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A Friend of mine ..

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Active Ink Slinger
Yes she is a good friend, known her for years ....we were sitting around the pool ...talking, the conversation some how got to my husband, she said she had always been turned on , by how he looked, his attitude, und the way he talked.und she just loved older guys. out of nowhere she ask me if it would bee possible for her to have him in bed just one time, so she could make her dream come true... i told her not to take this as a no .....but give me a day or two to think about it would be really good for his ego .. und i know it would really turn me on also ...und if it was only one time .......should i say yes ...or its up to him .....????? im not the least bit jealous with this no matter how it goes .
Active Ink Slinger
If I was you, I'd approach it as a threesome. It'd be more fun for you then telling him to go off and spend the night with her. That way you get to watch his pleasure, get some yourself and your friend will get her fantasy. With you there, kissing and touching him while he fucks her, it will obvious it is an experience to share together.
" I don't know the question, but sex is definitely the answer"
Woody Allen
Site administrator
From what you say .. assuming he would be fine with it since thats not stated .. its sounds like a win situation all round to me .. damn lucky him!!
Active Ink Slinger
I'd run from this - unless you don't care about losing your husband and/or friend.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by FitBusinessPro
I'd run from this - unless you don't care about losing your husband and/or friend.

Exactly. If it's something you all want to do, I guess you should go for it BUT be prepared that this little tryst might not be quite as simple as you might think - sometimes these propositions come with a hefty price to pay. There is no going back from this once you've done it.
Raised on Blackroot
Give it to him once, he'll probably want it again.

It's that simple.

Take from that what you will.
Detention Seeker
My advice would be to make it a 3 some also. Just think how turned on you would be being a part of it.
Active Ink Slinger
sleep with her by yourself and see if she is worthy and go from there.......but be careful, this could backfire very easily. good luck
If there's no jealousy issues than it's really up to you. But MadMartigan has a good point - might not end up being only one time. Could you live with him switching between you two - or even finding someone else on the side that you don't know?

Having been in an open relationship, there's a lot of trust issues that go with that. Tread carefully as you may end up in a place you never dreamed of and sometimes that place isn't very nice.
Active Ink Slinger
I think you need to ask yourself a lot of questions. For instance
Have you and your husband ever discussed bringing in a third person as either a fantasy or as a real possibility?
Has he ever brought up being interested in another woman in any context? If he did how did you respond.
The others are right that this might open up a new dimension in your relationship. Could you be happy with that? What if you want to do again but he doesn't?
This, to me, is an idea that needs to develop, not just dropped as an idea out of the blue. Could open up something you did not expect.
Buxom Enigma
This is REALLY not something to go into lightly. You risk ruining your friendship AND marriage, whether it goes good, or bad.

If this is really something you guys are looking into, and awesome place to start talking is a couples' forum called .... They have LOTS of great things to discuss, and even a thread called "Thinking About Swinging?"

I'd advise you see what they have to offer, together, and you guys have a serious talk before broaching the subject with her again. It can have some hefty consequences.

In swinging, there's an encouraged thought process: "Talk about it, talk about it, talk about talking about it, and talk some more."
"Good writing is supposed to evoke sensation in the reader - not the fact that it is raining, but the feeling of being rained upon." -E.L. Doctorow
Active Ink Slinger
seriously heavy stuff, not just a whim one off, but with long term repercussions.
a damned if he does damed if he does not situation.
think and comeup with your answer, not what we on here will say - for whatever motive!
Active Ink Slinger
I'd say let them do it if you're ok with it but don't leave them alone you can watch them or even take part in the action. Trust is a big thing in a relationship and it should be no problem if you can seperate what's love and what is simply having sex

I lost my virginity in such a situation I knew a friend who is 35 and his wife is 33. They live in a very open relationship in that they allow each other to have sex with others as long as they tell them about it. To cut this story short he talked to her about my situation and she was fine with having sex with me and it ended up well for all of us. Of course I agreed to let him watch us and we still see each other
Active Ink Slinger
Tough one. need to make sure that this won't get weird. Maybe getting wiht her first (with hubby watching) might open this up a bit. Then invite him in as you feel more into it.
Always looking to have fun. Never a challenge too big or a woman too damn sexy for me to try!