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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male
United States


Active Ink Slinger
I decided as a child to work only to live and that i would never ever live to work.

This has always stayed with me and always will.
Active Ink Slinger
That's a difficult one for me to answer. I've been with my wife since i was 18 and didn't really meet any girls before then as i went to an all boys school. I have therefore been with my wife longer than any female friends i have and i can't say i have imaginef having sex with any of them. Sure i have found a few attractive but have never thought anything more than that.

If i was on my own i reckon it would be different and i would no doubt be thinking some very naughty thoughts about them!!
Active Ink Slinger
The joys of parenthood. Told 5 year old tonight its too late to go out and its pouring with rain.

So he sneaks out the back door and off to his friend. When he realises he's in trouble he tells a friend that he's going to hide and never come back.

45 mins later, after a frantic search in the dark, a friend's mum brings him back home. Serious talk time..this goes beyond anger into cold silence.....

I'm sure its not just my 5 year old (can't let myself imagine what kind of teenager he will become).

Anyone else have horror stories from younger kids?
Active Ink Slinger
It has to be New Zealand. Had my honeymoon there and i would love to go back. I've pencilled it in for my 25th anniversary...only another 11 years to go!
Active Ink Slinger
When my wife has a drink she turns into a sexual animal after just one glass of wine. Its fantastic. Pity its been 6 years since she last had a drink!!
Active Ink Slinger
For me i was desperately trying to go out with somone else when i first met my wife. As my mind was very much on someone else we became just good friends for a few months. It was only after i spectacularly failed with the other girl that my wife and i started dating. By then we had already been mates for a while and this was an easy and natural progression for us both.
Active Ink Slinger
I've been told i look like....

and also...

Sadly not to the first and, after a swift exchange of words, the kid from school decided i did not in fact resemble Gonzo!
Active Ink Slinger
I certainly felt guilty when i first joined. I share everything with my wife except for my life on Lush. She is a very private person and does not like any social media sites so she certainly would not like this one.

I too am 40 - nearly, 40th coming soon- and have very different needs in our sex lives these days.

So at first it felt bad but only because it felt like i was somehow living a lie.

Now i'm ok with it and the reason i am ok with it is because i am true and open in my profile and in my posts. I make a point of the fact that i am happily married and i would not be embarrassed if my wife did ever see anything that i wrote. In other words my behaviour online has been and always will be exactly the same as offline. I am flirty yes but true to my friends and to my wife.

I hope this helps in some way as i did feel the same when i first joined.
Active Ink Slinger
Lori Singer in Footloose

then Kelly Le Brock in Woman in Red

then Jessica Lange in the Postman always rings twice

Active Ink Slinger
Never experienced make up sex as i've not had a single fight with my wife in 21 years
Active Ink Slinger
Police uniforms for me. I got pulled over once cos the headlight on my knackered old car was flashing the police car in front. I was asked to get into the back of her car. She talked to me for quite a while but i have no idea what she said. Complete brain freeze. I think she noticed, took pity on me and let me go!
Active Ink Slinger
I couldn't even watch all of them - either one. Just too in your face and uncomfortable for me to watch. Ickey, that's what they both are!!
Active Ink Slinger
My answer to this normally generates cries along the lines of 'you're a puff'!

But the truth is i don't have a celebrity crush. Without meeting them i can't tell what their personality is like. A cracking face and body means nothing to me without the personality to match.

There, i said it.
Active Ink Slinger
Comes across as warm and friendly...oh and having a close family is a big thumbs up from me!
Active Ink Slinger
When i looked up and called a girl from college to ask to meet up over Christmas.

It was a love at first sight moment and i'd been like a lost puppy all term I couldn't bear the thought of not seeing her over the Christmas holidays and gave her a call even thougb she had previously given me the just friends line in the past.

I called her and asked if she wanted to meet up. She was clearly lost for words and just said 'i'm busy that day'

I hadn't mentioned a day and reality smacked me right in the face.

What the fuck was i thinking?