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Pam And Me - The Next Day

"Pam and me reconnect after Jack."

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Author's Notes

"You might want to read Pam and Jack Make It Real, before reading this story. <p> [ADVERT] </p>It will help with context."

I woke up before Pam the next morning and slipped out of bed trying not to wake her. I headed into the kitchen and made coffee. While waiting for the drip machine to do its thing, I sat down at the kitchen table. As I gazed out of the window, my thoughts drifted to the events of last night.

Pam and I would have to talk sometime very soon, maybe even today. There were things both of us needed to say and to hear. I hoped that understanding on both of our parts would result from having a real and in-depth discussion. Not that we hadn’t already talked lots, but after last night, I thought there was a lot more on the table to work through before either of us could find a middle ground that we could both live with.

I heard the coffee pot beep. Getting up to grab a cup, I also heard the shower running. Pam was up. Our day would soon start. Saturdays were very busy for us. There were a million things on both our agendas today.

Pam came into the kitchen. She had on a pair of grey yoga pants with a cotton button-front shirt tied at the front. Underneath, for modesty, she was wearing a halter-top. She looked beautiful. She grabbed a coffee too and sat down next to me.

She asked, “Are you alright, Honey?”

I thought about just saying fine, but we had told each other we’d be honest and not hold back our feelings.

I told her, “Not entirely, baby. We need to talk soon.”

“Of course. How about after dinner tonight? It will be the first moment we’ll get today to be by ourselves. Is that OK with you?” she replied.

“Frankly, I’m already tired. I can’t wait to crawl into bed with you tonight,” I said.

She laughed and said, “I can’t wait either. I‘d love some real alone time with you.”

“It’s a date,” I said.

The day went on with all the ordinary things that need to get done on a Saturday. Jack even made it over to help me with my truck. Pam acknowledged his presences when she saw him with a quick hug, but she was on a mission to get her “to do” list done, so she didn’t waste time around either of us. She headed back upstairs to finish her self-imposed list.

In the meantime, Jack and I grabbed a beer and hung our heads over the fenders of my truck. Sometimes, contemplating an engine leads to an amazing revelation of what the solution might be to its mechanical problems. It kind of works the same way for people relationships too. I think both Jack and I were pondering in our heads more than the idiosyncrasies of my Ford truck.

It felt bizarre to me that I was standing across from my best friend knowing that just a few short hours ago, he had been making love to my wife. The human imagination is an amazing thing and weird at the same time. Jack was standing right in front of me and all I could think of was what he and Pam had probably done last night. How she must have taken his cock in her mouth. Visualizing them rutting together in the sexual merger of intercourse. How his hard cock had plunged into Pam’s most intimate and sacred womanhood and how he had deposited his essence into her body, not once but at least twice.

My imagination ran rampant, as I had no reference to compare reality against. I wasn’t in the room with them and Pam and I had not yet found the time for her to tell me what she had experienced. All I had was some muffled sounds that I overheard and of course the observed results of their time together when Pam finally came to our bed at the end of her night.

I could tell that Jack was feeling a bit uncomfortable. Of course in his shoes, I probably would have felt odd as well. I mean, what guy wouldn’t feel a bit strange standing across from the husband of the woman you had sex with last night and knowing that said husband knows exactly what you were up to with his wife.

We talked about various subjects besides my truck problems. It seemed like we were talking about everything but what was really on our minds. However, that didn’t last. Somehow Pam came up in the conversation. All it took was a normal reference to her and something she had talked about, but it immediately led to a much more intimate conversation. Apparently, we were both waiting for the right moment to open up about what was on our minds.

It all just poured out of Jack. It was like a dam had burst inside him. He told me how much he really cherished and cared for Pam. He told me how amazing she was in every way. I certainly couldn’t disagree with his observations and told him that was why I married her. He also said that he would never do anything that would come between Pam and me although he did say he’d wished he’d met her first and then our roles could have been reversed. We laughed about that. It was like we were bonding at a deeper level than our friendship through our mutual experiences with Pam. Jack asked if sharing Pam was a “one-off” or a short-term sort of thing. My answer was to explain that it was entirely up to Pam. Only she could answer that question for him, although the same question was on my mind as well.

Then our conversation degenerated from the emotional “feely” subjects to a sharing of observations of Pam’s better attributes, both physically and of certain skills, she demonstrates in more intimate settings. Apparently, we both found some of the same skills Pam has to be at the top of our favourites list. As only guys can, we laughed and chuckled over our shared experiences. Yes, it was strange. At the same time, I think it was cathartic for both of us.

Jack left an hour or so later. Before going, he asked if next weekend would be good for getting together. I didn’t see any reason not to and told him we’d be looking forward to it. He then asked if he could go into the house to say goodbye to Pam which I of course readily agreed to.

Jack headed inside while I put my tools away and cleaned up. He was gone twenty minutes. Smiling to myself, I thought it was a bit long for a simple goodbye, but then I suspected I’d have to get used to such moments between Jack and Pam.

After Jack was gone, I headed into the house to catch up with Pam. It was almost supper time. I found her in the kitchen making us some simple sandwiches. It was a long day for both of us and a really easy meal was something we could both appreciate.

As we ate, we chit-chatted about nothing important. I asked how her chore list worked out and she filled me in on all she had accomplished. I was impressed. She got a lot more done than I did. Of course, Pam has always been a hard worker.

Then our discussion turned to more personal things.

She asked, “ Did you want to talk about us? Are you doing ok?”

“I’m doing reasonably well, although to be completely truthful there are some things I really need to know,” I said.

“Do you want me to tell you what Jack and I did last night?”

“No, that’s not it,” I said. “Although I do want to hear all the juicy details, however, that can wait until later. What’s more important right now is us. I really want to talk about us. How each of us is coping and where we’re going to take this. Can we talk about that first?”

Pam said, “Of course, baby. I love you and always will. That hasn’t changed. You are my number one man forever.”

On an intellectual level, I was confident in our love for each other, but on a deeper emotional level, her words were very important and reassuring. I needed to hear them.

“Pam, I love you more than I could ever say and I’m so grateful that you told me that. If you’re ok with it, can we talk tomorrow? It will be Sunday and we both can rest and relax before our we talk. After last night and the work we did today, we both need some regeneration time”

“Of course, honey, if you’re sure. I don’t mind talking now if you need to,” Pam said.

“I am sure. Why don’t you go take a long bubble bath? Then we can watch some TV and then possibly some special time between you and me.”

She smiled and said, “ I’d love that. An hour or so in some bubbles would make me a new woman all just for you.”

While Pam was relaxing in her bubble bath, I hit the other shower in the house and got cleaned up as well. I made it back to the living room before her and checked out the available movies while I waited.

Pam arrived thirty minutes later. Arrival is the right word for her entry into the living room. She wore a full-length black satin peignoir set. My heart skipped a beat and I felt butterflies in my stomach. She was absolutely gorgeous.

With a smile on her face, she did a 360 and asked, “How do you like?”

“You’re absolutely beautiful, baby. Come and sit with me.”

She came and snuggled up against me on the couch. I flicked on the TV and I gave her several suggestions on movies that I had previewed while waiting for her. She got the final choice and picked a “chick flick” which was fine with me. I really didn’t care what we watched as long as I could have her against me. Spending a couple of hours with my arm around her was as close to heaven as I could imagine. Her head was tucked against my chin and shoulder. I could smell her hair shampoo and delighted in the warmth that radiated from her body.

It should come as no surprise to any man or woman that the genders experience and express love in different ways. I know for Pam, she wants to cuddle. Sex is great, but she knows I love her when I hold her in my arms before and after sex. She also knows I love her when I do things around the house that make her life easier. That can be as simple as making sure I clean up behind myself or do specific things on her “honey do” list that has been driving her crazy.

I can only speak for me, but I suspect many men experience love similar to what I’m about to describe. If you’re a women reading this, hopefully, it will provide some insight into the human male mind. Before starting, yes, I do feel loved when Pam does something special for me. I cherish the respect she has for me and the things she does to make us a home, however, I really feel loved when she is physically intimate with me. Now you’re thinking, yeah it’s the same old thing with men. Sex, sex, sex.

Possibly, that’s true on some level, but deeper down is the emotional reason that drives men to want physical intimacy. You see, it’s not lost on me or other men that when a woman loves you, she wants to touch you, lovingly and with joy in your reactions to her touch. If she doesn’t love you, the sex is just mechanical and we can tell the difference.

So engaging our women who love us in physical sex is our way of verifying her love for us. We know just by the way she touches us whether she’s “in love” with her man or not. Any man who’s received a loving, sensual hand job, blow job or felt his women pull him into her body knows what I mean.

Want to show your man you love him? He’ll find it in your loving touch. The way you melt in against him and your desire to stay there as long as possible. It’s in the obvious body language that you want to please him and allow him to please you. Any man knows. We can tell the difference. When it’s the real thing, we’ll do almost anything to experience your touch and the passion of your love as often as possible. This is one of the reasons we want sex with you all the time.

It seemed like a blink of an eye and the movie was over. Where the two hours went, I do not know. All I can really say is that I enjoyed every second. Having Pam cuddled up to my side and holding her close was most enjoyable. We didn’t talk nor did we engage in petting or any other overt sexual activity.

All we did was enjoy being close to each other, although I will say I enjoyed her hand which she placed on my upper thigh at the beginning of the movie. She placed it close enough to my penis that it was tantalizingly erotic. I swear my penis was trying to reach out to her hand the entire length of the movie. I hoped she would move it closer, but she didn’t. Pam just left it exactly in the same place on my thigh throughout the movie. Pam knew exactly what she was doing. We’d played these games of sexually teasing before, knowing that it just increases our pleasure. My PJ’s were soaked with pre-cum, all from just having her hand oh so close.

At the end of the movie, Pam picked up the remote and switched off the TV.

She turned to me and said, “Time for bed, baby?”

I smiled and replied, “I can’t wait”

“Ohh,” she said. “I think someone is a bit excited. I’m not sure I can live up to your expectations tonight. I’m still a bit sore from last night.”

She laughed when she saw the dejected look on my face.

“I’m sorry, honey. I was just pulling your leg a bit. Seriously, I can’t wait to be in your arms too. Let me go to the bathroom and I’ll meet you in our bed.”

She headed off while I turned off the lights and checked all the doors. I went to our bedroom and turned off the overhead ceiling light. We have these small dim table lights which almost mimic candles. I switched on the one on my bedside table. The room took on a warm, yet dim romantic glow. Then I took off my PJ bottoms, T-shirt and slipped under the bed covers.

The anticipation of making love with the woman you care most about in the world is a wonderful thing. However, there comes a point when a guy’s erection becomes unbearably uncomfortable.  As a carryover from last night, I had felt physically excited most of the day. Then while we watched the movie earlier in the evening, my cock had been erect the entire time. Now, waiting for her to come to our marriage bed was killing me. I swear I could have etched glass with my erection.

What seemed like forever, was in reality only a few minutes and then Pam was there in the doorway. She’d removed her peignoir robe. The backlight in the hallway shone through her negligee which revealed and tantalized without actually showing anything at all. Pam closed and locked our bedroom door and then came around to her side of the bed. She slipped under the covers and curled into my arms. We kissed, deeply, gently, yet both of us felt the undercurrent of burning passion in that kiss.

Pam had slipped her hand between my cock and my lower torso. Between heartbeats, my cock would lightly rest on the top of her hand, then rise up again when more blood pumped into it. She felt it too, yet did nothing to increase the length of time my cock was in contact with her hand. I found myself pushing my hips off the bed in an effort to increase her touch on my cock, but all that achieved was raising both my body and her hand at the same time.

She was already driving me crazy. I could smell her scent, feel her warmth and tasted the hunger of our kiss. My arm was wrapped around her and I could feel her nakedness through the filmy thinness of her satin negligee. I cupped her breast with my other hand as we continued to kiss passionately.  Her nipple was a hard nub in the centre of my palm.

As we continued our kiss, I reached down her body and pulled the hem of her negligee upward. Pam understood my intention and helped me remove it by lifting her body off the bed and using her own hand to pull the material up towards her head. We broke our kiss, only for the last moment to pull the garment off and over her head. Then my arms surrounded her and pulled her into my embrace. Her warm naked skin was so exciting against my body.

I ran my hands over her back, lightly caressing her every curve. I could feel goosebumps on her skin where my hands travelled. Pushing her onto her back, I slowly kissed my way down her neck and upper chest. Pam loves being kissed in the hollow of her shoulders, so I spent time exploring there with my lips. At the same time, my right hand was tenderly caressing her breasts. Looking up at her face, I saw that her eyes were closed. Her face betrayed the pleasure she was feeling. She moaned softly when my kisses found the perfect spots.

Working my way down, I kissed her breasts and sucked lovingly on her nipples. My mouth had replaced my hands so that I could use them to caress downward across her stomach and then over her mound. Her legs opened to give me easier access. Pam every so slightly arched her hips upwards inviting my fingers into her sex, but I was having none of that yet. I lightly traced the tips of my fingers down each side of her labia and then away over the tops of her thighs. I did this on both sides many times, deliberately staying away from her vulva.

 I drew out the teasing as long as possible, but finally, I dipped my fingertip into her vagina and then drew her silky wetness up to the apex of her slit. As the tip of my finger grazed her clit, Pam shivered and moaned softly. I repeated the cycle of stroking the sides of her vulva, thighs, then dipping into her wetness and drawing my finger up over her clit a dozen or more times. She was moaning and I swear I could actually feel the muscles in her legs vibrating slightly with each cycle of my hand.

It was time to move on, so I started to kiss my way down her body. She knew what I wanted as my mouth arrived at her mons but I passed right on by and kissed my way down her legs. She groaned in frustration, which made me smile to myself.

I thought, “Patience my dear. All good things ‘cum’ to those who wait.”

I worked my way back up the inside of her legs and at last, arrived at her pussy. Her aroused scent was tantalizing. Starting at her opening, I dragged my tongue upwards and swirled it around her clit. Pam tasted as exquisite as the fragrance of her sex predicted. I will not deny that I licked up as much of the nectar her pussy gave up before finally concentrating on her clit.

Then I got serious. I was now totally focusing on pleasuring her clit with my mouth. Ever so lightly, my tongue would swirl around the root of her clit and over that beautiful hard nub. Over and over, gently, yet purposely I concentrated on the centre of her sexual pleasure. Her hands were on my head, holding me in place as she urged me on with words and moans to giver her the ultimate pleasure.

And then, explosively her hips rose off the bed pushing her vagina hard into my face.

“Ohhhh, God, I’m cummmmming,” Pam exclaimed.

I followed through continuing my attention to her sex with my tongue until her orgasm subsided and her hips sank back onto the bed. Then I softly sucked her heated parts into my mouth until she pushed my head away from her red velvet. I laid my head on her thigh and pushed two of my fingers into her pussy. The palm of my hand was up so I could do that “come-hither” motion on her G-spot. She was soaking wet and incredibly warm inside. I alternated massaging her G-spot and rapidly pushing my fingers in and out of her love channel. A second orgasm quickly crested for her.

Finally, I withdrew my fingers from her overheated honey pot and slid up to cradle her in my arms. Her eyes were closed as she tried to catch her breath. Pam turned to me and looked into my eyes. I smiled and kissed her deeply. She eagerly participated in our kiss, even though my face was covered with her sweet wine.

 I let her calm down for a time and then my fingers began to wander down her torso. Pam grabbed my hand.

She said, “My turn baby.”

Who was I to deny the woman?

I fell back in the bed. Pam reached down and held my scrotum with her hand. She pulled down slightly on my balls, which had the effect of making my cock stand straight up so that it pointed to the ceiling. Then she bent towards my middle and took my cock into her mouth.  My eyes were closed, but I swear I saw flashes of light explode behind my eyelids. She started that gently up and down motion with her head as she tenderly sucked on my shaft.  I instantly went from incredibly horny to a heartbeat away from exploding.

I grabbed her head to stop her from moving her mouth on my cock. She knew I was close, so she rested her head on my lower torso and just lovingly held my cock in the warm furnace of her mouth.  While waiting for me to calm down, she gently kneaded my scrotum and played with the balls inside.  When she felt I was past my need to spurt, she began to move her mouth and gently suck again. After a few moments, I’d hold her head steady again. We did this cycle a number of times until I couldn’t take it anymore.

I pulled her up and pushed her onto her back.

Looking lovingly into her eyes, I said, “I need you now!”

She reached arms up and spread her legs.

“Come on, baby, show me how much you love me,” Pam said.

I glided in between her legs, took my cock in hand and pulled it up and down between her folds so that I could utilize her slippery wetness before penetrating her. She shivered as it skated over her clit. Then I positioned it at her opening and slowly sunk my shaft into her silking warm sugar hole. The exquisite feelings that rushed through us elicited mutual groans.  

We looked into each other’s eyes and both of us saw our love reflected back to the other.  I pushed as deep as I could. There is absolutely nothing better on this earth than feeling yourself completely buried in the woman you love. I stopped to relish that feeling. We kissed deeply. Pam reached around me with both arms and pulled me against her. We continued kissing as I started thrusting in and out.

Pam followed my rhythm, matching my own thrusts with hers. Both of us were building to that inevitable crest. I knew I couldn’t hold off much longer, but I wanted Pam to peak with me. I stopped. She groaned. It was now or never, so I began to plunge hard into her.

I cried out, “Oh, baby, I’m cumming.”

My first spurt shot into her and it pushed her over the edge too. I emptied every last drop of my semen into Pam. Even though I was done, I continued stroking in and out of Pam so she could relish the final moments of her orgasm. Finally, I softened and my cock reluctantly pulled out of her soaked pussy.

I rolled off of her. She curled against me and I pulled her close. We kissed gently and spoke soft words of love to each other. We were sleepy and together we gently drifted into sleep.

So ended the day after.    

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Authors Notes and Disclaimer:

I do not condone unsafe sex. ALWAYS be careful in real life. You could die from a bad choice.

 As a reader, you should realize that there might be themes you do not agree with. I strongly urge you not to read further if you have strong feelings regarding cheating, so-called cuckold lifestyle or wives/husbands in non-traditional relationships. If you have comments regarding the technical writing or how you liked the story, I’d love to hear from you, otherwise, remember – it is just a story.

Written by Merc50
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