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The Lady Mayoress's Daughter (Part 1)

"Her 19 year old daughter is bored and decides to tease an older gentleman"

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Jenni Harrington was bored, as was normally the case when she had to accompany her mother to yet another evening with the borough's great and good. Jenni's mother, Gillian, was the Lady Mayoress; due to her divorcing Jenni's father two years previously when she had discovered that he had been having an affair with a young barmaid at their local pub, it had become incumbent upon her to stand in for him at the various civic functions the Lady Mayoress was duty bound to attend.

As usual, she had her mother on her right-hand side and an old duffer, Councilor Roberts this time, on her left at the head table during the dinner.

'Why do I always get stuck next to a boring old fart?' she lamented to herself as she half-listened to Councilor Roberts rambling on about his hobby of clay pigeon shooting as he tucked into his baked Alaska dessert.

Not that Jenni had the slightest interest in any of the Town Hall staff of her own age. Most of the young men who were invited to the civic functions were a rather dowdy bunch whose conversation in the bar after dinner revolved around their work. What few of them that could be regarded as talent were more likely than not already in a steady relationship, and Jenni knew from listening to their laddish innuendos that they merely regarded her as a potential 'bit on the side'. The only exception had been Ray Johnson.

A few months back Jenni had dated Ray, who worked in the Borough Surveyor's office and was a couple of years older than her, but the 21-year-old had let her down badly. After their fourth date, she had gone back to his flat and, because of the drink they had consumed earlier and the fact that she was in an amorous mood, she had allowed him to take advantage of the situation. It had been a bitter disappointment for Jenni, Ray had orgasmed less than thirty seconds after entering her, and shot his full load inside her when she had made him promise not to do so before she allowed him to fuck her.  He had at least had the grace to apologise to her, claiming that it was due to the tightness of her quim that he had shot his load so quickly.

It was not that Jenni was unaware of her tightness, all three of her previous sexual partners before Ray had commented on it, in a most complimentary manner; but they all had managed to hold on much longer than Ray.

Ray had offered to make it up to her by pleasuring her orally, but by then Jenni's amorous disposition had passed; she had quickly dressed and left. Ray had texted her several times during the following days but Jenni hadn't replied to any of his messages and he had finally taken the hint.

Taking a break from Councilor Roberts' ramblings whilst she ate her baked Alaska, Jenni looked across the room and noticed a man on the side table to her left who appeared to be looking directly at her. She had seen him before at a Chamber of Commerce dinner but did not know his name. She took him to be in his late 40s / early 50's. He was quite handsome for his age; his slicked-back hair was a shade darker than her own, which she kept styled in a shaggy bob cut; and he looked rather distinguished dressed in a dinner jacket replete with white shirt and black bow tie.

Pleased that she was the object of such a handsome man's attention, when she had finished her dessert she had a quick glance over at her admirer to make sure he was still looking at her. Ascertaining that he was, she bided her time for a minute or so then without looking in his direction, she casually unbuttoned her cream coloured linen jacket and opened it to the extent that it gave him a discreet view of the white satin blouse she was wearing under it.

In alignment with her slender frame, Jenni's breasts were on the small side; her bras were a 32C when she bothered to wear one; but they were round and firm, 'like two tennis balls' as one of her boyfriends had murmured appreciatively when he had first fondled them. This evening she wasn't wearing a bra as her blouse was loose-fitting enough to prevent her nipples showing through, even though she could now feel them stiffening to the thrill of her provocative gesture.

Without acknowledging his gaze, she left her blouse exposed for a couple of minutes then re-buttoned it. She then stole a quick glance at her admirer; he was still looking at her, only now he had a broad smile on his face.

Having finished her own dessert, her mother turned to her, extracted a £20 note from her purse and proffered it to Jenni.

'Would you get me a large gin and tonic, and a drink for yourself if you fancy?' she asked.

Jenni took the money and walked off towards the bar.

Gillian was sitting next to Ron McGuin, the deputy Town Clerk who, along with his secretary, had planned the seating arrangements. Gillian and Ron had been having an affair for the past six months. Although nine years younger than herself, and married with children, Gillian felt no qualms nor guilt about their clandestine relationship. He satisfied her needs, and her his. She provided the spice that was lacking in his marriage and, in return, he treated her like the lover she could have only fantasised about before meeting Ron. She looked forward with relish to their occasional afternoon or evening drive to North Wales, where Ron had a holiday cottage.

At forty-five years of age, Gillian was slightly taller and possessed a much fuller figure than her daughter. Her breasts were a couple of sizes larger than Jenni's and they had not yet started to sag. She considered her legs to be her finest attribute; there was no loose flesh on them and they were still as curvy as when she was as young as her daughter, thanks to her weekly workout at the gym.

Throughout the dinner, their conversation had consisted of mere chit-chat but now with the dinner over and Jenni away at the bar, their talk soon became rather more intimate.

Ron drew closer to her, lowered his voice a little and asked:

'Is the Lady Mayoress wearing stockings, or tights, this evening?'

'She is wearing stockings,' Gillian replied. 'It's too warm an evening for tights.'

'And your knickers, what colour are they?'

'Have a guess,' she said, a mischievous smile playing on her face.

'Virginal white?'

'Wrong!' she replied, laughing as she did so. 'They are ice-blue.'

'Mmm, most appropriate for the warmth of the evening. Thong?'

'Don't be silly, they're full briefs.'

'Are they silky?'

'Of course.'

'I'd love to get into your silky knickers tonight. I can't wait until next Saturday.'

'Well, you'll just have to, because the chauffeur will be here for Jenni and I at 11.30.'

'Surely we can find a private spot somewhere for a quickie?'

'Much as that would be quite exciting, I think I'm getting a little too old for that sort of caper. It's a young women's thing, you should know that,' she replied.

'All I know is that I'd rather fuck the Lady Mayoress than any young woman, no matter how alluring they might be.'

'Well, I'm afraid you won't be fucking the Lady Mayoress tonight - but I'm sure we will make up for that next Saturday.'

Before he had a chance to continue the conversation, Ron spotted Jenni returning with the drinks.

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He drew his head further away from Gillian, not wishing to give Jenni the slightest hint or impression that they were having an affair.

While Jenni had been waiting her turn at the bar, where there had been a large queue wanting to buy drinks now that the dinner was over, she had heard a voice behind her quietly say 'Hello'. She turned her head to see who had spoken. It was her gentleman admirer. He stood a good six inches taller than her and had to bow down a little to speak to her.

'You're the Lady Mayoress's daughter, if I'm not wrong.'

'Yes, that's right,' she replied.

'I'm Steven Holland,' he said, holding out his hand to her.

'Jenni Harrington,' she declared, accepting his handshake.

'Is that with an I or a Y?'

'An I.'

'Oh yes, that's much more interesting than plain old Jenny with a Y.'

Jenni had been impressed by his smooth talk. She could have listened to more of it but she aware that her mother was waiting for her gin and tonic.'

'I did notice you at the Chamber of Commerce dinner in June, but didn't get a chance to talk with you,' he continued as Jenni turned back towards the bar. 'So technically we are not total strangers, and so I was wondering if you would let me buy you a drink?'

'That's very kind of you but I am getting drinks for my mother and myself,' she replied.

'That's a pity. Perhaps later?'

'I'm afraid we will be leaving early. The Bentley is coming to take us home at 11.30.'

Jenni finally managed to attract a barmaid's attention, cutting short their conversation. She ordered and paid for the drinks, and turned to return to the head table.

'I like your blouse by the way,' Steven said quietly as she made to pass him. 'Thanks for affording me a glimpse of it.'

Jenni felt her cheeks reddening on realising that he knew what she had intended to put across as an inconsequential action, as though she was unaware of him watching her when she had unbuttoned her jacket, had been a deliberate ploy to keep his attention.

She felt totally humiliated as she hurried back to the head table and put her mother's drink down in front of her.

'What's the matter Jenni?' her mother asked. 'You look flushed.'

'Having to wait so long at the bar has got me hot and bothered,' she replied.

'Perhaps you need some fresh air. Would you like me to accompany you outside?'

'Yes, I think I do need a bit of fresh air, but you've no need to come out with me, I'll be okay on my own. I'll only be gone a couple of minutes.'

Jenni made her way to the hall's main entrance where she stood outside the door. The evening was still warm although there was a welcome breeze in the air. After mulling over what Steven Holland had said she began to feel much better. Her sense of humiliation had dissipated and had been replaced by a warm feeling of satisfaction as her thoughts turned to the effect her showing off her blouse must have had upon him. She was about to go back inside the hall when who should come walking through the doorway but Steven.

'Hello again,' he greeted her.

Jenni snubbed his greeting and made to go back into the hall.

'What's your hurry?' he asked. 'I hope you aren't angry at what I said at the bar.'

'Well...' she began to reply before thinking better of it.

'Look, I didn't mean to offend you. I just wanted to let you know I appreciated your flashing your blouse at me. Don't worry, I'm well familiar with the whims and wiles of young ladies of your age and the lengths they'll go to attract male attention.'

Jenni knew she ought to go back inside the hall, but she realised that he was only being honest with her and that it had been she herself who had brought her embarrassment upon her. Steven was no fool and he obviously knew when a woman was pretending that her provocative gestures were done inadvertently. She wondered how much more Steven knew about her: was he aware that when she was showing off her blouse to him it wasn't that she was giving him an invitation to hit on her? She was a little frightened, but at the same time she was intrigued by his manly manner to the extent that she felt a familiar tingle between her legs - a tingle that increased in intensity when Steven broke her thoughts.

'Open your jacket for me.'

Jenni felt her heart beating ten to the dozen as she stood stock still, unable to decide whether or not to comply with his request.

'Let me assure you I have no intention of forcing you to do anything you wouldn't want to do. You obviously enjoy attention, so indulge me and open your jacket.'

Jenni's mind was spinning so fast she was almost in a trance.

'Come on, we can go over there,' he said gesturing to the alcove at the side of the doorway. No one can see us there, even if anyone were to come out for a smoke or whatever.'

Jenni moved towards the alcove, Steven followed her. She turned her back to the wall as Steven came to a standstill leaving a space of five feet or so between them. She raised her hands to the lapels of her jacket and slowly drew it fully open, exposing her blouse to his eager eyes.

'Pull it tighter to your chest, I'd like to see the shape of your breasts.'

Jenni raised her hands and cupped them under her breasts, causing the lustrous fabric to stretch taut around them like a second skin. Her nipples were fully stiffened and poked out proudly against the white satin.

'Exquisite,' he declared, smiling at her. 'I must admit that when you gave me that first tantalising glimpse of your blouse I suspected you were just a teaser, a hot little show-off who revels in the fact that she has only to open her jacket or part her legs slightly to garner male attention, with no intention of taking things any further. In doing as I asked, plus the added benefit of letting me see your cute perky nipples, I'm glad you've proved me wrong.'

Jenni dropped her hands from her breasts. She felt she ought to speak but was lost for words.

'Take my card,' Steven continued, fishing a small business card from his top pocket. 'Phone me if you'd like to get to know me better. I'd certainly like to see more of you.'

Jenni accepted his card, and while she was reading it Steven turned and walked back into the hall. She put the card into her pocket, buttoned her jacket and followed him back inside.

Walking back to the head table she felt somewhat dazed and confused.

Her mind was torn between feelings of relief that Steven had kept his word by not demanded she go any further, and disappointment that he had not wanted to touch her when she was in such a highly emotional state that she would have welcomed his hands on her breasts stroking the lustrous fabric against her nipples. She couldn't help feeling she had been used; manipulated and controlled; but she couldn't hide the fact that she had actually enjoyed doing as Steven had asked her, the proof of which was the wet gusset of her nylon panties clinging to her quim as she walked back to the dinner table.


Written by kateworthy
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