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Hello, new here and shy.

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Hello, I am deeply shy and I'm not used to being open about sex at all. I usually am pretty quiet about it and rarely open up about it due to shyness and fear of judgement. So I think it would help me if I posted on here and open up a little bit more on the Forums. It would help me out in the long run and help me get over my shyness. Don't mind making a few friends on here and having open discussions with others.
Primus Omnium
Quote by Enchanted_DreamSam
Hello, I am deeply shy and I'm not used to being open about sex at all. I usually am pretty quiet about it and rarely open up about it due to shyness and fear of judgement. So I think it would help me if I posted on here and open up a little bit more on the Forums. It would help me out in the long run and help me get over my shyness. Don't mind making a few friends on here and having open discussions with others.

You will find a lot of kind and understanding folks here. You should really spend some time reading the profiles of the people that interest you. It is quite revealing about their character a lot of the time.

Welcome to Lush. I'm sure you will find pleasure and welcoming friends.
Rainbow Warrior
Welcome to Lush, Samantha! Visiting these forums, you will discover that there's no judgement, shaming or ridicule (except maybe in the Think Tank). You'll discover that everyone here has all different kinds of fantasies, kinks, and sexual needs they're willing to talk about openly, so please join in and feel you are among friends. Don't be shy! We're all crazy about sex here. Nothing you say will shock us, and we all want to hear about you. :-)

Enjoy your time here!
Welcome on board the Lush pleasure boat where there is something for everyone. What Beffer and Green Man said is absolutely true.

Posting on forums is a good place to get your feet wet. Also read some of the stories in categories that tickle your interest and find writers whose materrial you like and comment on their stories. The chat rooms can feel confusing and a bit intimidating at first so don't limit your explorations to them.

Best of luck and have fun.
Thank you for all the warm Welcomes, I truly appreciate it a lot. Lovely to meet you all.
Welcome to lush. Be yourself and you'll be fine.
Her Royal Spriteness
wait... it's okay to talk about sex here? That's not what i was told! dammit! all these years wasted!

in all seriousness, Sam, we do our best to keep it open, warm, and non-judgemental. and sexy as hell, so just be yourself and talk about whatever you feel comfy with and ask questions and in no time at all, talking about sex will seem pretty damn natural.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Her Royal Spriteness
oh, yeah, and like Beffers said, stay clear of the think tank unless you enjoy the stress - it gets nasty in there.

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

Hey Samantha and welcome to Lush. Sit back and have some fun!
Welcome Samantha! Looking at your bio you said you are honest and weird so you already sound awesome! Enjoy your lush life smile
Bonnet Flaunter
Welcome, Samantha! Hope you enjoy your time on Lush.
"the Great God (snicker)" - James 'Bear' Llewellyn
Welcome aboard Samantha
If anyone judges you they are worth absolutely no response... even ignoring.
We all have our little kinks, even if some refuse to admit it.

Your account is for you to enjoy your time, so long as no one is hurt (oh and in within the rules), what business is it of anyone else?

I see you want to write, this is the best site I have come across for support from both Mods and users. Get your nose in the writing forum, read, ask, read again, and most important... try. A few authors helped and pushed me and I love it now.
I'm happy to help where I can, but you'll have to excuse my excessive use of 'U', being a Brit...

Have fun.

Kite's Kinky Tales

My latest offering -

Once more in Love Poems - My Forever Beauty

My 2 previous submissions:

Both Love Poems


As The New Year Dawns

Please read and enjoy. If you really enjoyed a story someone has written; how about clicking on 'Like' and/or 'Favorite'.
Why not leave a comment too?

Hello and Welcome to Lush Samantha.
As you can see from the replies already, the people here are very friendly and welcoming and for many, Your pleasure is Their pleasure.
I very much doubt that anyone here will judge you. Judgmental people just do Not belong here at all. Just be true to yourself and if you state things like "I do not share pics" "I do not cam" "No email or private details", then Stick to what you say and never allow yourself to feel pressured into anything you are not comfortable with. We are All here for sexual pleasure, so Enjoy. Dave
Active Ink Slinger
Hi, Samantha. No harm in being shy. Sex is wonderful when you talk about it (or dare I say enjoy it) with the right people, but I never fancy opening myself up to smutty comments, which can happen only too often. I'm only new but I've found so many stories and people who take sex seriously for the beautiful wonder that it can be. I don't know if you'd like to read my stories, Octet and Honeyfold. People seem to have liked them, and I've tried to show the beauty and wonder of sex. I find a lot of others here do, too. Hope you have a wonderful time here.
Hey Samantha I'm so glad you've joined Lush. And after having a look at your profile I've realized that you're a creative woman and creativity flourishes here. You'll like the style of Lush and get addicted to its taste. Welcome to the heart of online erotic literature smile
Sitting at the edge of darkness
Welcome to Lush, Samantha.

I am sure you will find any number of stories to interest you. There are many wonderful writers here and I have barely sampled them.
For the most part the people here are friendly and helpful. If you want to write, check out a few stories on the topic you want to write about, get the ideas flowing. make notes when something strikes you. The mods are very helpful and there are forums for writers to help you get started.

I never imagined I would write anything for or that anyone else would ever read, yet I gave it a whirl. My short flash stories were well received, and yes I did have a couple that were rejected because I initially failed to read the story requirements and thankfully, when going back and re reading them, it was probably a good thing.

From one shy girl to another, you have come to the right place.

Take Care
Check out Kiteares A-Z of kinks and fetishes in micros. The first is of course A Actirasty (if you read it you won't have to google it!)

Site administrator
Sadly she has deleted her account hence her posts are now attributed to 'Guest'.