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Certified Mind Reader

I was looking through my output for LS over the years, and decided that it could use a bit of pruning, so I'll be removing some of what I think are my weakest entries. Most of them are half-baked competition entries, some shitty poetry, and a couple of 'seemed like a good idea at the time' stories that probably needed a bit more thought before I started working them out on the page. Anyway, here's the list of what I'll be deleting at the end of the month:

  • With Interest (part 2) - A sequel that didn't really go in an exciting direction. Decided that the first entry works well enough as a stand-alone piece

  • I Don't Mean to Cause Alarm - My first attempt at erotic poetry.

  • Christmas Carol - A play on the old Dickens plot for a Christmas themed competition.

  • Cumming Together, Parting as Strangers - Another competition, another bad poem.

  • The Research Assistant - Competition story that needed more room to develop than was allowed.

  • Giving Feedback - Another competition story that ran out of room before it really took off.

  • Smashing Pumpkins - My latest competition story, a micro. It took me about 15 minutes to write it, and it wouldn't be the most heartbreaking thing I can imagine to allow these handful of sentences to vanish into oblivion after the competition is judged.

Post-avant-retro-demelodicized-electro-yodel-core is my jam.

Headbanging ape from cold North 🤘

Quote by Just_A_Guy_You_Know
Smashing Pumpkins - My latest competition story, a micro. It took me about 15 minutes to write it, and it wouldn't be the most heartbreaking thing I can imagine to allow these handful of sentences to vanish into oblivion after the competition is judged.

But if you actually make the top ten? Might not want to make a decision on this one until Friday. 😋

Nothing new on here, but my entry in the latest comp on StoriesSpace took third place!

Read it here: Plus One

Certified Mind Reader

Win or lose, in my opinion it's not my best work, so it's gonna go.

Post-avant-retro-demelodicized-electro-yodel-core is my jam.

Certified Mind Reader

And they're gone. Did you miss them? Trust me, you didn't miss much. But I've still got plenty of much better stories published here, if you really want to read my work.

Post-avant-retro-demelodicized-electro-yodel-core is my jam.

Certified Mind Reader

Quote by Georgia_27_8
I understand why you'd do that, but I also think it is a shame to delete the evidence of your progress as a writer.

Or maybe I've just increased the value of any copies of my stories floating around now that they're officially out of print. Could be setting myself up for a lucrative 'reissue' ten years down the road. In this case, that's not too likely, though, and I wouldn't really count those stories/poems as "progress."

However, if you do want to see where it all started, this was the first erotic story I wrote (and the second I published to this site): After that you can read the rest of my bibliography to see how my LS writing career unfurled from there.

Post-avant-retro-demelodicized-electro-yodel-core is my jam.