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An Heir at any cost

"My husband was in the trenches, but the family needed a son"

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I gave Donald a last hug and stepped back to admire him in his new uniform. He had been promoted to Lieutenant Colonel just before coming on leave. I hoped this would keep him out of the ghastly trenches, but he always maintained that an officer’s place was with his men. I worried about if he would return, this war was so brutal.

Donald had retired his valet when he went to the front line; the man was too old for that. Now, it was his army batman that put the luggage in the carriage, climbed and sat up with the coachman, headed for the railway station, and then on to the Somme.  

I usually took tea with Donald’s mother in the afternoons, Mama, as she liked to be called. Today she looked troubled; I presumed it was her son’s departure.  To my surprise she dismissed the maid halfway through tea.

“Was my son attentive to you during his leave?”she asked.

“You know Donald, Mama, he likes to be with everybody when he is home,” I said brightly to cheer her up.

Mama closed her eyes, I watched her carefully frame her words, the way she did in situations she didn’t care for.

“I meant, did Donald visit you during the nights?”

I was horrified that my mother-in-law should inquire such a thing. My face reddened even at the thought of answering her.

“Yes Mama,” was about all I could bring myself to answer. 

“The problem, my dear, is that we need a male heir. Otherwise, Donald’s second cousin Albert will inherit the title and lands. We will lose the house and the income, I will no doubt end my days living with Albert’s mother, my cousin in their London House; and you may get a small stipend or be reduced to being somebody’s companion.”

The thought was terrible, Donald had visited me one night during his stay, but he was hardly energetic.

My mother-in-law coughed and stared at the floor.  

“One of the grooms from the stable will visit you tonight. Jack, has a reputation in the village, a few of the lonely wives and girls now have a child by him and all of them boys. It will be discrete, only your lady’s maid and the lad himself will know. Whatever you personal thoughts are about this, you must set them aside. Albert is a business man; he cares little for our country ways. The estate and village may not survive at his hands.”

I tried not to show emotion, but inwardly I gasped at my husband’s mother, suggesting infidelity with a servant? But, what if Donald didn’t return from the front? I consoled myself with the idea that I would not see Jack’s face. He would enter my room and my bed in the dark, do what was required of him and leave in the dark. After all, this was what Donald did. 

There was a light tap on my door; my lady’s maid quickly looked around to make sure I was alone. I heard a slap and my maid caution him about his behavior; moments later, six feet of strong, tanned masculinity stood before me.

“The Dowager Mistress said I must leave you with child, M’Lady.” 

His eyes surveyed my body with a look I didn’t care for, it was like he had just spied the best fruit on the tree, and was about to pluck it for himself.

I nodded my assent and, rising from my dressing table, moved to shut off the lamp and get between the safety of the bed sheets. But suddenly he was in front of me; I felt his callused hands ride up the back my thighs, gathering up my night dress so that he could touch bare skin. Next his rough hand was between my legs, touching my feminine anatomy.  

“You’re a bit dry for what I’ve got,” he laughed as he pushed me back onto the mattress. 

My legs dangling over the edge. Stared at the ceiling, I wondering what would be next. Then his hands grasped my knees and pushed them open.

I glanced down; the wretch was staring at the secret place between my legs, a place not even my husband had seen. The next moment I felt his mouth close around my female parts, his tongue violating me; my body shuddered with embarrassment and disgust.

 As he probed me, that feeling started. I had experienced it once before, during my honeymoon with Donald. A strange tension, a tingling excitement that grew stronger and stronger. I promised myself, with this brute I would not allow myself to enjoy it, but the feeling grew stronger than at any time with Donald; and this man seemed to know how to induce it.

It was unbearable now, I felt like I was some instrument being played to a crescendo over which I had no control. Unbidden, my body spasmed and a hot wave flooded me, melting the tension within me. Jack stood up, his lips glistening wet, and he smiled at me.

“I think you’re ready now M’Lady,” he said as he took off his jerkin and shirt. 

I just lay and watched, partly exhausted by the spasm my body had taken, and partly transfixed by his brutish behavior. He undid his britches and let them drop to the floor. As he cast his under cloths away, I caught sight of his male organ. 

I had seen Donald naked once during our honeymoon, but it was a fleeting glimpse as he put his robe on. But the groom just stood unconcerned, naked, in front of me, unabashed by his vast organ which jutted before him.

He climbed onto the bed beside me; I tried to close my eyes to avoid his licentious gaze, but I couldn’t avoid the feeling of his male organ trying to tear me apart. I bit the back of my hand the ease the pain. Three times he tried to push the enormous thing into me and three times my body refused to stretch to accommodate it.

Finally I watched him spit into his hand and then rub the spittle over the end of it. This time his bulbous end widened a path into me, he rested a moment, then pushed a little deeper. Twice more he did this until I could feel it’s presence against some barrier in me I didn’t know I had. It seemed to fill my abdomen and as it throbbed deep inside me my own body throbbed in unison.  

He withdrew it a little then gently pushed again; then drew back further and pushed still deeper. At first there was the discomfort of my own enlarged organs; then the tingle started to build in the base of my spine.

This was not like my first one, or the one Jack had given me with his mouth. This was from deep in my body; every part of me seemed to tingle, from my toes up into my scalp. At its centre was the union of this man’s flesh and my inner body.

As Jack thrust his body into me, my body rocked in harmony with him. The tingling sensation had abated a little, but I still felt like I was on the brink of something.

Jack muttered something I didn’t understand about being close, then, he erupted into me. I felt jets of hot liquid swamp my womb; this was the catalyst for my body and soul to erupt too.

I think I screamed; I can’t be sure, but years of tension, frustrations I could name or find a cause for were burnt away in a moment.

My body arched a second time and the hysteria in my life was gone.
Jack withdrew and left a huge void in my body; gently he lifted me and placed a pillow under my bottom. 

“Let’s keep as much in as we can, M’Lady,” he said.

His words were soft and compassionate now, as if some bond had been struck by our union. I felt it to. Even though I loved Donald, nothing like this had ever happened with him.   

My maid must have been close enough to hear me cry out, though a haze I saw her head appear out from the concealed door in my room, she glanced at my prostrate body and Jack, laid next to me.

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Then she was gone, satisfied that all was well.
In time, Jack rolled himself over and got out of my bed; I expected him to leave, but instead he reached for my chamber pot under the bed. With as much care as the beasts in the field, he pointed his manhood at the pot and urinated. I should have turned my face, but some lurid fascination descended on me. 

I had never considered how men performed this task, and watching this base element seemed to stir me. Donald would never have done this, but somehow I just kept watching. For some reason the yearning between my legs had started again.  Jack discharged his fluid and turned to me. 

“Now M’Lady, best you get me hard again.”

He approached me, manhood in his fist, and, pointed towards my mouth; his rough hand guided my head forwards.

“Now suck me hard and we can do it again,” he said as he forced the muscle between my lips.  

First I felt it twitch and some drops of his urine entered my mouth, I should have been disgusted, by somehow the musk from his manhood and this vile fluid enflamed my senses. I felt the need between my leg start to grow again.  These yearnings were no longer a curious reaction of my body, they had become a desperate need.

The thing swelled, and hardened in my mouth, threatening to force its way down into my throat.

He pulled his manhood from my mouth, leaving a void there and climbed onto the bed. Positioning the thing against me, he pushed up. This time there was no pain, only the glorious sense of being filled again. 

He started his rhythmic thrust, now my body responded and thrust back into him. Again his seed filled my vagina and my misgivings melted away. I lay, docile, beside him and closed my eyes.

I woke late the next morning, the exhaustions of the night before had taken their toll. Sarah, my lady’s maid brought me breakfast in bed, then, she ran a bath for me.

As was the custom, my maid undressed me, 

“I put some salts into the water Madam; they will take away any aches and pains.”

I sank into the water, the pain in the small of my back and the soreness between my legs soothed.

“I changed the sheets Madam, and I will wash them myself,” Sarah made a point in telling me.

This was part of the necessary discretion I had not considered. But Mama obviously had.   

As night fell the burning in my body grew, I hardly ate dinner and probably drank too much wine. I resolved to be indifferent to his advances, but my body lacked the will my mind had.

Jack arrived to find me in my night gown sitting on the edge of the bed. Without a word, he lifted my knees and spread them apart; I felt his tongue delve again into inner body. My arousal built quickly and moments later that same surge of energy, and relief filled my body.

Jack took my night dress and lifted over my head; again, I seemed powerless to stop him. He gazed and my naked body, the only man ever to do so. His head moved to my breast, and he started to suck on my nipple. 

Another centre of sexual pleasure was alight in me. Different from between my legs, it teased me and made me wanton. 
I felt my hand grasping at his britches; he stopped suckling for a moment, and undid his belt and braces. His monstrous manhood broke free again. Still sitting at the edge of the bed, I could see it’s purple end being pushed into me. My body made no attempt to resist it this night; I stared in disbelief as more than half of it was pushed up into me.

That terrifying feeling of being torn apart the night before, was replaced by the desperate urge to get as much of this tool inside my womanhood as I could.

Still standing, Jack pulled my knees up into his chest and thrust his hips into me. An inner warmth, spread around my body, and I succumbed to its power.

“It will be a big load tonight, M’Lady,” he cautioned.

I felt the jet of his squirt deep into my womb. I gasped at the strength of it and how it filled me to capacity.
Again, he laid his naked body next to mine, again, I watched in fascination as he urinated. Again I opened my lips to accept it; this time, it was willingly. 

I felt the joy of it growing in my mouth, knowing it would soon be between my legs, satisfying my burning need for it.
This time, Jack lay on his back, and bade me straddle him; he lifted his hard tool until it touched my womanhood, then guided me onto it. I rose and fell at the trot, finding a pace that suited me. I let my breast hang into his face. He sucked on one other of their nipples.

This was no longer adultery behind my husband’s back; my husband had never done these things to me, or, brought so much pleasure to my body. This had become my own recreation.

Jack started to squirm under me; his hand on my hip changed my pace to a canter. He groaned and I felt another fountain of his juices flow up into me.  I lay on his strong chest and rested until sleep took me. When I woke it was morning and Jack was gone.

The third night I waited, anxious like a debutante; when Jack arrived I slipped off my dressing gown, and stood naked before him. He smiled and I felt his rough hands explore my back and buttocks.

We lay on the bed, his head adjacent to my thighs, my gaze falling on his manhood. I watched, with fascination, the movement in the sack below his penis, and asked him why he did this. He told me he had no control of it, it was just his balls making spunk.

Gently I held the sack; as his penis grew, I took it into my mouth. I felt Jack’s tongue exploring me. I swooned as he found some spot that drove my desires. His lips closed around it, and, he drew it into his mouth.

I gasped with pleasure and sucked his erect member; he stopped me, I was not a village girl trying to avoid pregnancy, I asked if that was what they did. He told me they would make him discharge into their mouths not their wombs. Some would then spit his flow out, and some would swallow it. He liked those that swallowed it.

Jack moved over me; for a moment, I felt his stiff rod against my entrance, then, it was filling me. Our mouths touched and for the first time we were kissing. His tongue snaked into my mouth; this extra intimacy was a joy. I pushed my tongue into his mouth, and we pulled each other closer.
His trusts were getting stronger, my body rocked with him until I felt him tense. His seed filled me again, and my body convulsed in response to it.

Jack did not return the next night as I had hoped. Mama had decided that he had done his job.

But, I did follow him to the woods a few days later, outside my boudoir; he greeted me as a servant and touched his cap. I dropped to my knees and touched the bulge in his britches.  I pulled out his tool and hungrily put it in my mouth, it tasted different.
“Sorry M’Lady, I’ve been with one of the village girls,” his face reddened, but the tool still stiffened.

I didn’t care that he had been with another girl that morning. I was a slave to his penis, and was desperate for its strength and vitality inside me. Standing on some tree roots and lifted my skirts, we copulated upright until I felt that glorious jet of semen spray into my womb.

Some weeks later, again Mama dismissed the maid during afternoon tea. She questioned me on my body cycles; I told her the normal order had not happened. A day or so later the family doctor called, after his consultation, he pronounced that I was most likely with child. 

I was told to rest, Mama visited me in my rooms.
“With luck my dear, we are saved,” she told me patting my arm warmly.  


Written by Simes6699
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