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Relaxing Hike and Swim

"Skinny dipping on a hike and another couple joins in."

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The mountains and forests of New Hampshire are beautiful in the summer. We had been enjoying the sights and activities of the White Mountain National Forest for the last four days; hiking, exploring, and kayaking on the streams and trails around the little town our  B&B was in. The trip had been somewhat last minute, a week away without any kids or job distractions. The hiking was especially nice up there. Whereas at home, hiking in any location meant crowded paths and not always pleasant people, here we could walk for hours in the woods without seeing another person.

Today's hike was just like that. We had driven pretty far into the forest to a trailhead that was not even marked on the map. The trail, if you could even call it that, had taken us along a good size stream that seemed to offer beautiful cascades and pools around every bend.

Around 1:00 we decided to stop by the edge of the water to have a quick bite and enjoy a particularly nice pool and waterfall. We shrugged off our light packs and spread a towel on some soft gravel next to a large rock formation in the stream bead.

Lunch was a simple affair consisting of olives and some crusty bread that we had thrown together. We also brought along a particularly nice bottle of Merlot. The ambiance was only slightly marred by the fact that we had not brought any cups so had to drink the wine directly out of the bottle. Julie pointed out, smiling, that, considering the utter lack of any observers, this blunder would not adversely affect our social standing.

After lunch, I suggested that we go for a short swim in the pool. It looked like it would be a great place. The water started shallow at the end near the beach we occupied and seemed to sink to maybe five feet at its deepest. The floor of the pool consisted of one large rock extending at least thirty feet long and maybe fifteen feet wide. At the upstream side, a short waterfall emptied into the pool offering an inviting place to soak and cool off on this hot summer afternoon.

Julie got up and dipped a foot into the water, considering.

"Its cool but not freezing," she said. "I think it will be great."

Julie started to take off her clothes. I noted that she had worn a bikini under her shorts and light top. She was obviously prepared for just such an eventuality. I checked my bag. Unfortunately, I had not been thinking ahead and had not brought any swimming clothes or indeed anything at all to change into. I was wearing cargo shorts and a cotton shirt. If I went in with those on I would be miserably wet for the rest of the day. I pointed this out and without losing a beat she suggested that I go in au naturel. I had no problem with the thought of skinny dipping. It was just something that never came up when hiking near our home.

"Come on we have seen no people all day," she said, "I don't think you are going to shock a couple of squirrels and a bird with your nudity."

I agreed and started to disrobe. I finished taking off my clothes and turned to see that she was also completely nude. I stopped to look for a moment. After fifteen years of marriage, she still took my breath away standing there with just her feet in the water, surrounded by all the beauty of nature. She was 5'5" with great legs and perky small breasts and a beautiful round bottom. Her auburn hair was short, ending above her shoulders.

"It looks like the idea of a little skinny dipping really does appeal to you," she said, looking down below my waist at my now semi-erect dick.

I smiled sheepishly and ran to grab her. She mock screamed and turned to splash into the water. I followed, sinking up to my waist before plunging in to get the shock over with. The water was cool but in the heat of the afternoon, it was very refreshing.

We splashed around for a bit, exploring the waterfall and floating in the deeper end of the pool. After a short time, we both pulled ourselves up onto a well lit, smooth rock across the water from our little beach. The sun on our bodies was warm and good.

Propping myself up on one elbow I leaned over her to steal a kiss that she returned with enthusiasm. I turned more to rest a leg across hers and with my other hand began to caress her wais,t then her breast. Cool water or no, I was starting to heat up. I was excited by the idea of a tryst on this rock with nothing but the sound of the water and trees surrounding us.

I moved on to kissing her neck tracing down her body with my lips. As I reached her breast she suddenly froze.

"Someone is watching us," she said, scooting down the rock and into the water.

"Who is watching?" I adked, turning to look at the bank above our beach. As I turned, I vaguely registered the comical way my fully erect dick rocked back and forth like a pink metronome.

There was a couple standing up the bank at the edge of the woods. I don't think they had been there long based on the slightly surprised looks on both their faces. Or maybe they had been there a while and the looks were guilt at being caught peeping. I hurriedly slid down into the water to my chest to join Julie. Not really knowing what to do, I waved and called out that it was I nice day for a hike.

The man waved back and replied that it was a beautiful afternoon. I could hear that he had an accent, something European, but I couldn't nail it down from his short response. They were both younger than Julie and I. He looked to be maybe thirty, of average height, with a short well-trimmed beard, and a dark complexion. He was also trim and quite handsome. The woman also had dark olive skin and black hair that she had pulled up into a loose ponytail. They both looked like they enjoyed a lot of hiking and outdoor fun. Aside from the accent, I would have guessed that they were perhaps Persian or at least from that part of the middle east.

We all stood there staring at each other. I thought that they might turn and leave. In their place, embarrassment would probably have got the better of me, and I would have turned heel and run. Luckily, Julie broke the silence by starting to laugh. This broke the tension and everyone smiled

The man spoke again, "We had much the same idea as you. We were looking for a place to go for a swim in the stream." He paused, speaking quietly to the woman for a moment then turned back to us.

"Would you mind if we joined you in the pool?" he said with just a hint of hesitation.

I looked at Julie. She was smiling and I thought I might know what she was thinking. It had just occurred to me that the man looked a lot like Julie's favorite character, Sayid, from the television show, Lost. She would certainly not mind seeing him take a nude swim. For my part, I was already imagining what his friend might look like under her hiking attire. To be honest, I wouldn't mind seeing him unclothed as well.

"That would be fine. The water is great," I said.

They moved down the bank and onto our little beach. The two set down their own packs and started to disrobe. I looked away toward Julie.

"Should we avert our eyes or something?" I said.

"They invited themselves to swim with us. I'm going to look," Julie said smiling.

She had a point. They didn't seem interested in hiding so I wasn't going to be shy about watching.

After taking off his shoes, he proceeded to quickly remove his shirt and shorts. He did not seem inhibited and took off both his shorts and underpants in one swift motion. He was facing away and we got a good look at his backside. Julie was paying close attention to this. He was quite fit with muscular back and legs, a feature Julie would like almost as much as his bottom. As he turned, we got a look at the rest of the package. The package was a good term considering the distinct semi that he was sporting. I wondered how long they had been looking from up on the bank.

His friend was a little slower taking off her things. She was careful to remove and fold each piece, one at a time. She was wearing a light breathable shirt that looked great for hiking. Under this was a sensible sports bra that she quickly slid out of. Julie would often wear nothing under her shirt. This girl would not have gone out without a bra. She was larger in the chest area than Julie, with full round breasts. Her nipples were large, dark, and slightly puffy. Julie had wonderful pink nipples around the size of quarters on her perky small breasts. As she moved to carefully place her bra on the small pile of clothes, I noted an inviting bounce as well. Next to come off were her shorts, that were folded and placed on the pile with her other things. I was happy to see that she wore comfortable simple panties. These too were peeled off facing away. The sight of her removing them slowly was quite exciting. She had a beautiful heart shaped bottom, thin at the waist and wider below with shapely muscular legs. When she turned around I could see that while nicely groomed she did not shave completely.

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The two entered the pool together and moved toward us. He introduced himself as Saeed, and his wife Mina,. My eyes met for a moment with Julie's after hearing his name. She obviously had already made the same connection to Lost that I had. We shook hands with both of them and the absurdity of the situation made us all smile. It tuned out that they were from the UK and they were on holiday seeing the states. We chatted for a few minutes before splitting up to enjoy the water.

When Saeed had left the beach he grabbed a towel out of their pack. He now placed it on the flat smooth rock where Julie and I had so recently been kissing. I had some inkling of what he was thinking, and I followed his lead taking our towel across to the rock and arranging it so that it formed a pillow with the rest trailing down so that one could easily lie on it.

Julie and I went back to wading and splashing. Saeed and Mina did much the same, enjoying the water and exploring the pool. Toward the deep end of the pool, Julie discovered a great rock that we could climb onto and dive into the water. We tried this out a few times before the other couple joined us. We then took turns, climbing up and jumping in. I noticed Saeed would stand in a particular spot waiting his turn as the girls climbed out of the water. During the next round, I was sure to stand next to him and I saw why he chose that location. As Julie climbed out there was a moment when she with one leg up was giving a distinctly X-rated and very pink show. Mina followed her and I got the same show watching Saeed's wife. She climbed out and I got a delicious glimpse, if not so pink. Her lips were slightly larger than my wife's and quite dark.

After our diving competition, the girls moved over to the short waterfall at the top of the pool leaving Saeed and I farther down the pool in waist-deep water. We stood there watching the girls rinse themselves in the falls. The sight was very erotic with the two standing there; Julie looked like a Greek goddess with her pale skin and auburn hair, Mina with her dark olive skin and black hair had a very exotic look. The water was cascading over them falling down from their shoulders. Both girls were looking back at us, and I began to feel a stiffening down there. Glancing down, I could see that Saeed was also liking the scene. He was rock-hard and I could track both of the ladies eye lines directly to us. They were looking at us standing there with a couple of rock-hard erections.

Saeed moved first, crossing the pool to take Mina by the waist. He gently led her to the towel he had earlier placed on the flat rock. I followed close behind leading Julie to our towel placed next to theirs. Both of the girls slid up out of the water and lay back.

I moved up out of the water, feeling the warm sunlight as I raised up to kiss my wife. After a few gentle kisses, I moved down her body again. I paused at her breasts, caressing her and kissing her nipples before moving down her stomach. As I moved I glanced to the side and saw that Saeed was already between Mina's legs kissing her there and causing her to arch her back in pleasure.

I reached the same position kneeling between Julies legs kissing her inner thighs before moving to lick and then gently suck on her clitoris. She responded immediately beginning to move her hips positioning herself to increase her pleasure from what I was doing. Experiencing this outside in the woods was hot. Doing this with another couple watching was very hot.

I pleasured Julie; licking, biting, and sucking in all the ways I know she likes. While I was doing this, my desire to be inside her grew. My dick was painfully hard, occasionally brushing against the rock. I moved up intending to get between her legs when she pulled on me coaxing me farther up.

"I want you in my mouth." She said softly.

I knelt above her and she reached up to grasp me around my shaft and gently pulled me down and between her lips. With her free hand, she reached around to grasp my bottom inviting me to thrust. I began going in and out of her lips as she loosely held me. This drove me crazy with pleasure. I was getting very excited feeling her touch. As I moved above Julie I looked over. Saeed was still between Mina's legs using his mouth on her but Mina was looking directly at us. Our eyes met and I could see the excitement in her eyes. She was watching us and liked what she saw. As our gaze locked, Saeed moved up her body kissing. I looked down and could see that he was just as ready as I was. He moved up her body like a cat with the muscles in his back, thighs, and butt flexing with his beautiful dick prominently pointing upward. His cock was dark along its shaft and the tip was dark pink, almost purple. In one silky movement, he lowered to his knees and entered her. From how fluidly he did this, I imagine she was very wet, offering no resistance. She immediately moaned and turned to meet his eyes. Their coupling was animalistic. The sight of it heightened my pleasure. I moved down and Julie released me. I was feeling an urgent need to fuck Julie, not just make love but fuck.

I slid down between Julie's legs, positioning myself. I entered her easily. She was also very moist and ready. I could feel how hot and swollen she was. I began to thrust as I kissed my wife, wrapping my arms around her shoulders. She moved in rhythm with me. We were both making noises of passion but I didn't care. I was not self-conscious at all, in fact, I wanted them to hear us. I could hear them and the sounds they where making heightened both our pleasure.

Soon, I felt Julie tense and she told me not to stop. I could feel her reach orgasm and it made me feel wonderful as she spasmed, bringing me to the edge of orgasm myself. I slowed my pace not wanting to finish yet. The intensity of the situation was working against me. The feeling of Julie's continued orgasm and the sounds from both she and our new friends was intoxicating.

Julie, sensing my hesitation gently pushed me off and turned, raising herself to her knees and lowering her chest to rest on her elbows. I moved up to her, admiring her beautiful round bottom with her wet pink lips and tight puckered ass spread for me. I knelt and began to use my mouth again. I started again on her clit, linking upward playing with her lips and ending up licking her tight ass. I pushed my tongue into her and was gratified to hear her gasp and press herself against my face. I rose to my knees and entered her again, this time grabbing her hips. I began to thrust, feeling her bottom slap against my navel. I moved my hands up her waist and sides until I could grab her shoulders. She groaned again and I felt her reach the point of orgasm. I sped up, moving with abandon, knowing that I couldn't stop this time. I glanced over, seeing that the other two had followed our lead. Mina was on her knees with Saeed behind her. Mina looked even more sexual in this position. Her head and chest where down lower than her bottom. As Saeed increased his rhythm, her breasts swung invitingly. Seeing this I couldn't hold back any further. I sped up and Julie began to push against me as her orgasm continued. I came powerfully inside her, grunting like an animal as I climaxed.

Next, to us, Saeed soon reached this same point and slowed as he came, continuing to pump gently. Almost in unison, the four of us slumped to the rock lying next to our partners, catching our breath and basking in the afterglow.

After a minute I arose and moved into the deep end of the pool, taking a quick plunge to refresh myself. When I surfaced I could see that the others were following me into the water. Soon after, the four of us emerged and toweled off. It seemed that getting dressed and splitting up was the best for all of us. This experience was certainly new to us. I wasn't sure what kind of conversation you had with a couple you had just watched have hot sex and who had, in turn, watched you.

We said a short goodbye and picking up our packs, heading off to finish our hikes. I knew that for our part we were eager to get back to our room. I was sure that reliving the events of the day would lead to another wonderful experience tonight.


Written by bobbouy
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