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Wow, isnt she lady-like!?

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Active Ink Slinger

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
Alpha Blonde
This is still marginally less gross than the people that cover one nostril with their finger and then blow projectile boogers onto the sidewalk through their other nostril... without even slowing their speed or missing a step.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dancing_Doll
This is still marginally less gross than the people that cover one nostril with their finger and then blow projectile boogers onto the sidewalk through their other nostril... without even slowing their speed or missing a step.

Ah yes. That is called a Snot Rocket.

When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser. Socrates
I couldn't even finish watching that. That's disgusting. So is that other thing DD was talking about. I never seen that in my life until I moved to the South. It's just not done in the places I've lived.
I think this is classy. Show's she's a proper lady. Is there anything more sexy than a woman snorting and spitting? If there's a fetish for this I'm pretty sure I have it
Constant Gardener
Quote by chefkathleen
I couldn't even finish watching that. That's disgusting. So is that other thing DD was talking about. I never seen that in my life until I moved to the South. It's just not done in the places I've lived.

I take it you've never played football ... or thrown hay bales in a field or barn?
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by chefkathleen
I couldn't even finish watching that. That's disgusting. So is that other thing DD was talking about. I never seen that in my life until I moved to the South. It's just not done in the places I've lived.

I live in Florida and the only people I have seen doing disgusting things like that are people that moved here from way up north.
My first story for Lush is posted, The Goodbye Fuck.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dancing_Doll
This is still marginally less gross than the people that cover one nostril with their finger and then blow projectile boogers onto the sidewalk through their other nostril... without even slowing their speed or missing a step.

oh dear god theres a mental image thats not gonna go away any time soon...ewwww
littlemissbitch ~ professional face ripper offer, at your service..
Constant Gardener
Quote by littlemissbitch

oh dear god theres a mental image thats not gonna go away any time soon...ewwww

Come the end of June, you should hang with Mr.DebonairRogue; driving the tractor for a weekend, while we (the beer guzzling crew) are tossing bales of clover.

I can shoot some snot rockets, by gawd. Still.

I've got a great set of lungs.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Quote by WellMadeMale

I take it you've never played football ... or thrown hay bales in a field or barn?

Lolz, nope. Not a country girl here. I'd be Lisa from Green Acres.
Quote by beowulf69

I live in Florida and the only people I have seen doing disgusting things like that are people that moved here from way up north.

I too live in Florida and it's only the natives that I've seen do it. I have never seen a transplant, snow bird or tourist do that.
The reporters face when he asked the camera guy "Tell me you got that" was absolutely hilarious.
Active Ink Slinger
xD Wow
Are you truly awake?
all she needed was spandex and underarm hair..
how funnny is that especially the pause and smirk the reporter has on his face,
wow what a great avatar pic above
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by chefkathleen

I too live in Florida and it's only the natives that I've seen do it. I have never seen a transplant, snow bird or tourist do that.

I stand my my statement, I have only seen northern transplants behave in such a tacky manner.
My first story for Lush is posted, The Goodbye Fuck.
The Linebacker
Quote by Dancing_Doll
This is still marginally less gross than the people that cover one nostril with their finger and then blow projectile boogers onto the sidewalk through their other nostril... without even slowing their speed or missing a step.

GROSS! I've never seen anyone do that Thank God!

I have read about many municipalities having "laws against spitting on the sidewalk" on their books dating from the 1800s when cities decide to update their codes and always wondered why such laws existed. I guess that is why. Maybe they should leave those laws on the books and enforce them.


PS. Seeing some of the above posts I have to say something. I am a southerner born, raised and traveled extensively throughout the south as well as the USA and some other countries and I have NEVER witnessed anyone shooting snot on the sidewalk. The above accusation of southerners doing this seems quite ludicrous to me and unwarranted, because well behaved public manners seem to be much more prevalent in the south than anywhere else. I could mention the places I have visited where manners are non-existent and rudeness rules. But I'd rather not escalate and friction.

The woman in that video sure isn't southern!
The Linebacker
Quote by WellMadeMale

I take it you've never played football ... or thrown hay bales in a field or barn?

You're right about those two WMM.

I've thrown bales of hay in the field and barn and that awful hay dust gets in your nasal passages and throat but everyone usually just walked several feet away from the others to cough that up and no ladies were present.

On the football field, all kinds of stuff comes up after you've received a crushing 'slobber knocker' hit. You can't help it. Your knees go weak and wobble, the field seems to be spinning, and bodily fluids may come up. That's why we called them 'slobber knockers.' I have been hit so hard I vomited more than once or worse spit up blood. I have played entire quarters with blood oozing from my nose. I have seen guys get hit so hard that they pissed or shit on themselves. Football is a tough sport and is not for sissies. But it was great fun to play!
Alpha Blonde
Quote by chefkathleen

I too live in Florida and it's only the natives that I've seen do it. I have never seen a transplant, snow bird or tourist do that.

The people I've seen do it (just a handful of times) are non-english speaking immigrants (I won't name the country) and they've typically been older people too - not walking around in the country or in a field - but right there on a busy city sidewalk. Maybe it's normal in certain countries, who knows.
Quote by lafayettemister

Ah yes. That is called a Snot Rocket.

Good to know there is an actual name for it
Head Nurse
Ohio native, Florida resident, live in multiple states north and south. Live in the country work in the city. I've seen lots of people(girls and guys) blow snot rockets north and south in the fields.. I rarely see it in town. & for that matter the country folk I associate would do it beyond the fields & barn. I'm sorry but when you are shoveling manure the niceties of Kleenex are usually not observed. For that matter, the occasions when I have carried Kleenex in the barn I'd rather not use it as pockets trap lots of dirt, chaff, and other things.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Buz

GROSS! I've never seen anyone do that Thank God!

I have read about many municipalities having "laws against spitting on the sidewalk" on their books dating from the 1800s when cities decide to update their codes and always wondered why such laws existed. I guess that is why. Maybe they should leave those laws on the books and enforce them.


PS. Seeing some of the above posts I have to say something. I am a southerner born, raised and traveled extensively throughout the south as well as the USA and some other countries and I have NEVER witnessed anyone shooting snot on the sidewalk. The above accusation of southerners doing this seems quite ludicrous to me and unwarranted, because well behaved public manners seem to be much more prevalent in the south than anywhere else. I could mention the places I have visited where manners are non-existent and rudeness rules. But I'd rather not escalate and friction.

The woman in that video sure isn't southern!

BRAVO! I two, am from the South and I have seen spitting, the blowing snot out of one nostril and then the other. (I have only seen the snot thing done by a woman, ONCE and that was enough). I couldn't believe it. I see Landscapers do it quiet frequently. I reckon it's due to the stuff that gets in their noses and cause them to get allergies or what have you. I imagine it's easier then blowing in something (which they probably don't have on hand). Whatever the reason ... it's not a pleasant site to witness.

I have seen it done in the North, South, East and West of the United States. You might see it done if you watch sports. I have seen it done in my travels as well. It's not an everyday thing for sure ... but, to single out South is

Note: When I visit places, it's not uncommon for someone to remark about how friendly I am and How they aren't use to seeing someone smile a lot. Hey, I'm from the South. Where I live now, as is most places now a days ... you have people coming from all over. Especially where I live. So, who is to say if they are from the South, North, West, etc...
Head Nurse
Just want to add I've also run across some girls who dip. Talk about a way to become very trashy really fast(and the girls I know who do are tall beautiful barbie blonds). just watch them spit dark brown tobacco juice. yuck!
The Linebacker
Quote by naughtynurse
Just want to add I've also run across some girls who dip. Talk about a way to become very trashy really fast(and the girls I know who do are tall beautiful barbie blonds). just watch them spit dark brown tobacco juice. yuck!

Whoa! I have chewed tobacco and dipped but nearly always at the hunting cabin, no women around and where guys are 'just letting our hair down.' Back in my college frat days occasionally we'd chew some tobacco but with great objections from our girlfriends. After having a little fun getting on their nerves we'd stop. We mostly did it to get a rise out of them anyhow. ha
Active Ink Slinger
YUK!! But it seemed so staged. I mean after he told her they were filming she keeps coming back into the shot.

As for the "snot rockets", I remember back when I was in Highschool, some guys did it all the time. They actually would bet on who could shoot them the furthest. Maybe they thought it would get them laid, you know if they can get that up................, LOL.

I can only remember seeing an adult do it one time and it was in Florida too. Not sure if he was a native or not though. Pretty Gross!!
That was hilariously gross...
Quote by lafayettemister

Ah yes. That is called a Snot Rocket.

Ah the snot rocket -- the best natural tool for creating space between you and the pesty defender biting at your ankle. Used this technique quite often during intese footbal (soccer) matches in my youth... I left many defenders with snotty cleats, or shorts, or hands... hahaha

Still gross as hell though... I´m sure this is why it worked so wonderfully.
Advanced Wordsmith
Wow...that's all I can say really. lol