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Your Tits (reverently)

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Active Ink Slinger
Do you think of them during the course of the day?
What crosses your mind about them?
They just sit there, or jiggle, or whatever?
being an active little trooper, I believe that one should stay fit and healthy, they annoy the shit out of me.

Put simply I would say most women co-exist with their breasts quite happily, going about their daily routine with little hinderance! I can't speak for everyone but I don't walk around constantly aware of my chest buddies, I'm much more aware of others around me ;)
When in polite/public company mine are comfortably encased in a bra - I'm far from flat chested and would feel uncomfortable letting loose - however when The Twins are unleashed they behave when required, jiggle pleasantly with every step when I walk and positively bounce for joy when I'm riding 7 bells outta my man hehe!..... smile Personally myself and The Twins adore physical attention - a flick of a tongue, soft wet lips enveloping my nipples, maybe sharp nips of teeth to send shivers up and down the spine......
Anyway, I digress! Tits are great things but I for 1 am not constantly aware/obsessed/watching or feeling them every 5mins!

Quote by LadyMinx
:Tits are great things but I for 1 am not constantly aware/obsessed/watching or feeling them every 5mins!

You have no need to do as you say above my gorgeous lady m.I myself carry out all the obsessive,dreaming,thinking and on a very regular basis gentle tongue flicking and nibbling to make up your share.Very pleasurable share it is too.

Quote by Oneline
being an active little trooper, I believe that one should stay fit and healthy, they annoy the shit out of me.

Yes but for us men and boys,they are a source of great amazement, and the sight of a perfect set can trigger a chemical reaction inside of us that i myself can only describe as Neandertal.hehe.


Ohhhh my Mister W I know only too well the absolute ecstacy on said tongue, lips and teeth.... now there's a topic I certain could think about all day obsessing on!!

Lady M xxxx
Quote by LadyMinx

Put simply I would say most women co-exist with their breasts quite happily, going about their daily routine with little hinderance! I can't speak for everyone but I don't walk around constantly aware of my chest buddies, I'm much more aware of others around me ;)
When in polite/public company mine are comfortably encased in a bra - I'm far from flat chested and would feel uncomfortable letting loose - however when The Twins are unleashed they behave when required, jiggle pleasantly with every step when I walk and positively bounce for joy when I'm riding 7 bells outta my man hehe!..... smile Personally myself and The Twins adore physical attention - a flick of a tongue, soft wet lips enveloping my nipples, maybe sharp nips of teeth to send shivers up and down the spine......
Anyway, I digress! Tits are great things but I for 1 am not constantly aware/obsessed/watching or feeling them every 5mins!

I couldnt have put it better myself!!

The only time when I'm mainly aware of them is in bed when i'm laying there topless. The rest of the time I have to wear a bra as I feel like theyre dropping an inch with every step I take. I'm usually always wearing something low cut as well so a quick glance from a stranger usually boosts my confidence no end!

Of course am also aware of them during sexual activities as I love the feeling of them being groped, licked, sucked, even just laying in bed and they're being used as a pillow but for the majority of the day, too bust thinking about other things
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Oneline
being an active little trooper, I believe that one should stay fit and healthy, they annoy the shit out of me.

right on!
Active Ink Slinger
I feel really good for having asked this one, and you gals have bounced up to the challenge! I love 'em, worship them, suck, lick, squeeze, knead, look, look some more, and generally heavenate them!
Where else do you think the term angel derives?
Active Ink Slinger
No, I don't usually think about them.
They're kind of annoying though and things would be easier if they weren't there.
I have to constantly pull my top up when the straps fall down and that get's really annoying!
They only jiggle if i run and i'm not wearing a bra, but besides that they don't seem to jiggle.
OOhhhhh, I love my breasts. it took me awhile to finally get them. I always envied my sister & her boobs. When I finally went on hormones it took me awhile to finally fill out. I am very aware of them & I can't seem to keep my own hands of of them to much. I just love them I think as much as the guys do. Sometimes I wish that they were big enough so that I could suck my own nipples. But, being as they aren't I must be happy with playing with them when I can.
Active Ink Slinger
I love my breasts! They're what I use for mostly for seduction. They don't really bounce or jiggle unless they're not restricted to my bra, when
I'm running, or when I'm taking a ride *wink*. During the day I like to squeeze them a couple of times.
Active Ink Slinger
I think that it's nice that you squeeze them a couple of times a day, but what you really should do is let me know and I will happily, deliriously, squeeze them for you. Give a call.
I really don't pay that much attention to them unless i see guys looking at them i may take a quick glance down at them then..
I appreciate them being there. They are quite nice. ;)
Active Ink Slinger
Cant say I give my own much thought, but certain others independant orbs capture my full attention!
Gingerbread Lover
Mine get in the way, especially with my scaffolding on (I won't be seen by anybody without it, either).
Ut incepit fidelis, sic permanet.

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Active Ink Slinger
The ones that I am privileged to reside with are a constant source of delight. She says that bras are a bitch, always uncomfortable, but she doesn't mind having them out there. She looks at others if I am looking at them.
Hers have had a recent insult by having a tumor removed, leaving a scar about 2" long on one of them. I help out by admiring them frequently, and giving numerous gentle massages. She is healing from the cancer and they are almost back to normal. They are delightfully sized at a full C cup and even with many miles on them are still pointy, bouncy, jiggly, beautiful, and tasty. I think they are sweeter than 99% I have seen. Girls, we love em!
My favorite is when she rubs them all over me.
Sarcastic Coffee Aficionado
I am happy to hear your partner with boobs is healing from her wrestle with cancer and that you still adore her, even with her 2" scar.

May you be blessed to continue loving her for a long long time.

Active Ink Slinger
I've loved her for 52 tears so far and getting better. The scar is just part of her beauty.
I love my tits and I do use them to my abvantage from time to time, I don't constanly think of my tits I see them as they r there and ur looking at them. They do jiggle because they r big I don't mind that at all the jiggle and my 44DD's size just atracts more looks both men and women. But other than that they do anoy the shit out of me when it comes to finding a bra at the store, or even looking down at my feet wich I can't do because my tits are on the way. I have learned to cope with that fact since I 10 years old