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Marriage and children - like or don't?

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It's becoming more common these days - stories that follow a relationship into marriage and onto having kids. Or - ones that center around the 'single parent' and so on.

How do you feel about these types of stories - especially ones that progress into it? Like it or not?

My view:
I can't stand it -I'm all for Jack and Dianne meeting and falling in love and even getting married but I don't want to read about pregnancy and rugrats. As if a book of erotica nature needs that extra dose of real life . . . It always works out so pathetically: The guy has king kong monster schlong and she's this smart little firecracker of a sex kitten who graduated with honors . . . but she's stupid enough to forget her depo shot appointment and then *oops* honey - we fuck like crazed rabbits but now we's gonna have ourselves a babah!

Yeah - I lived that and had kids . . . I don't need repeats of my life between the pages of a book called Raw Heat.

If it's going to be in a book - I won't be reading it.
It really depends on your audience, who you are writing for.

That's much more common in romance novels, than in stories on a site like lush (although the "love stories" section might be suitable to some extent).

We are primarily an erotica / sex stories site, I want to read about hot sex, interesting characters, plots that take me away from the norm. I don't want to read stories about marriage and 2.2 children.
Princess Blondie
I don't mind the marriage bit, that's nice, I guess. I don't want to read about the kids and such. Leave it at the end they got married, happily ever after.
Even in a full length book, I don't want to read it. I'm on the same page as you.
†Jinxy Approved†

Active Ink Slinger
Marriage is one thing, but kids really doesn't fit here
I enjoy reading about married couples who have strong relationships and have kept the spark alive between them. I don't think marriage takes the erotic element out of a story. The intimacy the couple shares can enhance the storyline if it's done well.

I don't like seeing kids in erotic stories, though. I'd rather they were left out of it or mentions of them kept to a minimum.
If you write erotica and have 2.2 children, the best thing to do is put the children in the microwave and do laundry. Maybe by the time you are through they will have become Laverne and Shirley. Who thinks up these damn. You either do or dont.
Detention Seeker
Marriage can be a nice end to a story but kid's is not a good thing in my view after all this is a site for adult's and sex.
Her Royal Spriteness
i especially don't like reading about the .2 kid. Really, is that like just a head and one arm? kind of creepy, if you ask me....

a serious answer. no, i don't care for it. if i want to read romance and happy ever afters, i'll go read them else where. here, i want pure hot, steamy, unapologetic sex. there is, to me, nothing erotic about 9 months of pregnancy, childbirth, and raising kids. nothing wrong with it, but notice i said "erotic". if it's a story involving a married couple with children, and the children are more of an aside to set the scene up, yeah, i'm ok, but no, please please please keep your kids out of my porn. thank you. smile

You can’t truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of violence. If you’re not capable of violence, you’re not peaceful. You’re harmless.

That's quite a relief - I've come across several stories that have the whole 'family' aspect worked in somehow and I was beginning to wonder if that's where the minds of most people *wanted* to go.

Glad to see so many don't approve of porn with a kiddie-order on the side.

It just seems so - twistedly wrong - to get me worked up one paragraph and then talk about Susie Q's new hairdo the next. LOL.
Active Ink Slinger
Your stories are going to go where they need to go. That's just how you write stories.

As far as to whether they're appropriate here, I would have to say no. Since this site focuses on the adults-only part of relationships, extended discussions of kids aren't really good for this particular market. It wouldn't hurt to have a scene at the end where your couple returns home, married with kids, to close out a story, especially a love story or one that has a really long buildup. But adult entertainment markets stray away from children for very obvious reasons. I don't like reading stories that have children, but I don't have a problem with reading about married couples.
The Linebacker
I'm married but If I write a Leave It To Beaver story it sure ain't gonna be about Beaver Cleaver.
Constant Gardener
Quote by Lisa
I don't like seeing kids in erotic stories, though. I'd rather they were left out of it or mentions of them kept to a minimum.


The kids were shipped off to Grandma's farm for the week.
Our son and daughter each went off to their respective summer camps, and we...
We finally managed to pawn off our free loading 21 yr old daughter to a convent and just last week, Jim kicked our 17 yr old drop-out son off to juvenile detention, which finally gave us an empty home for the first time since 1991!
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Clever Gem
Quote by nicola
It really depends on your audience, who you are writing for.

That's much more common in romance novels, than in stories on a site like lush (although the "love stories" section might be suitable to some extent).

We are primarily an erotica / sex stories site, I want to read about hot sex, interesting characters, plots that take me away from the norm. I don't want to read stories about marriage and 2.2 children.

Yes , what Nicola said!!!

Don't get me wrong, I like kids, but I could never eat a whole one.
Active Ink Slinger
Just like storys wit adults in them ....
Alpha Blonde
If I ever write about an engagement or wedding, it's usually because one of the characters is having hot dirty sex with someone other than their fiance/hubby/bride. So in that case, it can definitely work in erotica.

Otherwise, writing about domestic things like a settled marriage, minivans and kids is very 'unsexy' to me, so I wouldn't be including them in a story, nor would I have a desire to read about it.

I guess it can work in MILF, mature or love story categories? I don't really venture into those categories but I can see why it might work as a backdrop. Maybe readers who are in that stage of life would enjoy reading about it, although in a short story it would have to be kept to a minimum just to create the distance from the action. It might work better in a novel or novella though.

Overall, I can definitely see some people wanting to read about characters they can identify with. I typically do the same as far as age/status goes with both what I read and what I write.
Active Ink Slinger
If a mention of kids is that they are at a friends for the night or something like that to set up a couple being alone at home for some hot sex then fine. But if the kid characters are developed and a central part of the story, then I would assume the story is heading towards a specific genre.
The Linebacker
Kids are part of life. We all used to be kids. As long as they are not part of the erotica it doesn't bother me. If they are then that's disgusting and the story is going to be rejected. They may be part of building the central character who could be a mom, dad, etc. Parents of children have sex too, obviously. If the story is written well, with a good story line and the adults have their opportunity to kick up some good hot sweaty juicy sex, then go for it!
Well, it all depends on how'd you define ''kids'' in question. I personally enjoy reading stories where married moms have sex in front of their sons. However, the son in question is always typically aged 18 or above. The idea of giving minors a prominent role in any type of erotica story just dosen't sit well with me..
Active Ink Slinger
Don't. That's too real.
Active Ink Slinger
I think I agree with everyone here - there is a time and place for such domesticity in stories that include such things as marriage and kids and all that that means but when it comes to the kind of erotica I enjoy reading, such realities are best left out or at the very least, left to one's imagination or however one envisions a happily-ever-after.
Quote by Dancing_Doll
I don't really venture into those categories but I can see why it might work as a backdrop.

This exactly. It is window-dressing/backstory that helps set the stage. Many of my stories are about married couples but rarely touch on domestic details other than as backstory. In one, I did mention that the kids were away at camp and left it at that. My interest in married couples is in couples exploring and expanding their sexual activities, not their domestic lives. That's what I like to read, too, where erotica is concerned.
Prolific Writer
I definitely do not want to read about that stuff. This is a place to explore fantasies and marriage and kids do not belong in the stories.

This is about wild and crazy times.
Active Ink Slinger
Sometimes the kids grow up and have their own stories.
Constant Gardener
Quote by nicola
It really depends on your audience, who you are writing for.

That's much more common in romance novels, than in stories on a site like lush (although the "love stories" section might be suitable to some extent).

We are primarily an erotica / sex stories site, I want to read about hot sex, interesting characters, plots that take me away from the norm. I don't want to read stories about marriage and 2.2 children.

Hot sex, interesting characters...plots that are definitely away from the norm... adult children of adults?

You've described the leading category.

I know you better than that. But, that is more twisted than color TV.
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
I really shouldn't drink and lush...anything over 0.05 your keyboard should be locked.