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If You Go Down in the Woods

"What happens when Michael stumbles across a couple coupling in the woods ...."

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If You Go Down in the Woods

It was a hot day so Michael decided to take his shirt off as he strolled along the bridle path. He took a swig from the bottle of water he was carrying and continued on his way. He’d been walking in the sun for more than an hour and up ahead he could see the path meandering towards the woods and he looked forward to reaching the shade and cooling down a little.
Entering the woods he noticed the quiet calm that pervaded and he reflected on the fact that he hadn’t seen a soul all the time he’d been walking. That was unusual. Normally there’d be people out walking their dogs or whatever. Not that he minded. He enjoyed the stillness and the solitude. None of those polite acknowledgements to be made.

Making his way through the shaded boughs he wondered what Nicola was up to. She hadn’t wanted to come with him today and he worried that things weren’t going as well as they might be ……

Needing to pee he strayed off the path to find a suitable tree and was just doing up his flies when he thought he could hear a low murmuring from further inside the woods. He knew the small clearing was close by but couldn’t always remember exactly which way it was.

He stopped to listen more carefully. Yes, there was definitely sound coming from somewhere close by and although he couldn’t quite make out what it was he let himself be guided towards it. He could see the sunlight penetrating the trees just ahead and quietly made for the brightness.

Reaching the clearing he was shocked to see a girl lying back on the trunk of the fallen tree at its centre. He could only see a part of her. Her top was lifted to expose her breasts which she was gently stroking. Her head was back and her eyes were closed so Michael moved closer. He felt a little guilty but wanted to see more.

Moving to the side to get a better view he could see her flowery skirt pulled up around her smoothly tanned waist. Her legs were spread and her knickers hung around her left ankle. A head was buried deep between her thighs and she groaned with pleasure at the subtle movements it made. Michael’s cock had stiffened at the sight of this and it was all he could do not to take it out right then. He resisted the temptation and continued to watch as the play unfolded.

The girl looked beautiful as she lay there blissfully unaware of his attention. She had long, black curly hair and her skin was evenly tanned and radiant looking. She moved her head from side to side with the pleasure she was receiving and then suddenly opened her eyes and looked straight at him.
Michael didn’t know what to do. His instinct was to walk away but the wry smile she gave him kept him there. She stared directly at him as he stood stock still like a rabbit caught in headlights. He couldn’t keep his eyes off her as she began to move her hips and moan more loudly, her hands reaching down to hold the head, the source of her invigoration.

This was all too much for Michael. He took out his throbbing, painful cock and began to stroke it as she looked on, nodding her head in encouragement. In no time at all he came just as she was coming too. His hot sperm arced onto the mossy ground and she smiled the biggest smile of congratulations and looked away in satisfaction.

Michael stood there for a minute not knowing what to do now. Then he put his cock back into his trousers and quietly made away leaving the couple to their own devices. He must come in the woods more often, he thought to himself


 Fran was feeling hot. In more ways than one. They’d started the walk towards the woods and the closer they got the more she felt the sense of anticipation rising in her belly. She liked these little adventures.

Entering the woods they made their way to the clearing with the fallen tree in the middle. It was one of their favourite spots. She sometimes wondered what it would be like, how she might react, if someone saw them. It made her feel scared but that all added to the excitement.

He’d reached up between her legs as they walked along the bridleway and Fran had turned round to make sure no-one was walking behind them. She couldn’t see anyone and feeling his fingers touching her through her knickers had already got her juices flowing.

Reaching the clearing they made straight for the fallen tree and he gently laid her back on it. Lifting her legs into the air her knickers were slid down her beautifully tanned legs and left dangling round her left ankle. Her legs spread either side of the trunk, he lowered his head and began to lick the inside of her thighs occasionally letting the tip of his tongue brush gently at her lips. She closed her eyes and let herself go to the feelings that spread through her.

As his tongue probed the inside of her wet pussy she turned her head and, sensing someone was there, opened her eyes. A guy was standing half concealed just a short way from them. A sense of panic engulfed her momentarily but then she relaxed and smiled. He was a good looking guy. Young, healthy looking. The bulge in his trousers gave away the feelings he was having. She stared straight at him as if to say it was ok. It was certainly making her more excited to have this unexpected spectator to their passion.

She willed him to get his cock out and he did. A nice size, she thought to herself. She wouldn’t mind that inside her. She focused on it as he started to stoke it and held the head between her legs in place as she started to climax. The feelings vibrated through her body just as she saw the stranger coming too, his milky white sperm shooting into the air. She grinned her widest grin at him and saw him tucking his cock back into his trousers as she turned her head away in mutual satisfaction.


 John was feeling horny. It always did that to him, the hot weather. He slid his hand up between her thighs as they walked along and felt her wetness as his finger slid momentarily inside her knickers. This was going to be good, he thought to himself.

Once they found the clearing he lay her gently back against the fallen bough and lifted her skirt to expose her white knickers. He liked her in white. It showed off her richly tanned skin. Sliding them down her legs he left them dangling round her ankle and lowered himself towards her. She had already lifted her top and was stroking her breasts as his tongue glided over her thighs and in towards her lips.

He could smell her wet pussy as his tongue probed her lips and slid gently inside her. He could feel her pulse rising as she got closer to coming. He wanted to fuck her but as he tried to lift his head her hands held it there until he could feel her racked with pleasure. That’s ok, he thought. I’ll have mine after.

As the tension in her body relaxed he stood up over her and took out his cock. Lifting her legs and holding them in place by the back of her thighs he teased the outside of her pussy for a few seconds before entering the wetness. Jesus, he hadn’t felt her this wet for ages.

Slowly sliding in and out of her he thought he heard the sound of someone walking close to them but continued with his actions regardless. He wasn’t going to stop for anything now.

He slowly increased the speed as he felt the cum rising in his cock and then pulled out quickly so he could see his thick, white sperm shooting onto her belly. He loved to see the contrast of his cum on her.

They laughed as they cleaned themselves up and made their back towards the path out of the woods.


 Michael turned the key at let himself through the door. All he’d been able to think about on the way home was the couple in the woods. The girl mostly. He wondered what might have happened if he’d been brave enough to go over to them and join in. He’d had fantasies about that sort of thing before although usually it involved him and two women.

He ran it over in his head again. He quietly walks across to them, the guy’s head still buried between her legs. Dropping his trousers he guides his stiffened cock into her mouth. The guy looks up and grins at him before continuing with his tonguing. The girl cups his balls and fondles them gently as she plays her tongue over the head of his penis and then slides her lips down the length of him. He’s trying desperately not to come straight away. Got to keep my end up, he thinks.

The guy stands up and moves to the other side of the trunk and takes out his cock too. The girl starts to wank him and then turns her head to take him in her mouth whilst still fondling Michael. She takes turns to suck on them for a couple of minutes and then Michael moves down to straddle the tree and, lifting her knees into the air he plunges his cock deep inside her causing her to gasp. He looks at her as she sucks harder on the other guy and then shifts his gaze down to where her lips are clutching at his cock as he slides gently in and out ….

“Good walk?” Nicola asks. She’s standing at the sink with her back to him and talking on the phone but quickly ends the call.

“Yeah, nothing special,” Michael lies.

He’s still feeling so fucking horny he can barely contain himself. The wank he’d given himself in the woods had done nothing to calm his libido. Walking up behind Nicola he starts to kiss the back of her neck. She shrugs him away for a second but then responds to his attention and lets him put his hand up her skirt and slide her knickers to the floor. She steps out of them and spreads her legs for him.

Micheal drops his trousers and releases his aching cock. Using his hand he guides the head around her lips and then slides his length into her. He holds Nicola’s skirt up around her waist and looks down at her pale but beautifully formed ass and watches his cock riding back and forth. She holds herself against the sink unit with one hand and slips the other between her legs and plays with his balls before starting to stroke herself. He feels her suddenly getting wetter as she comes and then she slides a finger inside herself. Michael loves that, when she fingers herself with his cock inside her. He gasps as he comes deep inside her.

All the time though, he’s been thinking about the girl in the woods and wishing it was her he was fucking.


 Fran had been wondering whether or not to tell John about the guy that had been watching them. She decided against it. For now anyway. A little secret she could keep for herself. Fuck, it had got her excited, though. She could still feel her pussy tingling all these hours later.

Watching him come while John had his head buried between her thighs and totally unaware that they’d got a spectator filled her with a rush like she’d never had before. And then he was gone. Disappeared back from whence he came.

She wondered now what might have happened if John had noticed him too. How would he react? She wouldn’t have minded if the guy had come over and joined in but she wasn’t sure how John would have responded. He’d hinted at wanting a threesome before but knew that that was with two women. Bloody typical male, she thought.

She continued with her own fantasy about it all. Hmmmm, two nice stiff cocks to play with ….

Her hand slid down between her thighs as she lay stretched out on the sofa. John had popped out to the shop for a bottle of wine so might just have time ….

Her fingers gently caressed the lips of her pussy before she let them focus on her clitoris. She closed her eyes and imagined what might have happened. Instead of standing there half concealed and wanking she brought him over to them. She beckoned him to take out his cock for her to see and pulled John’s head up momentarily so that he could see what was happening too. He made no sign that he minded so she pushed his head back down and turned her attention to the stranger.

He had a nice cock. Not as long as John’s but maybe a little thicker. She took it in her hand and began to stroke it backwards and forwards twisting her hand slightly as she did so. The stranger moaned a little and moved forward to indicate he wanted her to take him in her mouth. Happy to oblige, she thought, and imagined her lips around his taut cock. John stands up and advances towards her. Using his hand he guides his cock into her and starts to pump her. The rocking makes it difficult to carry on giving head so she uses her hand instead.

She wants to feel two cocks inside her. She sits up and motions John to lie in her place then straddles him. She pulls the stranger by the arm and positions him behind her. She can feel his cock pressing against her ass-hole …..

“Bloody hell, Fran,” John exclaims. She hadn’t heard him come back and he was standing looking over her as her hand glided inside her knickers. “Feeling horny today, huh?”

He started to unzip himself.


 John put his phone back inside his pocket. The call had suddenly ended for no apparent reason and that frustrated him. Hanging on to the bottle of red he made his way home thinking about today’s little adventure. Had he heard someone in the woods? Had someone been watching them? He often hoped they would get caught in the act. How fucking horny would that be? By a woman, of course.

In his mind he’s lying back on the tree trunk and Fran is sucking at his cock. He looks to the side and there’s a blond standing there, one hand fondling her breast and the other rubbing between her legs outside her jeans. He whispers to Fran that they have an onlooker and she raises her head and motions the girl to come over. Standing either side of the tree they take it in turns to flick at the head of his cock with their tongues then Fran takes him in her mouth while the other girl licks his balls.

He sits up and motions for Fran to lie back on the trunk and positions the blonde girl over her. As she bends over to lick at Fran’s pussy he guides his cock into her and squeezes her ass moving it gently backwards and forwards while he stand stock still. He can feel the sperm rising ……

“Bloody hell, Fran,” he exclaims. He has come back into the house and is standing over her as she lies on the sofa with her hand down her knickers. “Feeling horny today, huh?”

He starts to unzip himself and drops his trousers and pants round his ankles. Kneeling down he swings Fran around and holds her ankles in the air. He guides his cock into her and when it is fully inside he just stops and keeps it there flexing it from time to time. Then, slowly, slowly he starts to withdraw until only the tip of the head is inside her. He stops and holds it there for a second before slowly pressing back into her. Picking up the speed his cock glides in and out until he feels like he’s going to explode. He comes inside her and watches as she plays with herself until she comes too. His cock slips out followed by the white cum. Fran reaches for a tissue to clean herself.

John pulls up his trousers and starts to fasten them.

“Glass of wine?” he asks, feeling very pleased with himself.


 Michael sat nursing his pint. The pub was quite busy but he’d managed to find a table to himself. He’d had a bit of an argument with Nicola, mostly about how she was always on the bloody phone to someone. He sat with his head buried in the newspaper he’d brought with him. He wasn’t really reading it, it was just so he didn’t have to speak to anyone.

“Mind if we sit here?”

Michael looked up. Oh, Christ, it was her. The girl from the woods.

“OK if we sit here?” she asked again.

“No, sure,” stammered Michael.

He could feel himself going a deeper shade of red. God, she looked beautiful. Long, dark curly hair cascaded round her shoulders and halfway down her back. He face was kind of round and had cheeky dimples. Her lips were quite full and her teeth perfectly white as she flashed a smile at him. Michael had a momentary image of his cock in her mouth.

“No, please do,” he said and he half rose from his own seat before wondering what the hell he was doing and sitting down again. She just smiled a knowing smile at his embarrassment.

“This is John,” she informed him as a kind of rugged individual followed up behind her.

Michael presumed this was the guy he’d seen with his head buried between the girl’s thighs but as he’d only seen the top of his head he couldn’t be sure.

“Haven’t I seen you somewhere before?” the girl asked. “Walking in Crowley Woods?”

Michael could feel his face reddening again.

“Maybe,” he replied. “I do go up there sometimes.”

“Did you come far?” she asked him.

Michael nearly choked on the mouthful of beer he had just taken into his mouth.

“I mean,” she went on, all innocently, “are you from round here?

“My name’s Fran and this is John,” she continued before he could reply.

John looked kind of distracted and obviously hadn’t really been listening.

“Just got a call to make,” he said and disappeared out of the pub.

“Always on that bloody phone,” Fran said, echoing Michael’s earlier sentiments.

“So,” she asked looking directly at him, “did you enjoy your walk the other day? There are some beautiful views up there, aren’t there?”

Michael nodded and was just about to speak when he felt something on his crotch. Looking down he could see her foot, which she had slipped out of her shoe, stroking at his cock from under the table. Nothing like this had ever happened to him before and his cock responded immediately by stiffening so hard Michael thought it was going to burst out of his jeans.

“I think you should come back for a drink at ours, later,” she said.


 Fran spotted him the second she walked into the pub. He looked like he was trying to hide behind the newspaper he was holding. He had seen her so she wandered over after asking John to get her a glass of red.

“Mind if we sit here?” she asked and couldn’t help but smile to herself at his response when he looked up. He obviously recognised her immediately and she thought the shade of red he went was endearing.

John was being his usual ignorant self and didn’t even bother to say hello when she introduced them. Instead he made a bee-line for the door to make another call. She knew who he was calling. She’d looked at his messages and call records earlier while he was taking a shower.

Fran turned her attention to the guy sitting opposite her. He was handsome-ish. Not conventionally good looking but there was certainly something about him that she liked. She slipped her foot out of her shoe and wrapped it round the back of her other leg.

“Always on that bloody phone,” Fran said, echoing Michael’s earlier sentiments.

“So,” she asked looking directly at him, “did you enjoy your walk the other day? There are some beautiful views up there, aren’t there?”

Before he could answer Fran stretched out her leg under the table and placed her foot on his crotch. It amused her when he looked startled and she stroked at his cock which was hardening fast.

“I think you should come back for a drink at ours, later,” she said. “What’s your name?”


“Well, Michael, what do you say? Would you like that?”

“What about …..?”

“John?” Oh, I’m sure he won’t mind. Would you John?” she asked turning to him as he retook his seat next to her.

“Mind what?” John asked moodily.

“If Michael here comes back to ours for a drink”

“Whatever,” came the surly reply.

"Well, in the meantime maybe Michael could get us another drink."

Michaels face reddened again as he made his way to the bar.


 John ended his call and went back into the pub. Fran was chatting to the guy they’d sat with and he looked suspiciously at her as her bare foot came from under the table and wrapped around the back of her other leg. She used to make him sit opposite her in places and fondle his cock with her foot from under the table. Then, when he was good and hard she’d ask him to go and get her a drink or something. A right little tease like that. She’d even done it on the top deck of a bus one time. Sitting on the front seats she’d taken his cock out of his pants and was wanking him when suddenly she’d jumped up and told him to come on, this was their stop. He’d only just managed to get his cock back inside his trousers and it was lucky he was holding a jacket that could cover his extenuating circumstances. Yep, she was full of tricks.

“Whatever,” he replied at the suggestion that this Michael character might go back to theirs for a drink.

“What the fuck is she up to?” he thought to himself. Had she been feeling his cock with her foot when he came back into the pub? The thought of that made him feel uneasy but excited at the same time and he couldn’t help his own cock from getting hard. He found it all a bit disturbing. The sensation in the pit of his stomach made him feel a bit queasy but he couldn’t help but think about what it might be like to fuck Fran with this stranger, what it might be like to see her sucking at another man’s cock while he fucked her, what it would be like to watch her being fucked while she sucked at his cock.

Then he started to think about fucking her and feeling another man’s cock entering her ass. Would he be able to feel the cock too? He guessed so. He’d slipped a finger or two into her ass-hole, sometimes, when he’d been fucking her. He could feel that so he was bound to be able to feel another cock in there. He’d fucked her ass too, once or twice. He wasn’t quite sure what he felt about that. It felt smooth compared to the rigged feeling of her pussy. It wasn’t the physical sensation that disturbed him though. It was just the coming to terms with putting his cock in an ass-hole. And now he was thinking about another man’s cock in there while his was pumping away at her wet, oh so wet, pussy ……..

He sat in moody silence whilst Fran and Michael chatted. His mind was most definitely elsewhere. He didn’t notice the time slipping away but then all of a sudden Fran and Michael were standing up as if to leave.

“Come on then, grumpy,” she said to him as she motioned towards the door.

He hung back a little as Fran and Michael made their way up the street towards their place. He was feeling apprehensive but couldn't stop himself from getting excited at the prospects of what might be about to happen.


 Michael followed Fran up the stairs towards the flat. Her ass swayed as she mounted the steps and he wondered if he might be mounting her soon, too. He was aware of John stalking them as they went and wondered, too, what he might be thinking.

Entering the flat they made straight for the living room and Michael was invited to sit down on the sofa. Fran flopped down beside him and she asked John to pour them some wine. As he disappeared off to fetch the drinks Michael could feel his pulse racing. He could smell Fran who was sitting so close their thighs were touching.

John re-appeared and sat on the armchair opposite after handing them a glass each. Michael looked at him to try and gauge what might be going through his mind. There were no real signs to gauge anything on so he sat and listened to Fran who interspersed her conversation by placing her hand on his thigh from time to time.

John stood up and announced he was going to the loo and left the room once again. As soon as he had gone Fran put her hand on Michaels cock and began to stoke it through his jeans.

“Why didn’t you come and join us, in the woods, the other day?” she asked.

Michael was lost for words. All he could think about was the stiffening cock that was trying to escape his pants.

“Well,” he stammered, “I wasn’t sure what to do. I guess I was too embarrassed.”

Fran unzipped his jeans and slowly inserted her hand. Michael’s heart was beating triple time. Her hand felt hot on his cock even though she was feeling it through his underwear. He thought he would come at any second. He leaned forward to kiss her but she pulled back from him.

“Patience,” she said.

“Fucking hell, this is too much,” Michael thought to himself.

He felt a sudden release as her hand lifted his pants and slid in to wrap itself around him.

“Oh, Jesus, I’m going to come,” he thought.

She slid her hand gently along the length of his shaft and allowed him to put his hand up her skirt and stroke the inside of her thigh. Slowly Michael began to reach higher. He so wanted to slide his fingers inside her knickers and feel what she had inside. The flushing of the loo made him stop and he withdrew his hand expecting her to do the same. She didn’t, she just carried on.


 Fran could sense him looking at her ass as she mounted the stairs. She swayed her ass a little more for him and she could feel her nipples hardening at the thought of what she was about to do.

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She’d never had a threesome before and she thought it was about time. She wasn’t sure how it would work out. Would she let them both fuck her at the same time? One in her pussy and one in her ass? John had fucked her ass before but she wasn’t sure if she could take two cocks like that. Maybe she would just take it in turns to suck them while the other one fucked her. She just didn’t know. That was the excitement in it.

Maybe John would freak out and spoil her plans. But then, he was fucking someone else so she didn’t see why she shouldn’t either. Even if he was there at the same time.

Maybe Michael wouldn’t be up for it. She was going to find out soon enough. She opened the door and let Michael pass in front of her and guided him into the living room and motioned for him to sit down on the sofa and sat down beside him. As John entered the room she asked him to get them all a drink.

A couple of minutes later John left the room again and she turned to Michael and placed her hand on his cock and slowly began to massage it through his jeans. It felt good and firm through the material and she could see from his face that he liked what she was doing.

She unzipped him and slid her hand inside. She could feel his cock throbbing and pulsing through his underwear. He moved forward to kiss her but she pulled back. She didn’t feel like kisses. She wanted cock.

She pulled at his underwear and felt his cock spring out and he gasped. She liked that. She let him put his hand up her skirt and stroke the inside of her thighs and could feel her pussy getting wetter as he reached up higher. She stroked at his cock and thought about what it was going to be like to get it inside her.

Suddenly Michael withdrew his hand at the sound of the toilet flushing.

“Bollocks,” she thought. “Just as it was getting good.”

She wasn’t of a mind to stop herself, though. She slid Michaels cock out of his jeans and was starting to wank him. He was trying to pull away even as John walked back into the room. Taking one look John turned and left the room again. Fran just carried on stroking at Michaels cock. She wasn’t going to let anyone spoil her fun and Michael was obviously too far gone to resist what she was doing.


 John had poured the drinks and taken them through to the living room. He sat on the armchair and looked on as Fran chatted to Michael. He noticed how her hand kept resting on his thigh and he felt sick with apprehension. He didn’t like this. His girlfriend was about to fuck someone else and he didn’t think he could cope. He got up and left the room saying he was going to the loo.

He didn’t really want the loo. He just needed some time to think. He stood in front of the bowl and took his dick out anyway. Fuck, it was monstrously hard and he could hardly get it out of his trousers. He stoked at it and looked at himself in the full length mirror as he did so. It was a good sized cock even if he thought it himself. What the fuck was going on though? Even now as he flushed the loo and made his way back to the living room he could feel the trepidation.

Entering the room he looked at Fran and noticed how Michael pulled back from him. She had Michaels cock in her hand and was wanking him. Oh shit. It was too much. He turned and left the room. Standing there he could feel himself shaking. He didn’t know what to do. On the one hand he wanted to run a million miles away. On the other he wanted to go back in there and fuck the bitch like she’d never been fucked before. Steeling himself he went back inside.

Fran was bent over Michael with her mouth round his cock. He crossed over to them and reached down to caress her breasts. Surprised she looked up for an instant and, taking Michaels cock in her right hand she pulled at Johns zip with her left. He helped her to release his cock and she leaned forward to wrap her lips around it all the time stroking at Michael with her hand.

John looked down at the sight before him. Fran’s mouth was wrapped around his cock and she was moving her head slowly backwards and forwards to take the full length of him in. He often wondered how girls could do that, taking in the whole length of a cock in their mouths. He looked down at Michael who, having pulled Fran’s top up was now releasing her breasts from her bra. Her hand was still stoking at his cock and he took a second to compare. It was lighter in colour than his and not as long. Maybe a little thicker though ….

John pulled away for a second as Michael pulled Fran’s top and bra up over her head and arms so that the top of her was naked. Again John had terrible feelings of apprehension as Michael began to massage her breasts. The sight of her erect nipples showed just how excited she was. John just wasn’t sure he could take this.

“Why are you doing this?” he asked her.

“06637 462198,” she replied. “Nicola.”


 “0663……?” Michael began.

“Nicola …….?” He trailed off.

He sopped fondling Fran’s breasts and looked at John.

“What about Nicola?” he asked.

“He’s been fucking some girl called Nicola,” replied Fran even though the question hadn’t been directed at her.

“That’s my Nicola!” Michael exclaimed rising from his seat to confront John.

At that moment he realised his cock was still hanging out and was still as hard as rock. Furthermore it was only inches away from John’s cock. He realised how ridiculous this must look but his mind was reeling. He’d just found out his girlfriend was fucking someone else. And what a way to find out, too.

Michael and John stood facing each other with hostile looks on their faces.

“Come on, boys, play nice,” said Fran and she took hold of a cock in each hand. Michael and John looked down at her. “So, John’s been fucking your girlfriend. Now you’re about to fuck his. And Nicola doesn’t know about that, does she? I mean, I don’t suppose you called her to let her know what you’re up to, did you?”

“Maybe she should know? What do you think? Maybe we should invite this ‘Nicola’ to join us?”

Michael was confused. Fair enough, he’d entered into this willingly enough and of course Nicola didn’t know what he was doing. He could see what kind of hypocrite this would make him seem if he protested about it. This confused him all the more. He felt angry about being betrayed by Nicola but here he was betraying her.

He looked at Fran with the confusion showing in his eyes. She leaned forward and inspected his cock which she was still holding and was now only inches from her face. Smiling she extended her tongue and licked at the back of the head of it. Michaels cock involuntarily flexed and hit her nose and that made Fran laugh.


 Fran couldn’t believe it. The girl that John had been fucking behind her back was the girlfriend of the guy standing with his cock a few inches from her face.

“What a fucking result,” she laughed to herself.

She didn’t want the evening spoiled now though. She was sitting with two cocks just in front of her at just about eye level. To diffuse the situation she reached out and took one in each hand. She stroked them both gently as she tried to placate the owners of these appendages.

“Now boys, play nice,” she said.

The possibilities opened up to her. Maybe they could get Nicola involved in this too? How would that be? She leaned forward to lick at Michael’s cock which flexed upwards and onto her nose. It always made her smile when cocks made those involuntary movements.

Still holding and stroking both their cocks she made a suggestion.

“Why don’t you call her on John’s phone, Michael? See if she wants to come over.”

To press the point she leaned forward and took the whole of his cock in her mouth and slowly pulled back. She turned her head to John and did the same. The words putty and hands sprang to her mind except the two cocks she held were nothing like putty at all, they were rock hard.

The boys just stood there. Again she took turns to take them in her mouth, fondling at their balls.

“Well?” she asked.


 John was just as surprised as Michael. He realised now, though, just how obvious he’d been being. And now his girlfriend was giving head to the boyfriend of the girl he’d been fucking behind his own girlfriend’s back. Bloody hell, that took some working out.

It was clear that Michael wasn’t going to start anything. It’s a bit difficult starting a fight when you’ve got your cock in someone’s mouth, he supposed. He listened to Fran as she suggested they invite Nicola to join them but did nothing. Feeling her mouth around his cock again he reached into his back pocket for his phone. Dialling the number he handed the phone to Michael and watched his face as he tried to speak with Fran stroking at his cock and balls.

“No, Nicky,” he managed to splutter out. “It’s not John, it’s Michael. I’ve met this really nice couple and they were wondering if you’d like to come over and join us for a drink at their place? John says he knows you. What do you think? Yeah? Ok, the address is ……”

John looked back down at Fran who had a naughty but satisfied grin on her face.

“Well, boys, what do you suggest we do until Nicola gets here?” she asked.

“In for a penny, in for a pound,” thought John.

Kneeling down he lifted Fran’s skirt up and she raised her backside to allow him to slide off her knickers. Lying her down on the sofa with her head on the armrest he positioned himself on the other side so that his cock and balls hung over her face. He gently angled her head back so that she could take him in her mouth.

Acting on John’s cue, Michael knelt on the sofa between Fran’s legs. He grasped her ankles and lifted her legs high into the air exposing her shaved pussy. The luscious lips drew him towards her and let go of one ankle for a moment so that he could guide his cock into her. Pressing forward he sank into her wetness. He closed his eyes with the sheer pleasure of entering her pussy for the first time then opened them again as he slowly pulled back. Her head was tilted back so he couldn’t really see her face. All that was on show from that angle was the cock that she was holding as she sucked at it.

Nicola answered her phone.

“Hi, John,” she said. She was about to go on to say how she’d been waiting for him to call, that she wanted to see him soon, that she couldn’t wait to fuck him again. Hearing Michaels voice came as something of a surprise.

“This is fucking weird,” she thought to herself. What were the chances of Michael bumping into John and his girlfriend and being invited back to their place on a whim? She wanted to see John though and the intrigue of the situation got the better of her feelings of uncertainty.

She went to the bathroom and put on some make-up. She looked at herself in the mirror. She would have to change. She wasn’t going to go out in what she was wearing.

In the bedroom she slipped out of the jeans she was wearing and selected a short skirt from the wardrobe. Hastily she pulled it on and then considered her top. She wasn’t going to go out in that either. Flicking through the array of tops she had she chose the one that she knew John liked the best. A button up blouse that she could undo to show the ample cleavage she possessed.

Inspecting herself in the full length mirror she seemed satisfied and turned to leave only to turn back once more and hoik up her skirt again. She needed to change her knickers too. Bending to slide the ones she was wearing down her legs she stood up straight again and inspected herself. Her skirt was high enough to expose the butterfly tattoo on her belly just above her mons. Her hand slid between her thighs and she her fingers stroked the lips of her pussy. God, that felt good. She watched herself as she began to stroke her clitoris. It sent shudders through her groin.

“Oh fuck,” she thought. “No time for this now.”

She slipped on some clean underwear and stopping only to pick up her handbag she was out of the door and on her way. The address she’d been given was only a short distance away. She could walk there in a few minutes.


 “What now?” asked Michael.

Well, we might as well enjoy ourselves while we wait,” replied Fran. “Just stay as you are for a second.”

She went out of the room leaving Michael and John looked at each other wondering what she was doing. Within a couple of seconds she was back.

“We don’t want anything to interrupt us, do we?” she said as she walked back over to them. She lifted her top and bra and removed them completely. Then she slid down her skirt and panties and delicately stepped out of them.

Michael inspected her body with a critical eye. She was musky skinned and lithe looking. Her flat belly offset the ample breasts and erect nipples that pointed at him invitingly. Her pussy was shaved and he could see the fullness of her lips between her thighs as she stood there with her legs a little way apart. Her legs were slender as they stretched down from her shapely backside and even her feet seemed sensual to him with her bright red painted toenails.

“Ok, boys,” she said.

She pulled at John’s shirt and he helped her to remove it. Then she undid his belt and he quickly dropped his trousers and pants. Michael didn’t hesitate to follow suit and in no time all three were standing naked.

Fran sat John on the back of the sofa and knelt on the cushions and spread her legs as she began to fondle and suck at his cock. Michael looked down at her ass and stepped behind her. He took his cock in his hand and slowly stoked her pussy with the head. After a few seconds he gently slid the tip into her before pulling out again and stroking at her lips some more. Entering her again he pressed a little deeper before once more withdrawing to tease her some more. She reached between her legs with her right hand and squeezed his cock and tried to guide it into herself. Michael pulled back until her hand let go and he continued to stroke at her lips with the head and slipping his cock into her a little further each time. Fran was trying to ease her ass backwards so that she was getting the full length of him but he didn’t want her to have that yet so he moved backward a little too, to prevent it. He wanted her to be gagging for it. From the way she was moving her ass he guessed she was.

Taking hold of her ass he sank the full length of his dick into her and she gasped as stopped sucking at John for a second and turned her head to look at him.


 Fran went out of the room and put the front door on the latch. She wanted Nicola to be able to walk straight in on what was happening. Returning to the living room she quickly removed her clothes and stood still for a few seconds to appreciate Michael’s admiring inspection of her. Then she started to undress John who was soon standing naked too.

Aware that Michael had removed his clothes as well she guided John up onto the back of the sofa and knelt on the cushions. Taking his cock in her mouth she spread her legs to show Michael what she had between them. She was proud of her pussy and she wanted Michael to appreciate it too. She guessed he did as she felt the head of his cock rubbing on her lips and stroking at her clit. Then it was inside her.

She waited in expectation for him to sink into her but it didn’t happen. He’d pulled back out and was stroking at her lips again. Then she felt him inside her again before he withdrew yet again.

“Oh, the teasing bastard,” she thought to herself.

She really wanted him inside her now. She reached between her thighs and taking his cock she tried to guide him into her but he pulled away so that she couldn’t. The next time he entered her she moved her ass backwards but he just pulled back himself. Oh, fuck, this was driving her nuts.

When he did finally sink into her it made her gasp and she couldn’t help turning to look at him. At that moment the doorbell rang.

“It’s open,” she called out. “Come on in.”

She felt how Michael checked himself but then carried on sliding his cock in and out of her.

“Round to the right.” She called as she heard the front door close. “Come straight in.”

She wanted to see the look on their visitor’s face when she entered the room but thought it would be more impressive if the first thing Nicola saw was her being fucked by Michael as she sucked at Johns cock. She turned her attention to that and waited in expectation.


 Fran stopped sucking at his cock and turned to look at Michael. At that moment the doorbell rang.

“It’s open,” Fran called out. “Come on in.”

“Round to the right,” she called as she heard the front door close. “Come straight in.”

She buried her head back down onto his crotch and started to suck at balls before sliding her lips round him again. He realised that he was the only one that would be able to see Nicola as she entered the room and he turned his head towards the opening door.
Nicola walked into the room and stood transfixed by the sight that confronted her. Fran stopped what she was doing and turned her head towards her. Michael stopped and turned his head too.

“Well, don’t just stand there,” Fran ordered. “This isn’t a spectator sport. Get your kit off or fuck off.” 

John was shocked by the tone of her voice but soon forgot as Fran started to stroke at his cock with her hand. He looked down at her as she looked up at him and lent forward to kiss him. He closed his eyes and responded to her lips. He reached down to fondle her breasts and found that Michael’s hands were there too. Fran began to moan as he squeezed gently on her nipple. He knew that she would feel that in her fanny and he watched her press further back onto Michaels cock.

Opening his eyes he looked over to where Nicola had been but she was no longer there. She was standing very close looking down at Fran’s mouth which was back around his dick. She still had all her clothes on. He took his hands from Fran’s breasts and twisted slightly to start unbuttoning Nicola’s blouse. She didn’t resist. The blouse slid down her arms and onto the floor at her feet. Next he reached around her back to unhook her bra and this, too, ended up on the floor beside her. Her ample breasts sprang out from their constraint and stood proud in front of him. Fran was still sucking at him as her lent to the side and began to tease at Nicola’s nipples, first one and then the other, with his tongue. Her arms hung limp beside her and so he reached to her hip to unzip her skirt.

Fran lifted her head and seeing Nicola there she raised it and began to suck on her left nipple as John did the same to her right. She helped him slide Nicola’s skirt down over her hips and then tugged gently at her knickers. She let go of Johns cock and slid her hand between Nicola’s thighs and began to stoke at her pussy.


 Nicola stood at the bottom of the stairs and straightened herself. She felt a bit anxious about this but began the upward climb. At the top she rang the bell and waited smoothing her blouse and skirt once again.

“It’s open, come on in,” she heard a girl’s voice call.

She pushed at the door and stepped through closing it behind her.

“Round to the right,” she heard the voice call again. “Come straight in.”

She pushed slowly at the door and stepped into the living room. On the other side of the room was a sight she most certainly hadn’t been expecting. Her heart leapt into her mouth as she gazed on the three naked people.

Sitting on the back of the sofa was John, the head of a black haired girl bent down at his crotch and her mouth around his cock. Behind her was Michael, standing with his eyes closed as he pressed his dick into her pussy. She didn’t know what to do and just stood there. They all turned their heads towards her at the same time.

“Well, don’t just stand there,” Fran ordered. “This isn’t a spectator sport. Get your kit off or fuck off.”

At that they all looked away and carried on with what they were doing. She stared at them for a second longer then crossed towards them. As she approached John turned towards her once more and reached out to unfasten her blouse. She stood still and let him slide it off her shoulders and down her arms before reaching around and unclasping her bra. Her breasts sprang out of their confinement and John leaned over to lick and suck at her nipples. As he turned his attention to the left one the girl lifted her head from his cock and began to suck at right. It sent shudders down through her body and into her pussy. John unzipped her skirt and they slid it down over her hips and, as it fell to the floor they began to pull at her knickers. As they slid down the girl reached between her thighs and started to stroke at her lips.

Nicola looked down at John sucking at her tit and then over at Michael as he rocked backward and forward. She felt the girls fingers enter her yielding wetness and sighed in satisfaction at their probing. What she wanted now, though, was some cock in there.


 So there they all were, together. John continued to suck and nibble at Nicola’s breast even as she pulled away. She went round by Michael and felt his cock, with her left hand, as it rode in and out of Fran’s pussy. She could feel the wetness all over it and stroked her lips before inserting a finger into her. With her right hand she began to caress Fran’s breast and squeeze her nipple as it moved backward and forward with the motion.

“Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend?” she asked.

“Nicola, meet Fran,” said Michael, “Fran, meet Nicola.”

Fran turned her head which had been busy round John’s cock again.

“Pleasure to make your acquaintance,” she smiled.

Seeing Johns cock standing proud Nicola moved to the other side and knelt on the sofa next to Fran. She steered Johns cock towards her own mouth and sucked the whole length of it in and holding it there before slowly sliding it out again. She felt Michael’s fingers probing her pussy and could feel Fran’s skin next to hers. Standing, she moved Fran backwards and turned to straddle John. Taking his cock in her hand she sank herself down on to it. She let out a moan as it entered her and she began to lift herself up and down on it.

Fran looked on at the sight of this pussy moving on John’s cock, the lips wrapped tightly around it. She leaned forward and licked and sucked at his balls and then began to lap at Nicolas pussy, trying to squeeze her tongue inside. Nicola moaned with pleasure at this and as John reached round and cupped her breasts she felt herself come, the orgasm wracking her body with delight. John reached down with one hand and stroked at her clitoris which extended the orgasm further. Jesus, she had never come so strongly, or so quickly, before.

As the waves of pleasure subsided she focused more on riding on John’s cock. She could feel the tension rising in it and knew it wouldn’t be long before he came too. Looking at Michael she knew the same was true for him. He had reached round Fran and was stroking her clit. Then he slid a finger inside her. Fran could feel herself coming and rocked herself backwards and forwards harder and harder until the orgasm exploded inside her. Just at the moment John released his cock from Nicola’s grip and, pointing it at her mouth, began to wank it until she felt the hot cum hit her face. Some of it entered her mouth and she got that bitter, salty taste. His second spurt arced onto her tits and she rubbed it into her skin.

Michael pulled out his cock just as he was coming too. His first spurt of cum shot over her head and landed on Nicola’s belly. Bloody hell, he had never seen his cum shoot so far. It felt like the release of a million years as the second spurt landed on Fran’s ass-hole and then ran down onto her pussy. His cock was still rock hard and he pressed the head of it against her ass and pushed. Her ass-hole yielded and his cock shot into her. Fuck it hurt. But in a good way. She could feel the muscles gripping hard and tight at Michael’s shaft.

Spinning them round Fran landed on top of Michael, his cock still inside her, on the sofa. Now she wanted some cock in her pussy as well. She stretched her legs out wide and pulled at John to come down on top of her. Nicola moved onto the floor and knelt beside them using her hand to guide John into her. Michael was flexing his cock inside her ass and John could feel it as he entered her. He could feel Nicolas hand stroking at Fran’s pussy and holding his cock. He pounded at Fran until he felt her shuddering then pulled out and came, himself, for a second time, the sperm spurting onto her tits and belly.

Nicola gasped at the sight and stroked furiously at herself. She wanted to come again too. Her turn for some more cock. Easing Fran up she straddled Michaels cock as John and Fran played with her tits. She felt a fingers gliding into her, one in her pussy and one in her ass. Michael’s face showed that he was going to come again at any second. She could feel Michaels cock flexing inside her as the sperm emptied out of his balls and just as that happened she managed to reach a climax too, her wet pussy tightening around him.

Exhausted they collapsed in a heap. After a few seconds they all began to laugh and sigh with satisfaction.

“Something to tell the grand-children,” Michael said and they all laughed again.

Written by JacksonLee
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