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Alex's Houseboat Surprise

"Hunter's Surprise trip fulfills one of Alex's darkest fantasies"

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I scrunch up my nose in a half-hearted attempt to raise the silk blindfold enough to catch a glimpse of my surroundings. As tempted as I am to peek, I am also intrigued at the prospect of a surprise. Hunter laughs, gently tugging the blindfold back into place.

“You had better behave yourself, Alex. You will certainly love your prize if you are patient and cooperate. Now, we are going to go down five stair steps, okay?”

I grasp Hunter’s arm tightly, my left foot gingerly seeking the first drop-off. Hunter steadies me, counting each step out loud until we are on level ground once again. I take in a slow breath, filling my nose and lungs, using another sense to try to figure out exactly where we may be. The aroma of soft, wet earth mixes with the slightest tang of moss, giving me a hint. The sun beats hotly down on every inch of my exposed skin, making me wish I had thought to bring sunscreen in my bright blue overnight bag. My ears perk up, using yet another sense, at the sound of water gently lapping nearby.

“One big step up now, Beautiful,” Hunter warns. I slide my foot slowly forward until my wedge sandal clunks heavily into the step.

“Are we there yet?” I nearly whine, sounding much like a toddler on a long car trip. Hunter had been teasing me about this surprise weekend away for nearly a full month. Curiosity is certainly getting the best of me.

Hunter laughs at me again. “Patience never has been your strong suit, has it?” he chides, removing my blindfold at last. I blink into the bright sunlight, allowing my eyes to adjust. We are mere steps away from a beautiful, if modest, houseboat.

“You know my friend, Cameron, from work?” Hunter asks. I nod slowly, trying to figure out exactly what Hunter is up to this time. “Well, he decided to loan us his boat for the weekend. We thought we might enjoy a little…getaway.”

“Really?! But…You should have told me, Hunter!” I explain, irritation rising in me. “Dammit, I’m not prepared for a BOAT trip! I have no bathing suit, no sunscreen, no --.” I trail off, completely frustrated.

“Relax, Alex,” Hunter soothes. “I’ve taken care of everything. Now, let’s climb aboard and let you check the place out.”

I follow Hunter up onto the boat. Even docked, it takes me some time to find my sea legs. While Hunter had been on Cameron’s boat several times before, it had always just been him and his work buddies.

“I’ll give you the grand tour later. Let’s put our bags away and get out on the river first.” Hunter walks effortless inside as I sway unsteadily behind him, still trying to get my bearings. We walk through a small kitchen, through a slightly bigger living area, and through a small door into a comfortable bedroom. Hunter throws our overnight bags in the corner as I look around. Definitely a bachelor’s space - there is nothing remotely resembling decoration. However, the room is clean and welcoming. I am surprised to find a neatly made queen-sized bed with fluffy, inviting pillows. In the middle of the bed I spy another duffel bag. I look at Hunter for permission, and he nods.

I pull the zipper slowly and peek into the bag. Nestled inside I find my bikini, sunscreen, and all of our toys. A naughty grin spreads across my face.

Hunter strips off his shirt. “How about you get changed while I get us going on the road…or, river,” he chuckles. “Just get comfy, and then meet me up on deck when you’re ready.” With that, he turns to leave me in the bedroom alone.

I slowly turn in a circle in the center of the room. There isn’t much to see. The sun streams in through two small windows, adorned with simple mini-blinds. A small lamp sits on a basic nightstand on the far side of the bed. Our bags lie carelessly strewn, forgotten, in the corner nearest the door.

The boat’s engine roars to life as I begin to peel my clothes from my slightly sweaty, sticky skin. I’m relieved Hunter had the sense to bring my bikini and sunscreen, since it is still early in the summer and I don’t want to burn. I tie my skimpy top around my slender neck and nearly fall over as the boat leaves the dock. I grab a tube of sunscreen and slather my scantily-clad body as best I can. Realizing I will need help with the rest, I head up on deck to find Hunter. His eyes grin at me, taking me in, as I wobble toward him.

“You better find your sea legs, girl…or sit down,” he chortles at me.

I toss the sunscreen to him, glowering, and he hands me a bright red Solo cup as a peace offering. I take it from him, trying not to slosh the cold cocktail everywhere. Hunter’s strong hands slather creamy sunscreen expertly over my back and shoulders. I take a big gulp of the drink he had prepared for me.

“Mmmmmm,” I breathe. His hands smoothing over my back, the hot sun reflecting on my skin, and the alcohol all soothe me. I realize I have finally stopped trying to fight the gentle roll of the boat.

“Relax awhile, Alex. Enjoy the sun and your drink. I’ll be busy steering for awhile.”

I settle into a chaise near the edge of the deck, happy to have some quiet, stress-free time after a hectic week. The river is not busy today, and I sip my drink, listening to the calming hum of the engine. Soon, the bright sun makes my eyelids heavy. All of my worries from the long week melt from my muscles.


Velvet lips trailing down my neck awaken me from my unexpected nap. “Mmmmmm,” I sigh, my eyes still closed. My chest arches into Hunter’s warm hands as he traces over my ribs. I stretch slowly, yawning.

“Did you have a nice nap, Alex?” Hunter breathes hotly on my skin.

“Guess I was pretty tired,” I answer, opening my eyes at last. We seem to be anchored in a small, out-of-the-way cove. A gentle breeze rustles the leave of the massive old trees shading our boat. I pull Hunter down on the chaise with me. His skin is hot, branded by the sum. My hands run through his fuzzy hair, pulling his lips to meet mine. “I think I’m all rested up now,” I whisper, gently biting his lower lip.

We kiss gently several times, our lips molding together, our hands lightly exploring each other’s warm, sun-kissed skin. I carefully rake my nails down Hunter’s back, leaving no marks, but cluing him in to my growing urgency. Our tongues meet, dancing in silken, wet mouths. A familiar fire ignites deep in my belly, and I press up against him harder. I feel his cock growing hard beneath his shorts.

Hunter deftly pulls on my bikini string, releasing my top from around my neck. My tits spring free and his mouth moves from mine. I sigh, stretching into his lips as he kisses his way down my neck to my already hard, ruby nipples. He pulls on them in turn, almost roughly between his teeth, and I groan softly. The gentle fire spreads quickly from my belly down to my pussy. His hands slide firmly down my sides, his fingers hooking under the thin fabric of my bikini bottoms. I raise my hips for him as he slides the bottoms down, revealing my smooth-shaven mound. I don’t take time to care that we are on the deck of a boat and I am completely naked for anyone who may pass by to see. Hunter kneels on the floor next to my chaise and I lie back, closing my eyes once again, simply enjoying the sensation of his hands and mouth on me. I hear an engine not far away and for a moment hope we are tucked far enough into our cove to remain undetected.

Hunter grabs my hips, pulling me down in the chair, and I feel his hot breath briefly on my pussy. His tongue laps the creamy inside of my thigh, teasing me. He nibbles gently on my skin, working his way toward my center. My pussy is throbbing now. Oh, how I ache to have him inside of me!

I vaguely realize that the engine I heard close by has stopped. I don’t recall hearing it fade into the distance, but Hunter’s soft tongue flicking gently over my clit, then away again, brings me back to the task at hand and I forget entirely about the other boat.

“Alex,” he begins, still licking and teasing me between words. “The boat trip was only the beginning of your surprise. Today, I am going to fulfill one of your fantasies. To start, though…” he trails off, and I whimper as his hands and mouth leave my body. My eyes fly open, searching for the reason he has stopped so suddenly.

“Just for a little bit, Alex,” Hunter says, slipping the black silk blindfold back over my eyes. “Don’t want you spoiling your surprise now, do we?” he laughs.

I consider arguing, but know that Hunter must have something special up his sleeve, so I decide to play along. I relax back into the chair, his hands and lips returning to my naked body. Hunter’s hands rest firmly on my inner thighs, spreading my swollen pink lips open for his waiting mouth. His tongue teases me, lapping lightly around my sex, but expertly avoiding all the places I need him most. I groan softly, wiggling my hips as much as I can with him holding me down, trying to maneuver his mouth where I want it.

I feel a sharp pinch on each nipple simultaneously, and my mind is thrown into overdrive. I gasp in shock. I can feel both of Hunter’s hands on my thighs.

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I can feel his tongue, now softly licking up and down my slit…how can he be pinching my nipples also?

“Ohhhhh!” I cry, as not one, but two flaming hot mouths engulf my tits. The light bulb goes on in my head as I finally realize which fantasy Hunter has chosen to fulfill for me this weekend. The engine I heard - was the boat carrying his friends to us.

“Mmmmmmm, I think you like your surprise, Alex. Your pussy is quite drenched,” Hunter murmurs, his steaming breath on my clit.

“Oh yes,” is all I can breathe in reply.

“Let’s get you off of that chair, so we have some room to play,” he says, moving away from me once again. Someone grabs my hands, gently helping me stand, and guides me across the deck. “I’ve got her, guys,” Hunter says, picking me up, his strong harm behind my knees, cradling me. He lays me down close by, on something soft and comfortable. For a moment I feel self-conscious, realizing I am completely naked in front of an audience of at least three men, but I decide none of that matters as I hear various articles of clothing hit the ground.

“You told me you wanted to be a cum slut, Alex. That’s exactly what you’re going to be today. My friends here can’t wait to have their turns with such a sexy little slut,” Hunter whispers in my ear. He kisses me, hard and longing, our tongues nearly fighting with passion.

I feel another tongue beginning to explore my hard, swollen clit. A voice rises up, addressing Hunter. “Damn, she really must be a slut. This pussy is dripping wet!” He nibbles on my clit, sliding a thick finger easily into my hole. My hips buck up to meet him, happy to be getting filled at last. He pushes another fat finger inside me, still licking and biting my hard little button.

I feel hot, soft skin brush against both of my hands. I reflexively twitch, and then realize that particular softness and heat could only be cock. Not one, but two hard, pulsing cocks. I buck harder onto the hand fucking me, reaching out with both hands to envelop the dicks offered to me. I begin stroking them in unison, still kissing Hunter, realizing suddenly there must be at least four men on the boat with me. I feel my sweet cream flooding my pussy at the thought of what will be in store for me today. My breath comes in quick gasps, my pussy clenching the fingers expertly working my hole.

“You’re about to make her cum, Cameron,” Hunter nearly growls.

“Oh, I don’t think we should allow that quite yet,” says the man between my legs. His fingers slip out of me quickly.

“Please, don’t stop!” I fuss, while the man, Cameron, grabs my slender hips and flips me over easily, breaking my physical contact with all four men.

“Don’t worry, little slut. There’s plenty more to come,” Cameron promises. “Now, get over here and ride my dick.” I throw my leg over Cameron, straddling him, and he shoves his massive cock in my sopping wet pussy in one quick, hard thrust.

I open my mouth to cry out - in utter pleasure, not pain - but my cry is quickly stifled by Hunter’s cock in my throat. I remain blindfolded, but I would know that lovely cock anywhere. His musky scent fills my mouth and nose, and I can see he is truly enjoying himself by all of the pre-cum he has dribbles on my tongue. I begin sucking him in earnest while Cameron fucks me hard and fast. Cameron is big - rather huge, in fact - and I feel my cunt stretching to accommodate his thick shaft.

I feel someone pressing lightly on my back, moving me so instead of sitting, riding Cameron, I am nearly lying on top of him. Hunter adjusts quickly so I can continue sucking him off. I suddenly feel cold, slippery liquid drizzle down the tight rosebud of my ass, followed by warm fingers rubbing me. Lube! I gasp around Hunter’s cock, quickening my pace as I realize what is about to happen.

“Cameron, give it a rest a minute, will you? Blake will never get in that tight little ass of hers if that huge dick of yours is filling her pussy,” Hunter demands. Cameron eases out of me, sighing. I instantly feel Blake’s prick pressing against my tight ass hole. He’s been liberal with the lube, and is much smaller than Cameron. I relax all the right muscles, leaning back onto Blake’s hard member. The head of his cock presses in with a small pop, and my breath catches in my throat. He pauses, allowing my ass to open for him. Overcome by sensation, I suddenly shove back onto his cock hard, taking the rest of him all at once with a loud grunt.

“Fuck, man. Her ass is tight!” Blake yells.

“Go for it, Cam,” Hunter instructs. I feel Cameron’s huge dick pressing against my now swollen pussy lips.

“Ohhh,” I whisper, releasing Hunter’s rigid cock from my mouth. “I’ve never…two…damn you’re…huge. Slow, Cam…Ohhhhh.” Cameron obeys, slowly inching his cock into me. My cunt is pulsing already. I have never in my life been so completely full. I am sandwiched between these two strangers, both of my holes filled. It takes everything I have to keep from cumming on the spot.

Hunter laughs at me; the look of sheer pleasure on my face must be quite the sight to see. I am lost in so many sensations. I open my mouth expectantly, and Hunter quickly fills it with his amazing hard cock. Blake starts really fucking my ass. I feel his cock throbbing, growing even more, stretching me further. Cameron is moving in tandem with Blake, my tight little pussy clamping down on his massive cock. Suddenly, Blake grunts, pulling his dick out of my ass.

“Damn!” He yells, spurting sticky cum all over my ass. Before I can even really register that he is gone, I feel another hard dick pressing against my ass. This cock is fatter than Blake’s was, but since I’ve already been used, it doesn’t take much work for the new guy to pop inside of me. I groan at the thickness of him as he settles into a comfortable pace, working with Cameron. Hunter’s cock is growing ever larger in my hot, silken mouth.

“Alex, your mouth is fucking amazing…and watching these guys fuck you…well,” Hunter trails off.

Cameron increases his speed, fucking my cunt in frenzy. I hear his breath quicken, and he grunts loudly, pounding his hot spunk into my pussy. His pace slows allowing me to milk his dick, and Hunter suddenly yanks his dock out of my mouth, shooting his cum all over my face.

“Up on your knees, slut,” Cameron orders, and I oblige, keeping the new guy’s dick shoved deep in my ass. Cameron bites my nipples hard before sliding his now soft dick out of me. He moves out from underneath me, quickly being replaced by another stranger.

“My turn to fuck the slut,” he purrs in my ear, shoving his hard dick in my cunt in one fluid motion. Once again I feel a bulging cock head tap on my lips, waiting for me to open my mouth. This one is smaller than Cameron and thinner than Hunter. My mind reels, counting…there must be at least SIX men on the boat. I tremble with delight.

“I guess this can go now,” I hear Hunter say. He removes my blindfold at last. I blink furiously, trying to make my eyes adjust to the sudden bright sunlight. I can’t see much with my mouth impaled by the stranger’s rigid cock.

At almost the same time, I feel the dick in my cunt explode, splashing my velvet walls with hot cream - and the cock in my ass slides out as the new guy sprays my back with rope after rope of steaming hot cum.

My knees tired, I release the cock from my mouth temporarily and flop over onto my back, squinting into the sun streaming through the trees.

“What’s your name, Handsome?” I inquire of the guy whose dick I’ve been most recently sucking.

“I’m Chase,” he replies.

“Well, Chase, bring that gorgeous cock back over here to my mouth, will ya?” I laugh. He obliges, shoving his long, thin cock down my throat. I flick my tongue along the sensitive underside, sucking and licking all of him. He cum of two complete strangers is slowly drizzling out of my swollen cunt.

“You do make a beautiful little cum slut,” Hunter breaths to me.

Chase is ready to explode, yanking his dick out of my hot mouth. He jerks himself hard a few times before spraying cum all over my tits. Hunter is rock hard again and doesn’t waste a second. He spreads over the top of me, missionary-style, guiding his hard dick into my ass.

“You know I like to look in your eyes while I fuck your tight little ass,” he says, getting a good rhythm going. “And I know you like the way your hard little clit gets rubbed this way.”

I gaze lovingly at him. “You always have the best surprises for me, Hunter,” I breathe. His pelvis is rubbing just the right spot as he thrusts deeply into my ass. With each stroke he goes deeper, then pulls himself almost completely out of me. He knows how much I love these long, hard strokes. The fire is raging inside me now, my pussy and ass clamping down rhythmically.

“Oh yes, Alex,” he says. “God, I love your ass. You are a truly amazing little cum slut!” Hunter buries his dick deep in my ass as the waves of orgasm crash over me. He comes hard, filling my ass full of his hot cum, and collapses on top of me.

I look up, seeing five other men surrounding us, all pulling on their cocks, in various stages of harness, and all smiling at me.

“You better rest up for a few minutes, girl. Round two is coming up quick,” one of them says to me as he pulls Hunter to a kneeling position and shoves his raging hard-on down Hunter’s throat.

…To be continued…

Written by DeliciousAlex
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