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Young Athlete’s Club of Northern Florida

"Gerald and AJ have founded a new club. One that has it's secrets but is so hot it's amazing."

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I just love the way the girls play. We’d been in the sports club for about a year and I could hardly wait for each Saturday to roll around. It was hard to remember a time before I began coaching my granddaughter in softball and then basketball. I’ve been an athlete my entire adolescent and then adult life and knew just how to get the most out of someone’s abilities. Looking back now I’m astounded by how the club began and how it had taken a hold in our community. Bible belters would never have been able to understand it, but since moving to Florida, the game was on in a big way.

 Let me explain.

The ‘Young Athlete’s Club of Northern Florida’ was an idea formed by a coworker of mine and myself. Gerald is my name and AJ is the co-founder of the club that includes men who enjoy coaching their kids in athletics, among other things. We found an older warehouse with a large grassy lot out in back to set up the ball field and an indoor sports facility with one goal, to teach our kids the benefits of being fit. My daughters had grown up by the time the club began, but that wasn’t important so long as they’d allow me to teach one or more of my granddaughters how to play the games we so loved to teach.

Naturally I only told them of the games that were approved by the church going moral majority, but once we lock the doors many other things can and do happen.

We only have one rule, it must be dad that brings the kids to play, and the girls must be at least 16. A hard and fast rule considering the consequences if it were to be broken. We have fifteen dads now and they provide us with twenty-two young athletes to guide, all girls of course. So depending on the week it can get very hectic trying to match up coaches and the right youthful athlete.

 I know it will sound immodest, but I figured out a long time back that I not only enjoyed tight young pussy, but preferred it to be one of my granddaughter’s lush cavities. Brandy and I had been lovers since she was 16 and since she’d turned 17 another granddaughter had become a member as well when she turned 16. Brandy is the consummate beauty, her father being Native American had given her the dark mysterious complexion and deep dark hair that falls in waves to the middle of her back in a thick slightly curly mane. Her eyes, so dark brown they seem to glimmer in the blackness of intrigue can easily send shudders or arousal through me with little or no effort on her part. Her breasts are kind of small but are proportioned well with her slender frame and sweetly rounded ass. Needless to say, I am a very proud grandpa, especially when she takes my ten inch dick into the snug walls of her dripping wet pussy and fucks me like a rodeo queen.

Enough about her, let me tell you about AJ’s oldest granddaughter.

She’s also 17, though she’s just had a birthday. Becky might not be as svelte as some teen aged girls, but damn she knows how to follow directions. At 5’6” and only 125 pounds she is just a little thick around the middle, I think her tits make up a lot of her weight since she is very well endowed in that department. In time I know AJ and I along with some of the other dads will exercise her down to prime weight, in the meantime she too loves to be fucked in every position known to man. Her bright glimmering brown eyes are such a turn on with the bouncing short dark hair that surrounds her face and lush full lips. She’s learned a lot in the year since we started the club and seems to revel in each Saturday’s visit as much as I do. AJ has been a Godsend the way he takes his time in nurturing her, loving her with fond grace as I do Brandy. We’ve shared our girls with delight, Brandy, my now 17 year old granddaughter and I get along very well and she really seems to enjoy it when the four of us get together in the back room of the club.

 Most of the dads bring the young ladies to play basketball or work on gymnastics, but often those games turn to ones of pure lust in the back half of the warehouse set up specifically for such activities. Many a man has been swayed by a daughter or granddaughter once they are admitted as members of our discretely selective club of men with loving daughters. Needless to say we don’t advertise the club, and only accept new members after a rigorous process of qualifying talks and, yes, acts of testing the desire of the girl to be admitted.

The norm is that one of the girls who is currently a member recommends another for membership and she brings her dad to check it out. Most members have already found love between their dad and/or grandpa. AJ and I take personal pride in the administering of the exams and talks to the girls while the men are sequestered away from the love of their life. Some qualify and some don’t.

 Well, now that the introduction of how and why the club exists is over, how about if I give you a sample of a typical Saturday at the ‘Young Athlete’s Club of Northern Florida’?

I picked up Brandy and Cattie from their mom’s house at 8:00 A.M. Their mom is more than willing to have a day to shop and relax without the burden of two teen-age daughters to deal with. We rode in silence to the remote warehouse that housed the club we all enjoyed and the ball field that made for adequate cover for our real purposes. When we arrived there were already a few girls and their dads playing softball, so we slipped into the side entrance to get ourselves ready for a day of exerting ourselves in the ways we all enjoyed.

The girls went to the dressing room to don the shorts and tank tops that had become standard garb for the club. I walked into the other dressing room and slipped out of my cargo shorts and briefs to put on my own loose fitting shorts and a tee. I must say, for a man of 62 I still maintained a reasonably fair stature and prided myself on keeping fit. The shorts, as usual, did little to hide my somewhat aroused manhood, but then I probably wouldn’t be wearing them that long anyway. AJ walked into the dressing room and greeted me with a broad smile, “Hey Gerald, glad you could make it today. Did you just bring Brandy or both of the girls today?”

I settled the tee over my hips and extended my hand in greeting. Grinning, I answered, “Both of the girls wanted to come today. I am in hopes they both will more than once or twice.” I laughed at the dry humor we had shared often.

“I’m guessing you brought Becky today?” I asked as casually as I could muster, thinking about how his little girl was learning to deep throat me a week before. He nodded knowing full well why I’d asked. He was proud of Becky for even making the attempt at taking on such a thick long cock into her mouth and throat.

I left him to change into his garb and walked out into the gymnasium setting to shoot some hoops until the girls had all gotten dressed. Most of us preferred to take the sexual side of the club to the back half of the warehouse where there were tables, chairs and beds to make use of, but somehow we always managed to start the day with a brisk workout in other avenues of athletics.

I shot from the free throw line and missed, I’ve never been that good at round ball, but I love to get out there and sweat with the best of them. Brandy stepped from the girl’s locker room and grinned as she gathered up the ball and dribbled it around to the top of the key and sank it on the first try. “No fair young lady, you’re not supposed to show up the old man so easily,” I laughed as I tossed the ball back to her for another shot. About then Cattie and Becky walked onto the court, both smiling as they watched Brandy sink another hoop with a swishing sound of the net. AJ walked out to join us and smiled as the girls played a bit of half court and gave us a chance to decide what would go on for the day.

AJ said, “I noticed that we have a new girl out on the ball field. You know who invited her?” I wagged my head side to side and then heard Becky pipe up saying she’d invited a girl named Summer to come check out the club. Upon hearing that I smiled knowing one or the other of us was about to get some nice tight pussy to investigate. “It’s your turn Gerald,” he said with a smile and chuckled knowing how much I loved to do the interview that would tell just how seriously a young lady was interested in sharing her dad with so many other girls and in turn she would be shared with so many dads and grandpa types.

“Okay,” I replied and turned to Brandy, Cattie and Becky saying, “Becky, come with me to introduce us, and the rest of you just keep playing ball until I’ve finished the interview process. Be sure to keep her dad occupied, but only here in the gym,” and I laughed heartily as I turned to walk out to the ball field with Becky at my side. I saw AJ join the other two on the court as we exited the side entrance to the building. We walked out to the field and stood as several familiar fathers and daughters played around the infield.

“The door is unlocked now if you all would like to change,” I exclaimed in a loud commanding voice. Each one of the dads joined with their daughters and began the journey to the club’s dressing rooms. It was rather odd that AJ and I were the only grandpas in attendance so far. One father and daughter walked up to us, he seemed a bit shyer than his pert blond little girl, but time would tell if they would make the cut into the club or not.

“Gerald,” Becky began as the man and his daughter came to a stop before us, “This is Summer, she’s 18 and I think she’ll fit in really well. Summer, this is Gerald, one of the founding fathers of the ‘Young Athlete’s Club of Northern Florida.’ I nodded and extended my hand to shake hers in welcome.

I looked up at her dad, at least 6’2”, maybe late 30’s, a pure muscled male as he stood before me.

“Greetings, so glad you came to check out the club. Has Summer told you what all kind of sports we endeavor to do in here:” His smile said she had without a need to reply and I shook his hand as he introduced himself as Bob Bryant. I smiled and replied, “No need for last names here Bob, we’re like one big happy family,” and hoped he understood just what being part of our family would mean for both he and Summer. I gestured for us all to go to the club building so that they could check it out and I could interview the hot looking blond 18 year old who had brought dad to explore other avenues of sexual deviance.

We walked into the gym portion through the same door that Becky and I had exited through, AJ and the girls were still hitting the court hard and fast. It amazed me that AJ would have the stamina to last the day at the rate he was driving to the hoop and doing a layup better than most guys half his age. They paused as we walked out onto the court and I introduced everybody. “Bob, Summer, this is Brandy, Cattie and AJ. AJ is Becky’s grandpa and these two are my own two joys to claim.” It was no differently than any other introduction to a new potential dad and his girl but somehow it always seemed to personalize the connections.

Bob smiled as he looked at the two he had just been introduced to. I wondered just how badly he wanted to get his hands on either of them or Becky, who had been silent during the introductions. “Okay, Bob, you’ll have to stay here in the court area until the interview with Summer is completed. While I take care of that in the office you can feel free to ask AJ anything pertinent to how the club works and what is entailed.”

He nodded and I gestured for Summer to follow me to the office as Bob seriously eyed Brandy. She seemed to draw every guy’s attention when they met her, thankfully she was no slut and usually only enjoyed either her grandpa or AJ’s company. But I was willing to bet Bob would sway her thoughts on that the way she was raking her eyes over his very masculine frame. No big deal, in the club we shared and shared alike.

 The office was a bit different than the rest of the club. Where the rear part of the building had been renovated to hold several rooms for privacy and one large one for the group to gather and figure out who was with who, or every once in a while a group thing, the office was a very personalized space. It was fairly large with a desk and nicely padded swivel chair behind it and two nice overstuffed arm chairs in front of it for business purposes. The main emphasis was the over-sized sofa along one wall. It was a hide-a-bed, but that was rarely used during the interview process. I opened the door and led the way into my domain, Summer followed with a teasing smile shaping her lips. I held the door open until she had entered the office of a man she’d never met but here she was, was willing to discuss why she wanted to become a part of what amounted to a sex club. I gestured for her to have a seat in one of the arm chairs and took the other as she sat down. Her short skirt rose to expose firm taught muscular thighs that I was sure would be able to power her thrusting hips if and when the time was right.

“So Summer,” I began. “I’m guessing that you and Becky have discussed what the ‘Young Athlete’s Club of Northern Florida’ is all about. She blushed slightly and I added, “No reason to be shy around me, I am, as you can tell old enough to be your grandfather.” She sighed and leaned forward more towards me, I could see she had just enough buttons undone to reveal the deep cleavage of her ample breasts. After looking again I took note that her bra was an unnecessary garment and that her tits were firm enough to stand alone without one.

“I have to ask a question, but remember that nothing that is discussed in this room will ever go any further than between the two of us.” She nodded silently awaiting whatever was to be asked. “The qualification for membership in this club is that you and your dad are both willing to participate openly and honestly with all of the other members. Have you and your dad ever been intimate?”

She blushed a pale shade of pink and looked down at her lap. I glanced down as well and saw that her hands were tugging at the hem of her shortish skirt.

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“Daddy and I have been doing it for a little over a year now. I was almost 17 when we made love the first time. Is that what you mean?”

I waited until her eyes turned up to look at me and smiled saying, “See, that didn’t hurt did it? Yes that is exactly what I meant. So, tell me, why have you asked your father to bring you to a club where both of you will find other partners?”

“Daddy and I love each other so much and ever since mom died he hasn’t had anyone but me to take care of his, umm, needs. He is a very sexual man and I think he needs to find other girls to please with the way he makes love. Is that weird?”

“Not at all,” I replied in a tone of understanding sensibility. “How about you, do you want to find other men to give you that same sense of pleasure as Bob does? Or maybe even more than he can give you?” I watched as she tugged at the hem of her skirt nervously and then into her eyes as she answered my query with a surprisingly focused voice.

“I love my daddy so much, but, well, yes. I want to know what other men can offer me as far as pleasure. Daddy is good at making love, but I think I must be weird. I want a man that can satisfy me even more than he can. He’s not very big and I think somebody that has more could make me cum like daddy never has been able to.” Her eyes fixed on mine as she tugged even more nervously at the hem of her skirt. 

I reached over the short distance and picked up her hand and leaned down to brush my lips over her...

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Written by teninchstoryteller
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