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Ladies, do you have a rule of thumb...

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I am wondering if any of you other girls have any personal guidelines when it comes to the sort of lingerie and underwear you put on?

1. Do you always wear something pretty?

2. Do you never wear anything pretty?

3. Do you like your underthings to match?

4. Do you wear plain and simple for certain things and gorgeous for other?

5. Are there any other guidelines you follow?

I have always loved nice underwear, I have far too many drawers stuffed with underwear of every kind, and I am trying to work out what I really need and what I ought to get rid of
Active Ink Slinger
Jaquie ....if you ever need your drawers tidying up - just let me know !
My Karma just ran over your Dogma
Good questions! I probably need to empty out my drawers and do an inventory.

1. Pretty is of course a matter of personal opinion. But I think I always wear something nice for underwear. not necessarily sexy all the time, but I like nice underwear. The sexy stuff is for special nights!
2. I don't think I have anything that isn't pretty. Even my more utilitarian bras and panties look good.
3. No, they don't have to match. That has never been an issue or concern to me.
4. Yes sometimes plain and simple, like when going for walks, or cleaning the house.
5. Don't follow any guidelines

Lingerie is different. I usually sleep naked, so when I wear something it's either to cover up when we have family over. Or, it's putting something sexy on for my lover. I have a drawer full of that sort of thing.

And then there's the drawer of all the stuff that has been given to me. Have to put those goodies on for extra special nights!
Active Ink Slinger
No rule of thumb, I just wear what I want at the time.
Active Ink Slinger
As I have matured I have gradually evolved from practical to pretty when it comes to lingerie and underthings. I'm happiest when from skin to street clothes colors match rather than clash, and I love wearing things next to my skin that make me feel good and give me confidence
I tend to try to get matching sets for bras and panties. As for style go for simple with lace trim and cute design patterns. I have some different separate pieces for dress up occasions, such as a garter belt, stockings and a teddy lingerie piece. As far as color goes, tend to stick to basics, white, nude or beige, dark blues, and a few light pink items.
Advanced Wordsmith
1. Do you always wear something pretty? - nice but not necessarily pretty

2. Do you never wear anything pretty? - I wear pretty maybe on special pccasions

3. Do you like your underthings to match? - I dont care, I am more likely to match to the outer clothing. So white bra with a white top

4. Do you wear plain and simple for certain things and gorgeous for other? - I mainly wear plain and comfortable. M&S cotton

5. Are there any other guidelines you follow? - Nope. Its undwear
The Bee's Knees
great question! when i was in college, my bras and panties HAD to match. i think it was because i was navigating womanhood and it made me feel more 'grown up'. shortly after entering the workforce, it didn't matter. on a daily basis i go for function. however, when i need an extra boost of confidence - or i'm just feeling sassy - i wear my sexiest (matching) pieces.

Say. Her. Name.

Somebody's Dreams
No rules. Just whatever I feel like at that moment. Depends if I'm working out, going grocery shopping, got a hot date, or just hanging out.

I'd love it if you read my story for the Notorious Competition.

The Temptress of Tanner Street
To answer your questions, yes try to pair it so my panties match my bras. Then pretty and simple are relative terms, however I like to think my collection is both pretty in design as well as simple. Then yes I have a favorite pair for special occasions that has ruffles.
Active Ink Slinger
Do you always wear something pretty? Depends, most of the time I do but not when exercising and that kind of thing

Do you like your underthings to match? Yes, I do, which is one of the reasons why I only have five different colors of underwear

4. Do you wear plain and simple for certain things and gorgeous for other? Yes

5. Are there any other guidelines you follow? My grandmother's advice was if you got hurt in the street and taken the the ER don't be ashamed of your underwear
Active Ink Slinger
Do you always wear something pretty? Depends, most of the time I do but not when exercising and that kind of thing

Do you like your underthings to match? Yes, I do, which is one of the reasons why I only have five different colors of underwear

4. Do you wear plain and simple for certain things and gorgeous for other? Yes

5. Are there any other guidelines you follow? My grandmother's advice was if you got hurt in the street and taken the the ER don't be ashamed of your underwear
Active Ink Slinger
Do you always wear something pretty? Depends, most of the time I do but not when exercising and that kind of thing

Do you like your underthings to match? Yes, I do, which is one of the reasons why I only have five different colors of underwear

4. Do you wear plain and simple for certain things and gorgeous for other? Yes

5. Are there any other guidelines you follow? My grandmother's advice was if you got hurt in the street and taken the the ER don't be ashamed of your underwear
Active Ink Slinger
Match for dresses yes, no rule of thumb otherwise.

I don't go out looking to buy anything not nice.