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Over 90 days ago
Female, 154
United States



    “Hey Susan, how are you?” God just hearing her voice makes me wet. There is no way I can tell her we can’t see each other. I want her. I have to have her again. Oh fuck what are you doing?? I think to myself. “Good uh… listen there is some I have to t...

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A Slight Complication

This is part 2 of The Only Woman For Me

   I just hung up the phone and I can’t believe it. Elaine really left her husband and is moving back here. Damn but I have really missed that woman. I am smiling thinking to myself I can’t wait until next week when I look up and see Mike. “Hey baby, who...

     I am watching TV when the phone rings. The name and number that pops up on the screen catches me completely off guard. I haven’t heard from Elaine in a couple of years. Not since we had ended our affair because she felt she had to give her marriage a...

The Boarding School - Part 2

Merryanita and I thought it would be fun to write a story together. She posted part one.

I can’t believe they are just going to leave me here. What if someone walks in and sees me naked tied to the bed. How would I even begin to explain this to anyone? I pull on the scarves but they only get tighter as I struggle to get lose. They told me not...

We all head out of the office, Stuart and Michelle in the lead with Richard and me following behind. I can’t help but smile looking from one fine ass to the other. I glance over at Richard and he is doing the same he looks up at me and laughs saying,   “T...

I fell asleep thinking about Michelle dominating me this weekend and wake up thinking about it as well. It scares me yet turns me on so much I can hardly stand it. I roll over reaching for Michelle and she is gone and that is when I realize it is entirely...

While Stuart had invited me to stay with them tonight, I could tell Richard wanted Stuart all to himself and who could blame him. Stuart was not only a great looking guy but a great lover as well. As much fun as I have with those two men I didn’t want to...

Only two hours have passed since I agreed to go to my boss’s house tonight. It seems like it should be much later than it is. I have been trying to keep myself busy and not think about what may happen tonight with Stuart. But I can’t stop thinking about h...

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Damn I love working here

As I walk into my office building I can’t help but think what an amazing week it has been. I look into the different offices and I see Richard to the left of me, the new guy.   He and I got to know each other pretty well on Monday. To the right is Michell...

I am running late to work, and I needed to get there early. I still have to get home and change. I stayed at Michelle’s last night and while it was worth every minute I know there will be hell to pay when I finally make it to work. I tear into my driveway...

Annie and Michelle's Adventures 2

The Continuing Advenures of Annie and Michelle

Michelle and I look through the take-out menu and decide we will get the sesame chicken and 2 spring rolls. As she calls in the order I think back on the amazing day we have had. This morning Richard , Michelle and I had a threesome at work. I must say ha...

Tuesday has been a wonderful day and I am hoping to continue into a wonderful evening. As I follow Michelle to her house I cant help but think about how beautiful she is. She has long thick brown hair with pale blue eyes. She has kept in very good shape....

Tuesday Afternoon

Tuesdays are the most productive day of the week

I am told that Tuesday is the most productive day of the week. That might be true for most people and normally it would be true for me as well. Not so far this Tuesday , I couldn't stop thinking about what had happened the day before with Richard. I had n...

Monday Morning

Gotta love Mondays

I hate Mondays. They are the worse day of the week by far. It is the first day back to work and I sooooo don’t want to be there. I am tired from the weekend and I have to get up way to early to suit me. I am a night owl and always will be. As I get closer...

As I follow Connor to his house I have time to think about everything that has happened thus far tonight. I cant believe some of what has happened already. I had never done anything like what I did at the restaurant. I almost wonder if it really happened....