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"An extraordinary sexual journey awaits Louis when he meets Hughie…"

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I worked for an assurance/insurance broker. I cannot say that it was the job of my dreams, but it paid the rent and etcetera. I was fortunate to get on rather well with my boss, who took a liking to me very early on. I was hardworking and diligent, a trait my boss liked. In comparison to many other of the lazy members of staff, I supposed that I was a breath of fresh air to Mr. Allen, my boss.

One Friday afternoon, at three-thirty p.m., Mr. Allen approached me and asked to deliver documents to a difficult customer who lived twenty miles out of town.

“Once you have done so, Louis, you’re welcome to go home and start an early weekend,” Mr. Allen announced with a smile.

“Cool… Thank you, sir," I enthusiastically replied.

The week before, I had bought a second-hand vehicle from a friend of Mr. Allen, and I was still in the infancy of my enjoyment of my purchase. Thus far, I had only driven to work and back and the thrill of a slightly longer drive in my new treasure excited me.

After delivering the documents, I was on my way home, when my vehicle cut out at a four-way intersection five miles out of town. For love or money, the car would not start, and I manage to pull off the road onto the gravel section, before weighing up my options. Looking under the hood was a waste of time for me because I knew nothing about engines.

Fortunately, I had kept Joe, the man who had sold me the vehicle’s number, and phoned him instantly. Pissed off as I was, Joe calmly appeased me with the assurance that the fault was probably minor. He reminded me that the vehicle was in excellent condition and that I had nothing to worry over at all. Furthermore, he promised to phone me back swiftly to sort out the matter.

Minutes later, Joe informed me that a man named Hughie would be by to collect my vehicle with a tow truck.

Joe then asked, “Will you need a vehicle tonight?”

“No,” I honestly replied.

Joe then went on to explain that his mechanics left early on Fridays, but that after Hughie and I delivered my vehicle to his premises, he would ask Hughie to drop me off at my home.

“One of my guys will come in tomorrow to sort out the problem with your car, and I assure you by ten it will be taken care of,” Joe confidently informed me. With a chuckle, he added, “So you can have a good lie-in tomorrow morning.”

Feeling a lot better, I awaited the arrival of Hughie.

When Hughie’s tow truck arrived and pulled up in front of my vehicle, my jaw almost hit the floor as Hughie alighted from his truck. In short, he was the most beautiful specimen of manliness I had ever seen. His presence alone had made my ordeal worthwhile.

As the hunky stud walked toward me, I was afraid that my knees were about to give way under me. Hughie’s chestnut, shoulder-length curly hair was incredible, and his piercing green eyes almost had me pissing myself. As he extended his broad masculine hand, I practically went into cardiac arrest.

“Hi, I’m Hughie,” he announced as his sexy mouth smiled, surrounded by three-day-old stubble.

“Hello, I am Louis,” I replied

“Fuck, buddy, we almost sound like a Disney duo,” he said with a chuckle, before adding. “All we need is to find a Dewie to complete the trio.”

Despite my palpitations, I did manage a humorous reply, as I quipped “Quack, quack.”

As Hughie went about his work, my mouth was watering as my lustful eyes spun in my head.

After an effortless display of machismo, Hughie and I was shortly heading to town. I had to restrain myself from blatantly staring at his thick, tattooed covered forearms. I was surprised not to see a wedding ring on his finger. I did not wish to pry and kept my comments superficial and light-hearted.

Hughie drove me home after my vehicle was unloaded at Joe’s business.

As we arrived at my place, I did my thank you speech, before offering Hughie a drink. To my astonishment, he accepted. Thus far, Hughie had not been very chatty, and I wondered if my drama had possibly been an irritation to him.

Once seated in my lounge, I realized that I had a gay magazine on the coffee table. Although I saw Hughie, glance at it, there was no discernible reaction on his face.

A short while later, he nonchalantly asked, “So… Aren’t you involved?”

“No, not yet,” I quietly replied.

“So… You married?” I rhetorically countered.

“Nah. I nearly did a few years ago, but then an old itch again overtook me. I have always been bisexual but believed that the straight thing might just be less complicated in the end. Problem was that the man itch kept resurfacing. For a time I thought my girlfriend and I may have found a solution when she agreed to MMF action. Sadly, however, she didn’t see a long-term future in it,” he said with a chuckle, before ruefully adding, “Religious crap can fuck with one’s mind.”

“Oh,” was all I could manage, stunned out of my mind.

Just as my hopes soared, however, Hughie then told me, “I recently did the guy relationship thing, but that didn’t work out too well… My lover was a drama queen. One night he started throwing things around, and when he broke an heirloom my mother had given me, I regrettably broke his nose.”

Oh, shit,’ I thought, as he took another sip of his beer.

“Fortunately, he didn’t press charges, but he did move out. Maybe, I am just not a relationship kind of guy,” Hughie explained, before adding, “Louis, I am not a violent person. I just hate wanton destructiveness.”

I was in such a quandary, that all I could think of asking, was, “Do you like pizza?”

“Huh?” Hughie asked with a stunned look on his face.

“Well, given the time you picked me up, I presume you haven’t eaten. Frankly, I am starving. I always keep frozen pizzas, and if you have no supper plans, I would like to pop two pizzas in the oven right now,” I proffered.

“You don’t have to go to any trouble for me,” Hughie mumbled.

“No trouble at all, as long as you don’t break my nose if I don’t have a combination you like,” I giggled, trying to lighten the situation.

Hughie now got up and moved toward me. I did not feel threatened but intrigued as he stood before me. As he pushed his hands into my armpits and goaded me onto my feet, I look up into his handsome face.

“I am not violent and I am very sorry I broke his nose. I was severely provoked but I do regret my actions.”

After lightly brushing his mouth against my lips, Hughie moved his mouth to my ear.

“Anything with cheese, tomato, and ham would be great,” he whispered.

“Do you like olives?” I asked.

“Yeah, whatever you want to add is fine with me,” he answered before I got a proper kiss.

The thrill of excitement that pulsed through me was incredible as I wondered where the night would end.

As I got on with my job, Hughie returned to the lounge.

“I hope you aren’t worried about your car. Joe is a good guy, and I know he will sort it out,” Hughie assuredly informed me, as he relaxed on the sofa.

“So, without any gay clubs or bars in the town, where does the action happen?” I cheekily asked.

“I have heard that there are a few camping sites, but the police are very active here, so I would not advise any of them,” Hughie countered, before adding, “But now that we have met, I am not going to tell you where they are.”

“Why not?” I playfully asked.

“Because I don’t like sharing,” Hughie chuckled. “Hopefully, I can interest you in a hick like me?” he countered.

“Well, I’ll give it some thought, but I’m rather fussy,” I teased.

“Yeah… Right… I believe you. Thing is, I am not blind. Your eyes and body language have been telling me otherwise. You’re as hot for me as I am for you, Louis, so let’s not bullshit one another,” Hughie chuckled.

I simply blushed in response.

Once we were eating our pizzas, I decided to set some parameters. “I am not bisexual. I only do the gay thing,” I stated.

“Mmm, you need to broaden your horizons. You’ll be amazed how a little pussy spice can ignite the lust between two guys,” Hughie concluded.

Before I could answer he added, “With your looks, we could pull the chicks like salmon in grizzly hunting season. Nice-looking girls are turned on by sophisticated men like you, whereas mutts like me only get the slags who prefer rougher guys.”

Oh, fuck, I thought this was too good to be true,’ I ruminated, analyzing that his ploy was to use me as bait in the future.

I could sense that Hughie was reading my mind. Shortly, he added, “But tonight, I think we should first make sure that we are compatible.”

“What was the fight about?” I inquisitively asked him, somewhat perplexed by his confessions thus far.

“Well, I kept pestering Pete, the drama queen, to give the bisexual thing a try. The night it was about to happen, he bailed. Naturally, I then fucked the female in front of him. Once she left a while later, all hell broke loose,” Hughie related to me.

After a pause, Hughie continued, “Pete wouldn’t understand that the bisexual thing wasn’t going to be a daily or weekly occurrence. It was just going to be a bit of fun once or twice a month. Pete was too narrow-minded to explore the pleasure it can be. Once one gets into it, you won’t believe how stimulating it can be,” Hughie concluded.

I was doubtless that the last part of his missive was for my benefit.

My mind was spinning when we finally moved through to my bedroom.

Once there, all my doubts melted away when I saw Hughie naked. He was even more stunning than I had realized. His thickset body was magnificent. To my delight, Hughie’s cock also did not disappoint. His dick’s shaft was chunky and tapered down to a smaller, well-covered uncut head. I had always preferred cone-shaped cocks like this, because both orally and anally, they were more comfortable.

As Hughie embraced me, a passionate smooching session got underway. After our bodies slowly moved onto the bed, Hughie kept amazing me as an ardent sixty-nine sequence followed. As I had suspected, his knob filled my mouth perfectly and the feeling of his dick-head massaging my throat was heavenly as his hips dance above my head. Added to this bliss, Hughie was a cocksucker of note, and his bobbing head soon had me frantically mumbling gasps of ecstasy.

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Hughie’s mastery of the situation soon became apparent as he frequently lifted his head off my dick as he sensed I was getting too excited. I had always been very capable of delaying my release, but the events of the evening and the enjoyment of my fortunate happenstance had put my mind into an overexcited state of arousal.

After several stops and starts, Hughie finally let things take their natural course before we both reached orgasm.

After we had both cum, Hughie swiftly reversed his body position before a snowballing session got underway. It was awesome!

Without pause, we continued kissing as Hughie ground his cock into my genitals. The passion of our interplay remained intense for several minutes.

After Hughie lifted his torso, my legs curled over his shoulders, before the inevitable stabbing at my backside commenced. Hughie’s entry was seamless and comfortable.

For the following half-hour, Hughie displayed his skills as he pummelled my arse and kissed my face, shoulders, and nipples, incessantly in a breathtaking display of eroticism. I had never before experienced this level of sensuality in my life.

After our following eruption, which Hughie again orchestrated to perfection, we moved back to the lounge for a well-earned beer. As we sipped our drinks, Hughie did not appear to be in a hurry to leave.

“What are you doing, tomorrow night?” he asked.

“Nothing,” I honestly answered.

“Cool, I pick you up at seven before we head off to the pub,” Hughie declared, before adding, “It’s time for you to get a proper sex education.”

Oh, fuck,’ I thought. That sounded like the pussy spice threat I had heard about earlier.

“Okay,” I weakly replied.

Before long, we were once again in the bedroom. To my astonishment, Hughie now lay on the bed on his stomach.

“Fuck me, with that lovely cock of yours, buddy,” he unceremoniously stated.

I felt bedazzled by his versatility. I had no problem taking the active role and quickly mounted his hunky body. Once I was all in, Hughie began to groan with ecstasy.

“Oh, fuck, yes. Fuck my hole. Take your time, buddy,” Hughie cooed.

I was having the time of my life and did not need any prompting. In a reciprocal gesture, I began varying my pace and intensity. Much as I was enjoying myself, the sounds of elation from Hughie were magical.

When I mentioned I was getting close, later on, Hughie urged me to go crazy, which I did to our mutual gratification.

Afterward, I was no sooner finished before I was on my stomach getting a solid fucking from Hughie. Not wanting to be outdone, I now squealed like a bitch in heat as he pummelled my arse.

After Hughie had finally cum, we relaxed on the bed for a short while, before the next round of action began. As I would come to know, Hughie was a sex-machine.

Another sixty-nine session, followed before we once more fucked one another’s backsides. From sheer exhaustion, we both finally drifted off to sleep.

The following morning I made breakfast for us. At around nine-thirty, before Hughie was about to leave, my phone rang. Joe called to let me know that my vehicle was ready for collection.

After Hughie dropped me off at the garage, Joe went into detail to explain what the problem had been, how they had sorted it out, and how the replaced part would ensure I would have no further problems. All the technical shit went right over my head. With great relief, I returned home after collecting my car.

Much as I had enjoyed the previous evening, I was apprehensive about the evening ahead. I secretly hoped that we would not be successful on our pussy hunt and that I might avoid the planned MMF threesome that Hughie was hoping would educate me.

When Hughie picked me up at the allotted time, he was looking very respectable. After we arrived at the bar we sat at one of the tables away from the bar counter. It was obvious that Hughie was on the hunt, as he constantly looked at all the possibilities on offer. Fortunately, there were no immediate candidates, because the women were all either with men, or other female friends. To my horror, a good-looking woman then entered and sat on her own.

“That’s the one,” Hughie quickly assessed as his eyes focussed on her. “Now listen, buddy, go and ask her if she would like to join us for a drink.”

With a heavy heart, I walked over and performed my assignment.

After giving me a charming smile, she looked over at Hughie and asked, “Can’t I just have a drink with you?”

“No, we’re buddies and I don’t want to let him down,” I replied with a hint of forced salaciousness.

As she again glanced at Hughie, she stunned me by gingerly asking, “Are you, boys… Into threesomes?”

I was so gobsmacked, that all I could manage was a ‘maybe’ shrug. I had put the cards on the table, and with a bit of luck she would bail, I thought to myself. Surprisingly, she gave me, and then Hughie, another up and down look.

“Yeah,” she then said, “Let’s see how this goes.”

As we arrived at the table, I introduced Dew, her name, to Hughie.

“Dew… Seriously?” Hughie uttered with a chuckle.

“Yeah, my parents are tree-huggers… Nature freaks,” she qualified before adding, “On the morning I was born, my dad went outside for a breath of fresh air after the childbirth ordeal. When he did so, there was a lot of dew outside. Apparently, after an epiphany, he then ran inside and told my mother they should name me Dew,” with a giggle, she then concluded, “My mother thought it was a great idea.”

Hughie now began to laugh. As he did so, Dew gave him a pissed-off look.

“Oh… I am not laughing at your name. I’m just amused by the coincidence,” he quickly countered.

As both Dew and I looked at Hughie with confusion, Hughie went on to explain.

“Huey Dewey and Louie, we sound like Donald Duck’s three nephews,” Hughie gushed with a chortle.

Dew and I then instantly joined in laughing at Hughie’s amusing comment, even though the names were a slight stretch. The joke instantly broke the ice, and we now commenced chatting like old friends.

After two more drinks, Dew said, “Actually, Hughie, I must say that you are a lot sexier than I thought when I was sitting at the bar counter.”

“Well, thank you,” Hughie uttered with a smile, and then without missing a beat, he added, “Does that mean you’ll join us at Louis’s house for a drink, later.”

“Yeah, definitely,” Dew demurely answered.

Although things were not going to plan for me, I was becoming more intrigued by the minute.

When we arrived at my home and went indoors, Dew immediately embraced and started kissing me. To my delight, Hughie then moved up behind her and wrapped his arms about both our bodies before kissing Dew’s neck and shoulders. I was further appeased as Hughie’s hands encouragingly ran up and down my back.

Not because of Dew, but definitely because of Hughie, I popped a boner.

As we caressed and kissed one another, our clothes magically began disappearing off our bodies. Shortly, a triptych of nakedness meandered through to my bedroom.

As Dew sat on my bed, she instantly pulled my body toward her and swallowed my cock. Simultaneously, Hughie moved up behind me a commenced rubbing his dick in my crack. Not long after, Hughie’s cock began conquering my portal. As Hughie started pumping my backside, Dew’s hands started pulling Hughie’s backside further into me. The combination of stimulation was mind-blowing, and all my fears began evaporating.

After several minutes, Dew suggested, “Why don’t you boys change position?”

Both Hughie and I happily complied.

As I now started fucking Hughie, Dew’s hands reenacted their former scenario on my butt cheeks.

Not long after, Dew released Hughie’s cock, before she lay back on the bed. Without hesitation, Hughie lowered his torso and commenced munching her pussy. During this process, I kept fucking Hughie’s arse, as I joined in the cacophony of animalistic sounds reverberating in the room.

I was slightly surprised when Hughie lifted and soon coaxed me into my turn of cunnilingus on Dew’s snatch. Any reticence I felt was dispelled as his divine cock began fucking my backside. Amazingly, cunt munching was not as bad as I thought it would be. I even started kneading Dew’s tits.

I was, however, slightly apprehensive as my body was propelled forward to fuck Dew’s pussy. Again, I was delighted that I did not balk. Best of all was that Hughes’s cock and hips continued supplying the impetus to our sexual unity. I even found myself ‘attacking’ her tits with gusto as I nibbled on them.

Why the fuck have I never tried this before?’ I questioned myself. I could not believe the amount of stimulation I received, even though Dew was a female. I would never again have to get coerced into MMF action.

Not long after, I felt my body coaxed forward before I once more started skull-fucking Dew. Moving up behind me, Hughie entered Dew’s pussy. As he solidly fucked Dew, Hughes’s hands took control of my head as his mouth traversed my shoulders and neck, before his left hand moved down to tweak my nipples. The louder Dew and I groaned, the more Hughie tortured my nipples and ‘bit’ on my neck.

As I started announcing my release, Dew blurted that she did not like spunk.

“Stand up and turn around, Hughie then barked.

I made it in a hairsbreadth before my balls exploded. As Hughie slurped, he simultaneously seeded Dew’s pussy.

After our session ground to a halt, we returned to the lounge for liquid refreshment.

“I’m sorry I have to head off early,” Dew announced, but I need to get home so I can be up early. I have my entire fuckin’ family descending on me tomorrow for lunch. If you like, I will spend the night next time,” she uttered before adding, “I love DP.”

After exchanging our phone numbers, Dew got on her way.

“Well, I suppose it’s just you and me,” Hughie said with a smile before I was frogmarched to the bedroom.

As Hughie and I got busy, I asked, “Do you have other buddies we could also have a threesome with?”

“Fuck, yeah,” Hughie replied, to my total delight.


Written by Tuppie
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