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The Master of O, Chapter 3

"Dorothy finally meets the Wicked Witch!"

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Dorothy slept peacefully for a couple hours and when she awoke she was feeling a lot better. "My goodness! I needed that," she said, hinting at both the nap and the fucking. She stood up stretching and dusted off her clothes. They resumed their travels down the footpath. 

"Tin Man, you know these woods better than either of us, do you know how much further it is?" Dorothy asked, tired of walking in the murky half-light of the forest floor.

"Well, I have never been to the edge of the woods, however my maker had and it shouldn't be too much longer, I wouldn't think," he said.

As they walked further, they began to hear strange sounds deep in the woods. It was then that they noticed that the birds they would occasionally see flitting about in the trees were no longer there. The woods took on a more ominous air, and the trio walked cautiously down the narrow rugged trail.

The strange sound continued to follow them, just out of sight, back in the trees. It was a menacing growling sound, like some great beast stalking them. The further the three walked, the louder and more frightening the sound grew. But there was also a sliver of light - the end of the forest was near! The three picked up the pace, hoping to get to the edge of the forest where they might be safe from whatever was stalking them. Just as they thought they might break into the clear, something jumped out in front of them, blocking the path.

"Stop! Stop, or I shall eat you all!" the beast said. It stepped forward and Dorothy saw it was a great lion.

"Oh my!" Dorothy gasped. Quickly, Scarecrow pulled Dorothy back and Tin Man stepped in front raising his ax. The Lion drew back, cowering from Tin Man. Dorothy noticed the Lion's actions and stepped around Scarecrow. Walking up beside Tin Man, she spoke to the Lion.

"Why, you are not a great Lion at all! You are nothing but a... a scaredy-cat!" Dorothy said.

"You're right, I am a big coward. I'm the Cowardly Lion!" the lion said. "I couldn't hurt a fly - I don't even swat at mosquitoes when they bite me because I'm afraid of hurting them! I'm afraid of everything really. It's terribly embarrassing sometimes," the Lion said, looking down and kicking at a rock. 

"Well, you scared us and that isn't nice!" Dorothy said, angry now.

"I know, I'm sorry," Lion said, "Did I really scare you?"

"Yes you did. You shouldn't go around just scaring folks - they don't like that!" Dorothy said.

"You're right. I do it because they scare me and it's my way of protecting myself," Lion explained. "Otherwise people pick on me and make fun of me."

"Well, we wouldn't make fun of you. We are just trying to pass through here on our way to the Crystal Castle to see the Master," Dorothy said.

"Why do you want to go there?" Lion asked.

"I am going to ask him if he can help me get back home. Scarecrow here wants to see if the Master will give him a brain and Tin Man wants a heart," Dorothy said.

"Gee, do you think the Master could give me courage? A lion without courage is kind of, well, a scaredy-cat!" Lion said.

"Oh, I'm sure he would. You are welcome to come with us if you like and ask him yourself," Dorothy said.

"I would like that," Lion said. So Lion joined the little band and they began walking on towards the edge of the forest and on towards the Crystal Castle.

A few minutes later the foursome broke through the trees and Dorothy, Scarecrow, and Tin Man stepped out into the bright sunshine. They were on a slight hill overlooking a vast field of pretty wildflowers. In the far, far distance, they could just make out the outline of the Crystal Castle.

"Look! There is the distance! It's the Crystal Castle!" Dorothy said excitedly. This cheered them up and they noticed that Lion wasn't standing there next to them. Dorothy went back and found Lion hiding behind a tree.

"Come, Lion, we can see the Crystal Castle, we are getting closer!" Dorothy said.

"I'm afraid! I've never been out of the forest before!" Lion said, clutching the tree.

"It's okay, we are here with you," Dorothy said.

"Wait a minute please... I-I have something to confess," Lion said. He took Dorothy back into the woods a short distance and Scarecrow and Tin Man followed. When Lion felt comfortably back from the edge of the trees he turned to the three.

"You are all my friends and you deserve to know the truth. You see I am not a lion at all... he said and reached up to the side of his head. Pulling his head off Lion revealed that instead of a wild beast, it was just a young girl in a Lion's costume!

"Why - you are just a girl!" Dorothy said, nearly falling over from surprise.

"Yes I am. You see many years ago, I came to this land by accident. I was a lot younger than you, Dorothy, and I was found by a family and they took me in. I lived with them until I became too great a burden and I decided to leave. I took on this Lion disguise because I was afraid of other animals coming to get me. I have been hiding and pretending to be a great and powerful Lion ever since. It's my way of being brave and protecting myself. Actually, I am terrified all the time! 

I would love to go home again too, but I never knew how, until now. I don't even know how long I've been here or if there is anyone still back home that misses me. I have been so lonely and so afraid for so very long!" Then she began to cry. Dorothy took the girl into her arms and held her as Scarecrow and Tin Man wrapped their arms around her as well in a group hug.

"You are with us now, and you needn't be afraid. But you can put on your Lion head if it makes you feel better. What is your name?" Dorothy asked.

"I was Emily before I became Lion," she said. 

"Well, if it will help you be brave, we will continue to call you Lion. That way when we talk to you, you will find bravery in your name," Dorothy said.

"That would be helpful, thank you," Lion said.

After they had made Lion feel better, the four of them proceeded to leave the forest for good this time. Lion wasn't sure, but with her friends, she drew a deep breath and stepped out into the sunshine for the first time in many years.

"Oooh, it's warm on my face!" Lion said. Dorothy smiled and they began walking down the hill and into the field towards the distant Crystal Castle.

The road widened out again and got smoother now that they were out of the forest. The walking became easier, and they were making good time. However, it was getting late and the sun was getting low on the horizon. So the four road-weary travelers decided to find a place to go to sleep for the night.

A little ways down the road, they came to a small clearing with a grassy area, a good place to sleep. Scarecrow laid down first to serve as a pillow for Dorothy and Lion while Tin Man took up a position to keep watch over his friends. And with that the four went to sleep.

What the four of them did not realize was that their every move was being watched carefully. The Wicked Witch that the Mayor and the kindly couple that fed Dorothy told her of had been watching their travels since Dorothy left Malkovainia. She had been watching as Dorothy met Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Lion. She had seen how horny Dorothy had been and had big plans for her.

As the four slept in the grassy area along the road, the Wicked Witch looked through her Book of Spells until she found what she was looking for. Taking her wand with her, she climbed the many stairs to the top of the tower facing where the four slept. She opened the window and, waving the wand, she called out the incantation:

"Spirit Earth, hear my plea;
I summon you to bring to me
The one who is not of this land
Place her into my waiting hands."

As the group slept on unaware of the evil approaching them, a vine crept towards Dorothy. It gathered close by her silently preparing, then it struck, suddenly wrapping itself around her mouth and preventing her from screaming out. Two other vines grabbed both her wrists to keep her from waking the others or alerting anyone. It wrapped her up in an instant and helpless now, it dragged her off into the brush and took her slowly to the Wicked Witches castle where the Witch awaited her arrival.

A little while later Dorothy arrived at the Witche's castle still bound tightly by the vine creature. The creature put the struggling girl down on the floor in a rather clumsy manner causing her to fall and land on her ass.

"Oh!" Dorothy exclaimed as she bounced on the hard floor. She got up quickly, "Who are you and why am I here? What is going on?" she said angrily.

"So many questions, my dear!" The Witch said, smiling evilly. "Well, let's start at the beginning then. I am Mombi, The Wicked Witch. I am sure that you have heard of me. As for why you are here, well, I have been watching you since you arrived here. I saw you in Mayor McDweedle's office, I saw you begin your journey. I've been watching you all along your way, as you met your traveling companions and yes my sex-hungry little slut, even as you exercised that pretty little pussy of yours! I must say you have quite an appetite for sex my dear - something that will serve me well now!

You see, not only am I a witch, but I am also a Mistress. A very horny, very hungry Mistress. And as I watched you with that cucumber, and saw you with your companions, I became quite impressed with your voracity and hunger. I realized your whorish tendencies would make you a good sex slave for me. You see, this castle is too big for me to care for and still deal with matters I deal with daily. I need someone to take care of the daily running of this castle, while I tend to more important matters.

In addition, I too, have a rather substantial sexual appetite, and having someone handy to feed my hunger would serve me well in a more personal nature. I am planning on training that pretty little mouth and tight little body to be at my beck and call whenever and wherever I want it. I will use and abuse your mouth, your pussy, and your ass as I see fit and you will in turn pleasure me. Doesn't that sound like fun?" The Witch said, laughing loudly.

"Judging by what I have seen of your sexual passions, I think you and I can help each other out.

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You are constantly looking for a cock to fill that hungry little pussy of yours and I can always use a soft tongue between my legs. So it seems like a wonderful match don't you think, precious?" The Witch said.

"NO! I will never agree to anything so vile as that!" Dorothy screamed at the Witch. "Now you let me go right this minute! All I want is to get to the Crystal Castle and see if the Master will help me get home. Now let me go!"

"Oh my pretty little whore, I don't think so. You are going to become my sex slave and pleasure me just as I said. I have many wickedly delicious ways of gaining your cooperation, and I am looking forward to your fighting me at every turn so I can use them all.

You see, my fetching firebrand, I could easily make you bend to my will - my bullwhip could rip the soft, creamy flesh from your bones with little effort at all. And while that would undoubtedly make you compliant to my wishes, it would also leave you broken, marred, and too sore to do as I wish. No, there is another way - a way that won't mark your tender, delicious flesh, yet will make you every bit as cooperative," the Witch said.

She stepped up to Dorothy and grabbed her by the hair and dragged her to the mirror on the wall. "Look! Look into my mirror and you will see why you will obey me!" As Dorothy looked into the mirror her reflection was replaced by an image of Scarecrow. But Scarecrow was in trouble. He was in a room filled on all sides by fire!

"Your friend Scarecrow is trapped in a room full of fire - the one thing he is afraid of most. But not all is as it seems, for most of the fire he sees is only in his imagination. Some of it is real, but he doesn't know what is real and what is imaginary," the Witch said. Then the scene changed and she saw Tin Man in the mirror.

"Your Tin Man has been bound in strong chains and set in a room with rain coming down upon him. He will quickly rust until he can no longer move and then his oil can will be put on the table before him for him to look at for all eternity - so close and yet he cannot free himself. He will remain a motionless statue of tin forever," she said. Once again the scene changed and she saw Lion, only Lion didn't have her costume on now. 

"Your Lion friend is no Lion at all, but merely a scared little girl. She is afraid of everything so she has been put in a dark room, with terrible monsters making noise all around her and occasionally bumping into her. She will be absolutely terrified and will be cowering in a corner for all time - too afraid of what she can only imagine to move," the Witch said. Dorothy watched as her young friend cried and whimpered and trembled in terror.

"And as for you, my pretty, you will have the place of honor - your cell will face Tin Man so you can watch as he suffers, frozen in place for all time, unable to move, unable to speak, unable to free himself. Your cell will be flanked on both sides by your friends Scarecrow and Lion so their screams of terror can ring in your ears always. And you will sit in your cell, knowing that you, my sweet, are responsible for their suffering. Your rebellion against me has put your friends in this predicament, and your refusal to obey keeps them there," The Witch said.

Dorothy watched all this in horror, unwilling to believe anyone could be so cruel and so heartless. Yet this Witch was every bit as heartless and cruel. Dorothy couldn't possibly allow her friends to be subjected to such an awful fate. She knew what she had to do. At the expense of her own freedom and the possiblity that she may never find her way home again, she surrendered herself and agreed to become the Witch's sex slave.

"Okay, Mistress Mombi, okay... I will surrender to you. Just please let my friends go free, and I will be your sex slave," Dorothy said, hanging her head and sobbing quietly.

Mistress Mombi, as Dorothy was instructed to call her now, smiled and stepped closer to the defeated Dorothy. She pulled the young girl into a strong embrace, claiming her. Dorothy kept her head down, not wanting to look at the woman who was doing this to her. But Mistress would have none of that. She reached up grabbing the girl by the hair and yanked her head back. She put her other hand under Dorothy's chin, squeezing her cheeks and then leaned down to give Dorothy a lusty, passionate kiss.

As bad as Dorothy felt about her situation and having to stay with Mistress from now on, Dorothy couldn't ignore the sparks that ignited as the two women kissed. And Mistress may be a wicked woman and even a witch, but she was also one hell of a kisser! Dorothy couldn't help but moan as the Mistress made a meal of her soft mouth, devouring her as if she was a juicy steak and she was starving.

Dorothy could feel her new Mistress's large breasts press into her smaller ones. With Mistress's strong embrace and the deep powerful kiss, Dorothy began to feel a bit dizzy and weak-kneed. She stood there trembling and had to cling to Mistress' arm to steady herself as the kiss broke and she looked up into the deep, crystal blue eyes of the imposing woman. The Mistress, who, with her five inch stiletto heels, towered over the smaller Dorothy. 

Mistress Mombi took a seat in her huge, high-backed black leather chair. She let her robe fall open and Dorothy blushed as she stared at the Mistress's lush naked body underneath. The woman may be a Mistress and a witch, but she had a killer body! From her full, ripe 36DD tits, Dorothy's eyes scanned the woman's tight, firm body, eyeing her smooth skin, taunt belly and finally her eyes dropped down to Mistress's lap. The Mistress watched Dorothy and when her eyes reached the Mistress's legs, she playfully spread them revealing her smooth shaved pussy, already glinting with a hint of moisture.

"You think that just because I'm a witch I should be old and ugly with a wart on my nose and missing teeth!" Mistress chuckled, "That is just what the old stories and fairy tales have painted us as. The truth is, we witches can appear as anything we wish. If we want to be craggy old women to scare people, we can. If we want to be sultry sexpots to attract someone, we can do that. We can appear as anything we want - plant, animal, or person. We can even be invisible if we choose," Mistress explained.

Mistress Mombi took Dorothy by the hand and pulled her closer. Dorothy blushed when the Mistress told her to strip. Mistress scolded the timid girl and reminded her that it was only 'us girls' and that she would have to learn to obey orders immediately when given. Humbled and humiliated but knowing she had no choice, she complied and began getting undressed. The 18 year old Dorothy felt so embarrassed when she removed her bra and panties and Mistress saw her young B-cup tits, tiny by comparison to her own, and her patch of light brown pubic hair. 

During the Mistress's examination of her naked body, Dorothy felt fingers touch her thighs, butt, nipples, and pussy. Dorothy was becoming aroused and hoped that the woman hadn't noticed. But Mistress clearly did notice, and let her robe slip all the way off her hot body. Dorothy could not keep her eyes off the naked woman that was now her Mistress. 

Dorothy gasped softly and felt her pussy moisten as her eyes traveled between the Mistress's huge tits and her smooth, bare pussy. The look of desire in Dorothy's eyes, her hard, erect nipples, and the dew forming on her pussy lips caused the Mistress to smile evilly. She knew that she would soon seduce the young girl and make her truly a sex slave. She would have fun with this one!

But first things first. Mistress knew that Dorothy hadn't eaten properly in a few days now, and she was probably very hungry. So the Mistress took Dorothy by the hand and led her to the dining hall where Dorothy found a feast worthy of any banquet! There was a massive table that must have seated twelve people per side, and it was filled to overflowing with everything she could imagine - from turkey and ham to roast potatoes and all manner of vegetables and fruits. There were several different pies and desserts as well. Dorothy had never seen so much food in all her life!

"Oh my goodness!" Dorothy said when she saw the huge table filled with so much food. 

"I knew you were terribly hungry, so I whipped up something for you to eat," Mistress said. Dorothy sat down and began eating. She was ravenous and she ate as fast as she could get it in her mouth. As she ate though, she remembered her manners and slowed down, a little embarrassed at her greediness.

"Do not worry my pet, there is plenty more where that came from!" Mistress said, stroking her hair as she ate. As Dorothy ate, the Mistress's hands stroked her hair, then moved down to her shoulders, and finally slid down to her naked breasts. Mistress cupped her young firm breasts, her fingers sinking into the pliable, creamy flesh and playing over her hard, sensitive nipples. Dorothy was having a hard time concentrating on eating, as another form of hunger was growing in her belly now. 

Once she was finished with dinner, Mistress Mombi took her by the hand and led her into her private chambers.

When Dorothy entered the spacious room, she was impressed with the elegant furniture and huge round bed with mirrors on the ceiling. "Wait here, I am going to get cleaned up and I will be right out," Mistress said. She made Dorothy kneel at the doorway to her room and wait for her to return, then she went into the adjoining bathroom. 

When the Mistress emerged from the bathroom she was drying herself with a light-blue bath towel. When she finished, the beautiful woman just let the towel fall to the floor and stood before her stunned slave in all her glorious nakedness. Noticing the mixture of discomfort, embarrassment, and yearning in Dorothy's soft brown eyes, Mistress said in a sultry voice, "Honey, you are going to see me in little or no clothing at all quite often, so get used to it. Now, shall we begin?" 

Written by Master_Jonathan
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