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Lucy goes to the Ball Part 2

"A young woman's experience at a her first fetish party continues"

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Lucy put her hands out and closed her eyes as Valerie approached. In a moment, Lucy felt smooth leather around her left wrist and a tug as it was tightened and fastened followed by the same around her right. Then she felt the two pulled together and clipped, so her wrists were immobilized. Lucy opened her eyes. For the first thirty seconds or so she told herself that nothing was different, her hands were just held together.

Although she could still move her fingers, Lucy started to feel confined by the cuffs within a minute. The sense of confinement began to grow into a feeling of fear. The sinking sensation created by those dual emotions begat more fear. Lucy felt like she was beginning to come out of her skin.

Lucy felt Valerie's hand on her shoulder, calming her. Valerie's voice purred in Lucy's ear. "Don't fight the fear. Embrace it. Stare down your vulnerability. Your willingness to show your vulnerability is a sign of strength not weakness. Your lack of power is true power. I won't let anything happen to you that you don't want to happen."

Valerie's words created a core of calm like the eye of a storm in the maelstrom of swirling emotions of Lucy's mind. She took a deep, shuddering breath and steadied her head. She looked up at Valerie's face and the cheerful smile shining down on her filled her with a joy than she couldn't remember feeling in years. 

"Now you need to understand the concept of the 'safeword.' This is a signal that you give me to stop. Any time that you feel threatened or that you can't handle any more, saying your safeword will immediately stop me and end whatever is happening. I personally like to use what we call the 'Stoplight.' If everything is okay, you respond 'Green.' If things are beginning to scare you but not so much you need to stop, say 'Yellow.' And if you have to stop right then say 'Red.' Do you understand?"

"Yes ma'am. I understand."

"Good girl." Valerie looked back at the stage. "Oh wonderful, she is now demonstrating rope bondage. I love this domina's rope work."

Lucy sat and watched in awe as the woman who had previously been tied to the table was stood up and trussed. The ropes were wound around her body, making patterns and swirls around her breasts and collarbone. They went down around her waist and hips, between her legs before going upward, and tying again to the ropes around her shoulders. Artistically, the woman's body was immobilized from her neck down to her ankles. When she was finally done the domina showed off her handiwork. Lucy couldn't clap with the rest of the crowd, but her eyes as big as saucers said more than words or applause ever could.

Valerie looked on quite pleased. Lucy had been so focused on watching the exhibition she had ceased fighting against her cuffs and relaxed. Lucy wouldn't know, but Valerie did that this was Lucy's first taste of "subspace" and it appeared she found it pleasant. Valerie put her hand back on Lucy's shoulder. Lucy had begun to feel fatigue from her hands being out in front of her, but Valerie's welcome touch relaxed her muscles again. "It's beautiful ma'am." 

"Yes it is my dear." Valerie continued to stroke her shoulders and neck comfortingly. Lucy's whole world seemed to be expanding chaotically around her, but instead of panicking every minute she was less frightened and more accepting of her surroundings and situation. The feeling that Valerie was pleased with her was like a warm glow within Lucy.

Valerie helped Lucy to her feet, as her bound hands made balancing to stand a bit difficult. "Follow me dear," Valerie said as she led the way once again.

Lucy fell into step behind Valerie. Valerie stopped for a moment to congratulate the Domina and compliment her work. The other Lady gave Lucy a warm and understanding smile. Now, Lucy didn't feel as much like a foreigner or tourist, as she had earlier. 

Valerie began to walk them through the exhibition space before stopping in front of another stage. Two men and one woman were standing in a straight line as a leather clad man strode back and forth behind them. "Ah, perfect. The D in BDSM-Discipline. The Dom is having the submissives stand at attention. If they move..." Valerie trailed off as Lucy saw the answer.

Just then one of the men twitched a muscle in his quadriceps and the Dom laid a sharp strike with the riding crop he was holding to the back of the submissive's thigh. Seconds later the woman moved her neck infinitesimally and he dropped the crop across the top of her shoulders. Lucy winced in sympathy with each fall of the crop, but Valerie was delighted to see that otherwise she was standing straight and tall while barely moving an inch. She doubted that Lucy was conscious of her own reaction to what she was seeing, but Valerie was taking in every tiny detail.

Lucy felt complete empathy with the three people on the stage. She could feel their wish to please and their disappointment in their failure every time the crop fell. She could sense their desire to improve and force their bodies to obey his wishes. What would it feel like to want to obey someone that much? She wondered. 

Valerie let Lucy absorb the lesson she was observing for a few more minutes. She seemed to be learning the concept of "Discipline" quite well given her lack of complaint or struggle about her bound hands. She could see Lucy transforming in front of her, and it was the most seductively intriguing work she had done in years. Lucy was learning a great deal faster than she had even hoped, and Valerie wanted to keep her moving to keep the lessons moving and to prevent intimidating Lucy.

She motioned for Lucy to follow her again. A large crowd was gathered around another exhibition booth a little further along. Valerie moved as if to pass it, but Lucy stopped and asked, "What is going on over there ma'am?"

Valerie paused and gave another glowing grin. She hadn't intended to have Lucy see this, but since she had asked...

"It's an exhibition of body piercing, which explains the crowd. A lot of people that wouldn't go near anything else here would be drawn to it."

"That is...rather painful isn't it?"

"It can be. It can also be quite pleasurable, especially once it heals. Not all piercings are meant to be permanent and heal. Temporary body piercing is a fairly common form of S&M pain play. That is Sadism and Masochism, the last of the BDSM acronym. A sadist likes to inflict pain and a masochist enjoys receiving pain," Valerie explained.

"In general, most Dominants are sadists and most submissives are masochists, but those aren't hard rules just generalizations. Beyond the sadomasochistic element piercings can hold other significance. Doms and Dommes often have their submissives marked with a piercing as a sign of ownership or as a way for them to show loyalty." 

Valerie looked Lucy in the eyes and answered the question she knew was behind them. "I do it myself. When someone enters my service, I have them marked with a silver ring."

Lucy blushed, and then went white as a sheet. "Where are they...marked?"

"That my dear is something only they and I need to know, but I can say none of them have complained.

Lucy gulped.

Valerie laughed and added, "Many women enjoy it whether they like pain or not. Depending on where it's placed it can be very stimulating. The piercing heals fairly quickly leaving behind just the benefits."

Lucy felt a twinge and an an aching feeling of need between her legs. She wasn't a virgin, but her experience was limited to guys around her own age that didn't have much experience of their own. She barely had a concept of what was "stimulating" and what was not. She was beginning to think that there was a whole lot more in the world that fell in that category than she had ever suspected. The flood of new thoughts and sensations running through her were starting to have a profound effect.

Lucy's eyes began to glance around the room randomly again, as she tried to clear her mind. She noticed an upstairs area she had missed earlier. It was set towards the back of the building and was poorly lit. She could just barely make out the shapes of people and what looked like a large X. "What is up there ma'am?" Lucy asked. 

Again Valerie questioned herself whether things were moving too fast or if Lucy was ready. One look into Lucy's eyes and the question was answered.

"That is the open play space or the "dungeon" as some would call it." Valerie waited a few heartbeats before casually asking, "Would you like a closer look?" 

Lucy chewed on her lip again. "Would it be okay if we just look? Or would that be rude?"

"At this type of even it is quite alright and even expected. Protocol is changed by circumstance." 

Lucy knew in a part of her mind that things were progressing both within and without her that she didn't understand. Would her curiosity let her stop? When Valerie looked her in the eye to ask if she wanted a closer look, it surprised Lucy how much she had wanted Valerie to proceed with her suggestion. 

"Yes ma'am I would. I am curious. I can't deny it."

"Of course you are. And there is no shame in being curious and learning." Valerie patted Lucy on the shoulder. Again, Lucy was warmed by the glow that Valerie's touch and kind words created. Lucy dropped into step behind Valerie and followed her across the room and up a metal staircase.

When they arrived at the top of the staircase, she saw scattered around the space were numerous areas occupied by odd looking furniture and anywhere from two to six people attempting to ignore the crowd. Set up in the center of the space, surrounded by various seats, was the wooden X that Lucy had caught a glimpse of downstairs. 

Valerie took one of the chairs. Where as Lucy after a quick glance around the room, took a cue from the others and sat herself at Valerie's feet. Valerie was again surprised by Lucy's instincts and quickness in learning. She took off Lucy's hat and sat it down next to her. Valerie put her hand on the back of Lucy's neck and began to stroke her hair gently and rhythmically. 

A man in leather pants approached the X and tugged on the leash in his hand. Out of the shadows came a totally naked woman except for the collar around her neck attached to the leash. She crawled to him and he stood her up. He caressed her up and down from her wrist to her breast and back, as he cuffed her to one arm of the X and then the other. Then, he stroked her legs from her ankles to her inner thighs, as he secured them to the bottom arms. When he was finished she was standing spread-eagled; her derriere and back presented to the Dominant and the avidly watching crowd. 

Why wasn't she running away in shock from what she was seeing? Lucy wondered. Instead she sat engrossed as the Dom pulled out a leather strap. He ran it over the woman's bare skin sensually and down between her legs and over her shaved pussy. He kissed her then stepped away. His arm reared back and the strap struck her anticipating backside. The girl jerked against her restraints from the blow and it took her a moment to collect herself and respond, "Thank you Sir, may I have another?"

Again, the strap fell on her pert posterior. She let out a noise that was somewhere between a scream and a gasp. "Thank you Sir, may I have another?" This time the strap dropped across her shoulders. She shrieked and begged again. The blows kept coming until her ass and upper back were red. Instead of asking for another, she finally cried the safeword "uncle".

The dominant man released her into his affectionate embrace. Lucy was amazed by his tenderness, as if having just beaten a woman until she had begged to stop was somehow the most loving act imaginable. 

As the Dom led his pet away, Valerie was observing Lucy. Her breathing was rapid and shallow. Her cheeks were burning red, and she was writhing in place. She knew that reaction. The time to strike was now or never. 

Valerie leaned in near her hair stroking hand and whispered in Lucy's ear, "Why you naughty girl. Trying to get yourself off as you watch another woman tortured. How would you feel if you were in her place?" Her hand gripped the back of Lucy's neck and pulled a bit sharply on her hair.

Lucy sat up straight with a sign of shock on her face. Valerie looked her right in the eye, hiding her concern behind her stern expression. If Lucy backed down now, she had made a mistake and had pushed her too far and too fast. 

A shot of adrenaline ran through Lucy and something else as well. It was like a dark fire lit inside the blackness of her fear. It coursed through her veins, burning and searing her mind. She remembered Valerie's words from earlier and didn't run from the sensation. She let it absorb into her being. It was the most intoxicating feeling she had ever encountered. Lucy cast her eyes down and whispered, "I'm sorry ma'am." 

Valerie raised Lucy to her feet by the hair she had gripped in her hand. Yet, she continued to stroke the back of Lucy's neck with a soft fingertip. Her other hand trailed down her collarbone and to the laces of Lucy's bodice. "Are you okay? If you want me to stop, say it now. Otherwise, I won't until you say your safeword," Valerie gave Lucy one last out. 

It felt so good to do what Valerie wanted. She didn't want out now. Lucy shook her head and replied, "Green." Valerie's smile created that wonderful glow again, which mixed with the dark desires stirred up inside her and almost made her swoon. 

Valerie released her hair and quickly untied the bodice. She threw it on the chair that she had been sitting on moments before. Lucy's delectable breasts were exposed, and Valerie resisted the temptation to play with them. It wasn't easy, but she kept her passion under control. She ran her hand down Lucy's waist and over the curve of her abdomen. A few moment later she pulled Lucy's lace bikini briefs off. Valerie felt the dampness on them and smiled again; Lucy was a naughty girl indeed. 

Valerie took Lucy by her bound hands and led her over to the X.

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"This is called a St. Andrew's Cross." Valerie undid the clip connecting Lucy's cuffs. "Place your arms on the cross," Valerie ordered.

Even if it was short lived relief, it still felt good to change positions or so Lucy thought as she obeyed. Valerie secured the cuffs to the cross. She then bent down and attached similar cuffs to the tops of her boots around her calves and locked them. Lucy was immobilized. She felt the glorious fear of anticipation.

"I'm going to blindfold you. I want you to focus on what you're feeling, not trying to see. It's for your own good. I don't want you to get hurt trying to look at me at the wrong time."

Lucy nodded. The blindfold went on and outer darkness combined with inner darkness. She felt like she was floating in an endless pool of black velvet. 

"I'm going to start with a rope flogger. This won't hurt. It will just establish a rhythm for us." Valerie stroked the soft silk rope against Lucy's cheek. The gentle gesture sent a sensual shiver down Lucy's spine.

Valerie stepped back began to swirl the ropes in a figure-eight pattern. It fell along Lucy's shoulders and gently danced against her naked backside. Lucy's breathing soon fell into time and her heart matched its beat with the fall of the flogger. She relaxed in her bonds and let out a deep breath that carried all the stress of the rest of the world.

Valerie stopped and in a few seconds Lucy sensed her standing nearby. She felt Valerie's hand on her shoulder in the familiar way. "Excellent my dear. Just relax. This is a light flogger. It's made of deer hide. It's very soft, but it does slap a bit. This will be your first taste of pain, and I want you to remember every bit of how it feels."

Again, Valerie stroked the flogger against her cheek. This one felt almost like a rose petal softly brushing.
Lucy tried to heed Valerie's words and relax, but she tensed in anticipation of the first strike. It started into the same figure-eight motion as before. The first fall was light and the sensation of a rose petal returned across her bare behind. Then it dropped again, a little harder and Lucy felt the first tiny sting. Her breathing quickened, but Valerie stopped and whispered again, "Relax dear. Breathe slowly and evenly."

Then she resumed. It didn't hurt too much. Each even fall of the flogger left a tiny sting. The tiny stings became larger, as they combined with others until her entire ass was warm. The pain was minimal but not non-existent, and Lucy was starting to feel the rush of endorphins into her system.

Valerie stopped again. This time she was little longer before she came back to Lucy's side. "You're doing wonderfully my dear. Is everything okay?"

Lucy nodded and replied, "Green". 

Valerie ran her hand along and felt the heat coming off of Lucy's glutes. She squeezed a cheek playfully, and Lucy nearly jumped. Her hand teased and rubbed and then came down sharply in a slap. Lucy did leap a little bit, but Valerie's firm hold on her shoulder kept her steady. Valerie hand came down again, and Lucy groaned as the sensation of Valerie's touch combined with the touch of velvet engorging her soul.

Valerie ran her hand down Lucy's legs. The inside of her thighs were wet. Valerie forced herself to not respond. If she wanted to be able to safely control Lucy, she needed to control her own behavior.

Lucy nearly came when Valerie touched her and she was having trouble making sense of what was happening. She had never suspected she was bisexual, let alone that she would end up tied to a cross and loving every minute. The only thing she knew was that she didn't want to stop.

Lucy felt a rougher texture on her cheek this time. Valerie explained, "This is a heavier flogger. It's made of cowhide and it will definitely hurt. Remember if you need to stop, give your safeword."

"Yes ma'am. I will," Lucy replied in a daze.

The first fall was much harder than the previous ones had been and Lucy's body jerked from the force. "Don't flinch, I don't want to injure you," Valerie's assertive voice cut through the fog of shock.

Lucy steadied herself for the next blow. It fell not quite so hard but still with a force that sounded through the dungeon. Valerie found her rhythm with the flogger, striking Lucy slower to give her more time to recover between strikes. Shrouded in the darkness of the blindfold, Lucy was becoming less and less aware of the sounds of the Ball. The pounding music and the cries of the submissives around her seemed much more distant. She was sinking deeper and deeper into that wonderful world in which all her sensations were heightened. Each cut of the flogger brought her to another level of welcoming dark quietude. 

Gradually, Valerie picked up her pace and pressure. The slaps of the leather were hitting harder than ever. The darkness began to split, and it was as if an explosion of lights was happening behind Lucy's blindfolded eyes. It felt like the whole world was turning inside out. It was overwhelming. "Yellow," she mumbled, not sure if Valerie had heard.

Valerie slowed her blows, but they dropped harder still. Lucy's whole body felt like it was on fire. She cried out inarticulately three times before she couldn't handle any more. Lucy shrieked, "Red!"

Valerie immediately stopped and came to Lucy's side. The blindfold was removed. Her cuffs unhooked. She slumped into Valerie's arms, and then everything went into a grey haze. 

Lucy came back to awareness stretched out on a couch with her head in Valerie's lap being gently soothed. She tried to raise her head, but she was dizzy. Valerie patted her and said, "Don't try to get up too fast. Give yourself a moment."

"Where am I?" Lucy asked confusedly.

"This is the first aid and aftercare room. I brought you in here to recover and clean you up. Fortunately I didn't break any skin. I don't think there will be a mark on you past tomorrow. So I laid you down and put some lotion on to make you feel better." 

Lucy had noticed the stinging in her backside felt less sharp than it had been. She pulled herself up and put her head in her hands. She was reeling from what she had just done. She couldn't comprehend her own mind anymore. She let out a sob of desperation.

"What's wrong my dear. Did I hurt you?"

"I don't know what to do. I don't know what this means.... What do I do now? What am I?"

Valerie cradled Lucy in her arms. "It doesn't have to mean anything. You can walk away and never think about it again if that is what you want."

Lucy shook her head. "No I can't. Not after this. It was too..."

"You have options my dear. You can come to events like this. You can find someone you know that can teach you and train you safely. Or I can refer you to people that can help you."

Lucy shook her head again. "No one I know can ever know about this. And I'm scared of anyone else hurting me." She looked up into the icy depths of Valerie's eyes.

"Please ma'am, I want to learn and I want you to teach me." She dropped down off the couch, knelt and instinctively kissed her boot. "Please, Mistress, I want to serve you."

Valerie bent over and lifted Lucy's chin up. Her eyes flashed with emotion. She raised Lucy to her knees and leaned in for a kiss. Lucy was shaking, but didn't break the embrace. Valerie's tongue gently probed until Lucy's lips parted. They sank into each other, as the kiss continued feverishly. 

They finally parted to catch their breath. Valerie rained her glorious smile down on Lucy. Lucy nervously chewed on her lip, as she had earlier and shyly glanced at the beautiful woman holding her so closely. Valerie put a finger to Lucy's mouth. "No more shyness. No more fear." Her finger traced along the bow of her lips and down her cheek to the curve of her neck. 

Lucy surrendered herself to Valerie's touch. Fighting herself was useless. Valerie knew what she wanted better than she did. In one evening it was as if Valerie knew her more completely than anyone else. The thought brought a wonderful feeling of peace to her mind. 

"I want to make you happy and bring you pleasure, Lucy. I want to teach you all the incredible ways to feel that I am aching to show you. If you trust me enough to give me that chance..."

"I trust you more than I trust myself Mistress," Lucy said with a look of utter devotion. 

Valerie gave a sound of pure exultation and embraced Lucy again.

Valerie took her hand away for just a moment and unzipped the back of her bustier. Her well-shaped, grapefruit sized breasts spilled down in front of Lucy's hands. Lucy tentatively reached out and touched one of them. It was the first time she had touched another woman in lust. She never knew they could be so soft. Valerie stretched out on the couch, inviting Lucy to explore her body at leisure.

It was fascinating to Lucy how another woman's body could be so similar and so different at the same time. She was enthralled by every inch of Valerie. The navel piercing she wore was so wonderfully endearing, as this only highlighted and drew her attention toward Valerie's nearly perfectly toned stomach.

Valerie undid the belt around her skirt and unzipped the zipper at the back of the skirt, letting it fall around her boots. She kicked it off into a heap on the floor. She finally removed her own dampened panties. She pulled Lucy in closer for another intense kiss, so their naked bodies rubbed together. As a result a lustful shudder passed through both of them, as they affectionately embraced each other.

Valerie finally gave way to the temptation that had been there all evening to touch Lucy. She caressed the exquisite breasts she had been admiring ever since she got Lucy out of her modified pirate costume. The other hand ran over the red and roughened skin she had created earlier, sending a searing dose of endorphins to Lucy's brain and throughout her body.

Valerie's hand on her breast squeezed and teased her nipple until it grew hard, causing Lucy to whimper in pleasure. Valerie squeezed more firmly, sending another intoxicating dose through Lucy's entire body. She gasped as the sensations surged through every nerve.

"You know I'm bad for you, don't you Lucy?" Valerie hissed in her ear. "I'm trying to addict you to pleasure like a drug dealer with a new customer. But I think you crave that addiction and I want to feed it."

Lucy felt a surge of fear that fed the fire that Valerie had lit. Valerie was right; she wanted this. It also felt more right than anything ever she had experienced in her life. She couldn't remember feeling better in entire life.

Valerie's hand moved from Lucy's warm, reddened ass to her slick womanly treasures. A finger reached towards the soft folds between her legs. She slid it around the wet lips of her labia. Lucy was incredibly tense in that area. She took a second finger and began massaging her pelvic muscles in a circular motion. Lucy had always been unaware of her own body. She had never noticed just how much stress she was carrying through her pubic region.

Valerie's entire hand was now massaging the struggling muscles. The tip of her index finger found the ever so sensitive button of Lucy's clitoris and began to rub it. Lucy threw her head back, as she enjoyed stimulation that none of her boyfriends had ever bothered to discover. She bucked on Valerie's hand, simultaneously seeking to escape and intensify the sensations.

Valerie slipped her index finger inside her moist tunnel and begin to twist it around. Lucy yelped, and Valerie pulled her mouth to her one of her own breasts to silence her. Lucy began to suckle on Valerie's nipple, suckling on the erect nub while her lips created a tight seal around it.

Valerie slipped her middle finger inside Lucy's sex and worked both fingers inside her pussy, slowly stretching her until suddenly Lucy's PC muscles spasmed around her fingers. Valerie didn't stop; she pushed Lucy through the orgasm and continued with the stimulation. Lucy shook furiously, as Valerie drew climax after climax from her formerly frustrated and now rapturously shuddering body.

Valerie took Lucy's mouth off of her breast and forced her head down between her legs. "Show me how much you want to serve me. Worship me through my pussy."

Lucy was momentarily thrown. She didn't really know what to do, but she wanted to make Valerie feel as good as she felt. She pressed her lips over Valerie's warm mound, kissing near Valerie's neatly kept and thin landing strip. She teased and probed with her tongue, as if she were kissing. Valerie's moans told her she must be doing something right, and Valerie tightened her grip on her Lucy's head, giving Lucy the encouragement the she desired.

Lucy increased her pace, lapping at Valerie's dewy petals like a cat drinking milk from a saucer. Valerie arched her back and thrust herself, as close as possible to Lucy's attentive mouth. Lucy responded by burying her face in Valerie's folds, exulting in the feel of her Mistress' juices running down her chin and knowing she was responsible for that wonderful reaction.

Valerie pulled her hair tight and screamed, as Lucy's loving ministrations brought on a thunderous orgasm. Lucy felt the power of Valerie's release, and she knew that she needed to experience this again. Together, they slumped into the couch with their sweaty bodies still entwined. Valerie gave Lucy the lightest peck on the tip of her nose. At this point, Lucy was filled with the greatest and purest joy she had ever known.

"It's getting late my dear little Cinderella and the Ball is going to end soon. Do I lose you like the Prince at midnight?" Valerie asked with something between a laugh and a sigh.

Lucy thought for a minute. Tomorrow was Sunday. She didn't have anyone expecting to see her or hear from her, so at that moment she made up her mind.

Lucy shook her head. "No Mistress, my schedule is free. Wherever you go, I will go."

Valerie's smile shined again. "Well then my dear, follow me."

And Lucy followed.

Written by navygal83
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