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The Chain: Link 8

"Clothes, toys, men. What more could a girl want?"

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Thank you for responding so promptly to our offer. We hereby cordially invite you to our special Three Rooms Experience. Please expect a representative to call on you at 7 pm this evening.

That was all. There was nothing to identify the sender of the text message; number withheld. Anthea felt a thrill run through her body. She didn’t feel afraid, even though it was all very mysterious. If anything she was surprised that there had been something in that odd business; the padded envelope that had arrived yesterday, containing a figurine of a couple entwined and a sheet of paper, which she’d read several times.

Dear recipient,

A well-wisher has chosen you to receive this exceptional gift. Enclosed, you will find a special figurine. This figurine will enable you to experience your deepest sexual desires. All you have to do is kiss it, and recite the incantation below. After that, place the figurine in a prominent place in your home and wait for your desires to be fulfilled.


Anthea wasn’t a credulous person, but there seemed little harm in doing as the note urged. There was a 99% chance that nothing would happen, but there was a part of her that wanted it to be true. She placed the figurine on her kitchen table, feeling obscurely attracted to it whenever she looked at it.

Or perhaps she was just attracted to the promise contained within. The simple truth was that Anthea was a young woman with an unusually strong sex drive, which was complemented by an equally strong sense of discomfit in the kinds of social situations other people took for granted. Her student peers were forever forming relationships and breaking up, but Anthea held herself aloof from such shenanigans. Her own brief liaisons with boys her own age hadn’t been a success.

When she was younger, her father had advised her, in a roundabout sort of way, to beware, that a lot of boys were only interested in one thing. Disappointingly, Anthea soon discovered that this was far from true. She seemed to attract boys who went out of their way to get to know her better, while she was much too private to want anyone to get to know her better, and much too convinced that she wasn’t that interesting anyway. When the time came to get to the only thing boys were supposed to be interested in, she soon discovered that they were frustratingly hesitant and solicitous.

Thank goodness for the internet. As soon as she was of age, Anthea set up a profile on a dating site. Now she consciously looked for older men, specifically married men. She assumed that they would have a need for secrecy that complemented her own need for privacy. She also assumed (correctly) that these men weren’t looking for anything deep and meaningful, and had no intention of leaving their wives. That suited her fine.

There were complications. She hadn’t bargained for so many men assuming that the only possible interest a young woman could have in a sexual liaison with them was for money. Anthea didn’t have any particular moral objections to the exchange of money for sex, and as a student she could have done with the extra cash. She’d nevertheless been unable to take the plunge, feeling that the money angle would mean complications she was ill-equipped to handle. She soon also realised that some men were prepared to pay her as a way of staving off any blackmail attempts on her part, which she felt was slightly insulting, yet obscurely thrilling. Sometimes she imagined herself as a dark femme fatale, praying on men, getting her kicks with them and taking them for a ride. It was a fun fantasy, but in reality it just wasn’t her.

Still, she enjoyed numerous fleeting encounters centred wholly on sexual gratification. Any attempt on the part of the men to interest themselves in her life were purely by way of polite smalltalk, and half the time she made up the answers, not caring if she contradicted herself. Since the assignations were only about one thing, nothing else really mattered. Anthea might have wished there were more of them, but there were many ways for a lonely girl to amuse herself – not least courtesy of the internet.

But for all that, Anthea wasn’t entirely sure what her deepest sexual desire was. Sometimes she thought she didn’t have one, per se, just a series of desires, to be fulfilled when an opportunity presented itself. The promise in the note and the text message became, for her, one of discovery. Ordinary social situations caused her anxiety; situations that were out of the ordinary, without unwritten codes, came as a relief. She knew very well that if she spoke to anyone at all about this, they would raise any number of objections; obvious and sensible objections. Anthea brushed the objections aside in her own mind. Somehow she just knew that this was something she must do.

Not knowing what to expect, she thought she ought to dress for the occasion, choosing black hold-ups, black silky knickers, a black bra, a black, tight-fitting dress. A lot of the men she had met liked black. She even chosen black earrings, her only concession to colour being red lipstick. She had butterflies in her stomach as she waited, but she wasn’t nervous, not really. She liked the feeling that adventure beckoned.

The knock on the door came at seven on the dot. Anthea was surprised, but not by the punctuality. She lived in student accommodation, a large block which was more like a fortress with key cards and code locks, like some secret military facility. How had the brunette in stiletto heels and black leather catsuit gained access? “Good evening, Anthea,” the woman said with a smile. “May I come in?”

Anthea took to her immediately. Miss X, as she styled herself, complimented Anthea on her interior decoration skills and her dress sense. Then she said with a mischievous smile, “You needn’t have dressed up, though.” Anthea frowned a little. The woman laughed, placing a hand on Anthea’s knee. “Where we’re going you’re going to want to change, trust me.”

“Where are we going?” Anthea was genuinely curious. She liked the feel of the woman’s hand on her. Occasionally she’d wondered what it would be like to be with a woman.

The woman’s expression became more serious. “I realise that this probably all seems very strange to you, Anthea.”

Anthea blinked. “I don’t mind strange,” she said. “It’s the normal stuff that freaks me out.”

“Yes,” the woman said. “Our research told us that.”

“Your research?” Anthea said, feeling slightly apprehensive. As a very private person, the idea of having been researched unnerved her.

“I’m sorry,” the woman said. “We didn’t mean to invade your privacy, but we have to make sure that the experience we provide our clients with really is right for them.”

“OK,” Anthea said slowly. “So what is right for me? Where are we going?”

“Impatient,” the woman smiled. “That’s good.”

“Is it?” Anthea didn’t really understand this, but she said nothing.

“You’ll enjoy your experience,” the woman told her soothingly. “I know you will. You’re the perfect person to provide an experience like this for, Anthea.” That could cut both ways, Anthea thought. “You won’t regret a thing, and will end up feeling satisfied, gratified and rewarded.”

Anthea liked the sound of that. But she still wanted to know where they were going.

The woman moved across the small room. She gripped the handle of the one wardrobe’s door. “Through here,” she said.

Anthea frowned, her mouth widening in surprise. “Through the wardrobe. Like in Narnia?.”

“Yes,” the woman said. “It’s a nice touch, don’t you think?”

Anthea didn’t know what to think, but she moved across to the woman and allowed her to hold the door open for her to step inside. Instantly she found herself in what seemed to be a massive, windowless shop. All around there were clothes in abundance. Not just any clothes, she soon discovered.

“You see the door on the opposite side of the room?” the woman asked her.


“I’ll be waiting in there when you’re finished. You may choose any combination of clothes you like. Whatever makes you feel the sexiest.”

Anthea nodded. She couldn’t wait to get started. Her own small wardrobe was dictated as much by cost as by taste, but here was every garment her limited budget wouldn’t allow. The woman left her, stilettoes click-clacking against the floor. Once the door had closed, Anthea began to explore.

To most people, finding a huge clothes store where their wardrobe should be, would no doubt be strange beyond belief. It was strange to Anthea too, but that didn’t bother her at all. Strange she could cope with. Strange held no demands, no expectations. This was a world unto itself, she decided, where you made the most of things, the way she couldn’t quite in the real world.

The room was filled with clothes of all makes and styles, materials and colours, but only one size; her size. This was indeed magic.

She made a tour of the room, just looking at various items of lingerie, skirts, dresses, the tight-fitting, the low-cut, the glossy, the shiny, things made of rubber and latex, PVC and leather.

She returned to the lingerie section. She had dressed in black, but decided to try something different; white. She stripped naked before choosing just a matching bra and panties, semi transparent with embroidered swirls. Then she regarded herself in the mirror. There seemed to be mirrors everywhere. The white contrasted neatly with her dark hair. She pulled on the panties, parting her legs slightly to see how the fabric assumed the shape of her labia. Luscious, swollen nipples shone through the bra. She cupped her breasts to feel them. Then she pulled the cups down so that her stiff nipples rested on them. She could imagine her lovers finding her irresistible like this; fit for flinging down on a bed and ravishing right there and then.

There was no end to the daring, sexy underwear; corsets, thongs, open cup teddies, peephole bras. Anthea changed into a pair of crotchless panties before finding a tight, short skirt and a low-cut top. She was already wearing red hold-ups. The black skirt just about made it to her stocking tops. When she regarded herself in the mirror she could see how perfectly the skirt surrounded her buttocks. She looked as if she was made to fuck.

The thought made her blush, but it excited her too. She imagined herself going to a lecture dressed like this, perhaps one of Professor Evans’ talks. If she sat down and crossed her legs the skirt would clearly display skin between skirt and stocking top. That would be exciting too. She wondered what Professor Evans would make of that. She quite fancied Professor Evans, though nothing would of course ever happen. But she could sit there, the slither of skin a tease, knowing how easy it would be for him to lift up her skirt and fuck her through the hole in her panties. Just thinking about it would make her leak all over the chair, the way she was leaking now, standing up, feeling the trickle from her pussy tease her skin.

She tried on more outfits. There were shoes too, innumerable styles and colours; all her size. She put shoes on and pulled them off, always choosing high heels, enjoying the height they lent her, how they set off the various outfits. But what she really loved were the black boots that came up just past her knees, stilettoed of course. With stockings and a tight-fitting short skirt or dress, they made her feel a confidence she seldom felt in her ordinary life. This led her on to the section she’d saved for last.

Anthea had spent a lot of time on the internet, and she knew very well what intrigued her the most; the women in shiny, glossy fetish outfits, who always looked so powerful and assertive. These were clothes that she could never afford herself, of course, yet here she had the pick of everything imaginable.

She stripped naked before struggling into the first costume she would try. Having no experience of such clothes, it took her a while to get the hang of it, even with the aid of the little bottle of lubricant thoughtfully provided for her to smear on her skin. But it was well worth it. She’d chosen a bodysuit, with an opening for her breasts to hang free, and a zip running round her crotch, which she opened to expose her pussy. The way the garment hugged her skin provided a sensation unlike anything Anthea had ever known. Feeling immensely aroused, she added a pair of high heels before regarding herself in a mirror. The transformation was immense; she hardly recognized herself. It was impossible to be shy and retiring in an outfit like this.

She found a pair of gloves and fondled her breasts with rubber hands. The simple truth was that she was turned on by herself. When she moved a hand down to touch herself between her legs, the noise of latex on slippery secretion gave off a noise of delicious, kinky depravity. Rubbing her pussy lips, Anthea decided that she could easily cum just from standing here, looking at herself unless she exercised some kind of restraint. Which she must. There were two rooms left, and who knew what might happen there?

She peeled off the clothes, trying on other outfits, corsets, hoods, a slutty maid’s outfit and a skimpy nurse’s uniform. In the end, she settled on the clingy, latex rubber she had wanted all along. Black panties, black stockings and a red dress, all of which seemed to become as one with her skin. Red, glossy ankle boots came on last, six inch heels lending her much more height than she usually enjoyed.

When she was finished, Anthea regarded herself in the mirror. It seemed to her that she’d never looked hotter. The shiny material clinging to her accentuated every curve she had. She turned, looking at her rear. She looked so incredible she felt as if she almost wanted to fuck herself doggy style. She turned again to face herself, enjoying the provocative outline of her hard nipples. She licked her lips before blowing herself a kiss. She was ready for the next room.

She didn’t bother to knock before pushing down on the door handle. Women who were dressed like this didn’t bother with niceties, they just did as they pleased. But that didn’t stop her pulling up short in the doorway. Miss X appeared at her side as if from nowhere. “Welcome to room two,” she said. “You made a stunning choice in room one, and now I hope you’ll enjoy yourself more fully.”

“I’m sure I will,” Anthea replied, her eyes sweeping around the room.

“As you can see,” the woman went on. “This is the playroom. You may use any item you like in pursuit of your own pleasure. If you need me, I will come to you. I have things to do in room one.” With that, she turned and left.

The moment the door closed behind her, television screens came alive. Ceiling high screens, one on each wall, all showing the same footage. Anthea seemed to recall having watched this clip on the internet, and having enjoyed it very much. For now, though, the lusty noises coming from the loudspeakers were of less interest to her than the contents of the room.

She did a tour. It seemed to her as if every item that had ever been devised for human sexual pleasure had been gathered here. She had toys of her own, of course, but her meager budget didn’t really stretch to more than standard dildos and vibrators. Gathered here was even more than a girl could ever wish for. There were all kinds of bizarre items, alongside the more ordinary ones, the sort of things you only ever saw on video, or at least Anthea did. She hardly knew where to start. A girl could lose herself in here. A girl could play around for hours and hours.

In the end she decided to warm up slowly. On screen a young woman who looked suspiciously like herself was tied down on a bed, legs raised and spread, a blindfold over her eyes. The on screen excitement transmitted itself from the screen to herself. She realised that her rubber panties were probably full of the stuff, but was still taken by surprise by the obscene squelch of rubber on secretion that greeted her when she rolled the dress up and pressed her hand against her crotch.

Oh that sound was so hot! She rubbed herself, grinding her fingers into the material where it encased her sweet, blood-filled pussy lips. The sound was so filthy she could hardly contain herself. On screen the woman was having her pussy vibrated, emitting loud moans.

Anthea’s own arousal was immense. Everything was so deliciously slippery; the sound as she rubbed herself so dirty, so filthy, so delicious, she didn’t really want it to stop. She rubbed and rubbed, feeling every fibre in her body prepare. She was on the verge herself when the woman in the video finally climaxed and the man shot his load over her face.

Anthea held back in the nick of time. Not yet, not just yet. Instead she went in search of something to play with, just a small something, just for beginners. She made another short tour, but felt suddenly that there was no point in playing with things she was familiar with. So she opted for a wand, heading for the single bed that had thoughtfully been provided. There was a power socket next to it. She rolled the dress up to her waist, laid down on the bed and spread her legs.

Watching the screen, she rubbed her fingers over the rubber panties, hearing herself squelch loudly. “I’m so fucking wet!” she breathed to herself, hardly daring to think how much juice was smearing the inside of those panties.

She grabbed the wand. Before her eyes a reluctant looking girl was being fucked with a glass dildo. Anthea switched the wand on, hearing the vibrations start up. She pressed the big head against her crotch. The vibrations shot straight through the rubber and hit her full on her clit. “Oh shit!” she gasped. She knew she would cum in no time, but powerless to remove the wand. Instead she pushed it harder against herself.

On the screen the woman in charge of the glass dildo was shouting, “Cum for me! Fucking cum for me, you bitch!”

“Yes!” Anthea screamed. “Yes! I’ll cum for you!” Her pussy was overflowing, juices oozing out from under panties. Her body tensed and she pushed the wand even harder against herself.

For a moment she thought there’d been some malfunction, that her juices had somehow reacted with the electric current. Her orgasm was that intense, like an electric shock. Her mouth was wide open, but she couldn’t bring herself to make a sound, screaming out silently as the intensity of her climax squeezed her tightly and then released its grip on her.

She switched off the wand and put it to one side. Breathing heavily she wriggled out of the panties. Inside they were coated with thick slime. She moved a hand down between her legs, discovering just how much of the stuff she had produced. She thought she must have squirted inside the panties.

But the moment she felt herself, the arousal flooded over her again. She rubbed her moist labia, feeling insatiable as she watched girls take it in turn to fuck the reluctant looking girl with the glass dildo until she came time and time again. Normally after an orgasm as intense as the one she’d just experienced, Anthea would need a rest, but somehow she was already even hornier than before. A change of scene on the screens gave Anthea an idea. She got off the bed and walked across the room, picking up a bottle of lubricant on her way to the shelf where she’d earlier seen a wide assortment of butt plugs.

Anthea was no stranger to anal sex. The married men she met were often very keen on it – a lot of them telling her openly that their wives didn’t allow it. Anthea did allow it. She’d been a little apprehensive at first, but had soon grown to enjoy it. But she’d never toyed with herself that way.

Now, her dress already up around her waist, she leaned over a shelf and reached back, her hands holding the bottle of oil. She turned it upside down and squirted a large amount over herself, feeling the cold in her crack, reaching back to lubricate herself, making sure to lubricate the butt plug too, feeling suddenly that it was quite big.

She inserted it slowly, wincing slightly as the widest part of it opened her up before slotting into place. It was a strange sensation at first, but as she straightened up and began moving around the room, the sheer kinkiness of it got to her. She toured the room once more, discovering that having so much choice was worse than only limited choice. Every step of the way she could feel the plug up her bum.

In the end, Anthea decided that with so much to choose from, the only thing for it was to go for the things she was most curious about. She headed for a sybian she had been especially interested in earlier. It looked harmless enough, just a black box with sloping sides and a beige strip on top, a remote control next to it along with various attachments. Her hand went to her sex, her head lurching back as she gasped out loud.

“Horny little bitch, aren’t you?” a voice said. She looked up at the screen, where a young woman who looked a little like herself was on her knees surrounded by men; surrounded by stiff, hard cocks.

In an instant, Anthea had positioned herself on the sybian. The butt plug strained inside her, but that only increased her desire as she splayed her pussy lips and made sure everything connected. The remote control was on a little stool in front of her. She turned the knob slowly.

“Oh! Aaaah!” she cried out as the vibrations immediately shot up through her body. Her already rigid nipples pushed against the inside of the dress, and her clit swelled. This was the kind of toy that could bring her to climax in no time. On screen the men were all vying for the woman’s attention, but Anthea couldn’t care less. Experimentally she turned the speed up, gradually.

She found herself crying out. She couldn’t stop herself, her larynx just kept on producing sound after sound as the vibrations fed her lust, which grew exponentially.

She turned the thing off just before she reached the point of no return, climbing off and regarding the attachments on an adjacent stand. In the end she chose the one shaped like a light-bulb. She wasn’t in the mood for anything slim, and her pussy was definitely wet enough to take it. She was a bit nervous about sitting on it while the butt plug was still in her, but decided to give it a go.

As she was stretched and filled, she realised she’d made the right choice. It felt very strange having both holes filled like this, but as unaccustomed to it as she was, Anthea felt it was so dirty and filthy she couldn’t help but adore the sensation. She wriggled her body, feeling the toys shift inside her. A feral sound emerged from deep in her throat as her pussy began to drool.

“You’re loving this, aren’t you, little slut?” a voice said from the speakers.

Once again Anthea leaned forward, placing her hands on the little stool and turning a knob on the remote. The other knob this time, causing slow rotations in her vagina. The feel was enough to make her want more instantly. She increased the speed, and feeling her pussy dribble, turned the speed up a little more.

An orgiastic gangbang was going on before her eyes, but Anthea couldn’t focus properly. She closed her eyes to concentrate on her own body, the bulbous thing rotating inside her, only a thin membrane separating it from the plug in her anus. Purposely she turned the other knob, quickly, a good twist.

The vibrating pad sprang into life, transporting her clit along the way. Anthea kept her eyes screwed shut. There was no point in staring at the screen. She was already on the border of orgasmland. As before, she knew she could draw it out, but her body didn’t want that, and told her so in no uncertain terms. She turned the knob, causing the vibrations to intensify.

Her body lurched. She forced herself down hard on the rotating bulb and vibrating pad, screaming out loud. A further twist of each knob; the rotating bulb ravaging her insanely wet pussy, the pad forcing her onwards. “Oh fuck! Yes! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Yes! Oh yes! Oh fuck! Fuck! Fuuuck!”

Every part of her seized as the climax ravaged her body. She was screaming and wailing uncontrollably. When she finally climbed off the machine it was drenched in her own fluid.

As before, Anthea was startled at how swiftly she recuperated; how swiftly she appeared to become even hornier than before. She had a strong sex drive, she’d always known that, but in this room, dressed in her clingy rubber, she seemed to be insatiable. And she knew what she wanted next.

The really heavy duty stuff was carefully arranged, as if specially positioned purely for her ease and comfort. Some of the machines were of stainless steel, and she liked that. It suggested ruggedness, relentlessness, stamina. She eyed the circular disc and the metal bar with the black dildo on the end of it. There was a stool in front, which looked the right height.

She got down on her knees, bending over the stool. Again she wondered if she should remove the butt plug, but decided against it. It had felt so good before, why change now? Reaching back, she gripped the dildo. The head of it rubbed against her clit as she moved it to her opening, where it instantly slid inside her extremely wet and slippery cunt.

The controls were directly in front of her. She turned the knob, feeling the thick dildo slide a little way in, then back. She wriggled her body, shifting backwards so that the next thrust would go deeper. Oh shit, she was experiencing it, the thing she’d always wanted to when she’d sat there in front of the computer. She was experiencing it and more besides, with her arse still bunged up.

Her pussy demanded more. She turned the knob, feeling the thing move faster. She was being machine fucked. It was a dream come true. She’d watched those fake cocks shaft so many women, hard and fast. She turned the knob again, feeling the thing ram into her from behind. Oh yes, this was what she wanted; a cock that would fuck her as hard and as fast as she liked, forever if she required it; never flagging, never stopping.

She closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of the machine driven cock that just kept on fucking her, driving into her from behind. She breathed heavily, then began moaning. Driven by sheer animal lust she turned the knob some more.

Oh fuck that thing was really banging her now. She gasped out loud. Oh yes, that was what she needed! If only she had one of these at home, she’d let it fuck her senseless every night. She opened her eyes when particularly loud moans erupted from the screen. She was just in time to see a woman on all fours having her mouth invaded by a big cock. She already had one in her pussy.

Anthea kept her eyes open. She’d had many affairs and one-night stands, but she’d never had two men at once. Now she was thinking that she’d really like to try that. She sort of was in a way, with the plug in her arse, but not really. The plug wasn’t moving, not the way a real cock would. Anyway, that wasn’t what she was thinking. It was the mouth and pussy action she could see on the screen that really turned her on.

She closed her eyes, concentrating on the way the machine was fucking her; hard so very hard. But she wanted something in her mouth too. She could arrange that, but only if she switched the machine off, and she didn’t want to do that. She didn’t want to be without that hard fucking for a second.

There was a sound, and it wasn’t coming from the loudspeakers. Anthea opened her eyes to see Miss X there.

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“Hello, Anthea,” the woman said. “I’m glad to see you’re enjoying yourself. I gather you need some assistance.”

Anthea didn’t answer. It was clear that the woman knew exactly what kind of help she needed. She was shifting a smaller machine – just a metal box really, with a dildo on the end of a rod – and positioning it in front of Anthea. There was no question of what was in the offing, and Anthea opened her mouth wide. The woman moved the machine a little more, before producing a small bottle of oil and lubricating the plastic.

Anthea moved her head, making sure the bulb of the big dildo was inside her mouth. The woman turned the knob, and the thing began moving slowly.

She was amazed at the taste. “Brilliant, isn’t it?” the woman said. “Lubricant designed to taste just like the real thing.”

Anthea couldn’t answer, of course, but she could turn the speed up a little more on the dildo that was hammering into her pussy. Miss X increased the speed on the one in her mouth. She closed her eyes. She knew in an instant that she wanted this for real someday. Real men would be nowhere near as relentless as the two machine dildos having their way with her, but she had to do it!

A gurgle emerged from the back of her throat. She was drooling at both ends. She could never have imagined that her body would just accept this kind of treatment, but now she felt totally insatiable. Her cock-ravaged holes just screamed for more and more.

There was a voice from the loudspeakers. “I bet you want it up the arse too!”

“Yes!” Anthea would have cried instinctively had the dildo in her mouth not forced out nothing but saliva.

“That can be arranged,” Miss X said.

Anthea hardly reacted to the way the woman seemed able to read her mind. Instead she focused intently on the dildo plunging dangerously close to her throat, and the way her sphincter stretched as the butt plug was removed from her back passage.

Understanding what was to come, she turned the controls off, letting Miss X pull the dildo from her pussy and slide it straight up to her anus. The thick head stretched her with ease. She opened her eyes to see a fat cock ramming into a tight anus in close-up on the screen. She turned the knob, feeling the dildo ease its way further up her bum.

She would have cried out with delight if her mouth hadn’t been full. She’d enjoyed anal sex when she’d had it, but never had it felt as exquisite as this, even though it felt as if she was stretched past breaking point. She made the machine work faster. From the loudspeakers a female voice was yelling, “Yeah! Punish my arse with your big cock!”

Anthea’s own holes were being punished by the machine dildos, and she had never experienced anything quite as downright dirty and delirious. She could virtually hear her own pussy juice dripping onto the floor. There was a new climax building. All she needed to do was somehow to reach back and touch herself.

Miss X’s voice broke in. “Anthea, there’s something you’ve fantasized about that I’d like to help you with.” The woman had moved, making both dildos slow and stop. “If you trust me.”

Anthea didn’t stop to wonder how the woman knew what her fantasies were. Nor did trust matter; only lust. She twisted her head free of the mouth-fucking machine dildo. “What is it?” she breathed.

“Come with me,” the woman said, offering Anthea her hand.

Anthea got to her feet and let Miss X lead her to a reclining chair, something like an office chair. She’d noticed it earlier, especially the wicked looking machine standing in front of it. The armrests doubled as restraints. Her pussy was awash with anticipation as she sat in the chair and allowed her arms to be secured.

What she hadn’t seen was the spreader bar nearby, that Miss X now fastened between her ankles. Nor had she seen that the spreader bar could be fastened to a metal ring in the floor. Anthea gave experimental tugs with arms and legs. She could hardly move her limbs at all.

“Thank you,” she whispered, looking deep into Miss X’s eyes. She’d watched so many videos like this. Then, finally, her curiosity got the better of her. “How did you know?”

“That you wanted to be tied and machine fucked?” the woman asked.

Anthea nodded. The phrase sounded delicious. “How did you know I wanted to be tied and machine fucked?”

“We have our ways,” the woman said, mysteriously. Then she was manoeuvring the machine, getting it into position.

The cock head slid easily into place inside Anthea’s slippery quim. She watched as Miss X assumed control, turning the little knob. The dildo began its work inside her, without any slow build-up, but then she didn’t need a slow build-up. The video display had moved on to German porn now, the loudspeakers erupting with a loud, “Fick mich! Oh, ja! Fick mich!”

Anthea glanced at the screen to see a woman in a corset and stockings on her back, being fucked hard while men stood around her wanking their hard cocks. The machine was clanking and whirring, picking up speed. The woman’s sentiments seemed exactly right. “Oh yeah!” she gasped. “That’s good! Fuck me!” Then she was crying out as the dildo rammed into her. “Oh yeah!” she gasped. “That’s so fucking good!”

The dildo suddenly slowed down, right down, till it was barely moving. Frustration made Anthea shift the little she could. Miss X was smiling at her. “Please!” Anthea begged. “Don’t tease! I need it! I need fucking! I need fucking hard!”

She screamed out loud as the machine suddenly started working at a brisk pace again, the dildo pounding her pussy. “Oh yeah! Fuck!” she gasped. The thing increased in pace, pounding like a jackhammer. And though she had never been fucked so hard by anyone or anything, even though it felt as if the dildo was trying to force its way right up through her body, she heard herself screaming, “Harder! Faster! Oh yeah! Harder! Pleease!”

Instead the dildo slowed almost to a standstill again. Anthea’s body heaved. She wanted desperately to be free of the restraints now, or rather she didn’t. What she wanted was, “Make the thing fuck me! Hard! I need it hard! Really hard!”

There was a lot of moaning and gasping going on from the loudspeakers, but she couldn’t care less as the dildo came to a stop before gradually whirring into motion and picking up a little bit of speed. Miss X was smiling down on Anthea, who tore against the restraints. “Harder!” she moaned. “Please make it go faster! Harder!”

Miss X turned the knob, the dildo shifting a little faster. Anthea had a sudden intimation that the thing was never going to be able to work fast enough for her. She was leaking like a burst pipe. “Harder!” she screamed. “Make it fuck me harder! I need it hard! My pussy needs it hard!”

Suddenly the thing was shifting in her with enormous speed, pounding into her. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” she screamed, waging a futile struggle against the restraints. “Fuck! Fuck! Harder! Harder!” she screamed, though it seemed impossible for the thing to go any faster, or at least for her to take it any harder.

Miss X turned the thing up another notch, subjecting powerless Anthea to a brutal fucking by the relentless machine. “Yeah! Yeah! Fuck! Fuck!” Anthea cried. Then words deserted her, leaving her to scream out garbled vowel sounds. She realised that her pussy was tightening, but before anything could happen, the machine had slowed, the dildo coming to a halt.

“No!” she screamed. “Don't tease! Make that thing fuck me as hard as it can!”

Miss X just looked at her with a wicked grin on her face.

Then the dildo was moving, pounding Anthea’s pussy even harder than before. “Aaooaayeah!” she cried. “Oooh! Oooh! Uh! Uh! Uh!” Her voice was a strange falsetto. How was it possible that the machine wasn’t killing her? Instead, a climax was building. Building and building. “Aargh!” Anthea screamed. “Oh fuck! Oh yeah!”

If the machine didn’t kill her, the climax would, she decided. It was there, upon her, just about, the dildo relentlessly slamming into her. Then it was out of her, but there was nothing she could do to stop what must happen. Her pussy clenched and suddenly she saw with her own eyes a gigantic stream of liquid shooting out from between her thighs, splattering the machine in front of her. “Aargh! Yeaah!” she screamed.

Then the dildo was back inside, pounding and pounding. “Aargh!” Anthea screamed. “Aarg! Yes! Yes! Yes!” Again the dildo pulled out, a mere second before she helplessly gushed more fluid, and this time she somehow sensed that her time with the machine was up.

She ought to have been exhausted by now, but as before she felt invigorated, more eager than ever for things to continue. “Thank you, thank you, thank you, so much!” she said to Miss X, who was busy releasing the restraints.

The woman just smiled enigmatically. “You have one room left,” she said. “You might want to put these gloves on. And I brought you a fresh pair of knickers.”

The way Anthea was feeling, she imagined they’d soon be full of pussy juice like the previous pair, but she accepted the underwear, enjoying the tightness when she pulled them on. She pulled the gloves on too. “I’ll wait for you in here,” Miss X said. “Off you go.”

Off Anthea went. She hardly stopped to think about what might be waiting on the other side of the door, once again feeling sexy and determined in her fetish gear. The material creaked wantonly as she walked. She liked that.

She opened the door to room three without bothering to knock. There was a big screen about eight feet away, on which she saw herself as she was. Fuck, she looked hot! There were six men in the room, sitting in a row with their backs to the door. She didn’t know what to expect, or what was expected of her, but acted on some kind of weird instinct, walking up to the row of men and standing with her back to the first, facing the screen.

She saw herself in the here and now on screen, her body encased in the red latex dress, the stockings, the heels giving her a towering presence. In high definition she could see the swell of nipples under rubber and ran her hands over her breasts.

She was touched. Male hands were on her bottom, groping her through the latex. She thought of wriggling her bottom, but then thought better of it, just standing, letting the hands roam and squeeze, finally touching her thighs. She moved to one side, standing in front of the second man, tracing the outline of her nipples with her fingers. Shit, this was hot! She was hot! Her hands fondled her own breasts as she watched herself on the screen, male hands touching her from behind.

She worked her way along the line, feeling her own breasts through the rubber; feeling male hands groping her arse and her thighs. When she was finished she stepped forward and moved to stand central to the row of men, still facing the screen. Behind her own figure she could see the men as dim, shadowy characters. It didn’t matter to her who they were or what they looked like. She only wanted four things from each of them; two hands, a mouth and a cock.

“Get your cocks out for me!” she said loudly, surprised at the assertiveness in her own voice.

She saw the shadowy figures move behind her, as she rolled the rubber dress up to her waist, enjoying the kinky sounds it made. She watched her own image on the screen as she pushed a hand down inside the knickers.

She didn’t bother to turn around. The men could watch the screen too. Her gloved fingers met slipperiness, and she slid her fingers all over her juiced up cunt, enjoying the way her hand moved inside the black latex knickers.

Feeling it was time to move on, Anthea planted her legs further apart. She snapped the knickers back over her sex before grabbing the crotch and bunching it up, pulling on the garment so that the crotch disappeared entirely between her swollen pussy lips.

You could have heard a pin drop in the room as she pulled on the knickers, rubbing the rubber against her pussy. The stuff was quickly becoming very slimy as it shifted against her clit. She was dripping wet, as she knew she would be. She pulled the knickers to one side, sliding the palm of her hand over her labia and deftly inserting two fingers. Pulling them out, she moved her hand to her mouth, seductively licking on her fingers. Then she turned.

She stood in front of the first man in the line, planting her feet far apart. She didn’t look at his face, only his erect cock as she rubbed her hand against her sex, once again pushing two fingers inside her sopping snatch, but this time offering them to the man for him to suck on. She placed the other gloved hand against the back of his head, pushing him towards her. The man leaned forward and she held her pussy lips apart for him. His tongue touched her clit, and she made a determined effort not to make a sound, even though she was on fire as his tongue slithered over her.

Anthea gave the man about a minute, then she moved to her left, to the next man, repeating the actions. By the time she’d reached the end of the line, she was just about ready to burst. Not only from the feel of their tongues, but from her own sense of power. They were like her servants, sitting there, licking her, cocks standing to attention.

She turned. As if from nowhere, a narrow table had appeared between her and the big screen. By now she had lost the ability to be surprised by anything. Regretfully she decided she had to pull of the rubber knickers. Then she heaved herself up on the table, sitting there, spreading her legs. “Wank for me!” she said.

Instantly all six men placed their hands round their cocks and began moving them. Anthea slid her hands over the rubber dress, letting her fingertips circle the hard outline where her nipples were aching. Slowly she let one hand slide down her body as she watched the men’s hands move against their erect cocks. As fingers slid down over her clit, she realised it wouldn’t take much at all for her to climax again.

She let a finger slide inside her sopping cavern. Shit, she could do with a good cock inside her. She eyed the men, trying to make her choice, but wanting to draw this out at the same time. A thought occurred to her. She slid off the table, turned and bent over it. She saw her own face on the screen, but she hardly recognized herself as she said, “I want you to finger me in turn.”

She could see the men approach from behind, forming an orderly queue. As the first man came to stand behind her, Anthea reached back, placed her hand on her buttocks and pulled them apart. The anus that had so recently been plugged and fucked opened up, she could feel it. “And while you’re fingering me, I want you to tongue my arsehole!”

Anthea kept her eyes on the screen, on her own face as fingers slid into her soaking twat, and a tongue eased its way into her tight rectum. Her mouth fell open, but she didn’t want to moan. Nevertheless the screen eyes that stared into her own eyes were perhaps the most debauched eyes she had ever seen. She loved the filthy way the men wriggled their tongues in her arse while their fingers worked her pussy. It was the filthiest thing she had ever done, and she was in complete control.

As she was fingered and tongued by each man in turn, she could feel her climax building. Determined not to moan, she watched her face as she bit her lip, screwing up her features to prevent any sound from emerging. If she came, then so be it, but she’d rather wait, rather save it. With the last in line’s tongue buried deep in her arse, his fingers fucking her ever-tightening pussy, it was a close call, but she wasn’t quite there.

“Right, you can go and sit down!” she said, her voice sounding like a bark.

Meekly the men did as he was told. She climbed onto the table, facing the screen, supporting herself on one arm as she spread her legs. “Looks like I’m going to have to bring myself off,” she said, sliding a gloved hand over the red latex, her pubes, and swiftly finding her pussy.

She dug two fingers into herself, watching the screen, which showed her puffed up lips in incredible hi-def. Every drop of juice that had escaped her pussy was clearly visible as she stuffed her gloved fingers inside herself. There was no point in not moaning now. Working her fingers inside herself, it sounded like she was helping herself from a honey pot. Her pussy clenched hold of her fingers.

Moaning loudly and lustily, Anthea drove her fingers hard into herself, just waiting for the exact moment. Her pussy tightened. It was time. She pulled her fingers out and rubbed her clit hard and fast. And there it was. Her body tensed. She rubbed her fingers hard against her clit, orgasmic sounds emerging from her very depths.

When she opened her eyes again, she could see on the screen how a large puddle had emerged on the table just beneath her pussy. As before, her climax only served to spur her on. She pulled her cunt lips apart to give both herself and the men a good hi-def view of her alluringly glistening pussy.

She climbed down off the table and moved to the side before bending over the thing. She turned her head to look at the men. They all looked the same, just figures she could use for her own pleasure. She held out a gloved hand, beckoning to one of the men, “You! Come here and fuck me.” Then, to another. “And you! See to my clit while he’s fucking me!”

The two men rose. Anthea turned her head towards the screen, watching as the one man got down underneath her, while the other positioned himself behind her. Fingers touched her clit. She watched her own face intently as the man behind her gripped his cock and steered it towards her entrance. She watched her own face and the pleasure it registered at the moment of penetration, knowing the rest of the men could see it too.

She felt a tongue on her clit, lips moving against her, as a big cock shafted her from behind. It had been fun trying out the machines, but having a real cock inside her was just the ticket. “Fuck me deep!” she urged. “Fuck me hard and fast!”

The man obeyed. He was nice and big, which was just what Anthea needed. She watched the screen, focusing on the whole of herself, loving the sight of herself in that kinky gear, being seen to by two men; loving the huge image of herself being fucked from behind. This time she allowed herself a moan of pleasure when the tongue flicked at her clit. She thrust her arse back a little. “That’s it!” she said. “Fuck me hard and fast and deep. Don’t stop until you’ve filled me up with your cum!”

The man’s cock moved faster, fucking her a little harder. Once again her pussy began to speak, in that dialect of damp, of viscosity. The tongue lapped at her clit, the cock pushed up into her, both driving her lust upwards and onwards. She smiled at the huge image of herself, then her face creased as she moaned with the sensation of the cock thrusting into her.

The man grunted too; his hands on her waist as he fucked and fucked. Anthea sensed he was close, and it brought her closer, especially with fingers rubbing her clit. The machine had been great, but there was one thing it couldn’t do; the thing that the man was suddenly doing, provide her with a big load of frothy cum. Her pussy provided yet more juices, mingling with the cum as the cock pulled out of her. She noticed that the man below her kept his mouth away, just rubbing at her clit.

“You, Clit-licker,” she said. “Get your tongue on me.” In high-def, sex fluids were oozing out of her. She kept her eyes on the screen, remembering her machine experience, the thing that had never happened with real men. “Two of you,” she said, not bothering to look at the men. “One cock in my cunt, one cock in my mouth. Keep them there until you cum!”

It had been great with the machines, but it was even better with real cocks. Anthea couldn’t keep her eyes off the screen, even though it was sometimes difficult to see at the angle she was now required to keep. She looked so hot in her kinky gear, and even hotter with a cock fucking her at each end. She could never have imagined how amazing it felt, nor how indescribably wicked it looked.

The tongue on her clit was moving faster, too. She looked at herself, at the two cocks thrusting in their two separate holes. She was moaning at the back of her throat. She looked just like those women she’d seen so many times on the internet.

The tongue sweeping across her swollen clit, and the two cocks being driven into her, was enough to push her over the edge. Her body shook as the two men continued to fuck her. The tongue on her clit kept on moving. There was no respite, nor did Anthea need it. She’d climaxed so many times, and felt as if she could do so again and again without any trouble. But first it was the turn of the two men, the man behind her adding to the spunk that had already been delivered in her, then the man fucking her mouth. Anthea swallowed each spurt greedily.

She’d already decided what she wanted next. She climbed up onto the table again, facing the screen as she had before, spreading her legs. “Clit-licker,” she said. “It’s time for your reward. Get your cock stuck into me!”

The man who had been beneath her was suddenly in front of her. As his cock pushed into her, she said, “The rest of you, touch me!”

Five pairs of hands roamed her body, sliding across the skin tight rubber, some of them moving across her curvy breasts and well-defined nipples, others on her thighs. Two cocks were still erect, and she reached out, holding them as hands roamed her and a cock moved swiftly between her thighs.

The whole thing was outrageous, and Anthea revelled in it. She wanted to see just how kinky things could get. “Fuck me hard!” she breathed. “Fuck me hard and cum in me!”

She held the two stiff cocks tightly, enjoying the hands that continued to move across her second skin. “Harder!” she urged, and as she was fucked harder, she felt the cock expand. “Yes! Yes!” she gasped.

It was the third load to be fired into her cunt in short succession, and as the man moved away, she could see sperm oozing out of her, the puddle of pussy juice beneath her. It looked absolutely filthy, and Anthea wanted it filthier still, wanted to find out how far she could go.

“You,” she said, squeezing her right hand around the erection contained within. “If you lick my pussy and make me cum, I’ll let you fuck my arse.”

She was delighted, but no longer surprised when the man complied. She understood that whatever she asked the men to do, they would do. Five pairs of hands roamed her body, but it was the fact of the man lapping at her cunt, where three of his companions had just delivered their sperm, that really excited her.

Shit, that really was red hot. Anthea tried to see it on the screen, but the back of the man’s head was in the way. She closed her eyes, feeling five pairs of hands on her, but more than anything imagining the man lapping away as sperm oozed out of her.

Her left hand was still gripping erect cock meat, her right hand gripped the table. Yet another climax built and built. Her body shuddered, convulsed. Not until it was completely over was the tongue removed from her pussy.

Her legs were moved and held. She felt herself manipulated into a position where the man who had just licked her could claim his reward. She felt his cock head against her tight anus and opened her eyes. “Yes,” she whispered, “you can fuck my arse.” The sight of his mouth covered in residual sperm and cunt juice enflamed her further.

As stiff cock meat pushed into her back passage, she gave the cock in her hand a little squeeze, turning her head to one side. “And you can fuck my mouth,” she said.

She closed her eyes as hands roamed her body, groping her, everyone wanting a feel of her breasts now, where they lay encased in rubber. She revelled in the feel of cocks thrusting into her, feeding her greedy mouth and hungry arse. She’d just cum, but there was no subsiding, just a yearning for more.

There was expansion in her mouth, the man finding it impossible to hold back. She didn’t care. She let him ejaculate, swallowing his violent spurts. She opened her eyes again, staring at the man with sperm-coated lips who was busy fucking her arse. “Fuck me and fill me!” she urged.

Then she turned her attention to the four other men, who were still groping her. Miraculously their cocks had sprung into action again, and she grabbed the two that were closest to her on either side. She tugged on them furiously as she urged the man fucking her arse, “Harder! Faster!”

Her arse was being fucked violently, but she felt as if she could take any kind of punishment. Sperm was flying out of the two cocks in her hands, the white looking delicious as it fell on the red rubber that encased her torso.

She grabbed at the remaining two cocks, tugging hard. She could more or less hear her pussy crying out for one last climax. She tugged hard on the cocks, forcing them to shed their loads quickly, shed their loads over her, so that the sticky white slid deliciously across her latex skin. Then she moved her hands down to her own sex.

Her arse was stretched right out as she stuffed three fingers into the hole that was still slimy with sperm and cunt juice, in spite of the best efforts of the man now fucking her arse. The fingers on her other hand were all over her clit, rubbing, rubbing.

It was the sight of the sperm sliding across her latex skin that excited her the most now. The cock in her arse was a mere bonus as she worked her own pussy. Her whole body was tightening, her fingers squeezed, the cock in her back side feeling bigger and bigger. The man grunted. “Fuck me!” She cried. “Fuck me and fill me!”

The man was already filling her. The feel of his hot stickiness in there was all she needed. She cried out, her body shifted uncontrollably as muscles tightened. And then she came, and came, and came. She wasn’t sure if it was all one big orgasm or three rolled into one. She just knew as she climbed down from the soiled table, spunk slithering down her extra skin, that she was the most satisfied she’d ever been.

The men had returned to their chairs, sitting in a straight line, just as Anthea had found them. She didn’t offer tham a second glance as she returned the way she’d come, back into the playroom, where Miss X was waiting for her.

“Well, you’ve obviously had a lot of fun,” the woman smiled.

“Yes,” Anthea agreed, returning the smile.

“Well, time to get you back home.”

They walked swiftly through the playroom and then the clothes room. The surprise of finding her wardrobe leading to the three rooms was reversed as she found herself back in her own student quarters. But even more amazing was the sight of all the things laid out in the room. “Some presents,” Miss X smiled.

Anthea couldn’t believe her luck. There was as much kinky clothing as she could ever hope for, a selection of dildos and plugs and items for every conceivable use, along with a sybian, and one of the machines that had provided her with so much pleasure. “Thank you!” Anthea cried, throwing her arms around Miss X and giving her a big hug, so that the sperm on her latex smeared the woman’s leather catsuit.

“You’re welcome,” the woman said, releasing herself from Anthea’s grip to bring out a small plastic card. “This is included. It’s a year’s membership to a club I rather think you’ll enjoy.” Anthea was about to throw her arms around the woman again, when Miss X continued, “Now, Anthea, I need you to give me the figurine back. But before you do, you must kiss it and nominate the next person to have their sexual desires fulfilled.”

Anthea was a little reluctant to do this, having taken a shine to the object, but complied nevertheless.

“My, my!” Miss X said, before Anthea’s lips had left the plaster. “Well, it’s your choice, dear.”

“What is?” Anthea asked, frowning as the figurine was taken from her.

“Your father,” the woman replied, leaving Anthea to go very red in the face as she took her leave, the same way she’d come.

Written by PervyStoryteller
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