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The Patient Man

"Crossing that line with someone so beautiful, it would break her!"

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Author's Notes

"A true story of me in my mid-twenties, meeting a random woman at a club who was off limits, who was so standoffish at the start of the night but by the end wanted to be mine."

This is a true story of an encounter with a lady that I met a few years before I met my wife. I'd been out on the town in Plymouth, where I'd been drafted due to being in the Royal Navy. It was Easter, so everyone I knew from my ship was on leave. I was in this club at the top end of town, and I noticed this very striking woman in her mid-twenties sitting at a table on her own, looking at her drink, somewhat subdued. I've always had a good sense of what people were feeling, and right then, I could tell this lady was feeling lonely, something that I could relate to myself right then.

Typically, I'd not approach a woman of this caliber; she was, let's say, out of my league. However, it was somewhat of a slow night with big groups around, so I felt a one-on-one encounter would suit me better.

Making my way over to her, I asked if she was ok. She looked up at me, gave me a wry smile, and nodded her head. "I'm fine, thank you, but I have a boyfriend!" she said tersely, hoping I'd take the hint and leave her alone.

"Well, that's great that you have a boyfriend. Do you have a name?" I said, holding out my hand to shake hers as she glanced up at it, almost annoyed, with a look of 'please just go away' plastered all over her face, but she answered me all the same.

"Lindsey, my name's Lindsey," she sighed, dragging out her words, sounding incredibly fed up as I nodded at her. I was on my own that night, and I used to come out on my own quite often back then, sad as that sounds, but I tended to meet a lot of interesting people that way, and at that very moment Lindsey was fascinating, and not to mention very alluring to me.

She had loosely curled, long brown hair that ended at her lower back. She wore a light denim skirt and a long-sleeved black top, with hardly any skin showing other than on her hands and her neck upwards; even her legs were covered by black tights. On her feet, she wore these killer high heels. Her body was trim, evident from her form-fitting clothes, but her eyes stood out the most. Maybe it was her lashes due to the subtle makeup she had on, but her eyes were enchanting to look at and made me pause at how stunning she truly looked.

"Well, knowing that you have a boyfriend and are off limits, that takes all the pressure off me trying to impress you. Instead, I can just sit here and talk to you for a bit, or would you like me to leave you here alone, Miss 'Billy no mates', so you can brood?" I said. She just smirked at me and the little jab I'd thrown her way about having no friends; it looked like she was almost impressed that I'd not started with some cheesy chat-up lines or hinted that her boyfriend wasn't here right now, so what's the harm in getting to know me, I was genuine and she could tell that in a roundabout way.

Lindsey had smarts about her; I could tell this from how she talked. Educated and well-spoken, she'd come to this part of town where she was surrounded by people like her and not feel truly alone but could be hidden from men on the prowl.

"Fine, join me then. What's your name?" she asked with a bemused look as I took the seat opposite her. 

"Lee, pleased to meet you, so let's jump right in, shall we? You're out on a Friday night, on your own, with no boyfriend insight. And I am sorry about the cliché here, but how come a woman as good-looking, correction!" I paused as I held up a finger. "What I meant to say, as beautiful as you, is sitting by herself without a boyfriend to fight me off?" I asked, as she let out a long sigh.

"Because the boyfriend, as you call him, is on deployment, and I couldn't stand sitting at home any longer, pining for him, especially when he's got four months left at sea. How about you? Why are you here? Oh, let me guess, you're out with friends and thought it would be a great idea to come over and try your luck with the BEAUTIFUL! Lady!" she mused, sassed me on my last statement. "And you fancied proving that you're a real stud, right?" she said boldly goading me, sipping her drink. I liked her fire and her roundabout way of trying to insult me.

"No, actually, I'm out alone. Sad, I know! But it gives me opportunities to meet new people, and if I get bored, I can always go back to my ship!" I said as her eyes opened, understanding what I was.

"So you're Navy too then, not got some poor lass at home waiting for you then?" she asked, showing her hand at what she thought of Matelot's, a French term, a nickname for seafaring men that means (men that mate a lot, or bedmate).

"Yes, I'm Navy, and no, I don't have a girlfriend," I nodded as she raised an eyebrow, not believing me. We talked some more, and a few barbs were thrown back and forth, but after fifteen to twenty minutes, she seemed to warm up to me; I even got her to laugh once or twice until our drinks ran dry.

"So Lee, will you buy this beautiful lady a drink, or do I need to beg?" she smirked as I chuckled at her.

"Err, I don't think so, as the beautiful lady pointed out, she has a boyfriend, remember? You and I are just friends. But what we can do is YOU! Get this round in, and I'll get the next one. Are you okay with that?" I smiled smugly, unable to hide my mischievous grin. She looked positively shocked. Clearly, she was a woman who didn't get treated like this very often and just scoffed at me, but then giggled a moment later, seeing the humorous side of my cheeky wit.

"Fine, smart ass! As we are just friends," she remarked, making air quotes with her fingers, "I'll get this one. So what are you having? None of this, clearly?" she mused, full of attitude, standing up and gesturing to her whole body, a playful barb as a reminder she was off limits but a good insight into how the night might go. At the same time, this was the first moment I got a good look at her body as she strutted over to the bar in those killer heels of hers. Damn, she was sexy and, from where I was sitting, very desirable to gaze upon; even other people thought so, taking a long, hard look as heads turned as she crossed the room.

After that, we hit a few clubs and became more relaxed around one another, and then, at one place in town, she eventually laid into me, confessing that she was glad that she'd met me that evening and needed this.

"I've missed this, the cuddles, I mean," Lindsey remarked, leaning into my arm before I pulled her tightly into me. Anyone looking our way would think we were lovers. "Leeeee, I'm not being funny here, but how come you're still single? most Matelot guys I know would have tried it on a hundred times already, but you haven't; it's like we are real friends, which is nice and all, but I've seen you checking me out this evening. You either have a lot of self-control or you're married, or gay?" she noted with some concern as I just laughed, shaking my head at her.

"Well, definitely not married darling, or gay, but self-control, yes! You have a boyfriend, and I don't necessarily want to try something that will make you feel uncomfortable; you've told me before that you've never cheated, and I believe you. Do I think I could get you relaxed enough so things would happen? Yes, yes, I do. Like right now, for instance!" I wanted to make a point as I moved my hand that was resting on her shoulder up to her neck, slowly brushing my fingers across her soft skin. Lindsey let out the faintest of moans as my fingers grazed over her bottom lip, which she lowered slightly like she wanted to take that finger into her mouth. "See, tempting you into doing something you will regret is far too easy, even though I want to," I said honestly as she intertwined her fingers with mine and leaned back, tenderly kissing my cheek, in a thank you.

"You're such a lovely bloke, Lee, and thanks for not tempting me; you're not wrong. I feel quite drawn to you right now; I've never felt like this before while having a boyfriend, is that bad that I'm feeling like this?" she asked looking back at me, her stunning, beautiful eyes drawing me in making me want to lean in and kiss her. That's when her own eyes gave her away. She was also looking directly at my lips like she was reading my mind.

"No darling, it just proves that you're feeling lonely right now, and I'm here filling the gap," I said honestly. Lindsey nodded, following my gaze toward the dance floor while sipping her drink. She didn't know it but I was trying to fight back the urge of doing something rash. My balls and cock throbbed as she laid more into me, putting a slender leg over mine. Her smell and the softness of her body pressed firmly into mine became intoxicating. I knew that she desired me due to the words being spoken aloud a second ago. She was tempting me to try her. I coveted her so badly right then, but she'd feel tremendous guilt the next day if anything did happen, and I didn't want to be that guy that made her cheat for the first time!

We hit a few more clubs after that until we got to our last place called Jesters; feeling a tad drunk and her being a bit of a lightweight, I got us both some bottles of water. Unknown to me, this simple gesture of looking out for her well-being sealed my fate. To Lindsey, this idea that a man she barely knew who was protecting her and had made her feel safe all night was something that she loved; I wasn't being a creep, and I'd just made sure she wasn't too drunk, so she made no silly mistakes. All this gave her the courage to ask her next question.

"Lee, what are you doing after this? Are you going back to your ship?" she asked, her face almost looking sad as I nodded my head at her, not understanding the meaning of her question at the time. "Well, before you do, would you mind walking me home? It's on the way to the base, and I'd feel much safer if you walked with me." I nodded, not overthinking her request.

When Jesters was ready to shut, she got her coat, and we walked outside arm in arm as we headed to the taxi rank. She stopped me just before, telling me she wanted to walk because it was such a mild night. So we did, and we talked and laughed all the way back to hers. She shushed me as we got to her street, looking up at her neighbor's windows like this was risky for her, sneaking me - a man who wasn't her boyfriend - into her home, something that clearly needed to be hidden from prying eyes.

Putting the keys in the door, she turned to me. "Lee, I'll get us some drinks, but can you wait here, please? The house is a bit of a mess, and I don't feel right showing you the pigsty I'm living in," she requested as I nodded and waited.

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It was only a tiny house, from what I could see. It also looked relatively clean as I remained in the hallway. After a few minutes, she returned with two pints of water and slid down the wall onto the floor, tapping the carpet next to her and inviting me to sit by her.

There, we talked and laughed for hours. It was adorable; we got to know one another so well; even talked about past lovers and how she met her current boyfriend. When she took off her high heels, which she had been wearing all night, being a gentleman, I took one of her feet into my hands and began to massage it. Lindsey ended up laying right back as my fingers worked her sore feet, looking down at me as I did this; there was this silence between us. It was so late now, nearly four in the morning, as she just lay there enjoying my fingers, working her tender toes one by one, giving me this look, this look of how much she enjoyed my intimate touch.

"That feels fantastic," she finally cooed sweetly before I took hold of her other foot. I've never been into feet, but hers were alluring, manicured with painted white tips, well-maintained, and soft to the touch. The more I worked them, the more this look between us grew, this look of 'if those hands of yours happen to move higher up, I'll not stop you.'

Testing the waters, I did become bolder as she watched me biting her lip, but as my hands got higher and higher, she laid down and looked up at the ceiling. Her denim skirt was gently pulled up by Lindsey, to give me better access, but nothing could be seen due to the thick black tights she had on.

"May I?" I asked while Lindsey placed a hand on her chest, nervous when she felt me tug on her tights. She knew what I wanted to do next and nodded all the same. Bashful, she took in a deep breath as I slowly began to peel them down over her hips; I must have caught her underwear with my fingers as the next thing I saw was Lindsey's somewhat mortified red face and her very smooth, swollen, wet looking pussy came into view.

She looked at me now, worried I might go in for the kill right then, but that's not my style. As my hands worked over her legs in the same position as before but still moving higher, my hands teased her, taking their time until I reached the insides of her thighs. I moved my body closer to hers so her naked bum was now resting firmly up against my lap and her legs resting over my knees. The denim skirt was now pulled up high around her waist, and Lindsey was fully open to me.

Her body was so trim and sexy, with parts becoming more alluring as more skin was revealed; I craved to reach out and touch; one part was her flat tummy and the six-pack that was now on show, seen partially where her top and denim skirt had been parted. The next thing was her sleek, slender legs and that bum, but most of all was the picture-perfect pussy of hers.

I could tell she was nervous being so exposed and open to me, so I decided to compliment her, taking the elephant out of the room with some well-placed compliments; she was vulnerable, so I began to tell her that I found her very sexy, a positive thing to relax her; well, that was the theory anyway.

"You, sweetheart, have such a gorgeous body, and your pussy is so inviting. Your boyfriend is a fortunate guy, and you also smell divine. Seriously, it's making my mouth water. How much do I want to try you right now?" I said softly, moving my hands up to the V-shaped part of her toned thighs, scoring my thumbs across the sensitive area outside her lips.

"You, you think so? I never had a guy tell me that before; what makes it so inviting?" she questioned, resting up on her elbows to peek down at me. And she could see my tranquil face as I drank her body in as I told her the candid truth, which caused her to relax somewhat.

"Well, I'll show you. Oh, before I start, are you okay with me touching you?" I asked in a clinical tone like I was about to talk anatomy class with a student. Lindsey was not stupid, but felt relaxed enough to shyly nod at me as I brought my thumbs up to her entrance and told her what I thought with a bit of show and tell.

"Here, it's very trim and smooth all over, very sexy and soft to the touch." My fingers then scored lightly over her engorged lips, down to her bum. "Also, right here, see, your lips are very pink and wet, plus you smell divine. You are also incredibly wet right now; if I had to guess, I would say you were enjoying this." I remarked with a wry smile, trying to lighten the mood, but she said nothing, glancing at me and my hands, that were lightly touching her feminine area.

"Anyway, like I was saying, it's dripping out of you," I remarked, pressing my thumbs over her wet labia and pulling them apart, making her body tremble as another gush of wetness seeped out and ran down her cheeks.

"Here darling, you are very swollen indeed, and quite sensitive by the looks of things; I can also see some white creamy juices here, too. Now, that is fucking sexy," I stated as I pressed my fingers at her clit hood and pulled it back, exposing this pink bean of a clit, causing Lindsey's breathing to become even deeper, and labored at the sensation of my fingers holding her open so intimately.

"What, what about my, my smell?" she stammered. "You said it was affecting you. Can you really smell me from there?" she asked, biting her lip, observing me with those dreamy, sexy eyes of hers after being so intimately touched by a man she hardly knew.

Lindsey was yearning for more to happen, and like a connoisseur of the female bouquet, I got onto my belly, resting my hands on her thighs, and crawled forward, bringing my nose right up to her opening, inhaling her mouthwatering musk. My mouth practically drooled at the sight and smell of this blemish-free perfect pussy, with my cock becoming painful in my jeans. Lindsey's excitement had become so great that she started to mumble, unable to keep a lid on her feelings.

"Oh my god, oh Lee, oh fuck!" she gasped, looking down at me, feeling my hot breath on her sensitive parts, wanting and waiting for more to occur, like she was hurting just as bad as me, willing me to gorge on her forbidden fruit.

"You smell like, like heaven, seriously, I'm finding it extremely hard not to taste you right now," I said, making her swoon a little, with her legs opening that bit wider, offering me a chance to try if I so wished. With every fiber of my being, I pushed myself back onto my knees. I then proceeded to move my body over hers, hovering a mere few inches in a press-up position as we executed the most erotic game of stair-off I'd ever played.

Our chests began to heave, rising and falling due to our excitement. I wanted her so badly, and she wanted me. Our bodies craved one another, to lose ourselves in this all-consuming desire of the flesh. But the one thing we both yearned for more than anything right then was to kiss. It was unmistakable as she tilted her head upwards towards me and wetted her seductive, kissable lips before closing her eyes, ready for me, a stranger, to finally kiss her.

"I think, if I don't move right now Lindsey, we're going to do something that you'll regret massively in the morning," I grimaced, struggling to back away from her alluring body underneath me; even she was surprised as I got back onto my knees shaking my head like I was trying to break out of the trance she had over me.

"Don't you want me?" she asked, afraid of my answer, tugging her denim skirt down, hiding her pussy from me, hurt that I was rejecting her.

"Darling, you are fucking perfect; what I would love to do to your body right now. But I like you, I mean, I really, really like you! I know we'd have fun tonight. Hell, I want to take you right now, but tomorrow, you will be overwhelmed with guilt and hate me for taking advantage of you." I sighed, already regretting my words. "I like you so much, Lindsey, so if you want things to happen between us, you need to be the one who makes the first move!" I said, knowing that would never happen. Even in her aroused state, she was a woman who enjoyed a man taking the lead; the whole, 'she'd been taken advantage of while drunk' ploy was her only way out of this. So, her coming on to me, she could still do that, but from how much she'd told me she loved her boyfriend, I very much doubted she would do anything to risk their relationship.

After that, she crawled into my lap, and we cuddled until the sun rose. She asked the gods why she couldn't have met me several months ago before meeting her man and asked if we could see each other again. It was evident Lindsey was smitten with me; she'd gone out on the town to drown her sorrows and met a man who could crack her frosty shell and was also the only man in the city who wouldn't take advantage of her in her most vulnerable moment of need. Yes, we had come close to crossing that line. Some might say she'd leaped over it, but to me, she advertised her willingness for things to happen, and I was considerate enough to recognize the price she'd pay if I'd taken her tempting offer.

We said our goodbyes, and I started heading back to the ship; I only got two streets down when she came running after me barefoot, face full of emotion. Before I could ask her what was wrong, she hopped into my arms like a long-lost lover and kissed me. Locked her legs around me and held me tightly to her as we snogged like we'd never see each other again. The weight of her body pressed into mine; the passion of that first kiss made me want it to never end; it nearly broke me. I also had to stop myself from carrying her back to her house, where I knew I would have made love to her and done all the other dirty things I so badly wanted to do, knowing full well she'd let me.

But she had my number, and she now knew the feeling of my soft lips on hers. We parted ways after that, promising each other we would see each other again, even if it was just as friends. Besides, I could wait for her to finish with her boyfriend; after all, I'm a very, very patient man!

If you have liked this written-from-the-heart story, please could I ask you to leave a like and let me know what your thoughts are, I do read them, and are very much appreciated Lee x.

Written by TheStranger2022
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