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Thinking of Stacy

"Claire can no longer concentrate on her work and the cute intern across the hall is the reason."

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Claire couldn't type another word. Sure, she had unlocked the office door at 6:30 a.m. to take advantage of the quiet and had decided to stay late to finish a client project. She could attribute her wayward mind to the fact that it was now dinnertime. The search engine optimization firm was doing well thanks in part to her efforts, and the CEO of the parent company had noticed her dedication. She had been hired on as a freelance writer and at age forty-two had finally taken a major step in her career.

The CEO had approached her about becoming a business partner and shared his vision for additional projects related to content marketing. She was thrilled. The long hours had paid off. The clock ticked past 6 p.m. and her eyes were bleary from the nearly twelve-hour marathon. Her mind was veering away from the work at hand, and she had to be honest with herself. The long hours were partially responsible, but there was another distraction. The intern across the hall, Stacy, seemed every bit as dedicated as Claire and every aspect of her behavior was adorable. She moved with grace and embodied such a pleasant attitude that there was no way not to notice her.

Stacy wasn't getting paid, though. She had just graduated from Fremont University and had agreed to take on the internship for experience and to strengthen her resume and get referrals for new positions. She worked hard and never complained. Stacy had a way of speaking sweetly and investing herself in service to the other seven men and women working at the firm.

Claire was grateful for what had happened earlier in the day. She had been swamped with projects and Stacy had offered to go buy her lunch.

"You don't need to do that." Claire remembered when she was a college intern and her days were filled with mundane chores.

"It's my pleasure. I don't mind at all." Stacy had stood in front of Claire's desk wearing a white blouse and plaid skirt. Her hair didn't quite reach her shoulders and a bobby pin kept her brunette locks orderly on the left side. Stacy had freckles dancing across the bridge of her nose and decorating both her left and right cheeks. Her breasts pushed the fabric of her blouse away from her body and Claire noticed.

Stacy didn't just stand in front of Claire's desk. Her hands were folded in front of her, below her waist and, as Claire noted, laid neatly over her pussy. The plaid skirt reached to Stacy's mid-thigh and she wore knee-length white socks and saddle shoes. She was the consummate schoolgirl and when she returned with Claire's lunch, Stacy set it on Claire's desk like she was in an upscale restaurant serving a respected client.

"Thank you, Stacy." Claire noticed Stacy's round ass when the young woman turned.

"You're welcome, Ms. Williams." Stacy practically crossed one leg in front of the other and curtsied.

"Have a seat." Heat pulsed from deep inside Claire, from the forbidden regions where she figured office trysts began. This wasn't the first day she had noticed Stacy and felt heat. It was the first day, though, that Claire considered acting on her desires.

"Thank you so much for asking. But I have another project for Mr. Thompson that I'm trying to finish." Stacy turned to walk out the office. "Would you like me to close the door?"

She turned and her bubble butt was noticeable in the profile. Claire could have sworn that Stacy, her oldest daughter's age, had arched her back to make her shape more noticeable.

"Leave it open, please." Claire smiled.

Stacy returned the smile. "Yes."

When the door was open, Claire could get a full view of Stacy at her desk. "Oh, Stacy?"

"Yes?" She looked over her shoulder.

Claire was absolutely dying inside. "Thank you so much for lunch. I know it's the intern thing to do. But I think more highly of you than just being an errand girl."

She struggled to keep up her professional demeanor. It would be so easy to resort to flirting.

Maybe it had been the continual long hours and that her husband had also been working late and had shown little interest in romance like hugs and kisses. A romp in bed was apparently far from his mind and Claire had found herself on the defensive—sweeping away from the recesses of her imagination what it would be like to touch Stacy and nibble on her ear lobe and kiss her gently on the lips.

Stacy smiled. She had green eyes and dimples. "Thank you, Ms. Williams. I know there's more ahead. I'm learning so much being here and I thank you for the experience." Stacy's eyes sparkled. "You may not know this, but I've been watching how you work and listening to you in meetings. I'm learning a lot from you and I think you're really cool."

At that moment, Claire wanted to jump up and wrap her arms around Stacy's waist and draw the recent graduate to her and plant a huge kiss on her lips and work her tongue inside Stacy's mouth. There would have been so much pleasure in pressing her full breasts against Stacy's and placing her hands on the college grad's tight ass.

She restrained herself and sat quietly and tried to stop her thighs from quivering. "You're welcome. Back to your tasks then."

"Yes, m'am." Stacy smiled and this time it was clear she curtsied, a slight one. She had grabbed the hem of her skirt and lifted it so more flesh was visible.

The pulsating heat, the familiar sign of lust breaking through inhibitions, grew stronger between Claire's legs. Around 3 p.m. the force was so strong that Claire took a break and went for a walk around the block. She had considered a trip to the restroom for a little bit of privacy. Some of the staff was out speaking with potential clients and some others were at a training so the office was quiet. 

Really, now? Claire chided herself for not acting more businesslike. Going to the restroom and pleasuring myself?

It would have been easy to walk inside one of the stalls, lock the metal door, unzip her jeans, and sit on the toilet to pretend she was peeing. Running a finger beneath the soft fabric of her bikini panties and into her pussy, moist and aching for relief, would have been a cinch. Now it was dinnertime and the urge had conquered her. The office was quiet and empty except for Stacy. This time Claire decided a restroom stop was necessary. She needed to pee after all. Perhaps she would do her business, wash her hands, splash cold water on her face, and head home to flee the temptation. Or maybe she would linger and strip off her clothes and fantasize about the intern who was so close and yet so far.

She got up from behind her desk and Stacy cast a smile across the office. "Oh, Stacy?" Claire's thighs quivered. Stacy had undone one more button and now her blouse revealed the edges of her blue bra and teased the view with a glimpse of her small breasts. Claire had thought they were cute.

"Yes, m'am?"

Claire had wanted to tell her it wasn't necessary to sound so formal. Yet, the use of the title made the intern even more endearing.

"I'm going to the restroom." Claire said it like she was hinting that she could have a companion. She lingered by the doorframe of her office and was only a few feet away from the object of her lust. Stacy could easily have left the building by now and gone home. She had opted to stay and Claire found that curious and enticing.

Stacy pushed her chair away from the desk and her chest lifted and fell with a deep breath. "Oh, yes." Stacy had moved back so her lap was in view and she parted her legs. Her skirt was up her thighs and, once again, Claire wanted to take the young woman right there and straddle her lap and adorn her with wet, sloppy kisses. Claire's internal composure was decimated and moistness was seeping from her pussy.

"Yes. The restroom." Claire smiled. "I've been waiting all day."

"Holding it in?" Stacy spoke and gave Claire an almost hopeful look.

"Yes. Restraining myself. There's been so much to do, but I figure the rest of the work can wait until tomorrow." Claire allowed her gaze to travel from Stacy's bangs, to her eyes, and along the pink hue of her lips. Claire was already indulging. "How much longer are you going to be here?"

"I, uh, don't know." Stacy's eyes appeared vulnerable and soft. She licked her lips and dropped a hand to her lap. "I, uh, thought I'd keep working until you were done." Stacy smiled. "Ms. Williams?"

"Please call me Claire."

"Yes, Claire. I watch you and, well, you're like a mentor to me."

The girl was like a loyal puppy or a kitty cat, content to be around its master. Claire smiled and took a step down the hallway. She turned and looked back over her shoulder and smiled. "That's very sweet of you." She locked in on Stacy's gaze. "I'm done and I'll be in the restroom." It was the narrowed eyes and pouting lips she had used with her husband when she truly wanted to pull him away from work and into bed.

The walk down the hallway wasn't a stroll. It seemed like a journey and Claire moved slowly and could tell she was swaying her hips in a more circular motion than she would ever dream in an office setting. She knew men liked to stare at her ass when she walked by and she didn't hesitate with women around, either. Her intuition told her she had a young admirer studying her movements.

Claire pushed open the restroom door and walked to the sink. She looked in the mirror and unbuttoned her blouse so it revealed her breasts veiled in a black bra. She was hoping the door would open. Yet she fought and struggled, thinking she should find a more constructive way to yield to the temptation and first ask Stacy for a drink. She could talk with her and discover the woman's goals and ambitions and then she could wish her a good night and go home and pleasure herself in a hot bath. Perhaps she would work her seductive magic on her husband and embrace his erection and take his cock in her mouth then place it between her legs and have him fuck her. That would take care of her needs.

Claire's nipples were taut and practically ached with the thought of guiding Stacy's tender lips over her body. Suddenly, Claire stood tall. Ridiculous. Risking embarrassment. What if Stacy really did admire her as a mentor and Claire came on to her and there had been a terrible misunderstanding? Claire could get reprimanded and lose her status as partner. Worse. She could be fired outright.

Case settled. The most logical thing would be suppressing the lust again and simply asking Stacy to join her for a drink. Claire fumbled, trying to re-fasten the button. There was a pub about four blocks away and it would be a nice time to sit and—the restroom door opened. Stacy walked in and froze for a moment as though she hadn't really expected to see another woman. Her blouse had only a few buttons fastened to hold it in place.

"I wanted to come to the restroom, too." Stacy sounded innocent. Her tone revealed her youth and yet her words dripped with attraction.

"I'm glad." Claire could barely speak. Her breasts rose and practically pushed away the fabric and Claire undid the last two buttons. "You don't need to be here. Unless, of course, you really need to use it."

Stacy shuffled forward, her hands by her side. She bit her bottom lip before she spoke. "I want to be here, with you."

She was so damned cute. Claire wrapped an arm around Stacy's lower back and pulled her close and gave her a gentle kiss. Just like her fantasy. "Wonderful."

Stacy wrapped her arms around Claire's neck and opened her mouth, inviting Claire's tongue that writhed against Stacy's. Claire noticed the young lady's breath was sweet. Barely audible groans and breaths of passion floated off the tile walls.

Claire stopped the kiss and smiled.

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"I really do have to pee." She unzipped her jeans and kicked off her shoes, easy-to-dispose-of-loafers. She stepped out of her pants and took Stacy's hand. Stacy followed the older woman into the stall, breathing heavily.

Claire lowered her panties and sat on the toilet. The firmness of the toilet seat wasn't uncomfortable. The passion was like anesthetic and the immediate surroundings were perfectly fine. The ambiance wasn't the issue. She wanted privacy to kiss and fuck. Stacy straddled the older woman's legs, placed her hand on the wall above the toilet handle, and leaned so her forehead touched Claire's.

Claire placed an arm on Stacy's back and kissed her again, grinding her lips against Stacy. They kissed and Claire peed. The act of doing both things simultaneously with someone who didn't mind carried a taboo element fueled Claire's lust. She groaned and rubbed a hand on Stacy's bra.

Stacy responded, not seeming to mind the foreplay during the use of the toilet. She unbuttoned her blouse and revealed her bra. Claire pressed her lips against the fabric and kissed along the edges, attacking every exposed piece of flesh. Stacy groaned and a feminine cry rose from her. Claire finished peeing and tried to press her thighs together in a vain attempt to massage her clit. It was too hot. She needed relief.

Stacy apparently sensed the need and like a girl schooled in acrobatics found a way to place her feet on the floor and support herself while she explored Claire's neck with kisses and let her tongue journey to Claire's breasts.

Claire undid her bra and her tits hung freely. Stacy sucked on one nipple and then the other and circled it with her tongue. Yes, a puppy. Claire stroked Stacy's hair. "You're beautiful."

"Thank you." Stacy's reply was breathy and as soft as her tongue and lips on Claire's flesh. "You're gorgeous and classy."

Stacy kept kissing lower, moving to Claire's tummy and to her waist, painting her flesh with strokes of her tongue and then Stacy dipped her face to Claire's pussy. Her licks were quick and eager. By this time, she was on her knees and using her hands on the toilet seat to get just the right angle so she could lean in and lick Claire's labia.

"Do you need me to rinse?" asked Claire, running fingers through Stacy's hair.

"Uh-uh." Stacy looked up. "I like it natural." She dove back in and the sight of this woman licking eagerly and acting as though licking pussy in a restroom was as natural as licking on a luxurious bed drove Claire mad with passion. The pulsating beats grew more powerful yet Claire wasn't ready to orgasm. There was more exploring to be done.

"Stand and turn around." Claire noticed the stall door swung partially open. "Place your hands on the frame. And arch your back, darling."

Stacy obeyed. Her ass was even more pronounced and Claire lifted the plaid skirt and squatted on her haunches and worked her lips over the firm buttocks. She licked along the crevice of Stacy's ass covered with white briefs that were decorated in a floral pattern. Claire maneuvered her face so she could taste between Stacy's legs and taste her pussy.

Claire sat back on the toilet. "Face me." She liked the firmness in her tone and the command she possessed turned her on even more. "Take off your dress." Stacy followed the order and let her dress drop to the floor. She was a dream come true. A shapely woman, clad in underwear, a partially open blouse with bra showing and knee-length socks and saddle shoes. She was now a naughty schoolgirl.

"Take off your shoes." Claire gave the order.

"Yes, m'am." A rose and violet mingled together on the front part of the panties that covered Stacy's pussy.

"Strip off your panties." Claire leaned back against the toilet tank as Stacy wriggled free and let her underwear drop on the floor. Claire kicked off her own panties. "Be careful. Stand on the toilet seat and balance yourself. I want to taste you."

"Oh, yes. Thank you." Stacy did as she was told and placed hands on both sides of the stall for support. The toilet seat was wide enough that Claire spread her legs as wide as possible and Stacy could stand on the front edge with her feet slightly apart. Claire could barely resist stroking her own clit. Stacy bent her knees so her pussy was directly in front of Claire's lips.

Silky pink and the silvery sheen of arousal greeted Claire, who flicked her tongue against one fold of the labia. Claire moved her tongue, slowly enjoying the soft taste. She inhaled the scent of the day, musty and sweet. A thought of Stacy walking into the restroom stall, raising her skirt, and lowering her panties so she could pee kept the lust stoked inside Claire.

Claire took a breath and circled her tongue against the clitoris and then placed her teeth on the nub and applied pressure. Stacy groaned in return and her knees seemed to weaken. The angle was a challenge and Stacy's legs were quivering. It was like a bondage scene only the woman was restricted by the placement of her feet.

Claire worked her tongue inside. "You have a lovely taste." Claire practically purred as she spoke. She could sit here and eat this girl forever.

"Thank you."

Claire pulled out her tongue and pursed her lips to kiss Stacy's pussy. Then Claire sucked on her finger to moisten it and reached around Stacy's butt and found the opening to her ass and worked her finger in deep, bending it, and moving it in straight. "Have you taken anything up the ass before?"

Stacy was breathing heavily. Her legs were clearly shaking and her blouse hung freely from her body. Her eyes were soft and vulnerable. "Yes, m'am."

"Step down. I don't want you to fall."

Stacy made it to the floor and Claire embraced her again and the two women kissed without one shred of inhibition.

"Strip off your blouse and bra." Claire's voice was demanding and Stacy quickly followed the directive. Claire grabbed her and positioned Stacy across her knees and raised her hand and brought it down hard on the ass. One spank. Another spank.

"Thank you, m'am." Stacy grunted as she supported herself with the palms of her hands on the floor.

Claire didn't respond. A power was flowing through her, one she had never experienced. A new side of her was rippling through with the enjoyment and the power of the spanks. Each one was harder than the previous one and Stacy's ass was turning red and so was Claire's hand. Claire breathed hard. "Go lie on the floor." Claire slapped Stacy's ass hard and elicited a wince.

"Yes, m'am."

"Gather our clothes and pile them like a pillow."

Stacy took her dress and panties, Claire's clothes, and with the sinks and mirrors lining the wall laid the garments on the floor.

"Lie down." Claire began stroking her own clit. "Tongue fuck me."

"Yes, m'am. I'd love to." Stacy lay down. She didn't hesitate.

Claire used some of the clothing to pad a place for her knees but spoke to Stacy. There was something curious in how the girl moved so obediently and seemed so eager. "Have you done anything like this before?" She knelt and kissed Stacy on the earlobe.

"Not in a company restroom, no, m'am."

Claire smiled. "I don't just mean in a setting like this. I mean—" The right description escaped her. "You've obviously been with a woman before."

"Yes, I have. I served a mistress during college."


Stacy lay with her hands along her side. "Yes." Her eyes seemed to mist over. "I was given to her right after I turned eighteen and she paid my way through school."

Claire narrowed her brows and turned the statement around in her mind. She moved her tits to Stacy's lips and Stacy nibbled on one and then the other. "You were given to her?"

Stacy nodded. "It's a long story. And now I'm just glad for this time with you."

"Where is your mistress now?"

"She left, wanted to resettle in another part of the country." Stacy raised a hand and wiped her eye. "She released me to serve someone else."

Claire lay alongside Stacy. The tile floor had a chill but Claire ignored it as she touched and stroked her new friend—and lover. "Would you like to talk about it?" The current of lust was now replaced with a sense of compassion and yet the feeling was no less erotic.

Stacy nodded. "But not now. I want to kiss you and lick you, please."

"Yes." Claire moved and spread her thighs over Stacy's face and spread her legs so the girl had easy access. Stacy's tongue slipped inside and Claire could feel the sensation of the moist and fleshy probe bringing back the flames. The girl was amazing and Claire wanted to know more and discover more. Claire pumped, lowering and raising her pussy while Stacy licked with increased passion and zeal.

Claire leaned forward and placed her tongue on Stacy's clit and stroked it, nibbled on it, and bit in a way that made Stacy squeal. "Keep licking. Tongue fuck me, baby."

Stacy responded with a squeal of delight and kept her tongue moving in and out. Claire yielded to the wave and crashing bliss rocketing through her ass and thighs and up her gut. The orgasm was powerful and moved through every nerve and Claire's groans of delight and her cries were met with Stacy's high pitched and intense squeals. Claire pressed her cunt down on Stacy's face, milking the final waves, and shook once and then a second time and stretched forward on her friend's body.

Time ticked away and neither woman moved. Claire was suddenly aware of the chill and lay alongside Stacy and held her close. Claire ran her tongue, tasting Stacy's lips, and licking off the traces of cum.

"Thank you, m'am."

"You're welcome. You're sweet and you're quite a darling."

Stacy appeared to be studying Claire's face. "Is this your first time?"

Claire laughed and sat up to dress. She fastened her bra around her tits and pulled on her blouse. "You mean first time with a woman or first time to make love on a restroom floor?"

Stacy laughed. "Either one."

Claire smiled. Her blouse was unbuttoned. She leaned forward and kissed Stacy on the bridge of her nose and her lips. "My first time with a woman was after soccer practice in college." Claire fell silent and buttoned her blouse. "She was my roommate."

"I'd like to hear about it." Stacy got up and pulled on her panties.

She was so fucking cute that Claire thought it wouldn't take any persuasion to grab her and do it all over again. Claire smiled. "And I'd like to tell you about it, dear." Both women dressed and Claire looked in the mirror. She decided not to wash her hands or rinse her mouth. She wanted the taste to linger.

Stacy stood next to her and ran her fingers through her hair and straightened her clothing. "You married?"

"Yes." Light shone on Claire's ring.

When they finished, Claire held the restroom door open. "Sounds like we have a lot to share, doesn't it?"

Stacy nodded and smiled. "Yes, we do." She kissed Claire on the cheek. Though Stacy was seemingly experienced with a rich sexual history, she also had an air of innocence.

The combination attracted Claire. "I can't wait until we talk again." Stacy smiled and Claire patted the tight ass as Stacy walked by. She closed the restroom door and the lustful embers still glowed. Stacy walked to her desk gathered her things and both ladies walked into the evening.

Maybe, thought Claire, she would still suck her husband's cock and seduce him so he fucked her. And if she did, she would be thinking about Stacy.

Written by ddsymms
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