Oh God, I'm so close. I'm cumming! I'm cummming! Oh God, I'm Cuummminnngg!" 

Her orgasm was so intense I could feel her cum dripping down my legs onto the sofa. She rode her orgasm for several moments before finally collapsing against my chest as she began to kiss me. Her plump lips felt so good at that moment as I squeezed her tight. 

"Oh God, Michael," she said when she could breathe well enough to talk. "I have never experienced anything like that. It was amazing. I love your cock, baby." 

"Well, I'm not finished with you yet. I want more–you came for the weekend and I'm going to get my money's worth! My cock is still rock hard and I going to fill your pussy with my cum." 

I wrapped my arms around her tightly and stood up. I turned us both around and set her back down on the sofa, this time on her knees facing the back of the sofa with her ass towards me. I got down in a semi-crouched position and pushed back into her as she moaned happily. 

I gripped her hips and started thrusting my cock into her hard and deep. She started to moan as my cock burrowed deeper and deeper.

Her head was thrown back as I continued to stab at her with my throbbing cock. Her pussy began to tighten around my cock once again. I knew she was close to cumming again and so was I. It hit me. 

"Oh fuck, I'm cumming! I'm cumming!" 

Annie chimed in with her own announcement just as her orgasm hit. "Ahhh, fuck! My pussy's never cum like this before! Fuck meee!" 

I kept ramming into her pussy for as long as I could. I wanted her orgasm to last until she was worn out. I have, what I have been led to believe, is a pretty unique ability to stay hard for a long time even after orgasming.

So I take advantage of that "skill" as often as I can! Finally, when Annie was practically begging me to stop and let her rest, I pulled out of her.

Seeing I was still hard, she dropped to her knees and began to work on my cock.  I was stunned at what was happening–Annie didn't miss a beat! 

She took my semi-hard cock in her hand and worked her way up and down my shaft with her tongue. "I love your cock and it's even more amazing when it's covered in pussy juice!" 

Annie continued to lick my cock as she started to squeeze her tits. "Mmm, yummy."

I was standing there in heaven as my cock was being pleasured by this gorgeous, voluptuous woman. I was rock hard again in no time. After she had cleaned off my cock and gotten me ready to go again, she stood up and walked over to the desk leaning over it with her ass jutting out. 

I couldn't believe it. I had just fucked Annie silly and yet she was ready for more! She reached around and pulled her ass cheeks apart showing me her crinkled brown star and the pink hole beneath it. 

I was standing there in awe when I was snapped back into reality. "I have an ass and pussy that needs to be eaten too. What are you waiting for? Isn't this what you want?"

Oh my god! One of my fantasies was happening here and now! I always love fucking a woman's ass, but I had never had anyone who wanted to have it eaten out. Annie was serving hers up on a platter for me!

Written by Master_Jonathan
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