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A-Z !

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The idea is to start at a letter of the alphabet; for instance: (Q) Quantum mathamatical speaking it just makes sense.

So the next sentence will start with the letter R ok.

Go for it!!!!!
(R) ,,respondant ,,I am the first respondant.
(S) Steel. My father has balls made of steel!

(Is this the way this game is supposed to work?)

Quote by Ling-Li
(S) Steel. My father has balls made of steel!

(Is this the way this game is supposed to work?)


Yeah kind of but no full stops or commas.

(T) The most sexiest man on Lush is...???
(U) Undoubtedly the sexiest man on Lush is Stephenrocca!!!

Bunny Rabbits cute and fuzzy they want to love you but they have razor sharp teeth - don't piss them off!

That counts right?
Forget who you thought I was, I'm The Chris J bitch!
W - is for wine and loads of it, by the bucket load please ...

*The Dark Room*

How do you talk to an Angel available from Amazon.
X? Seriously? Ok...

X-actly what U talkin bout foo?

In order to know virtue, you must first become acquainted with vice.
- Donatien Alphonse Francois de Sade

En vis mann slår aldri en hund i klubben med en stokk, fordi hunden vil vende rundt og biter mannens ballene av.
You know what I'm about, mang...
Zip it out and let me have a little suck
All......righty then (to paraphrase Jim Carey)
Better stand back! I don't know how big this thing's gonna get!
Cash always works best!
Damn and I always thought sex was best!
Gee Honey, are you sure you don't want some fudge?
Hot damn, I'm gonna get some fudge!

Just don't bite!
Kiss and nibble?
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥
lovers loving life
Meet me in Paris?
Over her hubby's dead body.
Purely by coincidence, of course.
Quite possibly the most fun I've had in a long time!
Ruh roh! Having lots of fun in bed with triplets and I can't remember which one is which!

In order to know virtue, you must first become acquainted with vice.
- Donatien Alphonse Francois de Sade

En vis mann slår aldri en hund i klubben med en stokk, fordi hunden vil vende rundt og biter mannens ballene av.
Threesomes with my wife and another woman are lots of fun.
Unless someone feels left out.
♥ Listen, touch, and look around in the air and on the ground. If you watch all nature's things, you might just see a fairy's wings. ♥