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Cinnamon Girl

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Maia leaned with her head and shoulders against the hotel room door. She crossed one ankle over the other looked up at me and repeated, “I am not going to invite you in, Gil.”

I remained silent staring into her big brown eyes for a moment and then lowered my gaze to her chest. The plunging neckline of her soft pink, halter mini cocktail dress provided a teasing glimpse of Maia's pert and full breasts. I fought the urge to rip the dress open and bite into her soft flesh.

I smiled and replied, “You told me you wouldn’t. I wasn’t expecting you to.”

She grinned and coyly asked, “The way you shamelessly glared at my cleavage tells me that you were hoping that I’d invite you in, yes?”

“Yes,” I couldn’t suppress a growl as I answered her.

Maia grabbed my hands and placed them on her hips. “Good. Kiss me. Don’t hold anything back. Kiss me how you would fuck me.”

“A very tall order, Maia,” I replied as my cock twitched and grew stiff.

“I am a strong, independent black woman, Gil. I don’t offer my cinnamon cunt to just anyone,” she grinned.

Her lustful tone and the words she chose sent an adrenaline rush through me.

“I don’t get off on being gentle with women, Maia,” I cautioned her.

Her reply was unapologetic. “You mentioned that you are all about empowering women. Prove it to me. I don’t get off on, nor am I interested in anything from you that might resemble gentle. Be warned, I am greedy and insatiable.”

Her words were dizzying. I dug my fingers into her hips and pulled her to me. She gasped when I grabbed a fistful of her wild, curly hair and snapped her head back. I licked at her skin with my tongue, slowly up her throat, and savored her sweet taste dancing in my mouth. I slid my right hand over her flat belly and cupped her left breast as I snaked my tongue over her chin and her parted lips. Maia moaned and flicked her tongue to meet mine. I crushed her soft breast between my fingers in a vice like grip.

“Uhhh!” she grunted at my rough touch.

I brushed the whiskers of my goatee across her mouth and bit into her bottom lip. Maia pushed her mouth hard against mine and twisted her head; sending my teeth deeper into her soft, full lip. I let out a low growl, slid my hand from her breast to her throat, and squeezed her slender, delicate neck. She tried to stifle a moan as a strong tremor shot through her body.

I broke the kiss and glared at her. “You are a very dirty girl, aren’t you, Maia?”

A coy grin formed on her lips as she nodded. “Kiss me right and I’ll be as dirty as you want me to be. I’ll be your cinnamon whore, Gil,” she purred.

I squeezed her throat tighter and lifted her on to her toes. Maia clawed at my throbbing cock. She thrust her hips forward in a desperate attempt to drive her dripping pussy against my leg. Hoping the contact would provide relief from the itchy fire that was burning its way into her belly.

I pressed my thigh between her legs and crushed her lips with my bearded mouth. I kissed her hard, bit down on both her lips, and squeezed her throat tighter. I pushed my tongue deep into her mouth and Maia sucked on it hard as she humped my leg. I felt the damp heat of her pussy as she mashed it into my thigh. When I slid my tongue out of her mouth she sucked on it harder in an attempt to keep me from exiting her hungry mouth.

Her cheeks were tinted with a reddish hue. Maia focused her lustful gaze on me. Anticipating what I would do next.

I brushed her hair off her cheek. “Ask me to slap your pretty face,” I snarled.

Maia moaned, “Slap me.” The curl of her lips was a half dare, a half plea.

I struck her across the cheek with the back of my hand. Her head snapped sharply to the side. She turned her head slowly and looked up at me through wild eyes, and said, “Again.”

I lowered my head and curled my lips. “I am at your service,” I rumbled and struck her once more.

Maia brought one hand between her legs and fervently rubbed her pussy through the sheer material of her dress. I slapped her hand away from between her legs, slid my hand under her dress and up her leg. My fingers were greeted with the juice that had seeped out of her pussy and had made its way down her inner thigh. I cupped the source of her damp heat through the lacey material of a thong and twisted the crotch of her thong tight around my fist. I growled in her ear, and ripped the delicate undergarment off.

“Cum,” I snarled as I clawed at her dripping, hairless pussy. “I want to feel your cinnamon cunt explode in my hand.”

Maia grunted and went limp for an instant. Her eyes rolled up into her head, her eyelids fluttered, and her mouth shot open. Her body stiffened with a powerful jolt. She quivered violently and bounced against the door as her orgasm peaked. She thrust her hips forward, gasped, and gushed hot liquid over my hand.

When I felt the muscles in her neck go lax, I released my grip from around her throat and caught her as she spilled into my arms. It took Maia a moment to stop shaking; I lifted her head and placed a kiss on her forehead. I brought my fingers to my mouth and licked the sticky mess that covered them as she watched on and imagined my mouth drinking from the source where the sticky mess originated from.

Maia blushed as she whispered, “You made me grunt and make sounds I never made before, Gil. I’m so embarrassed by that. It’s so unladylike.”

I grinned, “I look forward to coaxing, forcing, and prying new fuck sounds from you. Good night,” I winked at her, and slipped my business card between her breasts.

I stood her up against the door and made my way to the elevators.

7 hours earlier.

The silhouette of her sylphlike body in motion was poetry coming to life from the pages the words were penned on. My cock twitched when she walked in to the dimly lit conference room and called out my name.


“Yes,” I confirmed I was who she thought I was and turned on the lights.

The instant our eyes met the distance and space between us cracked with a raw, sexual tension. The room hummed with an electric charge. The look in her eyes confirmed that she sensed it and was affected by it too.

She beamed a welcoming smile and cheerfully announced, “I’m Maia, the keynote speaker for today. Deborah told me you’re the IT guru.”

I laughed and replied, “Guru? Deborah has been known to exaggerate and embellish the truth till it resembles science fiction. I’m just your average IT guy, Professor Roberts. It is my distinct pleasure to meet you. You’re one hour and forty-five minutes early,” I smiled back.

She chuckled, and replied, “Call me Maia, please. I was informed that you have configured an iPad that I am to use for my presentation.”

Maia Roberts was thirty-five years old, a professor at Ryerson University, and a respected author. She was also a highly sought after public speaker. Her latest book was a study on how successful women empower each other in the work place and the pitfalls to avoid that commonly confuse empowering employees with enabling frivolous whining amongst the ranks.

The COO of the private wealth division of the bank I am employed at, Deborah Lambert, had requested Maia be hired as one of the keynote speakers for our year end conference which was being hosted at the Shangri-La Hotel, in the heart of downtown, Toronto. Maia was to speak to the top twenty-five female financial advisors at the bank.

Since Hillary Clinton’s unsuccessful bid to become the first female President, the top brass at the bank had publically stated its commitment to hiring and promoting more women to executive positions, and that it would work diligently towards empowering all women in the work place. Deborah’s contribution to that commitment was Maia Roberts.

Maia was a striking, cinnamon skinned, bewitching, beautiful young woman. She oozed sex appeal from every pore of her five-foot-five inch frame. And she acted as if she was oblivious to it.

Cinnamon Girl,’ I thought to myself and grinned at the thought of how she might taste.

I handed Maia the iPad, and showed her how to mirror its display on the sixty-inch, LCD TV mounted on the wall behind the dais.

“Hope you don't mind that I read through your presentation, Maia. I found it to be a refreshingly enlightening,” I confessed.

She lowered her head, smiled to herself, and blushed. “Thank you, Gil.”

Maia hadn’t looked me in the eye each time I had spoken. Her eyes were transfixed on my bearded mouth whenever my lips moved. An image of her, straddled across my face, and making fuck noises while grinding her pussy into my mouth made my cock throb. I imagined having a mouth full of her cunt and handfuls of her tight, round ass, while her firm breasts and big, curly hair bounced in cadence to the rhythm of her wild, sexual abandon.

The chime from my cell phone interrupted the image conjured in my mind of Maia riding my bearded mouth like she was hell-bent on busting a bronco, in all her hip bucking, tits and wild, curly hair bouncing, moaning and groaning glory.

Its screen lit up with a text message from Deborah, our COO. “HELP! Michael is coming to join me for lunch!”

She was referring to Michael Callahan, the top advisor at the bank. With close to three billion dollars in assets under management he was relentless in his unrealistic quest for preferential treatment.

I laughed at the text message and said to Maia, “Deborah requires me to take a bullet for her. And I will require your assistance.”

We made our way to the hotel’s dining room. We weaved our way to the table where Michael was talking Deborah’s ear off.

“Good afternoon,” I greeted them. “Forgive the interruption. We have a situation, Deborah. A union rep from the university is in the lobby. He is threatening legal action against the bank, and disciplinary action against Maia, if we do not provide a second authorized signing officer’s signature on the contract. Immediately.”

Deborah played along; she huffed and threw her arms in the air. “For the love of …! Excuse me, Michael. I have to go sort this mess out. I’m on the authorized signing list.” Deborah turned to me as she stood up from the table and asked, “Could you please address a few of Michael’s IT concerns, Gil?”

“Of course,” I smiled.

Deborah and Maia quickly exited the dining hall.

When they reached the lobby, Maia turned to Deborah and asked, “What’s Gil’s job at the bank? He told me he’s just an average IT guy. Yet, the COO sends him a text message to take a bullet for her. His words, not mine, by the way. He told me he found my presentation refreshingly enlightening. He is well spoken, carries himself with a cool confidence, and has an imposing presence. He does much more than just hook up computers to TVs, am I right, Deborah?”

Deborah laughed and replied, “Gil has a twisted sense of humor. He’s the head of IT Development and Deployment. I asked him to look after you as a personal favor to me. He’s been working all night with the hotel’s IT team to provide our advisors a secure connection to our servers. That’s why he’s in jeans and a t-shirt and not in a suit and tie. And, woman to woman, he’s available. Just saying.”

Maia chuckled to herself, “Average IT guy. Funny. And, woman to woman, thank you, Deborah.”


I shaved, trimmed my goatee, showered, and got dressed; a charcoal gray, Hugo Boss, classic fit suit; white Borrelli French cuff shirt; deep purple Borrelli cashmere seven fold tie; and a pair of Allen Edmonds, plain, black wingtip Oxfords.

Deborah had requested that I drop by for the start of Maia's presentation. She believed that if the head of IT made an appearance, it would make a good impression on the audience. If I was going to walk into a room with twenty-seven very wealthy, very powerful, high profile women, I was going to look my absolute best. Especially for Maia.

I entered the conference room a few minutes before Maia was scheduled to start. The women had broken off into small groups and were laughing and chatting. Maia turned to look at me and stopped talking to Deborah in mid-sentence. Deborah turned to see what had distracted her. Before Maia could continue her conversation with Deborah one of the women wolf whistled.

I held up my cell phone and announced, “Ladies, be warned. I have Human Resources on speed dial, and won’t hesitate to file a sexual harassment complaint. I've told each of you, on more than one occasion, I'm more than just a pretty face. Behave yourselves.”

One of the women held up her cell phone, and replied, “I have 911 on speed dial, Gil. I promise we’ll stop before you require medical assistance, maybe.”

Once the laughter had died down, Deborah shook her head, chuckled, and announced, “Take your seats ladies. Maia is ready to start.”

Maia powered on the iPad and its screen mirrored on the TV. She gave me a nod of her head and said, “Thank you, Gil. It’s all good.”

“See you at the dinner tonight?” I asked her.

“Perhaps,” she slyly grinned.


I entered the Queens Park Ballroom hoping I’d get the opportunity to spend a few minutes alone with my cinnamon-skinned beauty. Maia was standing with her back to me, next to Deborah, huddled in a small crowd at the end of the bar. I made my way to the end of the bar and ordered a scotch. Deborah heard my voice, excused herself, and made her way to me. Maia turned her head to follow Deborah, spotted me, and smiled.

Deborah leaned in close to me and whispered, “Thanks for bailing me out this afternoon.”

I held up my glass and replied, “Keep that in mind when you sign off on my obscenely large raise, Deborah.”

“No business talk, Gil. We're at a party,” she clinked her glass against mine, snickered and walked away.

A moment later, Maia placed her empty wine glass on the bar. “Hi again, average IT guy,” she casually greeted me.

“Professor Roberts, hello again,” I smiled. “Deborah made it a point to tell everyone that you are the finest speaker we have ever hired.”

Maia shrugged her shoulders and nonchalantly replied, “Meh, I'm just your average black girl.” She flashed a mischievous smile at me.

I laughed and replied, “I believe cinnamon girl is a much more accurate description of you.

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Just like the song.”

Maia inched closer to me and asked, “Is that an invitation for me to chase the moonlight with you?”

“You know the song? I'm impressed. It was released more than a decade before you were born,” I replied.

“I love to dance too. Just like the cinnamon girl in the song. Answer my question, Gil. Do you want to chase the moonlight with me?” Maia coyly repeated her question.

“As much as I love those lyrics of the song, I'd rather chase after the cinnamon girl under the moonlight. Only, of course, if you promise to let me catch you,” I winked at her.

Maia tittered and replied, “You are a funny man, and very, very bad. Allowing you to catch me depends solely on what you would do with me once you have me.”

The bartender asked Maia if she wanted another glass of wine. Maia politely declined and asked me, “What are you drinking, Gil?” Her eyes were locked on my lips.

“Scotch,” I replied and took a sip from my glass.

Maia caught my wrist as I lifted a napkin to wipe the droplets of scotch from my mouth. She grinned as she pulled the paper napkin from between my fingers. “May I?” she asked.

I nodded and smiled. Maia gently patted the napkin over my lips and whiskers then traced her finger tips over my lips and goatee.

“So soft,” she whispered to herself as she stared at my mouth. Her grin broadened. “I'm a little bit tipsy right now, and am finding it very difficult to stop myself from kissing you.”

I chuckled, “I wouldn’t fight very hard to keep you from kissing me, Maia.”

She laughed, then gave me a cock hardening, sultry look, and asked, “Why do you look at me the way you do?”

“You're bold. I like that. Do you really want to know the answer to that, Maia?” I asked her. My tone hinted at the possibility of peril awaiting her.

Maia huffed, “I know you felt the same insanely intense, sexual attraction I did when I entered that conference room. If I didn’t want to know, I wouldn’t have asked. You're teasing me. That's not my favorite way to be teased. And, for your information, I can be so much bolder. Now, answer my question, bad man.”

I took a sip of scotch and replied, “Since I am all about empowering women, I’ll answer your question. I want to devour your cinnamon pussy in the moonlight. That’s why.”

Maia closed her eyes, and leaned her slender shoulder against my arm, as she whispered, “Mmm, please. All I’ve been thinking and craving, from the moment I first saw you, is your bearded mouth on my pussy. Would you be a gentleman and please escort me to my room, Gil? If I have another drink, I might do more than just kiss you. I won't invite to come into my room. I am serious about that.”

47.5 hours later.

Maia arrived at my condo a few minutes before eight, Saturday night. I opened my door to find her looking up at me with fiery eyes. “Fuck me like you kissed me, Gil,” she grinned.

She followed me to my bedroom in silence. Her eyes darted to my hands as I slid the belt free from my pants.

“Strip,” I ordered.

Maia stepped out of her heels, slipped out of her dark red, pencil dress, and stood deathly still as she watched me fold the belt in half.

I slowly walked a full circle around her, and dragged the belt over her arms, firm breasts, erect nipples, and shoulder blades.

“Arms over your head,” I ordered.

Maia obeyed.

The contrast of her dark brown areola and nipples against her cinnamon colored skin begged to be touched and abused. Maia moaned and a small tremor shot through her left leg when I rolled one of her erect nipples between my finger and thumb. I pinched her nipple hard and pulled her breast away from her chest. She winced and sucked in a long breath between clenched teeth.

“Does pain arouse you, Maia?” I grinned and tugged her nipple upwards until she stood up on her toes.

She sucked her lips into her mouth, shut her eyes, and nodded.

“Will you wear my marks, Maia?” I calmly asked her.

She nodded and gasped, “With pride and adoration.”

I whipped the folded belt across the tops of her breasts. Maia winced and bit her lip to keep from crying out. I whipped the belt across the tops of her thighs. Maia let out a short, sharp cry and bent at the knees as the sting of the leather burned its way deep under her skin.

“Don’t move,” I snarled and whipped her round, firm ass.

She shot her hips forward and let out another sharp cry. I struck her ass again. Maia got up on her toes and gasped. I whipped the belt hard at her breasts again, as she danced on her toes. Maia covered her stinging breasts with her arms and shook her head. I stepped behind her, grabbed her throat, and pulled her tight to me.

“Spread your legs and close your eyes, Maia,” I growled as I gently nuzzled and kissed her neck.

Maia shivered and gasped, “Fuck.” She slowly spread her legs as she pressed the back of her head into my chest.

“Will you wear my marks on your cunt, my cinnamon whore?” I whispered in her ear.

Maia exhaled hard and replied a breathless, “Yes.”

I swung my arm down across her shoulder, snapped my wrist, and cracked the belt between her open legs. Maia lifted her right leg and crossed it across her left leg, as she twisted her hips to protect her pussy from another blow from my belt. A quivering sob gurgled in her throat.

I tied her wrists behind her back with my belt, pushed her face first onto my bed, rolled her onto her back, and removed my clothes. I dropped to my knees, forced her legs apart, and grinned at her. I spread her pussy lips apart and exposed her glistening, pinkish, peach colored, inner folds.

I growled at the wide eyed Maia as she stared at my bearded mouth hovering over her clenching pussy. She quivered when I exhaled and my breath temporarily soothed the aching between her legs. I lunged at her pussy with mouth opened wide and sucked her glistening slit into my mouth. Her pussy pulsated against my tongue to the rhythm of her pounding heart. I grazed my teeth over her inner folds and clit. Maia tried to squeeze her legs together as she came. I kept them pried open and bit harder into her pussy. She flailed her head side to side as she screamed and grunted through her orgasm.

I slid my tongue inside her burning hole and lapped up her juice and cum as it flowed out of her. She couldn’t distinguish where one orgasm ended or where the next one began. When I rubbed my whiskers over her throbbing clit, Maia screamed, dug her heels into the mattress and tried to slide her body away from my mouth.

I gave her pussy a long lick before I lay down next to her and rolled her quivering body on top of me.

I grabbed her long, curly hair with both hands, lifted her head off my chest, and kissed her.

“Fuck me now, Gil. Please, fuck me like you kissed me,” she pleaded.

The sultry tone of her voice echoed the aching need to have her pussy full of cock.

“You are going to have to work for my big white cock, Maia,” I growled.

“Just stick it in me! Please!” she groaned.

Her suffering made my cock grow harder and my heart beat faster.

I slid Maia’s slender body a few inches down my body. Just enough to allow my twitching, precum covered cock tip to graze her pussy. Maia bucked her hips when she felt the heat of my cock brush against her dripping pussy. A base instinct triggered and acted upon in hopes of impaling herself on my cock.

I wrapped both my hands around her throat and kept her from sliding down any further.

“Work for my cock. Tell me how badly you need your tight, cinnamon cunt to be stretched and pounded by it,” I snarled and squeezed her throat tight enough to restrict her ability to speak.

She nodded her head. I eased my grip.

“Slap me,” she gasped.

I grinned, “Beautiful cinnamon whore.” And slapped her.

Her long, tight curls swayed sharply right to left and came to rest across her face with a gentle, airy bounce.

“You’re so fucking sexy,” I growled. “You can cum from being choked, can’t you, Maia?”

Maia shut her eyes and shuddered when I tightened my grip around her throat. Warm liquid oozed out of her pussy and pooled on my skin and then it trickled over my hips and onto the mattress. I loosened my grip on her throat; she sucked air into her lungs and exhaled hard. When she inhaled a second time, I tightened my grip again. She gurgled and squirted more of her warm liquid sin over me.

I reached behind her and freed her wrists from the belt. Maia cupped my face in both her hands and devoured my mouth with hard, biting kisses. I slid my arms between our bodies, wrapped my hands around her throat again, and brought my elbows together. Maia leaned into my arms and let her body go limp.

She had a fire dancing in her big, brown eyes. “Fuck me like you own my …” she paused, licked her full lips slowly and purred, “Cunt.”

She reached between her legs and steadied my cock as she lowered herself on to it. Her pussy clenched tight around my thickness. When she had the entire length of my twitching cock inside her, I pushed my hips into the mattress and lifted my knees, raising Maia’s hips upwards, and sliding half of my cock’s length out of her slick pussy. She grabbed my wrists with both her hands and braced herself for what she hoped was coming.

I pulled her face to me and kissed her as I thrust my hips upwards. The force of my thrust punched a high pitched, raspy ‘Uhh!’ from Maia’s constricted throat. I slid out of her and thrust harder inside her. I increased the pace and force of each upward thrust. Her pussy’s clenching, quivering, and gushing around my cock became constant. Maia came hard and long.

Each upward thrust of my hips filled my bedroom with a wet, slapping smack. Each savage stab into her pussy loosened the grip she had on my wrists, until her hands slid down my arms and lay inert on the mattress at my sides. She was covered in sweat; her cinnamon skin glimmered under the lights of my bedroom. Small beads of sweat held her tight curled hair matted against her angelic face, her breasts, her shoulders, and her back.

I grunted along to the last sadistic thrusts of my cock, buried myself deep inside her, and pumped her full my seed. When my cock stopped twitching, I released my grip around her throat. Maia collapsed on top of me. Her shaking body rose and fell on my chest with each breath I took.

Maia stirred and let out a weak moan. She turned her head and placed a kiss on my chest. “I’m floating,” she whispered.

I brushed the matted, curly strands of her hair from her cheek. Maia kissed my fingers as they brushed across her lips.

“Don’t float off into slumber just yet,” I said and slid her head down my body, until her mouth was on my semi erect cock.

She moaned and licked the underside of my cock from balls to tip. Her tongue flicked at my frenulum. It’s the most sensitive area on my cock. My intense and immediate reaction to her tongue pleased her. She grabbed my growing cock, clamped her lips around its head, and rolled her tongue over my twitching and swelling glans.

When she had sucked me to maximum hardness, I grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her mouth off my cock. Before Maia could complain I had her face pushed into the mattress and her hips in the air. I kneeled behind her, slapped her firm, brown, round ass and spread her legs wider apart with my knees. I shoved two fingers in her cunt, scooped out a mixture of our fuck juices, and smeared the thick, musky liquid across her asshole.

I spit on her puckered hole and pressed my cock to it. Maia took a deep breath when she felt my hands clutch her throat. She lifted lift herself up on her hands as I pulled her towards me. She sucked in air through her gaping mouth as my cock penetrated and stretched her ass open. When she felt my balls rest against her pussy she clenched her ass cheeks tight.

I threw my head back, closed my eyes, and grunted each time I felt the caress Maia’s pussy clenching on the base of my cock through her tight ass. Maia ached for a more intense heat in her ass. “Make it burn,” she moaned, bucking her hips.

I slid half the length of my cock out of her, tightened the grip around her throat, and pulled her towards me. Maia grunted as the force of my thrust punched the air out of her lungs.

“If you want your ass full of my cum, you’re going to have to milk it from me, whore,” I snarled at her, as I slid my fingers from around her neck and raked my nails down her back. Goose bumps rose on her skin, from my nails scraping across it.

Maia lowered her head onto the mattress, and rocked back and forth on her knees. Her rhythm was quick and crisp. I slapped her ass each time her hips crashed in to me. She looked at me from over her shoulder and added a slow, churning, grind to the rocking motion of her ass. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the exquisite feeling of Maia’s ass, gripping and churning my cock.

“Look at me, baby. Look at me while I fuck your big, thick cock with my ass. I’ll work hard for your cum, as hard as you want me to. Give it all to me. Fill me with you, baby,” Maia panted.

My balls tightened and my cock twitched, as she spoke and continued to make her horny, fuck sounds. I grabbed on to her gyrating hips. Maia sensed the pending eruption when she felt my body begin to shake, and she moaned, “Nhhh! Fill my ass just like you filled my pussy. Make me your cum slut, Gil.”

I grunted, scowled, and emptied my balls. Maia kept her ass cheeks pressed tight against me until my cock had stopped its twitching. I popped out of her as she crawled forward on her hands, and eased herself onto her belly. I lay down beside her and caught my breath. Maia draped one arm across my stomach and rested her head on my chest.

She smiled and whispered as a shiver shot up her spine, “I can feel your cum rolling like little waves inside me, caressing me with each breath I take. I love it.”

"You have a way with words, Maia. Perhaps, you should write a poem dedicated to those rolling, little waves inside you."

"You’ve inspired me. I’ll dedicate the poem to you,” she whispered.

"Did you enjoy having your wrists tied behind your back?" I asked.

"Mmm, yes. I liked being restrained and teased. It multiplied every sensation, and made me hornier," Maia purred.

I grinned and asked her, "Do you know what Kinbaku is, Maia?"

She giggled, “No, but it sounds very dirty. Whatever it is, count me in twice.”


Written by Gil_Renard
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