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Condoms ??

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Advanced Wordsmith
I have always wanted to know why a woman insist on a man to use a condom ( even if he has had a vasectomy or is infertile ) but yet that same woman will suck on your bare cock and let u kiss and eat her pussy ? I just don't get it !!
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire

Yes there are some you can still contract through oral, but to some, oral sex is less of a risk than penetrative sex.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

The vasectomy only prevents the sperm from being released. Condoms do prevent most STDs and pregnancy.

Oral sex is not risk free from a STD just not as common. Many do not think of this though. They don't think of oral sex in the same capacity of sexual intercourse.

I had an ex boyfriend who after relationships soured he would boast that he had herpes and you had best get tested. He was much older than I was and was trying to scare me.

Quote by theupeh
I have always wanted to know why a woman insist on a man to use a condom ( even if he has had a vasectomy or is infertile ) but yet that same woman will suck on your bare cock and let u kiss and eat her pussy ? I just don't get it !!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by theupeh
I have always wanted to know why a woman insist on a man to use a condom ( even if he has had a vasectomy or is infertile ) but yet that same woman will suck on your bare cock and let u kiss and eat her pussy ? I just don't get it !!

They must not teach sex ed in Michigan.
Alpha Blonde
Quote by Dani

Yes there are some you can still contract through oral, but to some, oral sex is less of a risk than penetrative sex.


There's technically less risk so more people are willing to roll the dice.
Active Ink Slinger
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dani

Yes there are some you can still contract through oral, but to some, oral sex is less of a risk than penetrative sex.


I know you can contact and STD/STI through oral sex and actually the risk is greater than most think it is for some STD/STI's. So I guess we are pretty stupid to do that too, but I know I do. The risk of contacting HIV is much lower and it seems, right or wrong, that is what most people worry about. I would have to be in a committed relationship or have total trust in him to not have him use a condom for full on penetration.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dani

Yes there are some you can still contract through oral, but to some, oral sex is less of a risk than penetrative sex.

I have a friend a RN and she says she sees more oral aquired STI than vaginal. Generally its men who have orally acquired STI from gay sex. The HIV rate is slowly rising again after a big decline.

I often use a condom for vaginal when I am in a three/four way as there are some that do not like to perform oral after a guy has cum in me.
Rookie Scribe
I rather not use them i feel it restricts the man but if he wants to use one then i let him. i also love the feeling of cum dripping on me or inside what ever he wants.
Advanced Wordsmith
hmmmm std's sti's?, im on the pill and still make guys wear a condom its not just bout birth control
Advanced Wordsmith
I understand the use of condoms in sex when you have mulitple partners, but when you have one sexual partner at a time and know of each others pasts then the whole condom issue really ends up not being an issue. I prefer not to use them as I too feel they restrict and hinder the mood, but I have been with my fiancé for five years and we're monogamous.