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"The thought of his girlfriend and one of her best-friends having sex turned him on beyond belief"

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Kean was in shock, happy, delightfully horny, shock. Pax was still looking at him wide-eyed, awaiting his reply. If she had looked down, she would have been able to tell.

Just moments before … 

“I've meant to tell you something... Not so much as ask, but tell you because I already agreed to it and...” Pax was rambling nervously, trying to tell her boyfriend Kean some of her plans for their vacation. 

“Hm... What is it, baby...?" Kean was distracted trying to make sure they got all their luggage from the taxi. 

A nice romantic week for the two of them; They were staying in a villa on Lia Beach in Mykonos, Greece, it was meant as a get away for the two lovers. Lia beach being an out-of-the-way town on the southeast part of Mykonos with only one restaurant, now that it had turned into a group party/club crawl week with a half-dozen of their friends.

They would have to take a couple of taxis to the northwest part of the island to hit the big Paradise club at Paradise beach. 

Pax was always about sharing the wealth and the good times so she couldn't keep quiet about the villa that her parents had rented out for the two of them. The villa had four bedrooms and three baths and when her friends and she got to talking, it seemed a shame to let those other rooms remain empty. Kean wasn't too happy having to share this vacation with other people but once Pax's mind was made up he knew she wasn't going to change it. 

Pax was still rambling, not really making any sense as she paid the taxi driver. Following Kean in the beautiful villa, he was lugging all the suitcases having taken the two from her because she was taking too long. 

Hoots, hollers, laughter and talking could be heard from their friends exploring the luxurious house. 

It was quite dazzling. White walls, wood floors with splashes of cerulean blue and lime green cushions and pillows in the main living area. Kean stood in the foyer a moment. Looking to the left, he could see a room being claimed by Travi and Abby. To the left of that room was a full kitchen, though no one the trip but Sarina was a cook, so it would probably go unused. 

Kean took a left just past the foyer and up and staircase to the second floor where other three bedrooms were located, looking for the master suite. 

Kean still wasn’t really listening to Pax. He went to the last room down the hall pushing open the door with his foot, his eyes widening to the large spacious and minimally dressed bedroom. The door faced a huge wall side window. It had a beautiful, romantic view of Lia Beach, with a breakfast terrace and private staircase. He was looking out the open window. The weather was so nice and mild this time of year that they would be able to leave the window open all night. Kean threw the bags on the enormous king size bed, taking a deep breath breathing in the fresh salty smell of the Mediterranean. 

Stark white linens, with another splash of blue on the many pillows made up the lavish beautiful bed that was an obvious recent addition to the old villa. The room had its own small 'sitting' area with a chaise lounge and a private bath. The entire house had air conditioning but it was so nice and so near the water they most likely would not need to use it. 

“Are you listening to me, Kean?” Pax said clearly flustered. 

“Hm,” he turned finally ready to start his vacation, after taking in the surroundings. 

Pax looked worried. 

“Did you hear anything I said? “ She was exasperated having pulled up her courage to tell him and he wasn't even listening. 

“No, I'm sorry. What did you want to talk about, baby? “ 

Before she could answer, the door to the room opened. 

“Are you guys decent? “ Trulie, Pax's friend giggled poking her head in. 

Trulie was about Pax's height, 5'6" or so, with thick flowing blond hair and bright blue eyes. She had a great body, nice full breasts, and a tiny waist. The shoulder strap on the tank top she was wearing had fallen down and she lifted it up absently looking at Pax then Kean. 

"Thanks so much Pax for—" she stopped abruptly seeing the stressed look on Pax's face “Oh. Okay well, we'll see you guys downstairs when you’re unpacked." 

“What was that about?" Kean shrugged a bit confused, said looking at Pax as the door closed. 

“Kinda what I wanted to talk to you about."

Kean sat on the side of the huge bed, the white fluffy linens bunched around him like a cloud where he sat. He pulled the distressed Pax between his legs, stroking her thighs, smiling up at her. 

“What's up?"

“You know this week is Trulie's birthday?"

“How can I forget; mine's two days before hers." He rolled his eyes as he said it. 

“Yeah, well she asked me a favor for her birthday and I already said yes. I just want you to know about it." 

“Bringing her along on this trip wasn't her birthday gift?" he said bitterly. Pax's taste in friends had improved but he had wanted them to be alone on their trip. 

“Not quite...” Pax began shifting her stance and wringing her hands. 

“What is it?" 


“What is it, Pax?" Kean was curious and getting upset. 

“She kinda wants me to...” 

“To what?!” 

“To sleep with her...” 

And, that's where Kean was now. The thought of his girlfriend and one of her best-friends, a very attractive best friend, naked, rolling and writhing around, eating each other out, kissing, suckling nipples, sweet moans as they let their friendship blossom to deeper levels. All of it was rushing through his mind, leaving him speechless and his dick hard as a rock. 

He remembered a few weekends after he met Trulie that she had told him she had a crush on Pax. Trulie, at the time, was actually dating one of his friends.

“I guess it's more than a crush now," he said. 


“What? Oh, nothing. Why are you so worried?" he said very turned on. 

He focused on her again, pulling her close, his hands planted firmly on her ass. Why was she worried? This was a dream come true. He liked Trulie well enough. She was cool, and a real friend to Pax, but he was beginning to really like her now. 

She had gotten Pax to do something he would never have been able to in a million years. His cock throbbing in his jeans, hugging the still shuffling Pax. 

“I just don't want you to think any less of me. It's only going to be one time, here in Greece; then never again. I'm not cheating 'cause I'm telling you and I'm not in love with her though I do love her cause she my best friend but you’re my number one best friend but, it’s not in-love love, though she is really hot....” 

Kean held Pax's face staring in her big worried brown eyes and kissing her deeply on the mouth, stopping the flow of endless chatter, his tongue sinking into her. His hand sliding down her back to her ass, squeezing it firmly. 

He pulled back from the kiss, his body on fire by the new agenda for the trip. 

“Why would you think I'd be upset?" 

“I don't know.” she shrugged like a little girl, still nervous from telling a secret. “You don't think I'm bad, do you?" 

“In the best possible way, yes.” He smiled kissing her again. 

“I mean it.” She pulled away still concerned. 

“I do, too. I think it’s awesome that you two can be close like that.” 

He tried to keep it sounding like an innocent game and not one of his fantasies come true. 

Pax studied his face, he was taking it quite well, and he hadn't stated the obvious next question. 

“She said you can watch if you want.” 

Kean tried to hide his smile, he was already thinking of a way to ask if he could watch, and here she was offering. 

“Do you want me to watch?" He was still holding his eagerness at bay; it was all he could do to not blurt out 'hell yeah' when she asked. 

“Can you just watch or will you join in?” 

“Do you want me to join in ...?” His lips curled into a smile. 

Pax scowled. 

“No! See. That's what I thought. I don't want to share you with anybody not even her.... I'm not gonna do it.” Pax folded her arms pouting. 

“You can't say no now, you said you already said yes.” 


“Don't be that way." Kean stroked her shoulders to try to calm her, before the fantasy unraveled. "I'm not gonna lie. Now that I know, I do want to watch, at the very least; and it would be awesome if you let me join in.” 

He gave her his most charming smile. Pax wasn't buying it. 

Her worried eyes became a narrowed glare. She hadn't ever really shown she was jealous until now and he liked it. 

She punched him in his chest, hard. He winced almost doubling over in pain. 

“You can tie me to the chair." he choked out with a smirk. "You’re good at that. I'm sure they sell handcuffs around here.” 

She chuckled, relaxing a little. 

“When are you guys … going to do it?” He took her hand in his stroking her soft skin with his thumb. 

“We were going to do it after the party in a couple of days,” the uncertainly came back to her voice. 

The plan was a dual party for Kean and Trulie the day after his birthday but the day before hers, nothing too special just dinner with every one, little dancing and a lot of drinking. 

“See it'll be perfect. Her gift is you,” He said as he leaned in to start kissing her neck, "and my gift is watching you two.” He smiled, it was a win-win. 

Pax was thinking over the options. 

Kean was trying to keep the lusty eagerness from his voice, but he wasn't fooling her. 

“Whatever you want to do I'll go along with, okay,” he said giving her a hug and kiss on the neck, feeling like he'd just won the lottery. 

“Yep...” Pax still pouting stared at him for a few moments but he beamed charmingly at her and a smile broke on her face as well. Though she felt the can of worms being opened as he excitedly hugged her. 


Kean had to jump in the shower to cool himself off before he headed downstairs with everyone. The only thing that he could think about was Pax and Trulie intertwined, flesh on flesh. Soft lips, hands, hips, breasts; pink wet tongues...and wet hot pussies. He jacked off trying not to cry out. 

Pax explored the house with Trulie, Abby and Sarina. 

They all took some time to explore the property and head down to the beach that was scattered with some other people. Lia wasn't a party town, and everyone was restless and ready to let off steam. 

Within a couple of hours of arriving, they were dressed and headed to Paradise Beach. 

Paradise Beach, the main attraction of Mykonos, was packed even though it was only about 4pm. The open-air clubs and restaurants were full and the small group stuck together while they got a feel for the crazy little city, with the winding streets and all the bars and attractions they'd take part in over the next week. 

Kean couldn't really take in that much of the new sights and sounds, his mind still racing with thoughts of Pax having sex with another girl. 

He watched intently Pax and Trulie's exchanges, how they touched each other, looked at each other. Were they as excited as him? 

Kean tried to refrain from asking Pax what they were planning on doing. Would she actually eat Trulie out? he thought Would she let Trulie eat her? Would they use toys? Would they start off touching or just kissing? 

Pax still hadn't given him the go ahead and he had said that he would go with whatever she decided but there was no way he wasn't going to watch. He had taken his time exploring the house to see where he could spy on them if it came down to that. 

The group decided to eat at restaurant Gola, and the consensus was that dancing was next on the menu. 

At Paradise Club, Kean was still in his own world fantasizing about the two friends as they danced, imaging them naked; hot warm bodies pressed against each other. When they danced, he wondered what they were thinking about, were thinking about what he was? 

Pax looked over at him smiling, catching him staring at them. He felt himself blush. His cock sprang up in his pants causing him to wince in delight. Warm ripples of pleasure rolled through him. 

“What the fuck are you so happy about?” Shane asked while they were drinking, watching the girls dance. 

“Nothing ... just a birthday gift I might get.” He looked at Pax who was talking and laughing with Trulie, Sarina and Abby, now. They were surrounded by several guys trying to chat them up. 

They danced and partied until the early morning, only deciding to head home when jet lag started hitting them. 

The minute they were in their suite Kean was on Pax, peeling her out of the all too skimpy dress she was wearing. She had quite a bit to drink so, so sex was out of the question. She could never come when she drank, so he got the pleasure of her mouth on him. 

Pax sucked him off several times. Rolling over, she slipped out of the bed, when Kean fell back grinning stupidly after coming in her mouth a third time. 

Pax walked out onto the private terrace and down the staircase to the deserted beach, sitting out in the open sea breeze and staring up at the sky. 

“You don't have to do it if you don't want to... ” 

Pax startled, looked up to see Trulie standing behind her. 

“You didn't want to talk about it at all since we got here. Did he get mad or something?” 

”No, he was very happy, of course.” 

“If you're having second thoughts you don't have to do it. I just thought you may want him there to help you relax a little.” 

”It’s okay.” Pax motioned for Trulie to come sit beside her in the sand, she was wearing just a t-shirt probably panties but no bra. Pax could tell because her breasts bounced seductively under the fabric. 

Pax had never been with a had never really crossed her mind until Trulie had asked her. She was in shock, yet very flattered. She wanted to do it; she wanted to do it with Trulie. She was excited and scared. 

Would she be good at, though? Performance anxiety was getting the better of her. 

She found herself staring at Trulie's lean soft legs. She looked back out at the water, swallowing hard and trying to breathe deeply so Trulie wouldn't notice. 

“You want to...." Trulie continued hesitating. She had experimented with girls but it was all for fun, or to turn guys on, but Pax was the first girl she really was sexually attracted to. “I'd rather you tell me now than when we're naked and you...” 

Pax kissed Trulie firmly on the mouth while staring into her blue eyes, then kissed her again to let her know she meant it. 


The next days of partying and swimming were a blur. Kean ravaged by the thoughts of Trulie and Pax fucking. He didn't let them out his sight if he could help it. 

Pax still hadn't let him know one way or the other if he could watch, and it was driving him crazy. 

The group as a whole, stayed out to all hours of the morning, drinking and dancing so his own real love connection with Pax left him getting head but no ass, and that was driving him crazy too. 

The morning of the party, Pax had passed out drunk when they got back to the villa and still he didn't know what was going to happen that night. Kean couldn't sleep for most of the night he stayed up curled around Pax, not remember falling asleep. 

When he woke, Pax and all the girls were gone. 

“Where'd they go?” Kean asked almost panicked. 

“They went shopping or something,” 

“Or something?! Which is it?” 

“Calm down dude, all I know is Abby took my wallet which means, most times, that she is going to spend my money, so I guess they went shopping,” Travi said annoyed waving Kean off as he shuffled off to the kitchen to scrounge up some food. 

Kean was on edge. What if they were all hold up in some hotel doing each other and I'm missing it? 

He took another cold shower. 

It was just before 4 when the girls came back to the villa all carrying shopping bags laughing and chatting. The guys had just come back in from the beach. 

“Where were you guys?” Kean demanded like a worried parent. 

"We went shopping.” Pax held up her bags proudly. 

“What'd you get?” Kean asked absently, looking back and forth between Pax and Trulie as they split off from each other. 

He was going crazy. Had he missed out? 

“You'll find out tonight,” she chirped casually walking upstairs. 


It was still early, only about 9 pm. The night air felt fantastic. 

Pax was dressed in a little black dress that was much too short for Kean's taste. Going to the clubs with a lot of guys that liked to grope her when his back was turned, he was tempted to try and make her change. The dress hung close to her curves with a V type halter-top that looped at the shoulders with gold rings.

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Her makeup was slightly dramatic and very sultry. She had her hair pulled up off her neck and back. 

He couldn't help kissing her neck, down her back to her shoulder blades heading to her further down to her round firm bottom, before she reminded him they were going to be late for his party. 

Kean took special note of what Trulie was wearing too, a teal dress that the tight and hung to her gorgeous curves. It was off the shoulder, on the right side. With ruching at the skirt that was barely over her crotch. Her hair was tousled and flowing over her shoulders. Her make up wasn't too heavy but accentuated her lips and bright sapphire blue eyes. 

The group had dinner at another fabulous restaurant and were now dancing in the open-air club to the night's showcased DJ. Pax and Trulie had been especially quiet, chatting to each other in hushed voices. Pax hadn't had a thing to drink all night. 

Trulie looked at her watch, and then kissed Pax on her cheek. 

Kean perked up. 

Trulie headed out of the club and Pax headed to Kean. 

“Do you want to come and watch?” Pax whispered in his ear. 

He was about to burst with happiness, his cock springing to full erection. 

“Yeah!” he said a little too eagerly. 

She took his hand and they headed through the crowded club. 

He held her hand tightly, her small hand was sweaty and shaking as they got into a taxi and headed back to the villa. Foreplay began immediately. 

Pax was sitting between Trulie, who was rubbing her left thigh slowly, and Kean who was kissing her right shoulder and arms. 

Her body shuddering with pleasure, she was so turned on and nervous. Her panties were wet, filling the small taxi with her scent. 

“I can smell you, baby,” Kean whispered in her ear, causing another gush in her panties, as she quivered nervously. 

Trulie must have heard him, because she squeezed Pax's thigh at her knee then trailed her hand up higher squeezing gently again. Pax moaned at the erotic sensation of begin turned on by her boyfriend and her best friend. 

”Mm, you smell so good." Kean cupped her breast squeezing it gently, his thumb gliding over her pert nipple. "Are you that excited?” he continued, flicking her earlobe with his tongue. 

All Pax could do was moan in response. She was getting light-headed, hands on both side of her. She was stroking Kean's cock through his pants and rubbing Trulie's cunt through her panties. 

Trulie's pussy was sopping wet as well; their mingled scent of arousal permeated the air. They made little in the way of noise just heavy breathing. 

The taxi driver kept looking in the rear view mirror smiling, hoping to catch a glimpse of something, anything. 

Kean's hand glided over Pax belly, causing ripples of warmth to pulse throughout her. His hand slid up to her ribs and then cupped her breast. She thought he might actually pull out her breast while they were riding. 

The trio slipped into a rhythm. The two on either side of Pax, kissing and stroking her; while she stroked each of them between their legs. 

Trulie was the first to succumb to the foreplay. A high-pitched mews came from her, the taxi drivers eyes flitted to the rear-view. 

“Pax...” she hissed in Pax's ear,” I'm cumming...” 

Pax kept up the slow circles she was applying to Trulie's clit over her wet panties. Trulie's legs clamped on Pax's hand, as she began grinding her hips, riding out her orgasm. 

Pax felt Kean's fingers pinching her nipple gently, while she watched Trulie try to control herself as she came. 

“Did you make her come, baby?” Kean whispered, his cock twitching in her hand. 

“Mm,” Pax said, still in awe as she watched Trulie come. 

The ride to the villa seemed to take an hour when it was only twenty-five minutes away. The delighted taxi driver had made the trip longer than what it would have been trying to get as much of a show as he could. 

They stepped in the door of the villa; Kean secured it. 

Trulie, dropping all pretenses, kissed Pax deeply, her hand tight on Pax's neck, holding her in an intense probing kiss. Kean watched them as the kissing got deeper and more passionate, the sight of their wet pink tongues darting out as they kissed and moaned into each other mouths. 

Pax had her hands on Trulie's hips and Trulie held Pax's face while they kissed. 

Kean stood speechless watching the two; this wasn't just a show for him. For a few moments, he was sure they forgot he was there because Trulie began undressing Pax. 

“Maybe we should go upstairs?” Pax said looking over her shoulder at the still speechless Kean, his chest heaving, standing by the door. Trulie led the way with Pax then Kean who had to wait a few moments to adjust himself before he could move. 

The room had already been dressed for the night’s activities. Clean sheets on the huge bed that would fit the three of them comfortably if it came to that, plus several more people. 

The huge bay window was open letting the balmy night air in. An array of small candles clustered throughout the room. Kean quickly lit the candles giving the room a seductive calming glow, while the girls continued to kiss. 

Pax took off Trulie's dress, revealing her amazing body. Her breasts were a proud C cup. She wasn't wearing a bra so the huge pink nipples of her breasts were on display. She wore a small black G-string and still had on her heels. Pax was in awe her soft dewy fair skin, lightly tanned from their time at the beach, the tan lines of her swimsuit obvious, and very sexy. 

Pax glanced at Kean to see how he reacted, but his eyes met hers. His lips parted hungrily; she blushed, turning back to Trulie. 

Pax kissed Trulie’s breasts softly, cupping them gently, feeling the weight of them, and then taking one nipple, then the other in her mouth. Trulie moaned sweetly stroking Pax's hair, loving the feel of her lips on her. Pax was gradually pushing Trulie towards the bed. 

Kean sat down on a small chaise lounge across from the bed, watching breathless. Kean watched their arms and hands gently touch and caress each other. Roaming over each others bodies, lips on breasts, necks, the sweet sighs and moans that were mounting between them. 

Trulie took off Pax's dress, her hands on her shoulders letting the straps fall down, slowly to her feet leaving her standing in only her panties and bra. Trulie stood looking at her, smiling, stroking her arms. Trulie pulled Pax to her, feeling the soft warmth of her skin. She smiled sweetly at the obviously nervous Pax, kissing her again as she unhooked her bra and let it fall to the ground. She held her full honey brown breasts in her hands, cupping, and then kneading them. She rubbed her thumb over her hard small nipples, causing Pax to shudder. Then took one in her mouth moaning in delight at tasting her, licking it, enjoying the feel if her on her tongue. 

Pax was so nervous and her skin so sensitive. She moaned loudly in response to Trulie's hot mouth on her soft sweet-smelling skin. Pax's senses were on fire. She hadn't felt anything as soft and lush as Trulie. 

Kean gasped again, rubbing his rock hard cock. 

Trulie pulled Pax on the bed with her still alternating between her bullet hard nipples. Pax felt her panties flooding again. It felt so good, erotically delicious. 

Kean was focusing watching so he could remember all the details. 

Pax pulled off Trulie's panties throwing them to the side and opening her legs wide, staring at her shaved pussy. She had never seen one this close before, not even her own. It was so cute, pink and totally wet. She rubbed her fingers over Trulie's now exposed clit watching Trulie respond. Pax looked back at Kean, who was sitting on the edge of his seat trying to will her to taste her friend. Pax seemed to hear him leaning in and licking Trulie's clit. 

A stronger louder moan came from Trulie as Pax licked her then licked her again. She was trying to savor the taste. She had tasted herself whether on Kean's lips, his cock or on her own fingers but this was something new to be tasted and relished. She licked Trulie again her tongue running the full length of her slit. 

Trulie writhed moaning underneath her hands grabbing and pulling at the sheets. Pax continued, delighting in how she was pleasing her friend and how delicious she tasted how hot, wet and silky her flesh was in her mouth. Pax swallowed the flowing nectar spilling from Trulie in waves. The mounting moans signaling that she was coming again. Pax closed her mouth on Trulie's clit the way Kean normally did to her, rubbing the little hot button furiously with her tongue. Trulie grabbed Pax's head rubbing it into her cumming cunt crying out in orgasmic delight. 

Pax sat back licking her lips when Trulie let her go, Trulie's exhausted chest heaving from her orgasm. She looked back at Kean, who had his hand in his open pants stroking himself. His wanton look sent ripples of warmth through her.

“Let me taste you,” Trulie said softly. Trulie seemed to spring up with renewed energy, and sunk her head between Pax's legs. 

Kean rubbed his cock faster noticing he didn't have his shirt on any longer but not remembering when he took it off or when he opened his pants. 

Trulie engulfed Pax's pussy like a starving man. Pax was overwhelmed as Trulie's tongue snaked in and out of her; she grabbed her nipples rolling them in her fingers staring at Kean moaning. Her eyes half closed with pleasure. Pax cried out as Trulie sunk two fingers in her. 

"I'm cumming...Trulie...oh feels so...good...don't stop!” 

Trulie didn't. She kept her fingers pumping and her tongue lapping at Pax's cunt until a huge orgasm had her jerking and convulsing with pleasure. 

The girls hugged each other kissing again, giggling as they caressed and enjoyed the new closeness they shared. 

“Thanks Pax,” Trulie said embracing her friend and laying on her chest. 

“My pleasure...did you like it?” 

“Yes, it was wonderful.”

“Let’s try this,” Pax said rolling Trulie on her back and pulling out a long purple vibrator from under the pillow. Trulie smiled, happy that their night wasn't over. 

Pax sunk between Trulie's legs once more rubbing the toy in her honey before pushing it into her tight hungry hole. Pax began to fuck Trulie with the toy, gliding it in and out, watching her flesh stretch around the large toy; new flesh so foreign but it was wonderful. She watched Trulie's face.

Suddenly, Pax felt a hand on her hip and she looked back to see Kean's head sinking down behind her, spreading the cheeks of her upraised ass. The familiar suckling and lapping of his tongue on her clit sent a jolt through her. She wanted to tell him to stop to just sit and keep watching but she didn't. She sunk her mouth down on Trulie mimicking Kean's licks on her, turning on the toy that was rooted deep inside Trulie. 

Trulie moaned bucking her hips and grabbing Pax's head and grinding on her as she came, again. Pax came soon after, on Kean's tongue. 

Kean watched, wanting them to continue. He climbed on the bed, taking Pax and holding her up with her back to his chest her legs draped over his, he was completely naked his cock hard against Pax's back. 

“Your turn, Trulie make her come,” he demanded holding Pax's nether lips open, her slit soaking wet. Trulie sat up crawling between the couples open legs sinking down on Pax. The toy in her cunt still humming. She sucked Pax's clit, Kean pinching Pax's nipples and kissing her neck. 

Trulie pulled Kean's cock free, engulfing it. Kean grasped biting his lip looking at Pax who didn't see the exchange her eyes closed in delight. Once sufficiently wet, Trulie drove the thick meat into Pax. 

Pax was surprised, happily. Kean overwhelmed, beginning to hammer Pax while Trulie sucked Pax's clit, her tongue hitting his cock when it slid out of Pax, and then on the way back in. 

Pax was losing herself in the moment, thoughts cloudy with new wonderful sensations. The hands and tongues all over her, pleasing her. She felt her pussy clinching down on Kean's impaling cock while Trulie sucked her clit. “Ahhhhnnnnnnnnnnggnnnn,” she moaned.

Kean pumped harder feeling Pax coming, his cock throbbing as he unloaded into her. Pax cried out in high-pitched wails of pleasure, rubbing Trulie's head into her clit as she came harder than she had in her life. Her body began convulsing again as shock waves of euphoric thrills hit her again and again. 

Kean, squeezing Pax tightly rocking into her, his cum filling her and spilling out down his shaft, his tightened balls and on to the sheets. 

Trulie sat back her legs open stroking the still humming toy in and out of herself watching the two come down, while she played with her breasts. 

Pax turned, kissing Kean who was watching Trulie's fuck herself. His cock only limp momentarily before it stiffened inside Pax. 

Pax pulled herself from Kean, an audible slurping sound as his cock slid from her, their combined fluids flowing in rivulets down her thighs; she crawled between Trulie's legs. Sliding slowly up her body until they lay belly to belly, kissing. Their pussies rubbing against each other. His cum sliding from Pax onto Trulie. 

Kean's thoughts were a blur; lay on his back stroking himself watching the girls kiss again. The tender flesh between their legs sliding and rolling, one against the other, pink lips and folds glistening. He was so turned on, his skin was on fire. He continued to kiss, seemingly unaware of his presence, 

“I want more,” Kean demanded, pulling in Pax's leg roughly so she slid almost completely off Trulie. 

She turned to him, with a confused smile, crawling over and kissing him deeply. He tasted Trulie on her lips, crushing his mouth into hers his tongue probing her mouth. 

“Sit on my cock!” he growled, his hands on her hips guiding her down on his throbbing hungry member. Pax did as she was told, sliding easily onto him. 

“There's room for you.” He looked at Trulie, licking his lips. 

Trulie took his cue, pulling the toy she had been absently pumping into herself, facing Pax straddling Kean's mouth; she lowered herself on his tongue as he licked her hungrily. Pax and Trulie continued their kissing. Kean eating Trulie's gushing hot sweet pussy, pushing and bucking roughly into Pax's tight velvety depths. 

Kean was in heaven, fucking two beautiful women, while they straddled him kissing. He gripped Trulie’s ass spreading her cheeks like a ripe peach and burying his nose and mouth into her. 

They went on in that erratic dance of licking kissing and fucking. Moans and grunts filling the cancel lit room, the smell of sex so thick it had to be seeping into the walls 

Soon Trulie was grinding on his face, her juice sliding down his throat, as he licked happily. Trulie rolled her hips repeatedly and he felt her pussy throb with her orgasm as she stiffened over his still moving lips.

He bucked more fervently into Pax feeling her tighten around him. Trulie rolled to the side stroking Kean's chest or Pax's thigh. Kean looked up at Pax's, her breasts wobbling as he thrust up into her wildly. And intense almost serious stare came from her. She threw her head back, Trulie sitting up taking Pax's nipple into her mouth, nipping them as she came again. 

Kean grunted loudly spurting hot ropes of cum into Pax once more. 

She slumped onto his chest, Trulie pulling her off to lay on the bed between her and Kean. Trulie idly grabbed Pax's breast, kneading it gently while she nuzzled her neck. Her leg draped casually over Pax's. Kean lay on his head propped up on his hand, while he drew lazy circles on Pax's supple belly letting his hand glance along Trulie's leg. 

Pax's senses were overloaded as she lay in an orgasmic stupor between the two. Moaning and sighing happily, kissing, tonguing Trulie then to Kean, then back again. They lay there, stroking, sucking, and kissing each other, a web of tangled hot wet limbs, until exhaustion took them. 

When all was said and done, it was nearly 8 am. Kean rolled over, his body aching delightfully. 

He smiled remembering how they had awoken in the night. Kean taking Trulie in the ass while she ate hungrily on Pax's pussy. He exploded into her tight hot bowels after fucking her savagely. Then both girls taking turns sucking him off. It was literally the best birthday he had ever had. He was already trying to picture what they could possibly do next year. 

Sitting up, rubbing his eyes the room flooded with the mid-morning light and the fresh sea air, he looked around seeing the bed empty. 

Confused and a little upset, he rose, naked sticky and rock hard looking through the room, stopping only when hearing the shower. He heard the girls giggling and talking. He sneaked to the door watching them, how the touched, looked and fondled each other, kissing each other. He was rubbing his growing erection. 

Then the sexy and utterly disturbing thought began creeping into the corners of his mind; that they may not just leave this tryst in Greece. He swallowed hard, a tinge of panic flitted through him. Pax's words coming back to haunt him now as he watched them kiss passionately. 

"I don't want to share you with anyone..." 

Kean's heart was in his throat, his jaw clinching, seeing the trouble that may lay ahead. He'd never let Pax out of his sight now. A smile painted on his face, trying to hide his newly formed worries, he walked in the shower to join the girls. 

Written by Trixipixie
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