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The Movie

"The movie is not very good, but other things are"

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"I hope you enjoy this story, and that it gives you pleasure. If you do, please take a moment to leave a comment, give a rating, and/or get in touch. <p> [ADVERT] </p>Comments, ratings and messages keep the story going."

Today I was lying out in the sun, just enjoying its warmth after such a long cool spell. As I lay there, my mind was exploring the recent past, reliving the sweet memories that we have made together, and thinking about all the joy that you have brought to my life. Hopefully, that we have brought to each other.

Of course you know I like to do that sometimes when I am alone, to think about us and our love, and how that love is expressed in the passion we share for each other. I know that for me that passion will never die until the last breath has left my body. The very thought of you excites me, sending sensual shivers all through me, arouses my primeval sexuality.

Well, as the sun warmed my body, so the memory of you warmed my mind. I was thinking about last week at the cinema. You remember? Of course you do, for was it not you whose pleasure was taken to such a wonderfully intense explosion through the teasing manipulation of my hands?


I gazed at you admiringly as we left the house, dressed as you were in your denim miniskirt and the lime green blouse that accentuated your eyes. It was with great joy that I watched as you put on your jacket against the chill evening air. Every time I see you in that denim mini I remember the time you played with yourself in the back seat of the car when we were driving down the coast.

Later you said, "Well, it was just close by, so I thought let me just enjoy it."

It was hard for me to keep my eyes on the road, instead of watching you in the mirror, so I was glad when we found a secluded parking spot and I climbed into the back seat with you.

I was thinking of this as you got into the car, and as you always do to me, once again I was becoming aroused by my thoughts. Getting my body under control, we drove off to the mall.

The cinema lobby was crowded when we arrived, but the film we were going to see was just beginning. We collected our pre-booked tickets and took our seats. Although it was a little chilly outside, it was comfortable inside, so you took off your jacket and laid it over the back of your seat.

After a few minutes, it became obvious that the movie was a dud. I was just about to suggest leaving when suddenly I had another idea. You had already been kissing my fingers, the way I like, drawing them into your mouth, nibbling my fingertips. The cinema was dim, and there were not very many people at the movie. A few had already left.

I rested my right hand on your left knee, and slowly, I inched it up your leg.

"You remember when you wore this skirt when we were driving down the coast?” I whispered into your ear. “You remember what you did in the back seat while I was driving?”

“Yes,” you shook your head, smiling. “It was nice, I like to do that sometimes, just spontaneously.”

“You remember how it made me feel, and how I turned into a fuck monster when I found a private place to park?” I asked.

“Yes,” you replied. “You’re making me tingle.”

“You remember what you felt when I entered you, and the two intense orgasms you had in quick succession, their intensity enhanced by the risk that someone would come along and see us?" I asked.

“What are you suggesting?” you asked me in turn.

“I want to make you cum,” I replied.

“Here?” you asked, incredulously.

“Yes, here,” I replied. “Here where the risk will make the orgasm so intense.”

“Oh my!” you exclaimed flushing.

As I said all this my hand was creeping up the inside of your thigh. Knowing full well what I had in mind, you reached behind and brought your jacket around to hide your legs from view, and more importantly, to hide what my hand was soon going to be doing from the few remaining cinema patrons.

“You’re serious,” you said.

“I will show you how serious,” I said.

My hand slowly crept up the inside of your thigh until it reached the edge of your panties. Judging by the heat I felt there, you were already a bit aroused by the anticipation of what I was going to make you feel. Sure enough, as my knuckle brushed over your pussy I could already feel a warm hint of wetness through your panties as your legs parted slightly to allow me to gain better access to your pleasure.

I turned my hand slightly so that I could grip each of your labia in turn through the wet material of your panties, pulling slightly on them through the silky wetness of the material. I did this for several minutes, leisurely enjoying the feel and the thoughts of the sensations that you must have been feeling. I deliberately stayed away from your clitoris, and direct contact with your pussy, because I wanted to tease you through your panties until you were burning with pleasure and aching with the need for more direct stimulation.

By now your moisture was beginning to flow freely, and the crotch of your panties was soaking wet. I must confess, I was totally aroused too, though I didn't want to do anything about it. I just wanted to enjoy the intensifying glow that was developing as my cock dripped precum into my underwear, and hardened in response to my thoughts of your pleasure.

You put one foot up onto the back of the empty seat in front of you, and I had complete access to your hot and dripping pussy. The effect on me was electrical, and I tried to convey that to you through my touch.

“I feel so nice,” you said.

“That is the idea,” I replied. “I love how you show me how you feel by being soaking wet.”

I hooked my fingers under the material of your panties and lifted aside the crotch part of them. Your pussy lips were on fire and soaking in your moisture. I dipped one finger into your pussy, and took a brief hiatus in my teasing you just so I could feel your moisture on my own lips.

“Gosh, you are delicious like that,” I whispered slurping my fingers. “I can never spend enough time tasting your juices.”

“Fuck, be my guest,” you said quietly.

My hand was back in your crotch, where I slowly began to rub your moisture up and around your clitoris, staying far enough away from it that I could just tease you into a state of burning need to have your clitoris stroked. As my hand reached the area above your clit, I ran it across and down the other side, across your lips, and up again. I kept doing this in increasingly smaller circles until soon you were aching and burning most deliciously.

You looked me in the eyes, and your eyes said more than words ever could.

It was not long before my circles cut closer and closer to the area over your clitoral bud, of course not touching its sensitive head, but staying just above it. As I stroked your pleasure free from its prison, I looked around the cinema. I was surprised to see, in the row just behind us, another couple in a similar position as us. The film brightened and I could see the young woman's face, it was awash with her pleasure. The sight intensified my own ache and made my cock complete its hardening. Now it felt as hard as steel and was burning just the way I like it. If I could keep it burning and hard like that for maybe half an hour, I would be ready for an explosive orgasm of incredible intensity inside you,

“My cock is so hard,” I whispered without stopping touching you.

By now my hand was moving back and forth across your clitoris, taking you closer and closer to orgasm. When I could sense that you were close, I would slow down the movement, easing you back from the brink. I wanted your orgasm to be explosive, and I wanted the getting there to be as beautiful as the orgasm itself.

“That’s mean,” you said.

“I am a chronic tease as you well know well,” I replied.

“I like it,” you said. “It is like having a savings account for cumming.”

“That is an interesting metaphor,” I whispered, laughing.

At that point, I noticed the couple in the row behind us again. I could see the young man's hand moving, and I could see the look of pleasure on the young woman's face. Well, you know how much I like to watch, and especially the intense pleasure I get from seeing passion on a woman's face. I decided that I would make you cum at the same time as the young woman in the row behind.

“Someone behind us is doing the same thing,” I said. “I want to make you cum when she does.”

“Fuck, that’s hot,” you said. “I wish I could see, but just tell me.”

I did not have long to wait. By now I had taken you right to the edge of orgasm five times already, and I knew that I should let you come soon anyway. So when I saw the young woman throw her head back and arch her body uncontrollably, I just pressed a little harder and intensified my hand's movement.

“She’s cumming,” I said keeping my fingers moving on your clit.

“Me too,” you whispered. “Fucking now.”

The effect was immediate. You tried to avoid moving, not wanting to give your pleasure away to the patrons of the cinema. However, I felt the muscles in your legs stiffen, and I could sense your orgasm building in you. I kept working your clitoris as your orgasm peaked, just a tiny bit behind that of the woman in the row behind.

“Wow!” you said. “I came so hard.”

I was wondering if orgasms produced energy. If so, then the cinema was about to experience a power surge, because I know you very well, and I know that you were coming slowly down from an orgasm of truly wonderful intensity.

I left my hand between your legs, slowly ceasing to move it as your orgasm subsided, and you came back to the reality of the present moment. After a few minutes to recover, you leaned over and whispered into my ear.

"Let's get out of here,” you said. “I want to give that pleasure back to you. I know your cock must be aching with desire, and I want to help it feel nice."

“I want it to make you feel nice too,” I replied.

“Yes, both, yes,” you said with enthusiasm.

With that, we composed ourselves and got up to leave the cinema. As we opened the door to go out, I noticed that someone was behind us. It was the couple from the row behind, the couple who had just had the same experience as us. Like us, they were walking on somewhat wobbly legs. We smiled at one another as they passed.

“They knew,” you said.

“Yes,” I said. “I bet she also came very intensely.”

Outside the mall, most of the cars had left the parking lot, and our car was standing all by itself in the shadow of a big plantain tree, way down at one end of the parking lot. We kissed as we walked across the big empty lot. At one stage we stopped in the shadow of another tree and while we were kissing your hand found my still semi-erect cock, and you noticed how wet my jeans had become from the pleasure of touching you.

“I want to taste that,” you said, smelling my scent on your fingers.

“That is why it is there,” I said, laughing.

We kissed again. Your touch and those words sent a shiver through me, making me increase the passion of the kiss. I must confess, I wanted to take you there, but somehow we managed to slow our passion and we made it to the car. But there, I knew I had to have you. I knew that with your wonderful physiology the orgasm in the cinema was just a beginning for you.

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You are always greedy. Oh, how I love that. ‘Insatiable’ and ‘perfection’ are synonyms in my mind.

I opened the door for you and you got into the car. I adjusted my cock so I could walk, and went round to the driver's side and go into my seat. Before I know what was happening your hands were on the zipper of my jeans, and soon my cock was in your hand.

"Oh my, I love your delicious hard cock," you said as you leaned over and took it into your mouth.

“That feels so nice already,” I replied.

The feeling of your wet lips sliding down over my purple glans was electrifying. Your tongue started to make those little circles around the head of my cock. You know how that gives me those incredible burning sensations. Your tongue set me positively on fire.

“You suck my cock so nicely,” I said.

You made love to my cock with your mouth like that for goodness knows how long. It was a wonderful feeling as you made me build up those burning sensations, taking me close to orgasm and stopping short so I could enjoy the feeling of easing back, and then building it up again.

Soon though, I knew I would have to enter you. I just couldn't wait any longer. I reached across and helped you hike up your skirt. Somehow I managed to get the seat tilted back, and I was on top of you. I lifted aside the crotch of your panties and pressed my wet cock head between your swollen, hot lips. I slipped into you easily, and soon I was moving my hips to slide my cock in and out of your pussy.

“Do you like me to fuck you?” I asked.

“You know I do,” you replied.

“You do what?” I asked.

“I like you to, er, um….fuck me,” you replied.

“Oh, I am going to fuck you until you cum like a runaway train,” I said. “Feel me fucking you with my hard cock in your fucking pussy.”

“Yes, feels good,” you moaned.

It must have felt nice for you because you were moaning softly, and your breathing was coming in erratic gasps. I took it slow and easy, building up our mutual shared pleasure so that it became very intense. When I sensed that you were getting close, I stopped my slow thrusting.

"Do you want to get on top?” I asked. “You fuck me for a change.”

"Oh yes, now! Please," you managed.

Somehow, despite the tight space, you managed to get on top of me and slowly lowered yourself over my aching cock. Now you were in control, and you continued the slow thrusts at first, but soon you were thrusting completely out of control.

“Oh, you are fucking me so nice,” I moaned.

I knew at that stage that you were giving in to wild abandon, and that you were going to ride me to a quick and intense orgasm. I gave in to the sensations and just enjoyed watching you in the shadows as you extracted your pleasure from my thrusting cock. Gosh, you know how much I love it when you abandon yourself completely to your pleasure, and you become greedy for your orgasm.

It was only a matter of a few minutes of this thrusting when I felt that I was not going to be able to hold on much longer. However, I need not have worried about cumming because your head was tossed back, and you were breathing completely uncontrollably. You were cumming, and it was beautiful.

The sight of your orgasm was more than I could stand, and soon I was emptying my load of cum into you, abandoned to the wonderful sensations of our orgasms mixing as we came together.

We collapsed into each other's arms and lay together basking in post-orgasmic glow. I don't know how long we lay like that, but cars were leaving the parking lot when I finally got my jeans back on and climbed back into the driver's seat.

“That was amazing,” I said as I started the car.

You came around to the passenger door and got in. You leaned across an kissed my cheek.

“Wonderfully amazing,” you said. “I want more of that.”

All the way back to the house, we talked about what we had just experienced, and how wonderful it felt. As we drove on, you told me about the time you had masturbated in the cinema as a teenager. You knew what you were up to then, you know how that kind of talk excites me.

“Wow, that is so sexy,” I said. “What made you so aroused?”

“A love scene in the movie,” of course.

“Who were you with?” I asked.

“My friend Janet,” you replied. “But I had a coat over my lap and was just moving my fingers, so she never knew.”

“Still hot,” I said. “You are making me horny again.”

“I never stopped being horny,” you said. “I am always horny around you.”

This conversation continued and by the time I got home, I was completely and totally aroused again. I never wanted you more than I did at that moment, but we were a little messy from our previous love-making, so we headed straight for the shower. I knew how much you like me to soap your back, and all over your body, and how much I love the taste of your clean pussy.

We stripped our clothes off, I turned on the water and adjusted its temperature, and we got into the shower. I took the soap and began to lather you all over, up and down your back, slowly, not hurrying. I just enjoyed the sensations of the soap on your skin. Slowly, I worked the soap down each leg, lifting it up to soap your feet.

After some time, you were covered in rich creamy lather, as the soap advert says, so I took down the hand shower and began to wash the soap away, all the while following the stream of water with my other hand caressing your skin. I was standing behind you, and after your back was clean, I moved closer, my cock resting in the crack of your bum while I sprayed the warm water over your front.

As I accidentally passed the water spray over your clitoris, you gasped. Realizing what you had felt, I moved the spray back across your clit again, and once again you gasped.

“I should not have told you how much I like water spray on my clit,” you said jokingly.

“Well, I like it there too,” I replied.

I adjusted the nozzle for pulsate mode and pointed again at your clitoral area. You pressed against me and my cock nuzzled into the cheeks of your bum. I kept the nozzle on your clitoris until I could feel from your breathing and soft moans that the waves of pleasure were building up in you.

Although the water jetting out of the shower nozzle was making you feel nice, I know that you like a little more pressure on your clit before you cum. I reached around with my left hand and applied pressure to your clitoral bud, manipulating it back and forth in rhythm to the water spray. Soon you were writhing in sweet pleasure, and I knew that you were about to cum explosively.

“I’m close,” you moaned into your breath.

I took my hand away for a few seconds to increase the water pressure and continued manipulating your clit with my left hand. Soon you were in the pulsating throes of orgasm, your breathing almost stopping completely as you concentrated on the sweet sensations you were experiencing. I love watching you do that, or even just feeling you do it.

I slowly moved the water jet away and stopped touching you. You turned around in my arms and we kissed a sweet and lingering kiss.

At that stage you became aware of my totally erect cock jutting out for attention, so you slowly kissed your way down my chest until you were at my pubic hairs. You kissed all around them and took my testicles into your mouth, each one in turn, while at the same time softly stroking me with your hand. You licked and kissed your way up and down the shaft of my cock, and I must say that your kiss and your touch were intense.

Eventually, after the agonizing sweetness of your teasing, you took my glans into your mouth. Your swirling tongue, flicking here and there, tasting the sensitive underside of my purple head, soon sent me wild with desire.

“Fuck, am so on fire,” I moaned. “I could just cum.”

You shook your head. You know me so well, don't you? You had me right on the edge of cumming so many times. Then you decided I should have my reward, and I felt you increase the swirling of your tongue the way that sends me over the edge. It was all I could do to keep from exploding into your mouth, and I know you would have been happy if I did, but I wanted you more than happy. I wanted you ecstatic.

"No! Don't make me cum, please," I managed.

You slowed down and looked up at me with your sexy eyes without stopping kissing my hard cock.

"I want to be inside you," I said. “I want another fuck.”

"Mmmm. Okay," you replied, reaching up to turn off the shower. “I could live with that.”

You turned your back to me and leaned down to expose your delicious pussy to penetration by my hard and wet cock.

Even though the shower nozzle had washed away most of your wetness, sucking my cock had made you wet again with desire. My cock parted your lips and slipped very slowly inside of you. I pressed it into you ever so slowly, teasing every sensation from each movement. You moaned loudly at the sensual pleasure of my slow movements.

You placed your hands on the wall, arching your back to allow me to go deeper inside you.

“I love seeing my cock moving in and out of your pussy from behind,” I said.

I reached around you with my left hand an played with your incredibly hard nipples, each one in turn, while my right hand was pressing into the inside of your thigh and running up and down. It was all that I could manage to keep from thrusting wildly into you, but I was enjoying the slow deliberate movement and the sensations that it was creating.

I was also enjoying the view, my cock sliding in and out, your gorgeous ass, the small of your back, the wonderfully smooth texture of your skin.

You also had trouble keeping your movement under control, and at one point I had to ask you to take it softly and enjoy the movement. So, we kept on moving like this, me inside you from behind, you bent over in the shower. We managed to keep up the slow movement for only about ten minutes, but the sensations just slowly built in intensity.

Our orgasm just crept up on us, without warning I felt you take a deep breath and hold it, the way you do when you are about to cum.

“I’m cumming!” you screamed.

At exactly the same moment, I felt my orgasm gain control of me, and secure in the knowledge that you were also cumming, I gave into its wonderful pleasure. As the orgasm subsided, we just collapsed onto the floor of the shower cubicle. Suddenly we were both laughing uncontrollably as we realised what a sight we must have been.

“Good thing nobody was watching,” I said. “We must have looked amusing.”

“If I saw someone doing that, I would have been wet,” you said.

“Of course you would, my greedy lover,” I smiled.

We put on the shower and got cleaned up. We dried each other, kissing and nibbling and touching as we went. Gosh, this was still going to be a hot night.


Written by storymanza
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