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i need a womans opinion

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I'm in a relationship, and very long story short, its got going to last much longer. Anyway i have collected quite a few sex toys, a swing and 4 point bet ties, what i want to ask is would it be a bad idea to keep the toys. all the toys i got for her are glass, i have spent a lot and grew this collection and im not sure what to do with them, she does not want to keep them. like i said, many toys and there all glass, so would glass toys be different then other toys?
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
Keep them if you want them. But when the next woman comes along, tell her that these toys have been used for an extended period of time on someone else. It'd be sleazy not to tell the women in your life that your toys are used. It at least gives them the option of acquiring their own.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

Quote by slipperywhenwet2012
Keep them if you want them. But when the next woman comes along, tell her that these toys have been used for an extended period of time on someone else. It'd be sleazy not to tell the women in your life that your toys are used. It at least gives them the option of acquiring their own.

yes i do want to keep them and use them again. i would differently tell the next woman there used, but there also cleaned after every use and i clean them all once every few weeks aside from cleaning after every use. im very careful about cleanliness, even more so about toys....
Big-haired Bitch/Personality Hire
Quote by beafy

yes i do want to keep them and use them again. i would differently tell the next woman there used, but there also cleaned after every use and i clean them all once every few weeks aside from cleaning after every use. im very careful about cleanliness, even more so about toys....

Well then you should be good to go. I for one wouldn't wanna use a used toy, especially by some woman I don't know, no matter how frequently and thoroughly you clean them. But that's just me. I don't speak for all women.

And if you run into a woman like me, then she'll know to supply her own toys because you would have sufficiently warned her. So all will be well, either way.

░P░U░S░S░Y░ ░I░N░ ░B░I░O░

The Resident Princess
Oh oh oh......please send me them to the princess in Texas........

I will soooo use them


The last time I needed a woman's opinion was only last night when she told me to go get milk and a loaf of bread.
Rookie Scribe
Keep that shit...or if you dont wanna you can always send them to me
well its completly up to you.i do understand the time and money you have invested but keep in mind they may sit around and collect dust as most girls will not use toys that have been previously fav toy is also glass though not expensive at all.i hope you do not have to hard of a time making this decision good luck.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by charity2011
well its completly up to you.i do understand the time and money you have invested but keep in mind they may sit around and collect dust as most girls will not use toys that have been previously fav toy is also glass though not expensive at all.i hope you do not have to hard of a time making this decision good luck.

Yeah, I'm going to have to agree with this. As much as I appreciate the investment made in acquiring such a collection, as the new woman in your life, I would most definitely NOT be very receptive to sharing toys you had with a previous lover no matter how 'clean' they are - super bad karma if you ask me.

I would think that most women who are comfortable with their sexuality would come with her own basket of toys they've grown to master and love so I wouldn't be too worried about not enjoying the adventures of toy-play again.

At the very least, I would encourage you to practice full disclosure and honesty regardless and let her make the decision on what she's comfortable with. You just never know. Good luck!
I would definitely keep em or send em to me smile
Active Ink Slinger
Most glass toys can be cleaned in a dishwasher so that they will be free of any "remnants" from the previous user. So they will be perfectly safe and basically like they were unused. So if you want to keep them I don't see any problem with it.

However, if it was me I would want to know they toys were used on someone else. I normally would not use someone's toys unless I really knew the person well and there was mutual trust between us. That's just me so I'm not saying you are wrong if you keep them and use then with others.
Cock Connoisseur
Quote by adagio
The last time I needed a woman's opinion was only last night when she told me to go get milk and a loaf of bread.

Sounds like you need to learn the difference between an opinion and a request/order.

Quote by beafy
I'm in a relationship, and very long story short, its got going to last much longer. Anyway i have collected quite a few sex toys, a swing and 4 point bet ties, what i want to ask is would it be a bad idea to keep the toys. all the toys i got for her are glass, i have spent a lot and grew this collection and im not sure what to do with them, she does not want to keep them. like i said, many toys and there all glass, so would glass toys be different then other toys?

Toys like this are an investment just like anything else. Lets say an engagement ring/wedding ring, would you reuse that with the next woman? I would hope not, and the same applies to the toys. Being upfront and telling her is a must and then it would be her choice. As a few have said, some of us come with our own toys and would never, ever use ones that were used on someone else no matter how clean you say they are. Nobody likes wasting money but it comes with the territory when you purchase things for another in this regard. Somethings you just don't reuse from one woman to the next.
I would be offended if my husband, when we met, said to me "I spent a lot of money on these for my ex. They've been in her vagina and anus, and we aren't together, so here, you can use them."

That says a few things:

1) You're not willing to let go of the past and move on.
2) You undervalue me - as it was ok to spend a large sum of money on her, but I'm not worth it.
3) You want to be reminded of your most intimate moments with her while you're with me.
4) You drew flaw conclusions about what I might be interested in with you and assumed I wanted that exact same play before getting to know my actual interests.

If you can't toss some sex toys because they were expensive and start a relationship fresh then you possibly have serious issues with the fact that its over.

You know how I handled my breakup wih my ex husband? I got rid of everything. A lot of people do this and will expect a new partner to do the same.

The only time I don't expect one to let to of past items is if they're significant - handcrafted or sentimental beyond sex (like an ex boyfriend of mine had a marionette puppet his ex made - I thought keeping it was fine as I wasn't expected to have it inserted into my pussy). Also - pets and co-purchased vehicles and so on.

Not something as intensely intimate as a dildo. No way.
Buxom Enigma
This is one of those out-of-the-pan and into-the-fire type scenarios.

Sure and toys can be expensive, especially a collection of them. My opinion, if you two of you are splitting on mutual terms, by golly, let her pick a few of her favorites to take with her on the road. You DID buy them for HER, after all. Give her the option of keeping the ones she wants.

And, as previous women have said, full disclosure about Used Toys is imperative. I've never been put in a position to use something that another woman (that I've never met) has had inside her cooch. Color me bonkers (in light of all of the previous comments saying otherwise) but with glass, I don't think I'd be as "eww! no! get it away from me!" as if it were, say latex or silicone.
"Good writing is supposed to evoke sensation in the reader - not the fact that it is raining, but the feeling of being rained upon." -E.L. Doctorow
First off I have to say thank you all for your input, I was right in asking my fellow lushys for input. You all have given me good advice and several very good points and different views on the subject, thing I did not think of myself being a guy. Lol.

Please keep the input coming.
Constant Gardener
0 likes -or- possibly list them in the Tools, Arts+Crafts or Collectibles categories.

They gotta be worth something to somebody, you've had numerous offers here - now you just need to locate the discriminating purchaser. You may have to post in the greater Chicago area, however and offer to pay for shipping. Sell the trophies and build a new collection.

If you decide to go this route, please do come back and paste your ad into this thread as a .jpg image so we can all read your witty sales pitch!
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Oh Well Made - you're so witty.

I'm trying to imagine how a guy would respond if his new girlfriend said "hey, this pink elephant belonged to my ex, he didn't want it, but here, you can have it."

Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by beafy
I'm in a relationship, and very long story short, its got going to last much longer. Anyway i have collected quite a few sex toys, a swing and 4 point bet ties, what i want to ask is would it be a bad idea to keep the toys. all the toys i got for her are glass, i have spent a lot and grew this collection and im not sure what to do with them, she does not want to keep them. like i said, many toys and there all glass, so would glass toys be different then other toys?

keep the toys of course.Maybe some other girl will like them.
Active Ink Slinger
No maybe about it. I'd not want another's toys, makes my legs cross and lock just thinking about it