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Scoring without comments

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I know some people just click on the number, but why not comment on why you scored as you did?

Like most authors I know, getting feedback is probably the most important part. What did you like, what didn't you like?
Advanced Wordsmith
This is an unfortunate characteristic of sites like this. By and large, readers are just here to suck up stories. A huge number of readers will read a story. A tiny portion of those readers will bother to click a number. And a tiny portion of those readers will take the time to comment.

It's very selfish, but it's just the way people are: unappreciative greedheads.

I've published some of my stories on Literotica, too, and it's the same way there.

It's just something that a writer has to get used to and expect and live with.

That's why I so highly value readers who will show their appreciation by commenting on a story or getting in touch through email. They're real gems and I appreciate them taking the time. I make a point to respond to them very promptly as an encouragement.

Really, I think most writers look an comments and contacts from readers as 'payment' for a story (I do). Since that's the case I think the writers have to get used to eating a lot of spaghetti (figuratively speaking).

I like publishing at smashwords. There a check shows up in my mailbox once a quarter. But not all my stories seem right for marketing there, and I'm glad there are sites like this to have an outlet for other stories that are good for reading, but not necessarily naturally marketable.
Constant Gardener
The same GQP demanding we move on from January 6th, 2021 is still doing audits of the November 3rd, 2020 election.
Giving a posting with less then a 5 and not giving and explanation is disrespectful.
I don't actually think that we as writers on this site (or any other) have a 'right' to demand scores or feedback from anyone who reads our work. Of course, I personally very much appreciate the fact that people sometimes take the time to vote and even more so when they leave a comment or even send a PM to show their appreciation or lack of it. A vote of 5 is of course ideal, however it very much depends on how each individual reader scores the stories they read. Less than five from one reader may actually be worth more than a five from someone who just automatically scores everything with a five... And while we all know how helpful comments can be, I think that many people just don't want to - and why should they?

I do like the idea of good feedback/scoring being akin to 'payment' for something they've gotten for free - it seems like a nice idea, however, we as writers have chosen to give it for free, so we don't really have any right to demand feedback etc, but for the reader to give it freely does seem mannerly to me, but not essential.

As I've said in various threads, it really is down to the reader whether they choose to leave a score or comment or not - our choice, as posters on this site, is to accept what we get or not. There are various ways of trying to get more interaction or less - forced commenting, switching off scoring and or commenting (I so dislike forced commenting)

As an aside, I have, over the years, purchased a great number of books or ebooks. I have received them as gifts, I have borrowed them... If I am being very very honest, I have left maybe only a handful of reviews in my lifetime...
Active Ink Slinger
Mazza's comments make perfect sense. No writer has the automatic right to receive feedback.

Bethalia, when was the last time that you borrowed a book from the library, then wrote to the author to comment on what you thought of their work? I dare say never.

On adagio_sabadicus's reasoning, I can only vote if I give a 5?! Really? If I don't say why it only merits a 4, that is being disrespectful?? Surely it is more disrespectful to expect the reader to comment every time?

I have written children's books and published them, I do not expect every parent or child to enjoy every story, nor do I expect feedback. I appreciate it when it is given, regardless of its nature and I will listen to the criticism, but it is never expected.
Prolific Writer
I know sometimes when I read categories that I may not want the whole world to know that I read I will just score the piece and then privately PM the author with my praising comments.

I will always leave a comment on things I absolutely love.

Feedback is so important to writers. I always try to give a rave review if I really like something.
Active Ink Slinger
I'm new to Lush and have only read a dozen or so stories, of which I only rated two and commented on none. Why? I didn't like most of them for one reason or another, pertaining to the writing style or content and if I did rate them it would have been very low. I didn't comment on the two I rated because I didn't have anything to contribute that hadn't already been said hundreds of times. However, there was one story which had an overall rating of 5 from hundreds of readers. I thought about rating it a 3 but chose not to because I didn't want to receive backlash (not sure if that happens on here). This story was extremely well written, so much so that I couldn't stop reading it even though the ass to mouth (big turn-off for me) theme kept coming up in the story.
I only score without a comment if I cannot post for some reason. Usually I am on the phone and it just acts a little pissy sometimes

So if you get a score without a comment it is not that I didn't enjoy the poem or story it is a glitch

I like to let the author know how much I enjoy their work!
Active Ink Slinger
Not all readers are comfortable leaving comments. Sometimes words just run out. Just like not all authors/writers say 'thank you'
Active Ink Slinger
I agree with Naturallyred, I read stories and score them but often don't comment because it's already been said.
Quote by Mazza
I don't actually think that we as writers on this site (or any other) have a 'right' to demand scores or feedback from anyone who reads our work. Of course, I personally very much appreciate the fact that people sometimes take the time to vote and even more so when they leave a comment or even send a PM to show their appreciation or lack of it. A vote of 5 is of course ideal, however it very much depends on how each individual reader scores the stories they read. Less than five from one reader may actually be worth more than a five from someone who just automatically scores everything with a five... And while we all know how helpful comments can be, I think that many people just don't want to - and why should they?

I do like the idea of good feedback/scoring being akin to 'payment' for something they've gotten for free - it seems like a nice idea, however, we as writers have chosen to give it for free, so we don't really have any right to demand feedback etc, but for the reader to give it freely does seem mannerly to me, but not essential.

As I've said in various threads, it really is down to the reader whether they choose to leave a score or comment or not - our choice, as posters on this site, is to accept what we get or not. There are various ways of trying to get more interaction or less - forced commenting, switching off scoring and or commenting (I so dislike forced commenting)

As an aside, I have, over the years, purchased a great number of books or ebooks. I have received them as gifts, I have borrowed them... If I am being very very honest, I have left maybe only a handful of reviews in my lifetime...

Quite an excellent point, I don't ever think I quite thought about it like that. I've written many stories and gotten a 2 or 1 by many readers without an explanation. I never liked it, and I still don't, but I guess it is their right considering there is no charge to read the story. I guess also, a lot of stories are long, and people may not even read every single word. So, they may not even want to vote on it, if they truly did get the feel of it, by reading all of it. Whether they gave me a low vote or not, or decided not to leave a comment, I thank people for reading my stories anyway. I also wanna thank people that always leave a comment, that's always appreciated.
Active Ink Slinger
As a writer, I'm not too hung up on scores or comments. I'm more interested in the number of reads and the number of follows. To me, those are the metrics that matter. That said, I do try to leave comments when I score a story, and I only score stories that I like. If I can't say something nice, I'd prefer not to say anything at all ...
Advanced Wordsmith
I only score 4s and 5s but I will comment on many. I get a bit peeved for bad scores and negative comments about the type of story I wrote when the tags CLEARLY include what they do not like. Another peeve is negative comments from someone who has never posted a story at all. OK rant done. TYVM
Active Ink Slinger
IMHO, a reader can say whatever she feels like saying. I don't write for readers. I write for me. I hope people like it, but really, it's all about me.
I think some authors opinions are offensive. You will never hear from every follower no matter what you do: creating music, writing stories, painting art.

To insult you followers when YOU provide them the entertainment, choosing to do so for free, is foul. How dare you? What a crap attitude to have. Why write if your attitude views people so lowly. Don't like annonymity that goes along with free sex story sites? Then don't write and don't post here.

People's private opinions are NOT everyones business. If an author sees someone has voted and are curious then they can write and ask. If people don't necessarily want every reader to know what they're thinking the that's fine.

There's also the option to keep non members from votig and commenting - if you opt out, then that reduces feedback and makes all votes known to you.

No one is for forcing you to WRITE. No one should force people to share their opinions.
That being said - there are other communities for authors and some have a critique system of some sort to encourage feedback and input for authors to improve. Lush is not designed to do so. If the goal for you is to do this then seek out such a community and learn with other authors.

I learned a lot by having conversations with readers. I ask questions - research - when I'm curious.