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Kaylee's Big Interview (part one)

"Kaylee is confronted with a few surprises in her first interview."

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Kaylee hit the gas and rushed through the yellow light at the intersection of Grove Blvd. and 8 th St. She was late for her interview. She had a rough idea of where the office building was. She knew this neighborhood fairly well. The YMCA where she’d taken gymnastics lessons as a kid was about three blocks behind her. And if she turned right at the next light, there was a Chipotle about 5 minutes or so down that road. Since she and her friends had been old enough to drive, it seemed like she ended up there at least two or three times a week.

“How do you fit that whole burrito inside you?” her mother had once remarked innocently.

Kaylee had suppressed an outburst of laughter, but she knew what her mom meant. She was skinny. She didn’t regret it. She worked hard for it. It was part of how she defined herself. Between cheerleading practice, her rigorous evening and weekend workouts, and plain old eighteen year-old metabolism, she could afford to have a burrito every now and then. She felt bad for the girls at school who obsessed over every calorie. And she could tell just by the looks they gave her in the lunchroom that they resented her for not sharing their obsession.

Kaylee thought she spotted the office building she needed and slowed down. The steel sign in front of the building read 1161. That was the right address. She pulled into the parking lot. It was 4:30 on a Saturday, so there were plenty of spots. She drove around as far to the back of the building as she could. It was strange. She was nervous, but not necessarily about the interview. She was more nervous that someone would see her or her car. She was nervous that someone would see her or her car and ask her about it. Then she would have to make up a lie on the spot. And if she had to make up a lie on the spot, then she would stress endlessly over whether or not the lie went over. She didn’t need that stress. She’d have felt a lot more comfortable if the interview was someplace far away. Instead of a mere twenty-five minutes from her house.

Nevertheless, this is where it was. She went to the same website that Tara had told her about –the one where Tara had found many of her jobs including her first one. Kaylee had searched for castings within 100 miles, and this is the only one that came up. She didn’t have much money to spare for gas, so it was this or nothing. She got out of the car, grabbed her purse, and went into the building.

Thankfully, there was no one at the security post. The plastic sign on the security des read “Ring the Buzzer for Your Number.” Kaylee rang the buzzer for 309. A male voice answered.

“Kaylee?” he asked.

“Yes,” she replied.

“Come on up,” he said, “I’ll send the elevator.”

In the hallway ahead of her, Kaylee heard the familiar ding of an elevator. She rushed ahead and stepped into the elevator. As she rode up, she realized she had butterflies in her stomach. The butterflies were not from nervousness though. They were from excitement. What she was doing felt so grown-up and a little bit wrong. Her parents would never approve of course.

But Kaylee thought about what it had done for Tara. Tara was so secure with herself. She dressed how she wanted without caring what anyone thought. One day she’d be out dressed as trashy as she wanted. The next day she’d be dressed like she belonged in the balcony seats at an opera. She took plenty of criticism for both styles, but the one consistent theme was that all her clothes were expensive. So expensive that Tara would brag about wearing designers that Kaylee had never even heard of. She’d play along like she knew then google them at home. That was what Kaylee wanted – real money. Not “fuck-you” money. But FUCK YOU money.

When she reached the third floor, the elevator door opened, and a man stood before her. He was wearing a navy blue dress pants and a shirt and tie.

“Kaylee?” he asked.

“Hi,” she replied holding her hand out.

He took her hand and shook it.

“Nice to meet you,” he said, “I’m Andrew. The office is this way.”

Kaylee followed him into an office. There was a desk and office chair on one side and a couch on the other.

“Have a seat,” he said.

Kaylee sat down on the leather couch while Andrew settled in behind the desk.

“So Kaylee,” he asked, “what brings you to my office?”

Kaylee had watched a many porn movies before on the internet including many of Tara’s. She was prepared for almost anything except a typical interview question. The butterflies in her stomach started to act up, but this time it was nerves not excitement.

As if sensing this, Andrew leaned back in his chair as if enjoying her anxiousness. He wasn’t going to bail her out.

“Well...,” she said with a voice shakier than she intended,” I guess I really need the money, and I’m a very open person…you know…sexually and everything.”

She began to ramble a bit and unconsciously began repeating things she’d heard in other casting videos.

“And I’m only eighteen since April, and my ex-boyfriend and another boy at my school are the only boys I’ve been with and I just want to experiment…”

He cut her off.

“Did you bring ID with you?”

Kaylee reached into her purse grateful that she wasn’t talking. She found her pocket book and produced her driver’s license and her Social Security Card. Andrew examined them and handed them back to her.

“Okay,” he said, “would you mind taking your clothes off, please?”

She had no problem obliging this. This is what she’d been prepared for. She crossed her arms at her waste and pulled her tank top over her head. She then bent down to unfasten her heels and stepped out of them. Next, she unfastened the belt of her jean skirt and let it fall to the floor. She stood before him in her panties and bra. He nodded as if to say “please continue.”

She unclasped her bra from behind and let it fall to the floor. To describe Kaylee’s breasts as perky would be to do them an injustice. They were not big by anyone’s standards, but she was certainly not flat-chested. They were perfectly round and stood out announcing themselves as a contrast to her muscular torso. Andrew smiled widely. Kaylee smiled back proudly.

“Very nice,” he said almost surprised.

He nodded his head again, and Kaylee clasped the band of her panties with her thumbs and pulled them down to the floor. She stood back up and put her hands on her hips.

“Have a seat,” he said.

She sat down on the couch.

“You seem comfortable naked,” he said.

“Yeah,” Kaylee replied nodding her head.

It was true. She didn’t have an enormous of experience with sex, just her two ex-boyfriends, and Tara’s older brother the summer she turned fifteen. But sex and nudity had always felt natural to her. She didn’t have the same apprehensions and hang-ups about it that a lot of the other girls at school did.

“That’s good,” he said, “part of the reason we conduct the interview naked is to make sure that having sex on camera is something you actually want to do and isn’t just a paycheck.”

Kaylee smiled and nodded. The interview questions were mostly what she expected. He asked about her sexual history, her family life, and her plans for the future. He asked what made her decide to do porn and she explained how Tara had planted the idea in her head. After a few minutes of questioning, Andrew stood up from his chair.

“I’m going to come sit beside you to conduct the next part of the interview.”

Kaylee had been prepared for this too. Tara had told her that she would probably end up fucking the casting director. She called it “the price of admission,” and she said that all porn actresses do it at least once. It was partly so the director could see how she performed and party because it was just one of the perks of the job. Kaylee thought of telling him straight out that she knew the deal, and they could just get to it if he wanted. But she didn’t want to accidentally offend him. He sat down next to her on the couch with his arm around her. He put his other arm on her leg. She spread her legs a little instinctively, and he slid his hand up her leg until his finger was exploring the outer lips of her vagina. Then to her surprise, he began asking her interview questions again.

He asked where she applied to school and what she planned to study, and she answered his questions. All the while, his fingers penetrated her more deeply. She felt herself getting wet, and before long she was breathing heavily and pushing herself onto his fingers. His questions seemed farther and farther away until she could no longer hear them at all, and just when she thought she was going to cum, he pulled his hand out from between her legs.

“What was that?” he asked, “I didn’t get your last answer.”

“Huh?” she said as if coming out of a daze, “Sorry. I guess I got lost.”

For a moment she was afraid she done something wrong. Maybe it had been a test of her concentration, and she’d failed. Andrew smiled widely, and she relaxed.

“Good,” he said, “I was hoping you’d say that.”

He stood up from the couch and walked back to the desk and sat down.

“If you want to perform well on camera, it isn’t enough to just enjoy sex,” he continued, “you have to let go. You have to be able to get lost in the moment. You shouldn’t be acting at all. You should be doing it. That’s what I just saw from you.”

Kaylee smiled, satisfied with herself.

“I’ve got a job for you, but I have to know right away if you can take it. It pays five thousand dollars, but you’ll have to work on our schedule.”

Tara had told her that casting directors usually hook girls by saying that jobs paid between one thousand and five thousand dollars a day, but realistically it was more like eight hundred to a thousand starting out and closer to two or three thousand when you had experience. Five thousand dollar jobs were rare. Kaylee had a few scholarships lined up for school next year, but her plan was to take a porn acting job here and there, so she could live the college life in style. Five grand was more than she’d make in an entire year of a crappy campus job.

“What do I have to do?” she asked.

“Nothing violent or scary,” he said in an assuring voice, “no ball gags or costumes or anything like that, but there will be surprises.”

“I feel like I should know what I’m getting into first,” she said.

“That’s sort of the point,” Andrew said, “You have to just jump in.”

She felt a tingle when Andrew said jump in, but she was still reluctant. What kind of surprises did he mean?

“I’m still not sure,” she said.

Then Andrew said the thing that tipped her in his favor.

“Okay, Six thousand,” he said.

She smiled.

“But I have to know right now. Yes or no?”

“Okay. I’m in,” Kaylee said, “When is it?”

“It’s right now,” he said.

He opened a low drawer on the desk, and tossed her a light bathrobe.

“Put this on and follow me.”

She was a bit startled, but she put on the robe and followed him down the hall and around a corner into another hall way. They followed that hallway down to the end where Andrew unlocked a door and pulled her in. They entered a large room with a tall ceiling. It reminded Kaylee of the gymnastics room at the YMCA. There was a white leather couch on one side and a huge circular white plush rug in the middle of the room. There were also cameras placed around the perimeter, but Kaylee could barely see them because they were mostly concealed by black curtains.

Then a door at the other end of the room opened and a man stepped in and walked toward them. As he approached, Kaylee saw that he was wearing a button down shirt and dress pants. His clothes looked expensive.

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He was older –probably a bit younger than her father. It looked like he was balding and had shaved the rest of his hair. He wasn’t bad looking for an older man, and he seemed to be fit. Was this the big surprise? An older man? Kaylee almost laughed. This would be the easiest six grand she’d ever make. When the man had approached to within a few feet of them, Andrew slipped a hand under one side of Kaylee’s robe and cupped her firm breast.

“Have fun,” he whispered in her ear.

Then Andrew left the two of them alone and disappeared behind one of the curtains

The older man took another step toward her. He unfastened her robe and slipped it off of her. He smiled as he surveyed her body. He began to kiss her on the neck and squeezed her bottom. She began to get wet again. He proceeded to kiss down her chest and suck on one of her nipples. Meanwhile, his hand slipped between her legs and explored the folds of her vagina. She tugged at his shirt, untucking it from his pants. He unbuttoned it as she undid his belt buckle and pants. He kicked off his shoes, and she yanked down his trousers. She was about to drop to her knees when he unexpectedly picked her up in his arms and walked her to the couch. He set her down on the couch so she was on her hands and knees.

He moved behind her, and she stuck out her ass presenting herself to him. She thought that porn movies always started with a blowjob, but she didn’t mind. She was already so close to climax, she ready to him inside her. But she didn’t get his cock. Instead she got his tongue. Boys had gone down on her before, but this was better than anything she’d ever felt. He grabbed her thighs as his tongue plunged deep inside her. His hands encircled over half the circumference of her small thighs, and she could feel their strength as he squeezed.

She shivered as his tongue first crossed over her button. She’d certainly never felt that before. She decided she liked it. He flicked at it with his tongue at first, while his fingers went to work on her vagina. Then she felt his tongue flatten on her button as he took great licks. She moaned and kneaded her own breasts with one hand. He finally returned his mouth to her vagina, and she shuddered in a great orgasm. He remained there lapping up her juices as her body slackened and she collapsed onto the couch.

Without thinking, she flipped herself around. She wrapped one arm around his neck, and kissed him deeply. She took his rock hard penis in his other hand and stroked slowly. Their tongues touched and explored each other briefly before plunging deep into each other’s mouths. The man pulled away walked her over to the other side of the couch, keeping hold of one of Kaylee’s hands. He sat down, and she immediately dropped to her knees in front of him. She took him in her mouth and sucked. Finally, she thought, he’s inside me. Somewhere inside me.

She stroked his cock as she sucked it and rubbed at her vagina with her other hand. She took him as deep down her throat as she could without gagging. He kept his hand on her head put never pressed down. It stayed with the rhythm of her head as it bobbed up and down. Kaylee was in ecstasy. At one point, he gently lifted Kaylee’s head up and pulled his cock back. Kaylee knew what this meant. She lowered her face to his balls without hesitation. He moaned as she stroked his cock and she licked and sucked on his testicles.

As she returned to sucking his cock, she heard the door at the other end of the room open. Kaylee looked over briefly to see another man walk in. This man was wearing a robe as she had been. But before she could get a good look at him, the man on the couch turned her head around and returned her attention to his throbbing member. So this was the surprise, she thought cheerfully. She could almost hear Andrews voice in her head. Just go with it.

The body of the man on the couch stiffened, and Kaylee was sure he was about to cum. But instead he took her hand and pulled her to her feet. He kissed her again deeply. Then he turned her around by the shoulders, so she was facing away from the couch.

“Better get going,” he said softly in her ear and slapped her on her bare ass.

The other man was standing on the plush white rug. He was a bit younger than the other man and muscular. Kaylee hurried over to him. Her curly brown hair was beginning to stick to the side of her face with sweat, and her naked skin was flushed in red. Sex was the only thing on her mind. She immediately unfastened the robe and pulled it off of his shoulders. She grabbed a hold his already erect penis and stroked it. She stood on her tip toes to kiss him, but she’d barely reached his lips when he turned away. She wanted to press her tongue to his, but she also liked that he denied her. Then she remembered that she’d just had the other man’s cock in her mouth and realized that she likely wouldn’t be kissing anyone else that day. Instead, she began frantically kissing his hard chest while he explored her body with his hands.

Where the first man had been gentle with her, this man rough. Kaylee appreciated the dichotomy. She bit lightly at the skin of his chest, her hand still stroking his erection. He grabbed one of her ass cheeks roughly and began to probe at her button with his finger. He pressed his finger against her anus until it slipped in. Kaylee let out a yelp. Her hand momentarily left the man’s cock as she involuntarily grabbed each of his arms and collapsed into his chest. Then as he eased his finger deeper inside of her, her body relaxed and invited it in. She moaned. It still hurt a little, but it was now mixed with equal amounts of pleasure. She regained herself and returned a hand to his cock as she kissed his chest and sucked on his nipples.

She felt a pair of hands cup her breasts from behind and squeeze. It was the first man –the bald one. She could feel his still erect penis graze her leg as he kneaded her breasts. He still hadn’t cum yet. She thought he must be in agony. She moved her right hand away from the muscular man’s cock and replaced it with her left. She reached back and grabbed the other man’s member. The muscular man turned her around, his finger still in her ass. The first man grabbed her head with both hands and they kissed again. Their mouths were both open all the way. She had no idea another tongue could go that far into her mouth. The muscular man pressed finger all the way into her. She could feel his other knuckles pressing hard against her ass cheeks. She pulled away from the kiss and let out a cry, but again the momentary pain was followed by a wave of pleasure as her body invited the finger in.

The muscular man groped her breast with his other hand while the first man reached down to finger her pussy. All the while, she kissed the bald man and stroked each of their cocks rhythmically. The muscular man removed his finger from ass and turned her around to face him. He presented the offending finger to her. She grabbed his hand in both of hers and pulled the finger into her mouth.

“You like that, don’t you?” he said.

Kaylee nodded.

He pulled his finger out of her mouth and pressed down on her shoulders. She fell to her knees, and was presented with the great purple head of his cock. He grabbed a handful of her hair from the back and pressed his cock past her lips. She sucked on it hard. She reached up to grab it with one hand, but he slapped her hand away. She rested her hands on his thighs instead. Keeping hold of her hair he began to thrust his hips slowly pushing a bit deeper into her throat. He hit her gag reflex, and she pushed off of him coughing. When she was done, he slapped her firmly but not painfully on the side of the cheek.

“Relax your throat,” he said.

She looked up at him and nodded submissively. She put her mouth on his cock again and rested her hands against his thighs. This time he pushed her hands away from his thighs, so she rested them on her knees instead. He again grabbed a handful of hair from the back of her head, but this time he placed his other hand under her chin just above her throat. He didn’t squeeze it as if to choke her. He just placed it there. He began to slowly thrust his hips again, but this time when his cock went into her throat, she did what he’d told her to do and relaxed it. As the cock filled her throat, her body stiffened for a moment as she worried she may not be able to breath. But she relaxed as she realized she could still breathe through her nose.

He took his cock from her mouth, and she only took a moment to catch her breath before she went to work on his balls. She buried her face in them as she had done with the other man. He lifted his dick with one hand and put his other hand on the back of her head as if to let her know he approved. Kaylee looked up at him wide eyed as she sucked his testicles and worked them with her tongue. Then his grip on her head changed so that he was holding hair again. He put his other hand back on her throat and plunged his cock back into her mouth. He began to thrust again, but this time her body did not stiffen when his cock filled her throat. Her body went slack instead, and she let him take her over. This time he thrust faster, and there was a pleasant wet noise as the cock slipped in and out of her throat. He again let her up for air. She again paused only for a moment before greedily filling her empty mouth with his sack.

He grabbed a fist full of her hair, and she readied herself for another throat fucking, but before he had a chance to start again, a pair of hands grabbed her at the hips and pulled. She cried out in surprise and looked back. It was the bald man. Come to finish me off, she thought. She was now on all fours, supported by her knees and skinny arms. She spread her legs apart and presented herself to the bald man. He took position and plunged into her. She was so wet and inviting that he slipped in easily. Finally, there was a cock inside of her. She felt as if she’d never needed anything so badly. She moaned with pleasure. Before she knew it, the muscular man had his cock in her mouth again. He didn’t need to put a hand on her throat this time because of the new position. He grabbed her hair with both hands instead.

They fell into a rhythm with the bald man fucking her from behind and the muscular man face fucking her from the front. Soon all she could hear was their grunts and moans and the wet sound of the cock moving in and out of her throat. All she could feel was them inside of her. She soon felt the man behind her stiffen. His grip tightened, and he unloaded his spunk deep inside her. The feeling of his cum inside her was so good that Kaylee herself shuddered with her second orgasm of the day. He stayed inside her until he was spent, but he had not pulled himself out of her before the muscular grabbed her head with both of his hands and thrust as deeply has he could go and held it for a moment. He too shuddered, and Kaylee felt an explosion of hot cum fill her mouth. He pulled his cock out of her mouth and she was careful to swallow the cum before she tried to catch her breath.

The first man now pulled out of her. His warm cum mixed with her own juices ran down the inside of her leg as he did. Before standing up, he bent down and gave her asshole one last long lick, and she shivered with surprise just as she had the first time. The muscular man turned to leave, and Kaylee grabbed his ankle weakly. She was exhausted. He turned back around apparently realizing what she wanted. Kaylee got to her knees, clutching his legs for support and cleaned the last bit of cum from the tip of his prick. This was her first movie, and she didn’t want to regret anything. The other man, seeing this returned to Kaylee as well. She now held onto his legs for support. The muscular man walked away. Kaylee put her whole mouth around the head of his dick. She cupped his balls with one hand, and to her surprise one last bit of ejaculate squirted into her mouth. She smiled satisfied and let herself fall to the floor in exhaustion.

Kaylee laid on her back feeling the chill of the air on her sweaty naked body. Her hair was entirely soaked now. She put a hand between her legs and explored the sopping throbbing sensitive mess down there. She heard the door open again. She turned to see more men in bath robes filing in. There were three, five, maybe more. More surprises. Just go with it, Andrew seemed to be saying in her head again, lose yourself.

Written by joeycee
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