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The Seduction of Ethan Harper

"In an attempt to improve his business and his life, Ethan Harper rediscovers his first true love."

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Competition Entry: The Ultimate Seduction

Ethan Harper walked into the reception area of Collins Management Associates for his 2:00 appointment. He was greeted by the receptionist and immediately taken to the company conference room. The young lady opened the door and announced, “Mr. Harper.”

An older gentleman with a smile walked toward Ethan with his hand extended. “Ethan Harper, I’m Donald Wyatt. I’m so pleased to meet you.”

“Thank you, Mr. Wyatt. I’m very interested in your proposal.”

“Please call me Donald,” the man said. “I expect that we’ll all be good friends very soon. Let me introduce my staff. This is Sam Henry,” Wyatt said, pointing to a tall, unsmiling man. “And this is David Manning. He’s of no relation to Payton and Eli,” he said with a laugh.

As Ethan shook hands with Wyatt’s staff members, he noticed a shapely blonde standing just outside the door. Ethan had always been an ‘ass man’ and his eyes were drawn to one of the finest female butts he’d ever seen. Her bottom was framed in a tight red skirt. Her legs were toned and well displayed by red, three-inch heels. He was confident that when she turned, his eyes would be rewarded with the rest of a great body.

“I have one more staff member that will be working with us today,” Wyatt said, pointing toward the woman in red. “This is…”

The woman turned, almost running to Ethan. She threw her arms around his middle. “Ethan! It’s so good to see you!”

Acting quite surprised, Wyatt stammered, “Should I guess you two are acquainted?”

“You should,” the beautiful woman said with a laugh. “Ethan and I go way back. We were very close in high school and college. And he is even more handsome today than he was at sixteen.”

“So then, I guess I don’t need to introduce Zoe Henderson to you, Ethan?” Wyatt said with a smile.

“No, sir. You don’t,” Ethan managed to say. Placing his hands on Zoe’s shoulders, he said, “I just haven’t seen her in about fifteen years.”

“Zoe is one of my Vice Presidents and works with acquisitions,” Wyatt explained. “She’s a vital part of our team. Now, if you’ll all have a seat, we’ll begin our presentation to Mr. Harper.”

As they began to find seats around the conference table, Ethan had a chance to take a better look at his old friend. Zoe had easily been the most beautiful girl in his class in high school. They had immediately become close when her family moved to town and she enrolled in Ethan’s school. They’d had their first date in September and were inseparable through their second year of college. Now she was in her mid-thirties and even more gorgeous than back then.

Zoe had beautiful blonde shoulder-length hair that framed her fair-skinned face and large brown eyes. It flashed through Ethan’s mind that he had fallen in love with her the instant they’d met face to face. Zoe immediately applied to attend the same school when he received a scholarship to play baseball for the state university. They had remained together through two years of college until Ethan decided to go to a different school to study engineering. They had promised to stay in touch, but like most long distance romances, it was not to be.

Ethan knew that he was going to have to concentrate very hard on the meeting content. Collins Management was about to offer to purchase half of his company, and he couldn’t afford to be distracted by Zoe’s beauty and raw sex appeal.

“Can you tell us about your company?” Wyatt asked after they were seated.

“After graduating from college,” Ethan explained, “I went to work for a large engineering firm. After two years with that company, I found a void in expertise in small to medium-sized companies that needed engineering groups to advise on their building and expansion projects. I convinced a co-worker to join me in opening a new business to address the need in a unique market. He stayed with me for a year before taking another position with an even larger company.

“In the second year, my company began to take off. Our success was quick but not unexpected. Today we are a multimillion-dollar concern and still growing.”

“So, if you are doing so well, why would you consider taking us on as a partner,” Sam Henry asked.

Ethan instantly knew he wouldn’t like Sam Henry but answered the question he knew would be asked. “I’ve worked very hard for the past eleven years, Mr. Henry, and I’ve made a lot of money. But keeping up with this growing business is stressful and leaves me no personal time. I have a six-year-old son. I’d like to go to his baseball games and perhaps coach his team. But Harper Enterprises eats up my time. I’m considering letting someone in that can take on part of the load.”

“And that’s what we do best,” Zoe explained to Ethan. “In our presentation, we’ll demonstrate what services we can provide without changing the character of your company and leaving the important decision making up to you. You have an engineering company. None of us are engineers,” Zoe said as she waved her hand toward the other people in the room. “We would not pretend to have your knowledge. But we do know a hell of a lot about accounting and daily business management that you, as the leader, need not get bogged down in.”

When the room lights went down to show the presentation, Ethan’s eyes went to Zoe. He was listening but studying the woman that had been so important in his life fifteen years ago. The sheer blouse she was wearing showed her lacy undergarments. Her string of pearls seemed to draw his eyes her cleavage. She had always had great tits, but now they appeared to be larger. She was still gorgeous.

For the next three hours, the people from Collins Management took turns speaking on different topics. Ethan was impressed with their knowledge and presentation skills. He had no doubt they had made very similar presentations on many occasions, but he thought their performance was flawless.

Donald Wyatt looked at his watch. “Oh my, we’ve been droning on for hours. Ethen’s head must be spinning with all the information we’ve thrown at him.”

“No, not at all,” Ethan told the group. “Your presentation has been extremely informative and answered many of the questions I planned to ask. But the most important issue to me right now is this one. If you are purchasing my company, how much of it remains in my hands?”

The lights came up and Zoe leaned in with the answer. “You will retain 51% of your business. We want to share in your success, but you built the company. You gave birth to it and raised it from its infancy. Without you in charge, we lose your company’s most important ingredient… you.”

Wyatt turned to look into Ethan’s eyes. “Ethan, since you are the sole owner of your company, we are prepared to offer you $15 million for forty-nine percent ownership. With our business connections, we’ll invest another five million in making Harper Enterprises a state-of-the-art organization. If we both agree that the company has grown sufficiently within two years, we’ll be glad to handle the initial IPO.

“I would still be the CEO?” Ethan asked.

“Absolutely,” Wyatt boomed. “We will be your advisors on day-to-day issues, but you will continue at the helm. Our business knowledge will drive down your overhead and push up your profits. With us handling the parts that we do best, you’ll have time to be a baseball coach. And that reminds me, Ethan. If you went to college on a baseball scholarship, why did you leave it?”

Ethan smiled. “After two years in a top-level baseball program, it occurred to me that I just wasn’t good enough to ever play in the major leagues. I had always wanted to study engineering and found there wasn’t time in my days to put the proper amount of time and effort into doing both things. After a long talk with my parents, I applied to Purdue and received a partial academic scholarship.”

“Did you have some connection with Purdue?” asked David Manning.

“The connection with the school was dollars,” Ethan laughed. “After having a full ride to play baseball, going on without a scholarship was going to be costly.”

“He went away and left me on my own,” Zoe tossed in with a fake pout.

Wyatt stood. “If you don’t have any additional questions, I suggest we adjourn for today and meet tomorrow afternoon again for some additional discussion. I’m certain after some time on your own, you’ll have additional questions for us.”

Standing, Ethan shook Wyatt’s hand. “That sounds like a good plan to me. I’ll take these materials you’ve given me and read through them again tonight.”

As they began to file out of the room, Zoe took Ethan’s hand. “Do you have time for a drink with an old friend?”

“I’d love it,” Ethan answered with a broad smile. “I want to know what you’ve been doing to stay so beautiful and sexy.”

Zoe smiled. “You have always been a sweet talker. Even at seventeen, you had the skills to talk me out of my panties.” She quickly looked around to make certain no one overheard what she had just said. “Come with me to my office so I can close things down. There’s a great little place just around the corner that I frequent. I’ll take you there on Collins Management’s dime.”

Leaning into her ear, Ethan whispered, “As I remember, I didn’t talk you out of your white cotton underwear. I almost ripped them off of you. It wasn’t like you had any choice.”

“Oh, I had plenty of choices,” Zoe giggled. “It happened just the way I planned it. But you’re right. They were white cotton. I didn’t move into sexy panties until you took my virginity.”

It was time for Ethan to look around cautiously. “Let’s go to your office if you’re going to continue to talk dirty to me.”

“That’s something I’ve done plenty of in our time together,” she whispered.

Walking into Zoe’s office, Ethan looked around and whistled. “Hey, Zoe. Nice digs.”

“Collins treats their upper management pretty well. I have this nice office and two assistants. When we pick up new business, I get a nice little bonus. I have nothing to complain about.” When her assistant came into the office, Zoe told her to go home. “Mr. Harper and I will be leaving here shortly. Just check with me in the morning. I’ll have some things we’ll need to get done.”

When the woman left, Zoe said, “Just let me check my voice mail and then we can get out of here.”

Zoe stood beside her desk, holding the phone to her ear. This gave Ethan another opportunity to observe this beautiful woman that had been his private property so many years back. He remembered at the time thinking she was the most beautiful girl he’d ever met. In college, Ethan still believed Zoe was the most beautiful woman he’d ever known. And now, it seemed possible she was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Everything about Zoe shouted out, “Perfect!”

Hanging up her phone, Zoe walked over to Ethan, slipping her hands inside his suit coat. She looked up at him, saying, “It is really wonderful to see you again, Ethan. Let’s go have a few drinks and catch up on old times and new lives.”

Walking out the glass doors of Collins Management, Zoe said goodnight to the receptionist and indicated she’d be in at her usual time in the morning. Once in the elevator, she hugged Ethan once again. When the doors opened on the ground floor, she took him by the hand. “Not so many years ago, you would have had your hand under my skirt before those doors opened.”

Ethan laughed but knew she was telling the truth.

“The place we’re going is just around the corner,” she said. “I stop in quite often after work. It’s a great place for a messy hamburger at lunch and excellent Italian food in the evenings.”

As they turned the corner, Ethan saw a sign indicating ‘Tony’s.’

“This is it,” Zoe said, walking into the restaurant.

Halfway in, the bartender called out, “Hey Zoe. You still workin’ the streets?”

“You bet,” she replied. “I’ve got a live one here. Don’t spoil it for me.”

Zoe led Ethan to a rounded booth toward the back of the restaurant. She slid in, motioning for Ethan to sit beside her.

Almost at once, a waitress appeared. “Your usual?” she asked Zoe.

“You bet,” Zoe answered. “And let me guess,” she said, looking at Ethan. “You’ll want a martini. Probably a gin martini, right?”

“That would be perfect,” he told the waitress. He looked at Zoe with a raised eyebrow.

“You just look like the kind of sophisticated man that drinks martinis. Most men who think their shit doesn’t stink drink vodka martinis. But you are a real man. You like the bite of gin.”

“You are a woman of the world,” Ethan said with a smile. “Did you major in phycology?”

“I spent my first two years of college studying my boyfriend’s naked body. But after two years, he changed to a different school and I had to pick a new major.”

“I hated to leave you, Zoe,” he said sincerely. “I just knew that I had to change my life. I had to give up baseball and become a man.”

“You did a good job,” she replied with a bright smile. “You’ve built a magnificent company and you’re about to become a very wealthy man.”

When their drinks were served, Zoe said, “It’s time for you to tell me what happened after you left me. I know that you went to Purdue, graduated and eventually opened your own company. What happened in your personal life?”

“My personal life was extremely dull,” he replied with a laugh. “It was almost five years after graduation that I came up for air. My life had been filled with work. I was dragged to a party by a friend and met my future wife. We dated for a couple of years before we got married. The wedding could have happened sooner, but again, my work got in the way.”

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“Tell me about wifey.”

“Her name is Mary. She is working again after staying at home with our son until he started school.”

“Let me guess,” Zoe suggested as she took a sip of her drink. “Mary is tall, trim and wears glasses. She probably has small breasts and is not a big talker. I’d guess blue eyes and brown hair.”

“You’ve seen her, right?” Ethan said in a surprised voice.

“Not at all,” Zoe said with a sly grin. “I just knew that you would pick someone who was the polar opposite of me. When you left me, you wanted to change your life. I’d also guess that she’s not a woman that would tell you she wants to be fucked until she can’t walk as I would.”

Her remark was like a sharp dig to his chest. Zoe was precisely correct. Ethan had never thought about it like that, but she was right. Mary was everything Zoe was not.

Zoe leaned close and whispered, “Does she fuck you every night like I did?”

“No,” he murmured.

“I’m guessing she saves the lovemaking for Saturday night,” Zoe said with a sneer.

“Friday,” Ethan replied dryly.

“I remember a night when we hardly slept. You either came in me or on me eight times. I had so many orgasms I lost count. When we finally got out of bed the next day, we fucked again in the shower. And now you’re telling me you have sex once a week?”

“I think it’s all to do with my work schedule,” he suggested, knowing it was a lie.

“How many times do you think I’ve masturbated thinking about you and the things we did together?”

“I have no idea,” Ethan said as he looked into his martini glass.

“At least a thousand times,” she told him. “Probably more than a thousand times I’ve brought myself to orgasm thinking about you, the sexiest man I’ve ever known. And now I find out that you’re sleeping with a mouse that probably doesn’t like oral sex.”

“It’s true. She doesn’t.”

“How many gallons of your cum do you suppose I’ve swallowed?” Zoe asked. “How many more gallons have I spread over my tits and face? You used to growl like a lion when you blasted away in my mouth. I suppose you’re also going to tell me that Mary doesn’t like anal.”

“She does not,” he murmured. “I mentioned it once and she stopped me in my tracks. And before you guess any more, we don’t fuck, we make love. It’s generally soft and sweet.”

“In the missionary position?”

Ethan blushed. “Yes. Always.”

“Do you remember the first time you took my ass?” Zoe asked.

“Of course I do,” he replied, his voice a little stronger. “We were in my bedroom. My mother was away and we were alone. I wanted to fuck, but you told me you had started your period. I pulled your panties off, put you on your knees on my bed and took your ass.”

“It sounds to me like you have a graphic recollection,” Zoe suggested. “Do you remember what happened next?”

“You bet,” he said with a grin. “At first, you cussed at me, saying anal sex was dirty. But after a minute, you started to moan. Shortly after that, you began telling me to fuck you harder and then demanded I cum in your ass.”

“You have a good memory,” Zoe said with a chuckle. “How many times did we do anal after that?”

“I couldn’t tell you. But it was a lot. I always liked the noises you made while I was in your ass.”

“And I loved the way you growled when you dropped your load in my ass,” she said softly. “There wasn’t any part of my body that was off-limits to you. There wasn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you or any place I wouldn’t do it. You used to say that just looking at my ass made you hard.”

“As I recall, you liked to go down on me while we were in the movie theater.”

Zoe sat back. “As I recall, you generally demanded that I suck you off during the movies. And how many times did I give you road head?”

Laughing, Ethan said, “I almost drove off the road the first time you took me into your throat. That was so fuckin’ hot!”

“Do you remember the first time you went down on me?” she asked.

“Yes, I do. We were in your family’s backyard. Your parents were in bed and we were in the grass. I had just talked to a guy who told me about doing oral with the woman next door to him. It just seemed like the thing to do at the time.”

“You weren’t very good at it,” Zoe told him.

“But I got better with practice,” he laughed.

“Indeed you did,” she said. “I’ve had a few tongues between my legs in the past fifteen years. I can honestly say nobody eats pussy the way you do. You are the best.”

The waitress stopped at their table. “Another round?”

“Sure,” Zoe responded without consulting Ethan. She scooted out of the booth, saying, “I’ll be right back.”

As the fresh drinks were put on the table, Ethan saw Zoe walking back to their booth. It was instantly apparent that she had removed her lacy bra. Zoe’s nipples were visible through her sheer blouse and his cock became stiff in a heartbeat.

Slipping back into the booth, Zoe picked up her glass and touched it to his. “Here’s to the good old days.”

“Here’s to those days,” he replied before tasting his new drink.

Zoe put her glass down and turned to face Ethan. “You used to tell me that I had the greatest tits in the world. Do you still think so?”

Ethan looked at her chest, seeing her breasts clearly through the sheer material. “Without a doubt,” he whispered.

“Don’t you want to touch them?”

“I’ve never cheated on Mary,” he said softly, his eyes still glued to her perfect globes.

“You’ve never cheated on a woman that won’t suck your dick?”

“It’s all a part of the vows,” he stammered. “I take them seriously.”

Zoe held her hand out to Ethan. “Take these,” she said as she dropped a piece of red material into his hand.

“What’s…” he started to say as he opened his hand to find her delicate, red panties. They were transparent and wet. He looked up at her.

“Yes, Ethan. Those are my panties. I took them off because just sitting next to you, they got wet. They’re wet from the excitement of being close to you again. I remember after we went away to college, you wouldn’t let me wear panties. I had to be ready for you whenever you wanted me.”

Ethan ran his fingers through the wet silkiness of her lingerie. The lump in his pants was clearly noticeable.

Reaching out her hand, Zoe wrapped her fingers around the hard cock pressing up against the fabric of his trousers. “Oh my god,” she gasped. “I want your big dick as much today as I did the first time you fucked me.”

Ethan feebly tried to push her hand away, but Zoe kept his erection tightly grasped.

“No, Ethan,” she gasped. “You’re not pushing me away today.”

When Ethan stopped resisting, Zoe unzipped his pants, pushing her hand inside. “Oh fuck, yes,” she gushed when her fingers found the hot skin of his hard cock. She stroked it up and down. “Do you remember how you used to bend me over the front seat of your car with my ass outside the door? You had my head inside the car because I made so much noise while you fucked me. I screamed and begged for another orgasm.”

“I remember,” he whispered as he closed his eyes and concentrated on the feeling of her warm hand on his member.

“Do you remember the first time we had sex?” she whispered as she continued to stroke his cock.

“Sure,” he replied. “It was on my bed.”

“I’m glad you remember,” Zoe said softly. “We both knew it was going to happen. We just needed an opportunity. You had been teasing me for weeks, fingering me and getting me close to an orgasm. And then we were alone in your house. I stripped for you and got on your bed.”

“I remember it vividly,” Ethan said with a smile. “You lay there naked on my bed, rubbing your hand over your pussy and begging me to take you. I remember the look on your face the first time you saw my hard cock.”

“I was afraid it would be too big for me. But you proved me wrong and I’ve worshiped your cock ever since.” Zoe pulled his stiff cock out of his pants and he jumped in surprise.

“Zoe! What are you doing?” he gasped.

“You’re about to find out,” she said with a grin and dropped her mouth on his staff.

“You can’t do that in here!”

“Just watch me,” she countered before swallowing his cock once again.

Ethan closed his eyes, remembering how many times Zoe had gone down on him and how much he loved the way she did it. Zoe seemed to love having his cock in her mouth. When they were together, she did it at least once a day. Now, after all these years, here she was once again. “Oh fuck!” he whispered.

In a matter of minutes, Ethan filled her mouth with his hot spunk just as he used to do. She smiled at him and swallowed.

He could see the flames of passion in her eyes.

Zoe took his hand and pushed it under her skirt. “Touch me,” she demanded. “Touch me and feel how wet I am.”

Ethan was unable to refuse. His hand slid up her bare thigh and found her hot, wet pussy. His finger slipped inside just as it always did when they were together. He pushed a second finger in the same way he did long ago. He knew what she liked and could always bring her to orgasm very quickly.

“Make me cum!” she demanded through gritted teeth.

Zoe’s orgasm arrived as quickly as Ethan’s did just minutes before. When her body stopped trembling, she glared at him, but he could still see the fire.

Once again, Zoe slipped out of the booth. This time she held out her hand to Ethan, saying, “Come with me.”

She led him down a hallway to a group of doors that opened to unisex restrooms. Zoe pulled him into one and locked the door behind her. Turning to face Ethan, she began to remove her clothes. In thirty seconds, she was only wearing red lipstick to match her red heels and her pearls.

He studied her naked body. “What happened to that little tuft of blonde hair that I used to like to put my nose in?” he asked.

“I shaved it off a week after you were gone. I kept it there for you.”

Ethan stood stock still, admiring a body that somehow seemed even more perfect than the one he had known so intimately. “You are simply amazing,” he managed to say.

Zoe turned around, looking at Ethan through the mirror above the lavatory she leaned on, giving him a long look at her ass. “Now I want you to fuck me, Ethan. You owe me one more hard fuck.” She spread her legs apart and leaned over.

Ethan had no thoughts of cheating or recrimination at what he was about to do. He was drawn to her like a moth to the flame. Her pussy lips glistened in the light of the room.

She heard his belt buckle smack against the floor before she felt his hands on her hips. Zoe felt the warmth of the head of his cock as it touched the silky wetness of her pussy. As his rod disappeared inside her, she groaned. When Zoe knew she had taken all of it, she looked in the mirror again. “Now fuck me, Ethan. Give it to me hard.”


It was fifteen minutes before they walked out of the restroom, now totally dressed, and returned to their booth. As they sat there staring into each other’s eyes, Zoe knew they had another memory to last a lifetime.

She took a sip from her watered-down drink. “Once we’re partners,” she said earnestly, “I plan to fuck you every single day. You can stay with your prim and proper wife, but you’ll belong to me during working hours and you will never be sorry you made the decision.” Zoe put her hand on his leg. “Now, I’m sure you need to get home. Come to my office tomorrow at 2:00 and we’ll wrap things up.”

Ethan looked at his watch. “I do need to get home. I promised Teddy I’d be home in time to play catch with him in the back yard.” He leaned over to give Zoe a soft kiss. “I’ll see you tomorrow at 2:00.”

Zoe decided to order another drink and consider all that had happened.

Driving home, Ethan smiled at the thought of Zoe’s boldness. “Right there in the restaurant, she went down on me. Can you imagine?” he said aloud. In his mind, he heard her say, “I plan to fuck you every single day,” and smiled again.

At a stoplight, he heard his phone signal he had received a text message. Looking at the phone, he saw it was a message from Zoe. It read, “If you want it, I’ll grow the little blonde bush back.”

Ethan pulled his car into a nearby parking lot, stopped his car and leaned his head against the back of the seat. A tear rolled down his cheek. “You may not like how I got it done, Mary, but I’ve just seen to it your final wish comes true,” he said to his wife in heaven. “Our son’s future is secure. He’ll never have to work a day in his life and he’ll never have to bow and scrape to someone with power. Teddy and I miss you, baby. Your boy is going to be just fine.”

At 10:30 the following day, Donald Wyatt stepped inside the door to Zoe’s office. When she looked up, he said, “Well?”

“Well, what?” she answered dryly.

“Did you seduce Ethan Harper last night?”

“Of course I did,” she said with a frown. “Wasn’t that the plan? Have I ever let you down?”

“No, sweet girl. You have never let me down. What’s the plan from here?” her boss asked.

Standing, Zoe said, “Ethan will be here at 2:00 this afternoon. I’ll bring him to the conference room at 2:30 and we’ll sign the paperwork,” she explained.

As she walked toward her boss, he asked, “Why the thirty-minute delay? Why not just bring him directly to the conference room?”

“Because I plan to suck his dick first just in case he had any second thoughts after last night,” she replied as she tugged on Wyatt’s tie.

“An excellent idea, Zoe,” her boss said with a grin. “We’ll be ready at 2:30.”

“On more thing,” Zoe said, looking up at Wyatt. “That sniveling son-of-a-bitch Sam Henry was in here this morning. The man hasn’t got the good sense God gave to a turnip. I want him fired. The dimwit suggested that I should open my legs for him and his pencil dick. Fire him, or I’ll leave.”

“Settle down, Zoe,” Wyatt offered. “Is there any chance you recorded his offer?”

“Of course I did,” she huffed.

“Then give it to me and he’ll be out the door. We don’t allow sexual harassment at Collins Management.”

“Certainly not,” Zoe smiled as she reached out and squeezed her boss’ package. “It would be unethical.”

Written by JefferyB
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