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Can you really look at a cock and know that its 5,6, or 11 inches?

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Active Ink Slinger
How do most of you measure? I have always felt like if you put a dildo on a table and ask a room full of women the size of the dildo, most would be with in an inch or two but there would be different answers.
Active Ink Slinger
This question has nothing to do with sex, purely to do with perception and how much knowledge an individual would have to decide the length. Some people are better at estimating than others, just like some are better at writing than others, better at art than others etc. I really cannot understand why you would need to ask this question. It's pretty self explanatory.
Everything happens for a reason. Live for the moment and have no regrets.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by anonymous1526
This question has nothing to do with sex, purely to do with perception and how much knowledge an individual would have to decide the length. Some people are better at estimating than others, just like some are better at writing than others, better at art than others etc. I really cannot understand why you would need to ask this question. It's pretty self explanatory.

So if you say the biggest you have been with is 10" it could be 8, right?
Once you know the length of one, it's pretty easy to guess roughly. But, honestly, if I am with a cock that's ready for action, the last thing I am really thinking about is it's exact dimensions...
Active Ink Slinger
Well it could be if my perception skills were bad, but they are not and the fact the distance between my thumb and first finger spread open is about 6 inches I can roughly guess cock size, also by how it feels when I wank it, have it in my mouth and especially in my pussy. So, no, for me the biggest I have had was about 8 inches and it was around 8 inches. Someone with a bad perception may think an 8 inch cock looks like a 10 inch because they have no intellect of the metric scale and would of assumed the distance wrong. Purely all about having a good knowledge of perception.
Everything happens for a reason. Live for the moment and have no regrets.
Impoaaible lol
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by anonymous1526
Well it could be if my perception skills were bad, but they are not and the fact the distance between my thumb and first finger spread open is about 6 inches I can roughly guess cock size, also by how it feels when I wank it, have it in my mouth and especially in my pussy. So, no, for me the biggest I have had was about 8 inches and it was around 8 inches. Someone with a bad perception may think an 8 inch cock looks like a 10 inch because they have no intellect of the metric scale and would of assumed the distance wrong. Purely all about having a good knowledge of perception.

So you have measured the distance between your thumb and index finger to know it is six inches and therefore using your hand is how you measure, right?
Active Ink Slinger
I never have/ probably never will be good with measurements.. So in my eyes, it would be ranked into: donkey, huge, big, biggish, average, smaller. Why is everyone so obsessed with numbers. Age/length/ cup size. Why not just enjoy things!
Advanced Wordsmith
I really don't care about measurements but I do know that I like a certain size. I do know that you can't churn butter with a toothpick biggrin
Active Ink Slinger
I donT take a measure..... They look nice / ugly / short or long / thick or thin ..... I tend to enjoy the moments and get on with it.
I am looking for more than was in my bed for 20+ years and going to enjoy variety
Active Ink Slinger
"Can you really look at a cock and know that its 5,6, or 11 inches?"

well, i tell ya this... i know from experience i can look at one that's 5 or 6 and know that the dude who is telling me it's 11 is living in a dream world.
Active Ink Slinger
I can usually guess fairly accurately how big it is.. Doesn't matter anyway, after 7 inchs it's all about girth for me
Rainbow Warrior
I carry around a tape measure in my purse for just such dilemmas! :-)
Active Ink Slinger
A dollar bill is just about 2 & 1/2 inches by 6 inches. If I really really need to measure something and can't find a tape, I can use a dollar and do the math. By the way a hundred is the same size. Just saying...
Active Ink Slinger
l know if l want it!
Active Ink Slinger
I think I've gotten pretty accurate in recent times
It takes a while and lots of experience but like anything, practice makes perfect. I've seen my fair share over recent times
Active Ink Slinger
I've honestly never looked at a cock and tried to guess the size. I have seen them and thought to myself, well this isn't going to go well, for both the too small too big theory I have. By too small I mean skinny, I prefer girth to length any day. But give me the right girth and length and I'm cumming over and over again.
Active Ink Slinger
I'll let you guess the size ;)
Active Ink Slinger
Does it really matter? If it works and satisfies that should be what matters.