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How Did This Happen? - John's Story

"A trip to the lake turns out to be more than John was expecting."

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This is John's Story. It can stand alone as it's own story as well. There's no need to read Shayne's Story if you haven't, but obviously I want you to. Thank you to everyone who read Shayne's Story, voted and commented on it. It's greatly appreciated!


Shayne was working at the mine on the outskirts of town on an internship from a neighboring state. But here's the kicker - she's only here until the end of the summer and it gets better, she also has a fucking boyfriend! And - as if it couldn't get any worse - he's from another country, but goes to school with Shayne during the semester. I'm not the one to coax a girl into cheating on her boyfriend because I wouldn't want that to happen to my girl - if I had one - but damn, this shit ain't right! I had to have her by the summer's end.

I met Shayne through a guy she worked with who happens to be my best friend. He tried to set us up because he felt like I had the better chance of hooking up with her and, well, we didn't want her going back without fucking someone here. Kyle mentioned that she was cute, but I hadn't realized how cute she was until the night we went to pick her up for the concert that was being held in town. She came out of her house wearing a low cut blouse that hung loosely from her slender frame. Her body flared out perfectly at her hips and were hugged nicely by a pair of knee length pants. Her short, toned legs were accentuated by a pair of heels that she seemed to be so damn proud of.

"Took ya guys forever to get here!" She said as she climbed into the backseat of my truck.

"Yeah, well your directions weren't exactly helpful," I shot back at her as I pulled out of her drive way to head to the park where the concert was taking place.

"At least you found it. Oh and nice to meet you by the way." Shayne extended her hand to front seat and I awkwardly shook it considering I couldn't turn around.

"Nice to meet you too. You look good." This caused her pale face to turn a shade or two of red.

"Thanks and you don't look too bad yourself," she replied coyly. She kept her attention to the window as we drove towards the park. "Oh, I need to get some cash," Shayne blurted out.

"So do I. Thanks for the reminder." I pulled into the nearest gas station and Shayne and I went inside the store as Kyle remained in the truck.

"How much are the beers gonna cost?" Shayne asked as we approached the ATM.

"I'm not sure. It's thirty bucks to get in to the concert and the beers are probably gonna be five beers for twenty dollars, so I'd pull about sixty out to be on the safe side." I stood back and let Shayne get her money before I pulled out the necessary amount for the night. "I'm not drinking but a couple of beers. I have to drive us back. Kyle plans on getting pretty tuned up, but for tomorrow nights concert, well, that's my night to be feeling pretty."

"Well, I'm drinking a few, but good thing you're driving me home!" Shayne gave me a playful hug and went back to the truck.

Yeah, taking you home. I'd do a lot more than just take you home. I followed her out and climbed back in the truck before making the very short distance down to the park.

We made our way into the park and paid the necessary thirty dollars to get in and made our way over to the beer table to get our beer bracelets, so we could drink. After our ID's were checked, we made our way over to the ticket booth to purchase beer tickets and sure enough, twenty buck for five beers. Groaning about the price of beer, we made our way to the stage to meet Kyle's cousin and wait for the concert to start.

"What is there to do in this area? Like recreational?" Shayne asked me as the band came out on stage.

"You can go shooting, there's the lake, 4 wheeling in the desert. There's plenty of outdoor activities here," I replied, admiring her sexy body.

"Hmm, the lake. Where is it?" She asked as the band finished their first song.

"A few minutes away. I was actually planning on going out there on Sunday if you wanna go." I was really hoping she'd agree to go.

"That sounds like a great idea! Besides, you can't go out there alone," she said as she winked at me. I'm pretty sure that was nothing.

"That's why you're going." I just smiled at her before we finished our beers and sat through the rest of the concert. I quit drinking as the others continued to get drunk before we all decided to leave the concert. Good thing I was driving Shayne home.

We proceeded to leaving the concert and as we were almost out when Kyle piped up, "Beer pong at my house!" He looked at Shayne and I and just shook his head yes.

"That sounds fun. How will I get back home?" Shayne asked as we approached my truck.

"I'll drive you back over here." I answered. Kyle and I live about ten minutes from Shayne.

"Oh, you don't have to do that," she shot back, "I'd feel bad, really."

"Really, it's no big deal. It's not like I have a full tank of gas." I simply smiled at her and I'm pretty sure that was all the convincing she'd need.

"Come on. It'll be fun!" Kyle jumped in before we got back to my truck. "Oh shit, I think Mike might not be able to drive home. He seems a little wasted," he said as we watched his cousin, Mike, approach us in an unrather way of walking. Not that Kyle was any better off than he was.

"Yeah, dude, drive him back and Shayne and I will meet you at your house," I said before turning my direction towards Shayne, "unless you don't wanna go, then I'll just take you home?"

"It's okay, I'll go. I haven't played beer pong in awhile." She smiled at me before getting in the passenger seat of my truck.

"Alright, bro. I'll see ya there. Hopefully I can get his drunk ass back without shit happening." He turned and got into Mike's truck before I proceeded to my own.

Shayne was quiet as we turned out of the park and back onto the main road before hitting the highway on route to Kyle's. Feeling like the ice needed to be broken, I turned the radio down and looked at her.

"So, how long have you been here?" I asked as I emerged onto the highway.

"About a month. Are you from around here?" She replied, looking a little tipsy.

"I've been here for over a year. I used to live here when I was kid, but recently moved back."

"Oh nice. It's a little different than I expected. You know, more desert than forest," she said as she shifted in her seat to better face me.

"Yeah, you'd think this fucking place would be more like timbers than desert, but whatever I guess." I joked as I glanced her way. She returned my glance with a smile.

"So, what do you like to do for fun when you can't get outdoors?" She asked, suggesting something.

"Well, to be honest," I hesitated, "I like to write," hesitating some more, "things you wouldn't write about it in English class." I cringed, just hoping her reaction wasn't that of judging.

"Really?" Shayne seemed off guard by my response. "Like what?" I'm sure she had a feeling of what the answer may be.

"Oh man, I can't believe what I just said." I glanced over at her and she was practically sitting sideways in the seat, just staring at me with a wild look in her eye. "Umm, well, I write about....erotica." I thought the silence was going to kill me.

"Wow, really? That's impressive, not gonna lie," she said as she burned a hole in the side of my head.

"Thanks." I smiled back at her and she remained quiet for the rest of the trip, which kinda concerned me because I felt like I was being judged, but then again, maybe she was too turned on and thrilled by what I had just said. I couldn't believe I had told her that I write about erotica. She had been the only one that has known my secret thus far and I wasn't exactly sure how I should react to it.

We arrived at Kyle's and went inside before he got there. Inside, we sat on his couch and just looked at each other.

"You know, I probably should get your number, so I can get a hold of you tomorrow," I said, breaking the silence.

"Oh yeah, you're probably right," she shot back before giving me her number. Just then Kyle walked in.

"Yo! You two ladies ready for some beer pong?" Kyle spouted off, referring to Shayne and I had you not caught that.

"Sure," I meekly replied as I got up from the couch.

"I need to make a phone call then I'll be out there to play. Can I borrow your room, Kyle?" Shayne asked as she pulled out her phone.

"Yeah, go ahead. Come on, John, ready to get whooped at some pong?" I'm thinking he's a little on the tipsy side.

"Let's go big guy," I shot back at him before we went to his garage.

We played a few games before realizing that Shayne still hadn't come out yet. Kyle had a slight edge in the series, but mostly to the fact that he had been drinking and I hadn't. He was beginning to get cocky and it was starting to piss me off.

"Where's the fucking beer?" I asked, slightly pissed off.

"In the fridge of course. Get me another one!" He yelled out as I entered the house. Most of all, I wanted to find Shayne and see what she was doing.

I quietly made my way to his room only to find the door slightly cracked. I peeked in and noticed that she was out cold on his bed with the phone right next to her. Looks like Kyle may try to get lucky tonight. I shrugged it off and grab a couple beers before going back into the garage.

"Dude, she's out cold on your bed," I said as I walked back into his garage.

"Really? Nice," he said with a smirk on his face. This kind of annoyed me because I knew what he was wanting to try.

"Yeah," I replied as I handed him his beer.

We played a few more games before I decided to go get some sleep. I figured she was out for the night, so I didn't bother going in there and waking her up. Shayne would be just fine where she was.

The next morning I woke up and immediately began cursing myself for drinking the night before. I really hate waking up with a hangover when it's not necessary. And today was not necessary. I reached for my phone to text Shayne and realized I had a couple messages waiting for me - both from Shayne.

'Thanks for leaving me in Kyle's room!! It was really awkward waking up next to him.. Oh well, but I see that you are still here.'

'Hey, wake up! I want to go home!'

I rolled out of the bed in Kyle's guest room and went downstairs to see where she was. I walked into the living room and she was sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Where's Kyle?" I asked her as I sat down a little closer than I intended. Yeah I kind of did that on purpose, but didn't mean to be that close to her.

"He's still asleep. Good thing there's more to this couch than where I'm sitting," she laughed as I moved over a couple inches.

"Ha, I kind of misjudged the distance before I sat down. I blame it on the beer last night." My attention was on the TV at the moment.

"I sobered up a bit on the drive over here and obviously I didn't drink here, so I feel just fine," she said as she shot a look at me just as I turned my attention back to her.

"Yeah, I drank a little more than I should have. Good thing I don't have to work today or I'd be fucked." I was hoping she caught the innuendo.

"You could if the possibility of being fired was high. Being drunk while handling guns isn't that great of an idea."

"I agree." Everything went silent for a few minutes as we watched a show that I knew nothing about while we waited for Kyle to get up.

Within minutes, Kyle emerged from his room looking like hell froze over. He glanced over at us sitting on the couch before making a beeline for the kitchen to get a glass of water and some Advil.

"Feeling rough there, big guy?" I asked as he popped a couple pills before washing them down with water.

"We'll put it this way, shooting myself is not out of the question at the moment. So, if that answers anything," he said with a straight face that caused Shayne and I to laugh out loud.

"It's all good dude. I don't feel very peachy myself," I responded. "What's your plans for the day?"

"Gotta hang out with the 'rents today. Fuck, this is gonna be rough. What about you?"

"Gonna take her home and then we're gonna go to the lake. I'm not sure what else after that." I glanced over at her. "What are you doing?"

"Probably nothing," she replied as she got up to gather her things.

"I'm assuming you're about ready to go?" I got up to find my shoes and keys.

"Yeah, I guess so. Thanks for having me over, Kyle," Shayne replied before shooting Kyle a smile.

"Thanks for coming over." And with that we left.

The drive back to Shayne's house was very talkative - at least on Shayne's account. I just sat there and nodded, occasionally throwing in yep, yeah, of course, ohhh, haha and really? All basically to amuse her and let her go rambling on so I didn't have to speak that much. Not that it was rough having a conversation with her or anything, but I couldn't concentrate on much to say with being distracted by her demeanor. The way she carried herself throughout what she did and how animated she was while she talked. I couldn't help but smile while staring at her.

"I'll hurry and change before we go to the lake. Come in, so you don't have to sit out here," she said as we pulled into her house.

"Sounds good to me." I shut off my truck and followed her into the house. God, that girl has an ass and knows how to move it. I walked over to her couch and just plopped down while I waited for her to get changed.

Within minutes, Shayne came out of her room looking sexy as hell. She had on some short shorts with a thin tank top. Her curves just popped out and I had a hard time keeping my dick from gaining mass as she walked around the couch and stood facing me.

"You ready to go, or are you gonna sit there and stare off into space all day?" She asked, not realizing I was staring right at her crotch.

"Yeah, let's go." I waited for her to turn around before adjusting my rapidly growing cock. Staring at her ass sway the way it does, doesn't help matters any.

I made it to my truck without her seeing my hard on and luckily it went down enough to be less noticeable. We got in and finally made our way to the lake for her first time with me - pun fully intended.

"Fuck, I left my sunglasses at Kyle's house." I realized this as we turned the corner and I was greeted by the sun.

"You can use mine if you have to," she offered as she removed her giant sunglasses from her face.

"No, I'm good. I'll be alright." There was no way in hell I was wearing those.

"Thought I'd offer." Once again, that smile that drives me crazy.

The thirty minute drive was eventful to say the least. Shayne gabbed away and kept asking questions about the lake and my personal life. All of which I answered to the best of my knowledge. Every so often, I'd look over at Shayne and look down at her legs. Her thighs were on display and I was definitely taking advantage of that. Each time I'd look over, I was greeted by her eyes piercing mine. I remembered I wasn't wearing sunglasses, so she clearly knew where I was looking. At that moment, I didn't give a fuck. If she's worried about me checking her out, then she'd say something about it. But all she did was just smile at me. It's like she knew and was encouraging me to continue. In all fairness, I had no intentions of not making it obvious I was interested in fucking her. And I'm sure she clearly caught that.

The road curved and up ahead the lake was visible. Shayne's eyes were glued to the scene ahead and appeared to be in awe of the lake's beauty.

"It's beautiful," she mumbled as we neared the camping area that led down to the beach.

"Oh, I know. I love coming here." We pulled...

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Written by Remington
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