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The Porn Olympics

"A group of students enjoys their own version of the London Olympics"

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It’s the 27 th of July 2012. Usually, by this time of year, my friends and I have dispersed to various parts of the country of world and would not be returning to University until October.

But this year is different, the Olympics were in London and we are all excited by this once in a lifetime opportunity to see a raft of top sport up close. A couple of my friends have even volunteered to help out around the event as Games Makers. The rest of us has applied for and received tickets to see some of the less popular sports.

Tonight, eight of us are getting together to watch the opening ceremony on TV and indulge in another favourite pastime of ours – drinking. We are at the house I share with three other guys. Simon, Mick, Steve and I are on different courses but we have been sharing a house for two years and become great friends.

The other four are girls from our University. Jenny, Jill, Sue and Michelle are also close friends and the eight of us get together quite often. While there are no firm relationships between us, I have fooled around a bit with Sue and Jenny in the past and I know there have been some sexual exploits between some of the others too.

All of us get on very well, with the exception of Simon and Jenny. Simon is a rugby player. He is a big lad, his language tends to be as robust as his body and he has a biting, sarcastic sense of humour.

Jenny, on the other hand, is a little Welsh firebrand. She is as small as Simon is large and probably weighs no more than one of his legs, but she accepts no nonsense from anybody. They simply rub each other up the wrong way and are constantly sniping at each other.

Fortunately the guys have made it quite clear to Simon, and the girls have impressed upon Jenny, that neither will be allowed to force the other out of the group. Recognising that they could isolate themselves from the group, they both know to draw the line before anything gets out of hand with their spats.

On a Friday night we would usually be hitting the town but I have persuaded the group to drink at home tonight to watch the ceremony and I have promised them a surprise for later. Mick and Jill, who are the two Olympic volunteers, have already seen a rehearsal. They have convinced everyone that, while it is less spectacular than the previous Beijing event, it will definitely be worth watching.

So here we are already having broken into our plentiful supply of beer, wine, gin and white rum with the TV coverage due to begin at 9pm.

Some fairly heavy drinking continues through the first hour of the show which, while somewhat quirky, is an entertaining mix of specially filmed clips and live action taking place in the stadium.

As we approach 10pm, I start to think about introducing my idea for continuing the entertainment. I know that the guys will be up for it, but I need to plan a strategy to make sure the girls agree. It is important to get the timing right, allowing the booze to overcome any inhibitions but before anyone gets too drunk to participate willingly.

I am convinced that Michelle will like the idea. She is certainly the wildest of the four girls and never refuses a challenge. My guess is that Jenny and Sue will be up for it and I am hoping that they will be able to persuade Jill to join in. Jill is without doubt the most reserved of the four, but for me she is the most physically attractive with her long blond hair and perfectly proportioned body. I have been lusting after her for some months now.

The Olympic flame is now being brought to the stadium in a speeding boat on the Thames. There is a discussion among the girls as to how attractive they find the famous footballer driving the launch. The vote is split evenly, with Michelle and Jenny finding him too feminine.

The guys unanimously agree that his wife is far too thin to be attractive. Simon takes the opportunity to extend the criticism to all “skinny birds” and Jenny immediately takes the bait, firing back her opinion that body-builder type men were usually trying to compensate for some shortcomings in the trouser department.

I manage to steer the conversation back to athletics and before long everyone is arguing the case for the Olympic athlete they find the sexiest.

The boys fairly quickly agree that their top three are to be found among the British heptathletes, but differ completely on the order. The consensus, however, is that they would be happy to bed any of the four, as long as the one with the Liverpool accent did not speak.

The girls are generally of the opinion that the male rowers and swimmers have the best bodies but are unable to put any names to their favourites. Three of them are discussing the merits of sprinters “lunch-boxes”, while Jill tries to make a case for a British fencer that she has a major crush on. She is forced, by heavy teasing from the other girls, to confess that she would happily give him a blow job anytime he wanted. 

I take the opportunity to introduce my idea that while the TV shows all the athletes from countries we have never heard of marching into and around the stadium, we should run our own version of the games – the Porn Olympics.

Whoops from the other three boys indicate they are definitely all in favour. Michelle immediately declares herself in, just as I knew she would. Sue looks to Jenny for reassurance and after a moment, they agree they will participate. All eyes are now on Jill. My heart is in my mouth as I am so keen to see that hot body naked.

After what seems an eternity, Jill nervously nods and says she will give it a go. Wanting to ensure she does not change her mind later, I ask her if she is really sure, as now is the time to back out if she has any doubts. With a glance around at the group, the look on her face becomes more resolute and she confirms she is in.

I need to get a few pieces of equipment for what I have planned. I tell the others that for some of the games we will need to be in boy/girl pairs. We can either draw lots for this or they can arrange it among themselves. The girls immediately jump in and say that they will sort out the pairings.

When I get back I am told that my partner will be Michelle. Though I would have loved for it to have been Jill, this is not a bad result. Michelle is a dark haired beauty with curves in all the right places and a very open attitude to sex. Having slept in the past with Mick and Steve (yes, both at once according to them) I guess she was always going to choose Simon or me just for the novelty value.

Jenny has paired up with Steve and seems happy just to have avoided Simon, who is paired with Sue, leaving the two Olympic volunteers, Jill and Mick, as the final couple. Mick is probably the quietest of the boys, so I guess that Jill has chosen him as her partner as she feels more comfortable with him.

There are to be six events, three for the boys and three for the girls. At the end there will be Gold, Silver and Bronze medals for each and the two people without medals will need to do a forfeit to be decided by the Gold medal winners.

I announce the first event for the men as the Bra Size Estimation. The four girls are to remove their bra. Their partner then has one minute to examine her, visually and physically, to estimate her bra size by chest measurement and cup size, with the nearest guess winning.

Unceremoniously, Michelle pulls her tee-shirt top off over her head and reaches round to unclip her bra. As she drops the straps off her shoulders, her nice rounded boobs spill out. She drops the bra to the floor and stands proudly, her full tits gently swaying from side to side. Her nipples are large and soft, surrounded by prominent, dark brown areolae.

Sue and Jenny follow suit, revealing two anatomical extremes. Jenny’s tiny frame is matched by her itty-bitty titties. Only two gentle swellings differentiate her chest from that of a boy. But she has very perky looking and elongated nipples that just beg for your lips to surround them, as I know from experience. By comparison, Sue’s jugs are enormous. Full, firm and wonderful to play with, they are nevertheless a little pendulous, due to their heavy weight, when freed from the confines of a bra.

Jill meanwhile has performed that girlie trick of pulling off her bra from beneath her shirt. While the other three are naked from the waist up and eagerly awaiting their examination, her tits are still covered by the pink cotton tee-shirt she is wearing. She too is a good size and her nipples are forming two small peaks in the pink material stretched over her boobs.

I set the timer for a minute and call for the start. Without doubt Simon, Steve and I could have guessed fairly well at the size of the naked boobs facing us just from sight, but we set at our task with gusto, feeling, stroking and kneading the boobs in front of us. Simon is cupping Sue’s tits in his hands as if trying to guess their weight rather than their size. Steve has a lot less to play with and seems to be concentrating on tweaking Jenny’s nipples, trying to make them grow as large and as hard as possible.

Mick is trying to be as polite as possible to Jill and is assessing her rack by holding his hands close to, but just away from her still-covered chest. Seeing what was happening elsewhere, Jill grabs his hands and pushes them unceremoniously up her tee-shirt, almost tearing it. Having had the ice broken, Mick is now copping a good feel of the goods just like the rest of us and looking very happy about it.

The timer dings and the four boys step back to announce their guesses. Michelle, Jenny and Sue make no move to cover up again, so Jill decides to pull her pink top off and join them half naked. She has the most perfect pair of tits and both the boys and girls stare at them in awe, which makes Jill blush.

I guess Michelle is a 34C and am spot on, as proven by the label in her bra. Steve guesses Jenny’s size as 30B, which delights her as she is really only an A cup. Mick overestimates Jill’s perfect 32C’s by a cup size. Simon judges Sue at 34DD, and her bra confirms his opinion. The result is a win for Simon and me.

Next it is the 30 Second Erection Challenge for the girls. The four boys remove their trousers and underwear. Each girl now has thirty seconds to bring her man to a state of arousal in whatever way she wishes and the winner is whoever can produce the longest erect cock when measured.

Jenny’s competitive nature shows immediately as she complains that Steve is offering her less to work with than the others have. A highly embarrassed Steve argues that he is a “grower” rather than a “shower” and that the result will be down to her technique, not the raw material.

I set the clock to thirty seconds and the girls go to work. Michelle drops to her knees and sucks my dick straight into her mouth. It’s already partly erect because I enjoyed massaging her tits, so it does not take long before Michelle’s swirling tongue around my bell-end has me standing pretty solid and upright, which seems to please her no end.

Sue and Jenny are a little more restrained but lose little time in also kneeling in front of their partners to give hand jobs to Steve and Simon. Sue certainly has more to work with as Simon is blessed with an exceptionally large dick, but Steve is clearly reacting to Jenny’s ministrations as promised and her vigorous pumping soon has him at full mast.

Jill’s technique is quite different. She is standing very close to Mick and whispering quietly in his ear. Her right hand looks to be at her side, but I can see it is in fact holding his dick and rhythmically squeezing it. I feel a real pang of jealousy as his cock swells in her hand and I make a mental note to ask him later exactly what it was she was whispering.

All too quickly, the timer sounds the end of thirty seconds. The girls have the tape and quickly measure the four cocks presented to them. Despite Simon not being fully erect, Sue is declared the winner for bringing it up to over eight inches. Jill grabs second place having coaxed Mick to just short of seven inches and got him rock hard in the process.

Steve and I measure up to six and a half inches and Michelle is annoyed at sharing last place with Jenny. She thinks it is my fault and, to be fair, she has a point.

While we are all erect, or almost erect in the case of Simon, the next men’s event is the Long Shot. A sheet is spread out on the floor in front of us and the girls have to help bring us to orgasm. The winner is the one who shoots his spunk the furthest across the sheet.

Michelle, Jenny and Sue are happy to help their partners cock their trigger, as it were, and start working on their partner’s stiff prick with hands and tongue. Jill is less keen, so Mick starts jerking himself off until she feels a little sorry for him and joins in. It is not long before her handiwork brings him to the point of no return. He removes her hand and takes back control. With a couple more pumps he shoots his load out to land about four feet across the sheet.

Within seconds I feel my cock twitching in that familiar way and, replacing Michelle’s hand with mine, I move her out of the way before exploding to send a stream out a good foot beyond Mick’s mark.

Steve is next but, while clearly winning for quantity, his effort falls just short of Mick’s distance.

So it is all down to the big man. All eyes are on Simon as Sue pumps away. Her fist is running up and down the whole length of his, by now, fully erect monster cock. Whole minutes pass and the air of expectation rises as Simon announces his climax is near. Then he makes the fatal mistake of leaving matters in Sue’s hands as he comes and his most powerful spurts get caught on her hand and wrist. The result is that his contribution falls to the floor only a foot or so in front of him. So it’s last place for the big gun.

All four girls are by now having a great time, as witnessed by the constant giggling, their encouragement for the boys throughout the last contest and their shrieks and cheers as each guy shot his load.

Sue now has a hand covered in globules of Simon’s jizz and is showing it off to the other girls. Michelle dares her to lick it off her hand and, amazingly, Sue says she will accept the dare if the other girls first get butt naked. Michelle and Jenny immediately strip off the rest of their clothes. Jill looks doubtful, but soon joins in when Sue threatens her with her spunk-covered hand.

As they strip, I notice that Jenny, who used to keep her bush intact but neatly trimmed, has now shaved completely. The totally bald pussy combined with her waif-like body makes her look much younger than her 20 years. Michelle, the perpetual show-off, has hers shaped into a sharp, dark, triangle that points down to her prominent labia that are protruding clearly from her pussy. Jill’s bush is a much lighter colour and is cut quite short – neat, tidy and very sexy!

The three naked girls then gather round Sue to watch as she carefully licks all the sticky white liquid off her hand and fingers. She swirls it around in her mouth before swallowing it with a smile. Then she strips off the rest of her own clothes. As she peels down her panties I notice that she too has taken a razor to her nether regions since I last paid them a visit.

The girls now goad the boys into removing their tops and really meet no resistance.

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Everyone is now naked and it is time to crank up the action a bit. The next event is Deep Throating. Each girl has to see how much cock she can take without gagging.

The sight of the girls, particularly Jill, now totally naked has ensured that I remain almost fully erect, despite my recent orgasm. So Michelle volunteers to go first. She first licks all around the head of my dick, covering it with her saliva. Then taking it into her mouth, she gradually leans forward engulfing my cock until her lips press up against my pubes. Then, ever so slowly, she moves back again, releasing my shaft inch by inch until the head pops out of her mouth. Another quick measure confirms that she has swallowed just over six and a half inches.

In the meantime the other girls have been working on getting their partners’ cocks back to full hardness. Sue goes next, swallowing as much of Simon’s monster as she can until she begins to gag. Her effort is measured at almost 5 inches. She complains bitterly that his huge girth gave her a disadvantage. The other girls have no sympathy as they claim she had an advantage in the previous round.

Jill seems to have lost all her inhibitions by now and says she is ready to go next. She kneels to take Mick’s erect member into her mouth and by moving her head back and forth, gradually takes more and more of it into her throat. With a gallant effort she manages to take almost six inches.

Jenny is the last girl to go. She looks at Steve and, realising that she cannot win with him as a partner, says that she wants to switch to Simon. There are immediate objections from all the other girls, but eventually it is agreed that she can switch as we had not actually set a rule on that. Looking at Simon’s monster compared to her slight size, I’m sure they think she is making a huge error anyway.

Jenny lies down on her back on the sofa with her neck over one of the arms. Tipping her head back she calls for Simon to approach and he pushes his thick shaft into her wide open mouth. Reaching back with her hands she coaxes him slowly forward and we all look on in amazement as his huge pork sword slides slowly into her mouth. Within seconds she has at least nine inches of prime meat filling her throat, the outline of his dick being clearly visible in her neck.

Slowly Simon pulls back and we watch in awe as his huge dick emerges. There is a spontaneous round of applause as his bulbous bell-end eventually appears and Jenny takes a bow as she is proclaimed the runaway winner without any need for measurement.

I can’t help wondering where Jenny has acquired this skill, which was certainly not evident when we were together a year ago.

All four boy’s cocks are still looking solid and pointing upwards, despite three of us feeling somewhat overshadowed. The final event for us is a Sprint. Designed to test our recovery time, as it is only 10 minutes or so since we last climaxed, the race is on to see who can reach another orgasm first.

All four boys start bashing away at their dicks, masturbating at a frantic pace while our partners try to give us encouragement by parading and posing like porn stars in front of us. My eyes, however, are closed as I am imaging plunging my rock hard cock into the warm and wet folds of Jill’s wonderful snatch. The vision helps immensely and within a few minutes I am coming. As I open my eyes I see that Michelle has positioned herself just in front of me and is happily taking my load all over her fulsome breasts.

Steve, it seems has already reached his climax and Sue is cleaning him up with a tissue. Seconds later, Mick seems about to empty his balls too. Amazingly I see Jill drop to her knees and wrap her lips around his cock just as he starts to ejaculate. She sucks every last drop of his seed into her mouth and swallows it down with a determined look.

Simon is still pumping away, but on realising that he has now lost not only this round but the whole competition, he gives up and sullenly brands us all as “premature ejaculators”.

It’s time for the last event for the girls – the grand finale. With a flourish, I produce a shoebox tied with ribbon. I invite the girls to open it. Sue undoes the ribbon and Michelle snatches off the lid to reveal the contents, to screeches of delight. Inside are six assorted vibrators and dildos of varying sizes from a super-skinny tubular metal vibrator to a huge, realistically shaped dildo that is at least 11 inches long. Whoever that one was modelled on could put Simon to shame.

As I announce that the winner will be the girl who can accommodate the largest toy, Michelle makes a grab for the huge dildo. She drops it like a hot potato when I add that it will have to be accommodated in her rectum.

The girls seem a little shocked at the thought of sticking large toys up their asses in full view of the group. Jill declares herself out on the basis that she has never had anything up there. This is met with howls of derision and she is challenged to deny that not even a finger has been up there. Sheepishly, she admits that her statement excluded the odd exploration with a finger.

I pick up the skinny metallic vibrator and tell her it is hardly wider than a finger. Looking at it carefully, she has to agree and says that she will try that one if I will put it in for her and as long as I use a lot of lube. I, of course, am only too happy to oblige.

I show Jill the large bottle of lube I have brought for this purpose and she gets down onto her hands and knees. Presenting me with the beautiful sight of her bare ass, she tells me to go ahead. I kneel behind her and tell her I am going to apply some lube. Spreading her ass cheeks with my hands, I dive forward and thrust my tongue into her puckered little ass-hole. Jill shrieks and tries to get up, but I am holding her firmly as my tongue wriggles around the entrance to her anus.

Jill is half giggling and half squealing as I continue rimming her. The rest of the group is cheering me on. Eventually she forces herself far enough forward so I lose contact. Calling me every name under the sun, but with a big grin on her pretty face, she instructs me to behave and get on with it.

I apply a generous amount of lube to the area from which I have just removed my tongue and apply the tip of the vibrator to her little pink starfish. With firm but gently pressure I slide it slowly up into her lovely ass. It does so easily that I suggest she could try something a little larger, but Jill declines, saying she will stick with this one.

Michelle suggests that, since Jill is too much of a pussy to try something of a decent size, she should have to keep that one in place through the rest of the round. In fits of laughter, the other girls readily agree with the punishment.

I tell Jill to reach back and hold the vibrator in place, but as she does so, I twist the base to start it vibrating at a high pitch. This is met with more extremely rude name calling from Jill and much more laughter from the girls. But she is still smiling at me and makes no move to remove the buzzing toy or to switch it off.

Seizing the box of toys from the floor, Sue now selects a good size purple vibrator. Made of a smooth plastic it nevertheless has the dimensions of a decent penis. Sitting down on the sofa, she lies back and pulling her knees up to her chin, spreads her legs. We are all afforded a marvelous and full view of her bare pussy and both her entrance holes.

Asking me for the bottle of lube, she puts some on her fingers and spreads it in and around her own anal entrance and applies a full coating to the head and shaft of the vibrator.

The head of this toy comes to a bit of a point, so she is able to quite easily insert the first inch or so into her ass. Then, with the other two girls and all the boys crowding round to get a close-up view, she gradually eases it further in, bit by bit until only the very end is still showing. Then taking her hand away, she tenses her anus and the purple toy comes sliding straight out and falls on the floor while we stare at the sight of her gaping sphincter recovering and re-sealing her ass-hole.

Next Michelle reaches into the box and selects a large rubberised penis of a good size and shows it to Jenny. Jenny looks into the box and extracts a slightly smaller artificial cock. Michelle looks triumphant until Jenny explains it is just for a warm-up and with her other hand picks out the humongous fake dong.

Both girls squat down with their knees apart. They both hold out a hand and I pour a good puddle of lube in to each. While Michelle is carefully applying it around her ass and into her anus, Jenny has already oiled the smaller of her toys, manoeuvred it into her butt-hole and is carefully sliding it in and out a few inches. Satisfied with the little bit of stretching that it has provided she removes the small rubber dick, which emerges with a plopping sound, and starts to lube up the enormous one.

In the meantime, Michelle has moved onto all fours She has her dildo in position and is slowly forcing the head into her ass. Standing behind her, I have a clear view of her anal ring, shiny from the clear lube, being stretched to allow the dildo head to enter. She seems to struggle for a while, with no progress being made. Then without warning the head pushes through the resistance and slips in. Having managed that, it is not long before Michelle has pushed the rest of the shaft into her ass and only the fake balls can be seen resting between her butt cheeks.

By now Jenny has the largest of the dildos well oiled. Still squatting, she places the base on the floor between her legs. Raising herself up a bit she positions the huge plastic bell-end against her anus and gripping the shaft in her fist she lowers her buttocks, impaling herself on the monstrous cock.

All of us are looking on in wonder she slowly sinks to the floor, taking the full length of the massive sex-toy into her petite frame. No sooner have her butt-cheeks brushed the floor than she begins the reverse journey. Holding the dildo firmly near the balls, she slowly raises her body and lifts herself off of at least 10 stout inches of flexible silicone shaft.

Totally satisfied with the looks of amazement on our faces, she stands and drops the prodigious toy back in the box. Jill and Michelle are still on hands and knees. They each carefully remove their own toy and climb up onto the sofa.

Jenny is clearly the Gold medal winner among the girls and a quick review of results reveals me to be the winner among the boys. Simon and Jill occupy last place and are therefore subject to a forfeit. The other four are keen to offer suggestions ranging from the bizarre to the physically impossible, but it is for Jenny and I to decide, so we move away to discuss it.

I tell Jenny that I am really not that keen to see Jill subjected to a brutal fucking by Simon’s massive member and she very quickly agrees. Having considered the alternatives we tell Jill and Simon that they are to perform on the floor in the 69 position for our viewing pleasure.

Simon lies on his back in the middle of the room and Jill positions herself above him. She adjusts her knees to lower her pussy down onto his face. Simon clamps his mouth onto her pussy and starts lapping away with his tongue.

Simon’s cock is almost flaccid now, but Jill still has some trouble fitting the head into her mouth. Instead she starts to lick all around it while massaging his ball-sack with one hand and pumping his shaft with the other. Slowly the huge dick begins to swell as the blood flows into it and before long his marvelous phallus is once again fully rigid and huge.

By this time, Simon’s frenetic attention to Jill’s pussy has her breathing heavily and beginning to moan a little with pleasure. She is still working his glans with her tongue but now has both hands wrapped around his shaft and is sliding them up and down the surface which is now slick from her saliva and his secretions.

We have been watching the action in amusement, but now Jenny gets up and moves quickly towards the bodies on the floor. Squatting above Simon’s groin, she pulls Jill’s head out of the way and sits down, impaling herself on his mighty boner. Jill now has a close up view of the action as Jenny bounces her small body up and down on the massive member.

It suddenly dawns on me that, despite all appearances, Jenny and Simon are clearly an item and the reason she did so well in the games is that she has been enjoying the pleasures of his monumental manhood for a while so that she has become accustomed to it.

Jill is still whimpering a little as Simon is now focusing his tongue action around her clitoral area. I kneel down behind her and, lifting her ass a little, I slide my now throbbing dick into the hot and wet tunnel of her vagina. As she raises no objection I start to drive in and out in a similar tempo to Jenny’s bouncing up and down.

Seeing that this is rapidly becoming a free-for-all, Steve arrives to straddle Simon and Jill and stand in front of Jenny, who immediately grabs his stiff cock and pulls it into her mouth. Following suit, Sue positions herself straddling Jill’s back and, pushing her hips forward, presents her shaven pussy right in front of my face. I accept the invitation and start running my tongue up and down her slit, which is already slippery with her love juices. Before long, she has her hands pulling on the back of my head and is grinding her pussy into my face. My tongue is pushing into her hot hole and my nose is pressing hard up against her clit until she comes in a noisy climax and releases me, gasping to get some air back into my lungs.

Wondering why the usual sexual predator, Michelle, is not yet involved I look towards across to see her on all fours on the sofa with Mick holding onto her hips and violently driving his cock in and out of her ass. Every time Mick’s body slaps up against her, Michelle is letting out a cry that is getting louder and louder until it becomes one long scream as she climaxes. Mick keeps hammering at her ass for a while until with a final thrust he empties his balls into her ass.

Some deep grunting from Simon, somewhere below me, signifies that he is now shooting ropes of semen into the depths of Jenny’s womb. Jenny herself is now still, with Simon’s spouting cock filling her vagina as an orgasmic wave courses through her body. Simon has withdrawn his dick from her mouth and is now spraying his semen all across her small boobs where her nipples are now standing out about an inch and a half long.

The whole experience seems quite surreal with friend after friend reaching orgasm in quick succession, to the crashing sound effects of a massive fireworks display taking place on TV to mark the finale of the Olympic ceremony.

As another huge multi-coloured starburst flashes across the screen, I feel Jill’s vaginal muscles clench around my cock and she cries out loud, as her own orgasm makes her body spasm. With another deep drive, that results in my balls now being pressed tight up against her thighs, I reach my crescendo and send out my own explosion of love-seed to splash up against her cervix.

My mind is in a spin as the sound of everyone's orgasmic pleasure slowly subsides and all that can be heard in the room are the final lyrics of the Pink Floyd track, Eclipse, fading out.

The London games are officially open, just as our own porn version reaches a close.

Written by EmBee
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