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The Arkham Series Appreciation Thread

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Your favorite game?

7 votes remaining
Arkham Origins (0 votes) 0%
Arkham Asylum (4 votes) 57%
Arkham City (2 votes) 29%
All of them equally (3 votes) 43%
Cryptic Vigilante
The Arkham Series Appreciation Thread

I might be a little biased because of my fascination for Batman, but these games really are amazing in every regard. Both Arkham Asylum and Arkham City are in fact rated among the Top 25 Games of the last generation; Arkham Origins was just as good to me, but critics blamed it for its lack of innovation.

I highly recommend these games. The stories, the characters, the dialogs, the music, the action, the gameplay, everything is top-quality. Just look at the first video below at 2:30, which is a fight fully controlled by the player: this might be a better fighting choreography than in any movies I've seen.

For those who've played these games...

- What is your favorite game of the series?

- Who is your favorite villain? Favorite boss fight?

- What was your favorite moment?
Cryptic Vigilante
Scene from Arkham Origins: The Penguin and Deathstroke

Cryptic Vigilante
Scene from Arkham Asylum: Bane

Cryptic Vigilante
Scene from Arkham City: Mr. Freeze

Arkham asylum is my favourite of the series (so far).

I think the boss fight with Mister Freeze is the best.
Cryptic Vigilante
Quote by ispy
Arkham asylum is my favourite of the series (so far).

Which game haven't you played so far? Arkham Origins I guess?

I'd say it's a pretty fair tie between the 3 games for me:

- Arkham Asylum is fantastic because of the dark setup in the asylum. I love how Batman keeps chasing The Joker during the whole game, as if they're playing on a chessboard and Batman is always a tiny step behind (up until the fantastic finale). More linear than the other two games, but in a very good way: a true Batman vs Joker plot. Sadly, you don't have as many gadgets and Batman doesn't have as many combat moves, but I just assume it's because Batman was caught off his guard whenever I'm replaying it (ie. Joker's orchestrated escapee).

- Arkham City is great because you get to meet Batman's complete gallery of villains. It's also much bigger and a lot less linear with all those side missions, and you finally get to glide/navigate in Gotham City. I love the atmosphere of that one too, where Batman's identity is compromised and he gets incarcerated in this massive open-air prison among all these other freaks. Everyone there has their own agenda (which truly reflects the persona of each character), and Batman gets trapped in the many crossfires as he's trying to save the situation. At some point, you really get the impression that Batman is a legitimate freak just like the rest of them, with his own agenda and his own flaws.

- Arkham Origins is nice because you get to witness the very first night where Batman meets The Joker. I love the idea of that one too, where Batman was only fighting minor criminals up to that point in his career, but then Black Mask puts a bounty on his head and he gets to attract all these crazy supervillains. You really feel as if that one night is a turning point in Batman's career, 'the night that made him' so to speak. Batman gets to test how far he's willing to go to stand for his principles; The Joker especially proves to be quite a challenge for his 'one rule' (ie. not killing).

Some videos to present the atmosphere of each game...
I've played all of them. Origins is probably my least favourite, I'm not really sure why, I just didn't enjoy it as much as the others. I'm very excited for Arkham knight to come out.

I think one of my favourite elements of Arkham Asylum was the scarecrow hallucinations. Scarecrow is one of my favourite villains, I can't wait for him to return in Arkham Knight.

I love Batman. I even dressed my 3 year old son as batman for Halloween this year smile
Cryptic Vigilante
Oh yeah, Scarecrow definitely was an awesome villain in Arkham Asylum. I loved how the developers used him: his parts really were creepy as shit, and he just kept appearing/disappearing throughout the game. I was getting the chills every time Batman was coughing: "Oh fuck, Scarecrow just released his fear gas again, I thought I was done with him!". We could really feel like he was messing up with Batman's head, because he definitely managed to mess with the player's head (that sequence when you think that your game is actually crashing).

I guess he's pretty much a universal favorite among the people who've played these games. And I'm glad he's coming back for Arkham Knight, though I don't think I'll buy an Xbox One just to play that one game.

Have you seen his Easter Eggs in Arkham City? It was kinda obvious that he'd come back at some point in the series, though I still wonder how some people managed to decipher his messages with the cryptographic sequencer, especially the last one that's shown at 2:05. Fuck, I'm sure even FBI agents would have had a hard time deciphering that last one:

And I agree, the fight with Mr. Freeze was one of the best in the series: very unique and original, you had to use every of your predator moves to take him out. My favorite villain encounter of the whole series might be Firefly in Arkham Origins though; not just the fight itself, but the whole trap that he set up on the bridge where you had to disarm the three bombs:

In all honesty though, I enjoyed every villain in those games almost equally; the developers really did an amazing job at portraying them. I loved how they put emphasis on Penguin's napoleon's complex, where he owned that gigantic museum in which he was essentially 'collecting people' (and reserving a very special place for Batman in his collection):

And then the Riddler was too wimpy to fight Batman face to face, but he kept annoying him in all three games with all his traps and challenges:

Cryptic Vigilante
So now, which villains do you hope for in Arkham Knight, and which do you expect?

Scarecrow, Penguin, Two-Face, Harley Quinn, Riddler are all confirmed, but who else?

I'm sure we'll get to see a lot more of Hush. Last time we heard of him in Arkham City, that crazy guy managed to reconstruct Bruce Wayne's face with the faces of his victims; surely they'll use that plot element in the next game:

Then I'm also expecting to see Killer Moth, and of course Man-Bat. Everybody has been waiting for so long to see Man-Bat in those games:

And... I'm actually expecting the return of Joker. There's no way he died in Arkham City, there's just too many loose ends (eg. the Lazarus Pit, Batman fainted during their last encounter, he could seemingly fake his own death when Batman observed him in that wheelchair, etc.).

Look at this picture. Aren't the developers sending us a subliminal message here? The Joker hasn't pulled his greatest trick yet:

I have not played them (I'm a huge Batman fan but not much of a gamer) but my son played through Asylum and, IIRC, City and loved it. Even got him to watch some of the Nolan Batman movies and he's generally not a big superhero guy.
I forgot about the firefly mission on the bridge, that was really good actually smile

Ja, man-bat would be good and more from Hush. I'm sure Joker will return (if Harley is there, I'm sure joker isn't very far away). I think it would be cool if Joker returned as Red Hood and tormented batman throughout the game, kind of reminding him constantly that Batman created the Joker.

I would like to see more from poison ivy, I want her to cause chaos like she did in the Asylum. And Ra's Al Ghul and the league of shadows are always fun.
Cryptic Vigilante
Quote by ispy
I forgot about the firefly mission on the bridge, that was really good actually smile

Ja, man-bat would be good and more from Hush. I'm sure Joker will return (if Harley is there, I'm sure joker isn't very far away). I think it would be cool if Joker returned as Red Hood and tormented batman throughout the game, kind of reminding him constantly that Batman created the Joker.

I would like to see more from poison ivy, I want her to cause chaos like she did in the Asylum. And Ra's Al Ghul and the league of shadows are always fun.

I'm almost certain we'll see Man-Bat in Arkham Knight; the developers are very aware that the fans have been waiting for him. He might be part of one of Scarecrow's hallucinations though. A flight-oriented boss would be awesome, where Batman needs to chase Man-Bat (or the other way around) and they get to fight in midair.

I'm fairly certain about Hush too. Actually, he may as well be the Arkham Knight. The Arkham Knight is already a Batman look-alike, he may as well have a similar alter-ego with a fake Bruce Wayne behind the mask. Scarecrow could use that to his advantage, to really create a mindfuck in Batman's head.

And yeah, Red Hood is already announced as a playable character for the challenge maps; that's the Robin (Jason Todd) version though, I don't think Joker will be behind the mask, though that's still a possibility. But then again, Red Hood might solely appear in the challenge maps; Nightwing was in Arkham City, but we only got to use him for the challenge maps too.

And I wish that Two-Face will have a more important role this time around: he was a bit of a minor villain in Arkham City. The Penguin already had quite a lot of air-time in Arkham City and Arkham Origins, I hope that Two-Face will be the star this time around (I really like him as a villain). And I agree, Poison Ivy is always a great villain; I loved her parts in Arkham Asylum, where her plants made such a carnage.

Other minor villains we might likely see as side-missions are those subtly mentioned in the other games: Prometheus, Maxis Zeus, The Ventriloquist, Humpty Dumpty, etc. And since the events will occur on Halloween, Calendar Man is likely to make an appearance too.

I really don't know how they'll use The Joker though, but I'm sure he'll be around. It could be cool if Batman fought him as part of his hallucinations, but then realized that he was there for real. I'm really expecting a powerful mindfuck in that one game, especially since it's the series finale and it's happening on Halloween with Scarecrow as the main villain.

Apparently Superman could also make an apparition. I'm really not sure how they could use him, but that's not unlikely considering his past affiliation with Batman and the upcoming movie. I doubt he'll take a very prominent role however.

And here's a trailer. I really expect a rather 'militarized vibe' in that game, with Batman's new armored suit and his tanklike Batmobile:

PS: We might also get to see quite a few sequences with Robin in that game. If you listen to this video at 0:50, Batman hears a voice: "What are you doing?". This sounds very much like the voice of Robin that they used in Arkham City, plus only Alfred, Oracle, Gordon and Robin can possibly communicate via Batman's cowl. I don't see who else this could be.
Cryptic Vigilante
Arkham Knight is coming out in about a month; I can't wait to hear what the players will have to say about it, though I hope that they won't spoil anything before I get to play it myself (ie. who the fuck is the Arkham Knight?).

The latest trailer is way intriguing. The developers lately announced the new 'dual-play' feature: this is still a 100% solo game, but apparently you can bring allies to help you during key moments. I really wonder how this will be implemented; in this video you can see Robin, Nightwing and Catwoman helping out Batman.

And Azrael was also revealed in this trailer (at 1:12). He made a short apparition in Arkham City, I truly wonder what will be his implication this time around and if he'll either be friend or foe:

Cryptic Vigilante
So, Arkham Knight was officially released yesterday; I've watched some gameplay videos, and it really seems amazing...

Since I won't be playing that game anytime soon (because I don't plan on buying an Xbox-One since a while), I actually intentionally spoiled a few elements of the story by watching random gameplay videos; players are in for quite a few surprises. Most notably, the Joker will be in there in one way or another; Mark Hamill reprises his role of the Joker in that one in quite an extensive way (despite previous rumors that Arkham City officially was his last involvement with the character). I don't think that this is a major spoiler however, the first few seconds of the game hint at Joker's involvement rather obviously.

The very first words of the game (pronounced by commissioner Gordon) are also quite disturbing: "This is how it happened; this is how the Batman died."

If anyone intends to play that game, I'd be really glad to hear your commentaries on it.

And here's the introduction for those interested. Get ready to be spooked at some point, Scarecrow is the main villain of Arkham Knight after all:

Batman is life
Active Ink Slinger
Paul Dini. Writer on City and Asylum. Creator of Harley Quinn. Writer on Batman TAS, Streets of Gotham City and a bunch of other Batman stuff.
Dude invented Harley Quinn and wrote some of the great Batman work.
and did I mention: HE INVENTED HARLEY QUINN.

Sorry, fanboying out there for a minute.
And I've only begun fucking with you people.
At the end of the day, it's all math.
Cryptic Vigilante
Fuck yeah! I've finally completed Arkham Knight nearly 3 years after its release!

Really great game all around, Rocksteady Studios essentially improved on pretty much every aspect that made the previous games such fantastic titles. Above everything else, I especially enjoyed how so fucking dark and spooky the whole atmosphere was (the game actually takes place on Halloween's night, just to give you an idea). This is quite literally the very last night of Batman's career (and also the denouement of the entire series), and you really do sense the heavy history that he has with the numerous villains of Gotham. As opposed to the previous games, the main villains aren't all that bothered with threatening the life of innocent citizens: they just want to fucking take Batman down once and for all. The whole city is actually evacuated before the game starts, and Gotham becomes one enormous war-zone where everyone seeks to settle the score with our beloved dark knight. With that setting and the inclusion of a tank-like Batmobile, it goes without saying that this title has a manifest 'militarized' vibe to it, which was a fresh take on the whole series and which I appreciated quite a lot.

'Loathing' really is the central theme this time around: the villains hate Batman for derailing their plans, his allies hate him for being aloof and over-protective, the citizens hate him for not doing enough and actually provoking his enemies. Batman's long career is at this point where all of his inscrutable altruistic deeds only led him to being a weary, bitter and accursed hero, yet despite his numerous detractors, he's still determined to give everything he's got to offer Gotham the justice it deserves for one last fucking night.

Cryptic Vigilante
I quite enjoyed this 'farewell' scene with Catwoman. Notice how Batman is so goddamn weary and gloomy in that game. The developers really did an amazing job at subtly hinting at that 'one last struggle' theme throughout the game. It managed to fit perfectly with both the narrative of the story and the context of the game (being the definitive last game of this acclaimed series).

But hey, being weary and gloomy has never prevented anybody from sharing a final kiss with the hottest kleptomaniac in town:

Active Ink Slinger
The Arkham series is probably the greatest series I've had the pleasure of playing.
Active Ink Slinger
Asylum wasn’t perfect and had a limited scope compared to the later games but it was my favorite for how much it blew my expectations out of the water. The introductions to the scarecrow sections always caught me off guard and I loved how I would walk through and area and notice puzzles or mechanics that were not yet accessible, hinting at the upgrades I would have when I later returned. It’s a game that keeps giving enough motivation throughout that it’s difficult to put down, especially when I was constantly left wanting to finish one more objective.

Arkham City was bigger and had a larger sense of wonder but I knew what to expect so I wasn’t nearly as awestruck. The beginning was great when playing as Bruce Wayne but then I got the bat suit and it was a return to format. This isn’t a bad thing, only that I wasn’t as excited to play with the new gadgets quite like I was the first time around because I knew what everything did.

I can’t think of a good tagline so this will have to do. Suggest a better one for me?

Active Ink Slinger
Origins is underrated
I am a Mandalorian, guns are my religion.
Quote by Castlesback
Origins is underrated

i'll admit it's been so long since i played them all that perhaps i'm confusing the storylines, but i believe this is the one that--


--ended up just falling back to joker as the villain. i was disappointed in that, but honestly i liked all the games about equally. the first one was a little claustrophobic compared to the sequels, but they were all great.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Guest

i'll admit it's been so long since i played them all that perhaps i'm confusing the storylines, but i believe this is the one that--


--ended up just falling back to joker as the villain. i was disappointed in that, but honestly i liked all the games about equally. the first one was a little claustrophobic compared to the sequels, but they were all great.

I totally agree