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My First Threesome

"A woman trying out a new sexual experience."

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Henry opened the door in response to my knock and when he saw me, a big smile lit up his face. I couldn’t help but be pleased at his reaction – even though there had been a couple of emails and phone calls back and forth, this first meeting was nerve-wracking. He stepped back and waved me in, bending down to take my knapsack from my hand as I walked by. It was a nice house in a quiet neighbourhood, never giving away what would be going on inside. A sweet, portly woman with beautiful, flowing brown hair came into the living room wearing a pale blue peignoir set.

“So nice to finally meet you dear,” she came right up to me and gave me a body-pressing hug. I felt her large breasts pressing against me, her nipples semi-erect. She released me and Henry came over and put his arm around her, still smiling at me.

“Yes, it certainly is.” He stared at me greedily and I could see the lust in his eyes. “We’ve so been looking forward to this,” he looked down at her. “Marty and I just knew when we saw your picture, that you were the one for us.” Henry took a step toward me. “Can I take your coat?” I put my purse down on the living room table and turned away from them as I unbuttoned my coat. I turned as I opened it, letting it drop to the floor.

Both Henry and Marty gasped as they saw the black, lacy corset that had my 40D breasts ready to burst out. I spun around slowly so that they would get a good view of the matching panties that barely covered my ass. The 4” stilettos made my legs look much longer than they had a right to. “I believe you had something like this in mind,” I said in a low voice. My attention was drawn to the bulge in Henry’s pants and I struggled to suppress a grin. “Yes, this was definitely the right choice”.

“Can I get you something to drink?” Marty asked. “Some white wine?” I looked down at her face; while she was shorter and heavier than I expected, her blue eyes were striking. I nodded and she left the room to go to what I assumed was the kitchen. Henry moved closer to me, leaning down to pick my coat up off the floor, intentionally brushing against me. When he stood up, he was right in front of me and I had to tilt my head back slightly to look up into his hazel eyes.

“Marty has been so excited all day. She just couldn’t wait for you to get here. And now I have to admit,” he said as he ran his index finger across the rise of my left breast, “I am just as eager as she is.” He felt the slight shiver that ran through my body from the contact between us. Marty bustled back into the room, grinning when she saw Henry touching me.

“Now Henry…..she just got here. Let her settle in.” She handed me the glass and lifted her own to toast. “Henry, where’s your drink?” He just grinned and picked up a glass off the living room table.

“Here’s to a great evening and what we hope will be a fantastic weekend,” Henry couldn’t seem to stop grinning. Marty motioned me to sit on the couch which I did. I have to admit the corset was a tad uncomfortable sitting down but I was pretty sure I wouldn’t have to worry about it for long.

That turned out to be right because Marty and Henry sat on either side of me, each with their arm around my shoulders. We made idle chatter about directions and weather as we drank our wine but I couldn’t help notice that they were caressing my skin. Henry leaned over and put his glass on the table and as he sat back, his hand skimmed up my leg. I closed my eyes and tilted my head back as his fingers caressed the top of my thigh. It was the lightest of touches but with each stroke, stoked a flame between my legs.

Marty was busy herself, softly kissing my shoulder. She then took a long swallow from her glass, took mine from me and set them both on the table. She then went back to kissing my shoulder but began making her way down to the top of my right breast. Henry took a firmer grip on my leg, uncrossing it and pulled it towards him, spreading my legs further apart. Now his fingers began to stroke the inside of my thigh and a sigh slipped from my mouth.

I felt lips on mine and the touch made me gasp, just the opening the probing tongue needed. Even though my eyes were closed, I knew it was Marty. My tongue and hers did a slow dance, which gained in intensity. Her hand was now on my breast, fondling me through the corset material, making my nipple harden. Henry’s fingers found their way to my crotch and he groaned as he felt how wet my panties were.

Marty’s gentle pawing at my breast had pushed the top of the corset down, exposing my nipple. Her fingers greedily pinched it, causing me to moan into her mouth and her tongue grew more forceful. She pulled away which made me whine with disappointment but that was soon replaced with pleasure as her mouth latched onto my nipple. Just as she did that, Henry’s fingers now slipped under my panties and caressed my lips.

Marty,” he spoke huskily, “I think we should head down to the rec room where we can make our guest much more comfortable.” She smiled up at him as she reluctantly released my nipple from her mouth.

“Yes, I do believe you’re right,” she purred. They both stood up and held out their hands to me, which I happily took. On the way out of the living room, Henry grabbed my knapsack and the three of us made our way down the hall. He stopped at a door, opening it to reveal a staircase leading down. Marty smiled at me and led the way.

As we reached the bottom of the stairs, my body shivered with delight as I surveyed the large room before me. Dominating the room was a large four-poster bed, draped in dark purple sheets and pillows. There were two large cabinets filling up one wall and on the other side, there appeared to be some sort of chair and what looked like a vaulting bench. I couldn’t suppress the smile on my face and I could tell that Marty and Henry were equally pleased with my reaction.

“I think maybe it’s time to get you out of this,” Marty cooed as she came around behind me and groped my breasts from behind. She began undoing the corset and Henry moved in front of me, I thought to assist. But as the corset loosened, he leaned down, pushing the material aside and fondled my breasts. It was only due to the change in temperature on my skin that I realized the corset was gone and I breathed a sigh of relief.

I was now sandwiched in between them; Marty’s hands now rubbing my ass cheeks as Henry continued his delightful assault on my breasts. My head lolled back and Henry took that opportunity to kiss my neck. I moaned as his teeth grazed my skin and my legs began to quiver. Henry pulled us towards the bed and I welcomed the cool feel of the sheets as they lay me down, Marty pulling off my shoes. I opened my eyes to see both of them admiring my almost-naked body and I smiled back.

Henry leaned over and hooked a finger under the elastic of my panties on each hip and began to pull them down. I eagerly lifted my hips to make his task easier. Since his fingers had already caressed my skin there, he knew that I was shaved but Marty grinned when she saw my bare skin. Henry now removed his shirt, revealing a firm chest with a smattering of hair across it. I couldn’t contain my delight when he undid his trousers, revealing he wore no underwear and exposed his healthy 8”, semi-erect cock. Marty had also disrobed, revealing large, pendulous breasts with equally large nipples. Her stomach was round but pleasantly so and I could see that she was shaved as well.

They both climbed onto the bed, sandwiching me between them as before.

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Henry now leaned over me and kissed me, pushing his tongue into my mouth which I hungrily accepted. Marty kissed her way down to my left breast and latched onto my nipple which sent a shiver through my body. Henry’s hand made its way down to my other breast, gripping it firmly and squeezing. The sensations were almost overwhelming but I revelled in them.

Marty was now licking and kissing her way down my torso, stopping temporarily at my navel and swirling her tongue in it. She continued southward and then pushed my legs apart, opening me up to her. I felt her breath on my pussy lips as she began a trail of kisses up one side and down the other. Then her fingers spread my lips apart and she slowly licked my pussy in long smooth strokes from bottom to top. She seemed to purposely avoid touching my clit and it was driving me crazy.

Henry had transferred his attentions to my breasts and specifically, my nipples. While normally not sensitive, they were now large and rock-hard thanks to my host’s experienced mouth and fingers. His tongue swirled around one, grazing it with his teeth while he firmly pinched and tugged on the other. Just at this moment, Marty honed in on my clit and flicked it softly but quickly. My hips rose to meet her tongue, eager to feel more.

Henry stopped his pleasurable torment of my breasts and rose up on the bed, straddling my chest. His cock was now fully erect and I moaned at the sight of it. His hand slowly stroked the shaft and I licked my lips in anticipation, trying not to be distracted by Marty’s flicking tongue. He leaned forward, rubbing the tip of his cock across my lips. I stuck my tongue out and licked the head, tasting the drops of precum on the tip.

He leaned farther forward, resting on his hands and now slowly pushed his cock into my waiting and eager mouth. I reveled in the sensation of his skin on my tongue, so soft yet firm. He moaned with pleasure as I curled my lips over my teeth and took him in deeply. He began to fuck my mouth, pulling out almost all the way and then pressed back in. I reached up and grabbed his ass, helping him fuck my mouth.

As much as I was enjoying this, Marty’s tongue was doing everything it could to distract me and it was succeeding. She was now sucking on my clit hard while rubbing it with her tongue at the same time and my body was beginning to shake as I felt the intense orgasm that was building. She slipped two fingers inside my pussy and fucked me with them furiously. I cried out as I pulled my mouth away from Henry’s cock. I howled in ecstasy, my hips pushing as hard against Marty’s tongue as I could. Henry reached back, finding my nipples and squeezed them…..hard.

That was all it took……my body began to shake, as if jolted by electricity and I screamed with pleasure. My hips bucked furiously but Marty refused to release me, drawing out my explosive orgasm. I couldn’t take any more and finally begged her to stop, my body still convulsing. She reluctantly pulled away, smiling as she pulled her fingers from my sopping pussy.

After a minute to catch my breath, I hungrily took Henry’s cock in my mouth. I took his balls in my hands and gently stroked them as he started fucking my mouth again. He moaned deeply as he continued to savage my nipples. Marty had now moved up on the bed and leaned down to kiss Henry’s deeply.

“You taste like pussy,” he mumbled, in between kissing her and it excited him more. He grudgingly pulled his cock from my mouth, got up and came around to the end of the bed. He grabbed my ankles and twisted them, forcing me to roll over on my stomach. Then he pulled me towards him, with me ending up bent over the edge of the bed.

I motioned for Marty to come towards me. She lay down on her side in front of me and leaning in, gave me a deep, passionate kiss. I could still taste myself in her mouth. I hadn’t been with a woman before, except some groping as a teenager. I reached for her breast and and massaged it gently, rolling her nipple between my fingers. She sighed, closing her eyes and laid her head down on her arm. I pulled her breast to my mouth, licking and then sucking her nipple into my mouth.

Henry had been busy as well, using my wet pussy to coat his cock. He pushed my legs farther apart and pressed his cock against my pussy. I gasped as he pushed the head in, stretching my pussy wide. He slowly eased his way in, savoring the tightness around his cock. When he was all the way in, I could feel his cock bumping my cervix and it sent tremors through me. After slowly pulling out and pushing back in once more, he began a slow, steady rhythm.

I was still teasing Marty’s breasts with my hands and tongue but now my hand made its way down to her pussy. The skin was so soft and smooth and I ran my fingers over her lips. She shifted her leg to give me better access. I slid a finger inside her, relishing how hot and wet it was. I was pleased that my attentions caused her to moan softly.

Now I pulled her leg, wanting to her to change her position. She pulled back, shifting her legs so that they were on either side of my head. The scent coming from her pussy was intoxicating. I pressed my face into her pussy, deeply inhaling. I slowly licked her lips, enjoying the feel of her soft skin on my tongue. I spread her lips to look at my first pussy and then ran my tongue up one side and then down the other. I tickled the outside of her hole with the very tip of my tongue, feeling it open and gently pushed my tongue inside. She tasted even better than she smelled and I stuck my tongue in as far as it could go, tickling the walls of her cunt. She groaned with pleasure as I replaced my tongue with two fingers and began thrusting them into her.

I knew what I wanted now. Her clit was much bigger than mine and I wanted to devour it. I swirled my tongue around it and then gently flicked it. I looked up at her face to see her watching me, her mouth open and panting. Still wanting to watch her face, I leaned down and lapped her with my tongue, eager to find that nub which I did and now I licked it in earnest. Her eyes closed and she moaned, spurring me on. I sucked on it while flicking it with my tongue which she had done with mine and her whole body shuddered. I began to flick her clit with my tongue and increased the speed of my fingers, now rapidly fucking her pussy.

“Oh yeah…..suck and fuck that pussy. Make my girl come,” Henry growled, fucking me harder. He would reach around and tease my clit with his fingers. Then he started massaging my ass, his fingers getting closer to my little hole. He lubed his fingers more by rubbing his cock as it pistoned in and out of my pussy. He began to tickle my asshole, gently working the tip of his finger in. I momentarily stopped eating Marty’s pussy and groaned as he pushed his finger in farther.

Now he was fucking my pussy with his cock and my ass with his finger. I moaned loudly and buried my face back in Marty’s pussy. Both Henry and I increased our pace; Marty’s face began to redden and her body began to shake. Henry was pounding away and I could feel the orgasm coming.

Marty’s started first; a howl escaping her mouth and her body spasmed. Henry and I both groaned at the same time and he stopped pumping as his orgasm shook his entire body. I moaned as he gently pulled his finger from my ass and felt his hot cum fill me. After a minute or so, Henry pulled out and lay down on the bed. I slowly dragged myself up on the bed and flopped down between them. The quiet was only broken by our breathing as we slowly caught our breath.

“I can’t even imagine how great the rest of the weekend is going to be,” I said smiling, looking first at Henry and then at Marty. They just smiled back.

Written by Cassiter
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